* * $Id: mnpars.F,v 1996/03/07 14:31:31 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: mnpars.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 14:31:31 mclareni * Minuit * * #include "minuit/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE MNPARS(CRDBUF,ICONDN) #include "minuit/d506dp.inc" CC Called from MNREAD and user-callable CC Implements one parameter definition, that is: CC parses the string CRDBUF and calls MNPARM C C output conditions: C ICONDN = 0 all OK C ICONDN = 1 error, attempt to define parameter is ignored C ICONDN = 2 end of parameter definitions C #include "minuit/d506cm.inc" C DIMENSION PLIST(MAXP) CHARACTER CNAMK*10, CRDBUF*(*) , CELMNT*20 , COMAND*(MAXCWD) C LENBUF = LEN(CRDBUF) C find out whether fixed or free-field format KAPO1 = INDEX(CRDBUF,'''') IF (KAPO1 .EQ. 0) GO TO 150 KAPO2 = INDEX(CRDBUF(KAPO1+1:),'''') IF (KAPO2 .EQ. 0) GO TO 150 C new (free-field) format KAPO2 = KAPO2 + KAPO1 C skip leading blanks if any DO 115 ISTART=1, KAPO1-1 IF (CRDBUF(ISTART:ISTART) .NE. ' ') GO TO 120 115 CONTINUE GO TO 210 120 CONTINUE C parameter number integer CELMNT = CRDBUF(ISTART:KAPO1-1) READ (CELMNT,'(BN,F20.0)',ERR=180) FK K = FK IF (K .LE. 0) GO TO 210 CNAMK = 'PARAM '//CELMNT IF (KAPO2-KAPO1 .GT. 1) CNAMK = CRDBUF(KAPO1+1:KAPO2-1) C special handling if comma or blanks and a comma follow 'name' DO 135 ICY= KAPO2+1,LENBUF IF (CRDBUF(ICY:ICY) .EQ. ',') GO TO 139 IF (CRDBUF(ICY:ICY) .NE. ' ') GO TO 140 135 CONTINUE UK = 0. WK = 0. A = 0. B = 0. GO TO 170 139 CONTINUE ICY = ICY+1 140 CONTINUE IBEGIN = ICY CALL MNCRCK(CRDBUF(IBEGIN:),MAXCWD,COMAND,LNC, + MAXP,PLIST,LLIST, IERR,ISYSWR) IF (IERR .GT. 0) GO TO 180 UK = PLIST(1) WK = 0. IF (LLIST .GE. 2) WK = PLIST(2) A = 0. IF (LLIST .GE. 3) A = PLIST(3) B = 0. IF (LLIST .GE. 4) B = PLIST(4) GO TO 170 C old (fixed-field) format 150 CONTINUE READ (CRDBUF, 158,ERR=180) XK,CNAMK,UK,WK,A,B 158 FORMAT (BN,F10.0, A10, 4F10.0) K = XK IF (K .EQ. 0) GO TO 210 C parameter format cracked, implement parameter definition 170 CALL MNPARM(K,CNAMK,UK,WK,A,B,IERR) ICONDN = IERR RETURN C format or other error 180 CONTINUE ICONDN = 1 RETURN C end of data 210 CONTINUE ICONDN = 2 RETURN END