* * $Id: mnhelp.F,v 1.2 1999/09/03 09:17:47 couet Exp $ * * $Log: mnhelp.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1999/09/03 09:17:47 couet * - \Cind{} removed in the help of minuit. This was a Tex directive which very * likely has been forgotten during a Tex to f77 translation. This didn't * compile on RH6. * * Revision 1996/03/07 14:31:30 mclareni * Minuit * * #include "minuit/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE MNHELP(COMD,LOUT) *. *. HELP routine for MINUIT interactive commands. *. *. COMD ='* ' prints a global help for all commands *. COMD =Command_name: print detailed help for one command. *. Note that at least 3 characters must be given for the command name. *. *. Author: Rene Brun * comments extracted from the MINUIT documentation file. *. CHARACTER*(*) COMD CHARACTER*3 CMD3 *. *-- command name ASSUMED to be in upper case *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Global HELP: Summary of all commands *-- ==================================== *-- IF(COMD(1:1) .EQ. '*')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10000) WRITE(LOUT,10001) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10000 FORMAT(' ==>List of MINUIT Interactive commands:',/, +' CLEar Reset all parameter names and values undefined',/, +' CONtour Make contour map of the user function',/, +' EXIT Exit from Interactive Minuit',/, +' FIX Cause parameter(s) to remain constant',/, +' HESse Calculate the Hessian or error matrix.',/, +' IMPROVE Search for a new minimum around current minimum',/, +' MIGrad Minimize by the method of Migrad',/, +' MINImize MIGRAD + SIMPLEX method if Migrad fails',/, +' MINOs Exact (non-linear) parameter error analysis') 10001 FORMAT(' MNContour Calculate one MINOS function contour',/, +' PARameter Define or redefine new parameters and values',/, +' RELease Make previously FIXed parameters variable again',/, +' REStore Release last parameter fixed',/, +' SAVe Save current parameter values on a file',/, +' SCAn Scan the user function by varying parameters',/, +' SEEk Minimize by the method of Monte Carlo',/, +' SET Set various MINUIT constants or conditions',/, +' SHOw Show values of current constants or conditions',/, +' SIMplex Minimize by the method of Simplex') * CMD3=COMD(1:3) *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command CLEAR *-- ============= *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'CLE')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10100) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10100 FORMAT(' ***>CLEAR',/, +' Resets all parameter names and values to undefined.',/, +' Must normally be followed by a PARameters command or ',/, +' equivalent, in order to define parameter values.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command CONTOUR *-- =============== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'CON')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10200) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10200 FORMAT(' ***>CONTOUR [devs] [ngrid]',/, +' Instructs Minuit to trace contour lines of the user function',/, +' with respect to the two parameters whose external numbers',/, +' are and .',/, +' Other variable parameters of the function, if any, will have',/, +' their values fixed at the current values during the contour',/, +' tracing. The optional parameter [devs] (default value 2.)',/, +' gives the number of standard deviations in each parameter',/, +' which should lie entirely within the plotting area.',/, +' Optional parameter [ngrid] (default value 25 unless page',/, +' size is too small) determines the resolution of the plot,',/, +' i.e. the number of rows and columns of the grid at which the',/, +' function will be evaluated. [See also MNContour.]') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command END *-- =========== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'END')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10300) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10300 FORMAT(' ***>END',/, +' Signals the end of a data block (i.e., the end of a fit),',/, +' and implies that execution should continue, because another',/, +' Data Block follows. A Data Block is a set of Minuit data',/, +' consisting of',/, +' (1) A Title,',/, +' (2) One or more Parameter Definitions,',/, +' (3) A blank line, and',/, +' (4) A set of Minuit Commands.',/, +' The END command is used when more than one Data Block is to',/, +' be used with the same FCN function. It first causes Minuit',/, +' to issue a CALL FCN with IFLAG=3, in order to allow FCN to',/, +' perform any calculations associated with the final fitted',/, +' parameter values, unless a CALL FCN 3 command has already',/, +' been executed at the current FCN value.') *__________________________________________________________________ *. *-- *-- Command EXIT *-- ============ IF(CMD3 .EQ.'EXI')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10400) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10400 FORMAT(' ***>EXIT',/, +' Signals the end of execution.',/, +' The EXIT command first causes Minuit to issue a CALL FCN',/, +' with IFLAG=3, to allow FCN to perform any calculations',/, +' associated with the final fitted parameter values, unless a',/, +' CALL FCN 3 command has already been executed.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command FIX *-- =========== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'FIX')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10500) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10500 FORMAT(' ***>FIX} [parno] ... [parno]',/, +' Causes parameter(s) to be removed from the list of',/, +' variable parameters, and their value(s) will remain constant',/, +' during subsequent minimizations, etc., until another command',/, +' changes their value(s) or status.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command HESSE *-- ============= *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'HES')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10600) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10600 FORMAT(' ***>HESse [maxcalls]',/, +' Calculate, by finite differences, the Hessian or error matrix.', +/,' That is, it calculates the full matrix of second derivatives' +,/,' of the function with respect to the currently variable',/, +' parameters, and inverts it, printing out the resulting error',/, +' matrix. The optional argument [maxcalls] specifies the',/, +' (approximate) maximum number of function calls after which',/, +' the calculation will be stopped.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command IMPROVE *-- =============== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'IMP')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10700) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10700 FORMAT(' ***>IMPROVE [maxcalls]',/, +' If a previous minimization has converged, and the current',/, +' values of the parameters therefore correspond to a local',/, +' minimum of the function, this command requests a search for',/, +' additional distinct local minima.',/, +' The optional argument [maxcalls] specifies the (approximate)',/, +' maximum number of function calls after which the calculation',/, +' will be stopped.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command MIGRAD *-- ============== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'MIG')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10800) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10800 FORMAT(' ***>MIGrad [maxcalls] [tolerance]',/, +' Causes minimization of the function by the method of Migrad,',/, +' the most efficient and complete single method, recommended',/, +' for general functions (see also MINImize).',/, +' The minimization produces as a by-product the error matrix',/, +' of the parameters, which is usually reliable unless warning',/, +' messages are produced.',/, +' The optional argument [maxcalls] specifies the (approximate)',/, +' maximum number of function calls after which the calculation',/, +' will be stopped even if it has not yet converged.',/, +' The optional argument [tolerance] specifies required tolerance', +/,' on the function value at the minimum.',/, +' The default tolerance is 0.1, and the minimization will stop',/, +' when the estimated vertical distance to the minimum (EDM) is',/, +' less than 0.001*[tolerance]*UP (see [SET ERRordef]).') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command MINIMIZE *-- ================ *. IF(COMD(1:4).EQ.'MINI')THEN WRITE(LOUT,10900) GO TO 99 ENDIF 10900 FORMAT(' ***>MINImize [maxcalls] [tolerance]',/, +' Causes minimization of the function by the method of Migrad,',/, +' as does the MIGrad command, but switches to the SIMplex method', +/,' if Migrad fails to converge. Arguments are as for MIGrad.',/, +' Note that command requires four characters to be unambiguous.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command MINOS *-- ============= *. IF(COMD(1:4).EQ.'MINO')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11000) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11000 FORMAT(' ***>MINOs [maxcalls] [parno] [parno] ...',/, +' Causes a Minos error analysis to be performed on the parameters' +,/,' whose numbers [parno] are specified. If none are specified,', +/,' Minos errors are calculated for all variable parameters.',/, +' Minos errors may be expensive to calculate, but are very',/, +' reliable since they take account of non-linearities in the',/, +' problem as well as parameter correlations, and are in general',/ +' asymmetric.',/, +' The optional argument [maxcalls] specifies the (approximate)',/, +' maximum number of function calls per parameter requested,',/, +' after which the calculation will stop for that parameter.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command MNCONTOUR *-- ================= *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'MNC')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11100) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11100 FORMAT(' ***>MNContour [npts]',/, +' Calculates one function contour of FCN with respect to',/, +' parameters par1 and par2, with FCN minimized always with',/, +' respect to all other NPAR-2 variable parameters (if any).',/, +' Minuit will try to find npts points on the contour (default 20)' +,/,' If only two parameters are variable at the time, it is not', +/,' necessary to specify their numbers. To calculate more than',/, +' one contour, it is necessary to SET ERRordef to the appropriate' +,/,' value and issue the MNContour command for each contour.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command PARAMETER *-- ================= *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'PAR')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11150) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11150 FORMAT(' ***>PARameters',/, +' followed by one or more parameter definitions.',/, +' Parameter definitions are of the form:',/, +' ''name'' [lolim] [uplim] ',/, +' for example:',/, +' 3 ''K width'' 1.2 0.1' ,/, +' the last definition is followed by a blank line or a zero.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command RELEASE *-- =============== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'REL')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11200) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11200 FORMAT(' ***>RELease [parno] ... [parno]',/, +' If is the number of a previously variable parameter',/, +' which has been fixed by a command: FIX , then that',/, +' parameter will return to variable status. Otherwise a warning' +,/,' message is printed and the command is ignored.',/, +' Note that this command operates only on parameters which were',/ +' at one time variable and have been FIXed. It cannot make',/, +' constant parameters variable; that must be done by redefining',/ +' the parameter with a PARameters command.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command RESTORE *-- =============== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'RES')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11300) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11300 FORMAT(' ***>REStore [code]',/, +' If no [code] is specified, this command restores all previously' +,/,' FIXed parameters to variable status. If [code]=1, then only', +/,' the last parameter FIXed is restored to variable status.',/, +' If code is neither zero nor one, the command is ignored.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command RETURN *-- ============== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'RET')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11400) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11400 FORMAT(' ***>RETURN',/, +' Signals the end of a data block, and instructs Minuit to return' +,/,' to the program which called it. The RETurn command first',/, +' causes Minuit to CALL FCN with IFLAG=3, in order to allow FCN',/ +,' to perform any calculations associated with the final fitted',/ +,' parameter values, unless a CALL FCN 3 command has already been' +,/,' executed at the current FCN value.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command SAVE *-- ============ *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'SAV')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11500) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11500 FORMAT(' ***>SAVe',/, +' Causes the current parameter values to be saved on a file in',/, +' such a format that they can be read in again as Minuit',/, +' parameter definitions. If the covariance matrix exists, it is',/ +,' also output in such a format. The unit number is by default 7,' +,/,' or that specified by the user in his call to MINTIO or',/, +' MNINIT. The user is responsible for opening the file previous' +,/,' to issuing the [SAVe] command (except where this can be done' +,/,' interactively).') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command SCAN *-- ============ *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'SCA')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11600) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11600 FORMAT(' ***>SCAn [parno] [numpts] [from] [to]',/, +' Scans the value of the user function by varying parameter',/, +' number [parno], leaving all other parameters fixed at the',/, +' current value. If [parno] is not specified, all variable',/, +' parameters are scanned in sequence.',/, +' The number of points [numpts] in the scan is 40 by default,',/, +' and cannot exceed 100. The range of the scan is by default',/, +' 2 standard deviations on each side of the current best value,', +/,' but can be specified as from [from] to [to].',/, +' After each scan, if a new minimum is found, the best parameter' +,/,' values are retained as start values for future scans or',/, +' minimizations. The curve resulting from each scan is plotted',/ +,' on the output unit in order to show the approximate behaviour' +,/,' of the function.',/, +' This command is not intended for minimization, but is sometimes' +,/,' useful for debugging the user function or finding a',/, +' reasonable starting point.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command SEEK *-- ============ *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'SEE')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11700) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11700 FORMAT(' ***>SEEk [maxcalls] [devs]',/, +' Causes a Monte Carlo minimization of the function, by choosing', +/,' random values of the variable parameters, chosen uniformly',/, +' over a hypercube centered at the current best value.',/, +' The region size is by default 3 standard deviations on each',/, +' side, but can be changed by specifying the value of [devs].') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command SET *-- =========== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'SET')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11800) WRITE(LOUT,11801) WRITE(LOUT,11802) WRITE(LOUT,11803) WRITE(LOUT,11804) WRITE(LOUT,11805) WRITE(LOUT,11806) WRITE(LOUT,11807) WRITE(LOUT,11808) WRITE(LOUT,11809) WRITE(LOUT,11810) WRITE(LOUT,11811) WRITE(LOUT,11812) WRITE(LOUT,11813) WRITE(LOUT,11814) WRITE(LOUT,11815) WRITE(LOUT,11816) WRITE(LOUT,11817) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11800 FORMAT(' ***>SET ',/,/, +' SET BATch',/, +' Informs Minuit that it is running in batch mode.',//, +' SET EPSmachine ',/, +' Informs Minuit that the relative floating point arithmetic',/ +' precision is . Minuit determines the nominal',/, +' precision itself, but the SET EPSmachine command can be',/, +' used to override Minuit own determination, when the user',/, +' knows that the FCN function value is not calculated to',/, +' the nominal machine accuracy. Typical values of ',/ +' are between 10**-5 and 10**-14.') 11801 FORMAT(/,' SET ERRordef ',/, +' Sets the value of UP (default value= 1.), defining parameter' +,/,' errors. Minuit defines parameter errors as the change',/, +' in parameter value required to change the function value',/, +' by UP. Normally, for chisquared fits UP=1, and for negative' +,/,' log likelihood, UP=0.5.') 11802 FORMAT(/,' SET GRAdient [force]',/, +' Informs Minuit that the user function is prepared to',/, +' calculate its own first derivatives and return their values' +,/,' in the array GRAD when IFLAG=2 (see specs of FCN).',/, +' If [force] is not specified, Minuit will calculate',/, +' the FCN derivatives by finite differences at the current',/, +' point and compare with the user calculation at that point,' +,/,' accepting the user values only if they agree.',/, +' If [force]=1, Minuit does not do its own derivative',/, +' calculation, and uses the derivatives calculated in FCN.') 11803 FORMAT(/,' SET INPut [unitno] [filename]',/, +' Causes Minuit, in data-driven mode only, to read subsequent', +/,' commands (or parameter definitions) from a different input' +,/,' file. If no [unitno] is specified, reading reverts to the' +,/,' previous input file, assuming that there was one.',/, +' If [unitno] is specified, and that unit has not been opened,' +,/,' then Minuit attempts to open the file [filename]} if a',/, +' name is specified. If running in interactive mode and',/, +' [filename] is not specified and [unitno] is not opened,',/, +' Minuit prompts the user to enter a file name.',/, +' If the word REWIND is added to the command (note:no blanks',/ +' between INPUT and REWIND), the file is rewound before',/, +' reading. Note that this command is implemented in standard',/ +' Fortran 77 and the results may depend on the system;',/, +' for example, if a filename is given under VM/CMS, it must',/, +' be preceeded by a slash.') 11804 FORMAT(/,' SET INTeractive',/, +' Informs Minuit that it is running interactively.') 11805 FORMAT(/,' SET LIMits [parno] [lolim] [uplim]',/, +' Allows the user to change the limits on one or all',/, +' parameters. If no arguments are specified, all limits are',/, +' removed from all parameters. If [parno] alone is specified,', +/,' limits are removed from parameter [parno].',/, +' If all arguments are specified, then parameter [parno] will', +/,' be bounded between [lolim] and [uplim].',/, +' Limits can be specified in either order, Minuit will take',/, +' the smaller as [lolim] and the larger as [uplim].',/, +' However, if [lolim] is equal to [uplim], an error condition', +/,' results.') 11806 FORMAT(/,' SET LINesperpage',/, +' Sets the number of lines for one page of output.',/, +' Default value is 24 for interactive mode') 11807 FORMAT(/,' SET NOGradient',/, +' The inverse of SET GRAdient, instructs Minuit not to', +/,' use the first derivatives calculated by the user in FCN.') 11808 FORMAT(/,' SET NOWarnings',/, +' Supresses Minuit warning messages.') 11809 FORMAT(/,' SET OUTputfile ',/, +' Instructs Minuit to write further output to unit .') 11810 FORMAT(/,' SET PAGethrow ',/, +' Sets the carriage control character for ``new page'' to',/, +' . Thus the value 1 produces a new page, and 0',/, +' produces a blank line, on some devices (see TOPofpage)') 11811 FORMAT(/,' SET PARameter ',/, +' Sets the value of parameter to .',/, +' The parameter in question may be variable, fixed, or',/, +' constant, but must be defined.') 11812 FORMAT(/,' SET PRIntout ',/, +' Sets the print level, determining how much output will be',/, +' produced. Allowed values and their meanings are displayed',/, +' after a SHOw PRInt command, and are currently =:',/, +' [-1] no output except from SHOW commands',/, +' [0] minimum output',/, +' [1] default value, normal output',/, +' [2] additional output giving intermediate results.',/, +' [3] maximum output, showing progress of minimizations.',/ +' Note: See also the SET WARnings command.') 11813 FORMAT(/,' SET RANdomgenerator ',/, +' Sets the seed of the random number generator used in SEEk.',/ +' This can be any integer between 10000 and 900000000, for',/, +' example one which was output from a SHOw RANdom command of',/ +' a previous run.') 11814 FORMAT(/,' SET STRategy ',/, +' Sets the strategy to be used in calculating first and second' +,/,' derivatives and in certain minimization methods.',/, +' In general, low values of mean fewer function calls', +/,' and high values mean more reliable minimization.',/, +' Currently allowed values are 0, 1 (default), and 2.') 11815 FORMAT(/,' SET TITle',/, +' Informs Minuit that the next input line is to be considered', +/,' the (new) title for this task or sub-task. This is for',/, +' the convenience of the user in reading his output.') 11816 FORMAT(/,' SET WARnings',/, +' Instructs Minuit to output warning messages when suspicious', +/,' conditions arise which may indicate unreliable results.',/ +' This is the default.') 11817 FORMAT(/,' SET WIDthpage',/, +' Informs Minuit of the output page width.',/, +' Default values are 80 for interactive jobs') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command SHOW *-- ============ *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'SHO')THEN WRITE(LOUT,11900) WRITE(LOUT,11901) WRITE(LOUT,11902) WRITE(LOUT,11903) WRITE(LOUT,11904) GO TO 99 ENDIF 11900 FORMAT(' ***>SHOw ',/, +' All SET XXXX commands have a corresponding SHOw XXXX command.', +/,' In addition, the SHOw commands listed starting here have no', +/,' corresponding SET command for obvious reasons.') 11901 FORMAT(/,' SHOw CORrelations',/, +' Calculates and prints the parameter correlations from the',/, +' error matrix.') 11902 FORMAT(/,' SHOw COVariance',/, +' Prints the (external) covariance (error) matrix.') 11903 FORMAT(/,' SHOw EIGenvalues',/, +' Calculates and prints the eigenvalues of the covariance',/, +' matrix.') 11904 FORMAT(/,' SHOw FCNvalue',/, +' Prints the current value of FCN.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command SIMPLEX *-- =============== *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'SIM')THEN WRITE(LOUT,12000) GO TO 99 ENDIF 12000 FORMAT(' ***>SIMplex [maxcalls] [tolerance]',/, +' Performs a function minimization using the simplex method of',/ +' Nelder and Mead. Minimization terminates either when the',/, +' function has been called (approximately) [maxcalls] times,',/, +' or when the estimated vertical distance to minimum (EDM) is',/, +' less than [tolerance].',/, +' The default value of [tolerance] is 0.1*UP(see SET ERRordef).') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command STANDARD *-- ================ *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'STA')THEN WRITE(LOUT,12100) GO TO 99 ENDIF 12100 FORMAT(' ***>STAndard',/, +' Causes Minuit to execute the Fortran instruction CALL STAND',/, +' where STAND is a subroutine supplied by the user.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command STOP *-- ============ *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'STO')THEN WRITE(LOUT,12200) GO TO 99 ENDIF 12200 FORMAT(' ***>STOP',/, +' Same as EXIT.') *__________________________________________________________________ *-- *-- Command TOPOFPAGE *-- ================= *. IF(CMD3.EQ.'TOP')THEN WRITE(LOUT,12300) GO TO 99 ENDIF 12300 FORMAT(' ***>TOPofpage',/, +' Causes Minuit to write the character specified in a',/, +' SET PAGethrow command (default = 1) to column 1 of the output' +,/,' file, which may or may not position your output medium to', +/,' the top of a page depending on the device and system.') *__________________________________________________________________ * WRITE(LOUT,13000) 13000 FORMAT(' Unknown MINUIT command. Type HELP for list of commands.') * 99 RETURN END