* * $Id: mnrn15.F,v 1996/03/07 14:31:31 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: mnrn15.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 14:31:31 mclareni * Minuit * * #include "minuit/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE MNRN15(VAL,INSEED) #include "minuit/d506dp.inc" C This is a super-portable random number generator. C It should not overflow on any 32-bit machine. C The cycle is only ~10**9, so use with care! C Note especially that VAL must not be undefined on input. C Set Default Starting Seed PARAMETER (THREE=3.0) DATA ISEED/12345/ IF (VAL .EQ. THREE) GO TO 100 C INSEED = ISEED K = ISEED/53668 ISEED = 40014*(ISEED-K*53668) - K*12211 IF (ISEED .LT. 0) ISEED = ISEED + 2147483563 VAL = REAL(ISEED) * 4.656613E-10 RETURN C "entry" to set seed, flag is VAL=3. 100 ISEED = INSEED RETURN END