* * $Id: getcom.F,v 1996/03/06 10:47:20 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: getcom.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:20 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "_zebra/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) c ***************************************************************** logical*4 function get_command_line(command_tables, command_verb) c ***************************************************************** c Purpose : A general, all-purpose routine to get the c command line and submit it for CLI-parsing, c which checks for COMPLETENESS and VALIDITY c Arguments : c command_tables= read only. This is the name of the c command table being linked with the c program of interest. It must be declared c EXTERNAL in the calling program. c command_verb= read only. This is the command prefix which c is pre-appended to the qualifiers/parameters c so that it will be recognized in the above c command table. c Notes: Uses the routine CLI_ERROR_HANDLER to handle any c errors encountered, so that the stack will not be unwound c and there will not be a TRACEBACK on errors. implicit none integer*4 command_tables ! Tables which define the ``grammar'' character*(*) command_verb ! VERB which is defined external lib$get_input ! Prompt routine, used by CLI$DCL_PARSE integer*4 lib$get_foreign ! Get entered command line integer*4 cli$dcl_parse ! Parse for COMPLETENESS and VALIDITY character*255 cmd_line ! Store command line integer*2 len ! Character count (Note: Integer*2) integer*4 status ! Store status returns c The call to CLI$DCL_PARSE by default will unwind the stack and c give a TRACEBACK for any illegal qualifiers or parameters. We c do NOT want this traceback, so we will establish our own error c handler for this code segment. It must be declared as EXTERNAL. integer*4 cli_error_handler external cli_error_handler integer*4 old_handler ! Store old handler address integer*4 lib$establish ! Establish new error handler cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Execution begins: #if !defined(CERNLIB_QMALPH) c Temporarily establish the alternate error handler. The value c returned by LIB$ESTABLISH is the address of the error handler c currently in effect. old_handler= lib$establish(cli_error_handler) #endif c Get the input command line, using LIB$GET_FOREIGN. If the status c is NOT good, then signal an error. status= lib$get_foreign(cmd_line,,len) if ( .not.status ) then call lib$signal( %val(status) ) else c Preappend the appropriate command verb to the command line. c Make entirely certain that there is a blank separating the c verb from the parameters and qualifiers so that it is c interpreted correctly. cmd_line= command_verb//' '//cmd_line c Submit to CLI$DCL_PARSE to make sure it is a valid, c complete command line. LIB$GET_INPUT will be used c to prompt for any missing required parameters or c qualifier values. status= cli$dcl_parse( cmd_line,command_tables,lib$get_input ) end if #if !defined(CERNLIB_QMALPH) c Re-establish the original error handler: call lib$establish(old_handler) #endif c And exit with status determined by the CLI$DCL_PARSE call: get_command_line= status return end #endif