* * $Id: fzialn.F,v 1.2 1999/06/18 13:28:43 couet Exp $ * * $Log: fzialn.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1999/06/18 13:28:43 couet * - qcardl.inc was empty: It is now removed and not used. * Comment END CDE removed. * * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:11 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "zebra/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_FZALFA) SUBROUTINE FZIALN C- Read 80 characters to the card buffer; C- service routine to FZIASC. #include "zebra/zbcd.inc" #include "zebra/zkrakcc.inc" #include "zebra/zstate.inc" #include "zebra/zunit.inc" #include "zebra/mqsysh.inc" #include "zebra/fzci.inc" * CHARACTER LINER*80 EQUIVALENCE (LINER,CQHOLK) EQUIVALENCE (LUN,IQUEST(90)), (JSKIP,IQUEST(91)) EQUIVALENCE (MRSTA,IQUEST(92)), (MREND,IQUEST(93)) EQUIVALENCE (JTKC,IQUEST(96)), (JTKL,IQUEST(97)) +, (JTKE,IQUEST(98)) C-- Save trailing card buffer not yet analysed JTKE = JTKE - 1 NSV = JTKE - JTKC IWDSV = IQKRAK(JTKE) IF (NSV.GT.0) THEN #if defined(CERNLIB_FQABLANK) NSH = 160 - JTKE CALL UCOPY2 (IQKRAK(JTKC),IQKRAK(JTKC+NSH),NSV) JTKC = JTKC + NSH JTKE = 160 #endif DO 18 J=JTKC,JTKE-1 18 IQKRAK(J-79) = IQKRAK(J) ENDIF C-- Read next line 21 CONTINUE 8000 FORMAT (A) #if defined(CERNLIB_QERREND) READ (LUN,8000,END=81,ERR=82) LINER #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QERREND) READ (LUN,8000,IOSTAT=JSTAT) LINER IF (JSTAT.NE.0) GO TO 81 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_QDEVZE) IF (LOGLVI.GE.3) WRITE (IQLOG,9821) LINER 9821 FORMAT (' FZIALN- Read line=',A) #endif CALL IZCHAV (80) JSTA = 2 NOFF = 6 C-- Check special conditions IF (IQCETK(1).NE.45) GO TO 41 IF (JSKIP.NE.0) GO TO 51 C-- Ready start/end pointers 26 IF (NSV.GE.0) THEN JTKC = 81 - NSV IQCETK(1) = IWDSV ELSE JTKC = 80 + JSTA ENDIF JTKE = 161 C-- Purge blanks from line, if FQABLANK #if defined(CERNLIB_FQABLANK) JTKE = 80 + JSTA DO 34 J=JSTA,80 IF (IQCETK(J).EQ.45) GO TO 34 IQKRAK(JTKE) = IQCETK(J) JTKE = JTKE + 1 34 CONTINUE #endif JTKL = JTKE - NOFF RETURN C---- Control-line read C-- End of physical record 41 IF (IQCETK(2).EQ.59) GO TO 45 IF (IQCETK(1).NE.60) GO TO 91 IF (JSKIP.NE.0) GO TO 21 MREND = 1 NOFF = 0 GO TO 26 C-- Start of physical record 45 NSV = -1 MRSTA = 1 IF (IQCETK(3).NE.27) MRSTA=2 JSTA = 4 IF (IQCETK(1).EQ.59) GO TO 26 IF (IQCETK(1).NE.60) GO TO 91 MREND = 1 NOFF = 0 GO TO 26 C---- Fast skip of trailing record 51 CONTINUE #if defined(CERNLIB_QERREND) READ (LUN,8000,END=81,ERR=82) LINER(1:1) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QERREND) READ (LUN,8000,IOSTAT=JSTAT) LINER(1:1) IF (JSTAT.NE.0) GO TO 81 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_QDEVZE) IF (LOGLVI.GE.4) WRITE (IQLOG,9852) 9852 FORMAT (' FZIALN- Skip line') #endif IF (LINER(1:1).EQ.' ') GO TO 51 GO TO 21 C------ End-of-File, Read Error #if defined(CERNLIB_QERREND) 81 IQUEST(1) = -2 82 IQUEST(1) = IQUEST(1) + 1 #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QERREND) 81 IQUEST(1) = JSTAT #endif RETURN C---- Context error 91 IQUEST(1) = 7799 RETURN END #endif