* * $Id: mneval.F,v 1996/03/07 14:31:29 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: mneval.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 14:31:29 mclareni * Minuit * * #include "minuit/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE MNEVAL(FCN,ANEXT,FNEXT,IEREV,FUTIL) #include "minuit/d506dp.inc" CC Evaluates the function being analyzed by MNCROS, which is CC generally the minimum of FCN with respect to all remaining CC variable parameters. Common block /MN7XCR/ contains the CC data necessary to know the values of U(KE1CR) and U(KE2CR) CC to be used, namely U(KE1CR) = XMIDCR + ANEXT*XDIRCR CC and (if KE2CR .NE. 0) U(KE2CR) = YMIDCR + ANEXT*YDIRCR #include "minuit/d506cm.inc" CC EXTERNAL FCN,FUTIL U(KE1CR) = XMIDCR + ANEXT*XDIRCR IF ( KE2CR .NE. 0) U(KE2CR) = YMIDCR + ANEXT*YDIRCR CALL MNINEX(X) NPARX = NPAR CALL FCN(NPARX,GIN,FNEXT,U,4,FUTIL) NFCN = NFCN + 1 IEREV = 0 IF (NPAR .GT. 0) THEN ITAUR = 1 AMIN = FNEXT ISW(1) = 0 CALL MNMIGR(FCN,FUTIL) ITAUR = 0 FNEXT = AMIN IF (ISW(1) .GE. 1) IEREV = 1 IF (ISW(4) .LT. 1) IEREV = 2 ENDIF RETURN END