* * $Id: minuit.F,v 1996/03/07 14:31:28 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: minuit.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/07 14:31:28 mclareni * Minuit * * #include "minuit/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE MINUIT(FCN,FUTIL) #include "minuit/d506dp.inc" #include "minuit/d506cm.inc" C C CPNAM Parameter name (10 characters) C U External (visible to user in FCN) value of parameter C ALIM, BLIM Lower and upper parameter limits. If both zero, no limits. C ERP,ERN Positive and negative MINOS errors, if calculated. C WERR External parameter error (standard deviation, defined by UP) C GLOBCC Global Correlation Coefficient C NVARL =-1 if parameter undefined, =0 if constant, C = 1 if variable without limits, =4 if variable with limits C (Note that if parameter has been fixed, NVARL=1 or =4, and NIOFEX=0) C NIOFEX Internal parameter number, or zero if not currently variable C NEXOFI External parameter number for currently variable parameters C X, XT Internal parameter values (X are sometimes saved in XT) C DIRIN (Internal) step sizes for current step C variables with names ending in ..S are saved values for fixed params C VHMAT (Internal) error matrix stored as Half MATrix, since C it is symmetric C VTHMAT VHMAT is sometimes saved in VTHMAT, especially in MNMNOT C C ISW definitions: C ISW(1) =0 normally, =1 means CALL LIMIT EXCEEDED C ISW(2) =0 means no error matrix C =1 means only approximate error matrix C =2 means full error matrix, but forced pos-def. C =3 means good normal full error matrix exists C ISW(3) =0 if Minuit is calculating the first derivatives C =1 if first derivatives calculated inside FCN C ISW(4) =-1 if most recent minimization did not converge. C = 0 if problem redefined since most recent minimization. C =+1 if most recent minimization did converge. C ISW(5) is the PRInt level. See SHO PRIntlevel C ISW(6) = 0 for batch mode, =1 for interactive mode C =-1 for originally interactive temporarily batch C C LWARN is true if warning messges are to be put out (default=true) C SET WARN turns it on, set NOWarn turns it off C LREPOR is true if exceptional conditions are put out (default=false) C SET DEBUG turns it on, SET NODebug turns it off C LIMSET is true if a parameter is up against limits (for MINOS) C LNOLIM is true if there are no limits on any parameters (not yet used) C LNEWMN is true if the previous process has unexpectedly improved FCN C LPHEAD is true if a heading should be put out for the next parameter C definition, false if a parameter has just been defined C EXTERNAL FCN,FUTIL CHARACTER*40 CWHYXT DATA CWHYXT/'FOR UNKNOWN REASONS '/ DATA JSYSRD,JSYSWR,JSYSSA/5,6,7/ C . . . . . . . . . . initialize minuit WRITE (JSYSWR,'(1X,75(1H*))') CALL MNINIT (JSYSRD,JSYSWR,JSYSSA) C . . . . initialize new data block 100 CONTINUE WRITE (ISYSWR,'(1X,75(1H*))') NBLOCK = NBLOCK + 1 WRITE (ISYSWR,'(26X,A,I4)') 'MINUIT DATA BLOCK NO.',NBLOCK WRITE (ISYSWR,'(1X,75(1H*))') C . . . . . . . . . . . set parameter lists to undefined CALL MNCLER C . . . . . . . . read title CALL MNREAD(FCN,1,IFLGUT,FUTIL) IF (IFLGUT .EQ. 2) GO TO 500 IF (IFLGUT .EQ. 3) GO TO 600 C . . . . . . . . read parameters CALL MNREAD(FCN,2,IFLGUT,FUTIL) IF (IFLGUT .EQ. 2) GO TO 500 IF (IFLGUT .EQ. 3) GO TO 600 IF (IFLGUT .EQ. 4) GO TO 700 C . . . . . . verify FCN not time-dependent WRITE (ISYSWR,'(/A,A)') ' MINUIT: FIRST CALL TO USER FUNCTION,', + ' WITH IFLAG=1' NPARX = NPAR CALL MNINEX(X) FZERO = UNDEFI CALL FCN(NPARX,GIN,FZERO,U,1,FUTIL) FIRST = UNDEFI CALL FCN(NPARX,GIN,FIRST,U,4,FUTIL) NFCN = 2 IF (FZERO.EQ.UNDEFI .AND. FIRST.EQ.UNDEFI) THEN CWHYXT = 'BY ERROR IN USER FUNCTION. ' WRITE (ISYSWR,'(/A,A/)') ' USER HAS NOT CALCULATED FUNCTION', + ' VALUE WHEN IFLAG=1 OR 4' GO TO 800 ENDIF AMIN = FIRST IF (FIRST .EQ. UNDEFI) AMIN=FZERO CALL MNPRIN(1,AMIN) NFCN = 2 IF (FIRST .EQ. FZERO) GO TO 300 FNEW = 0.0 CALL FCN(NPARX,GIN,FNEW,U,4,FUTIL) IF (FNEW .NE. AMIN) WRITE (ISYSWR,280) AMIN, FNEW 280 FORMAT (/' MINUIT WARNING: PROBABLE ERROR IN USER FUNCTION.'/ + ' FOR FIXED VALUES OF PARAMETERS, FCN IS TIME-DEPENDENT'/ + ' F =',E22.14,' FOR FIRST CALL'/ + ' F =',E22.14,' FOR SECOND CALL.'/) NFCN = 3 300 FVAL3 = 2.0*AMIN+1.0 C . . . . . . . . . . . read commands CALL MNREAD(FCN,3,IFLGUT,FUTIL) IF (IFLGUT .EQ. 2) GO TO 500 IF (IFLGUT .EQ. 3) GO TO 600 IF (IFLGUT .EQ. 4) GO TO 700 CWHYXT = 'BY MINUIT COMMAND: '//CWORD IF (INDEX(CWORD,'STOP').GT. 0) GO TO 800 IF (INDEX(CWORD,'EXI') .GT. 0) GO TO 800 IF (INDEX(CWORD,'RET') .EQ. 0) GO TO 100 CWHYXT = 'AND RETURNS TO USER PROGRAM. ' WRITE (ISYSWR,'(A,A)') ' ..........MINUIT TERMINATED ',CWHYXT RETURN C . . . . . . stop conditions 500 CONTINUE CWHYXT = 'BY END-OF-DATA ON PRIMARY INPUT FILE. ' GO TO 800 600 CONTINUE CWHYXT = 'BY UNRECOVERABLE READ ERROR ON INPUT. ' GO TO 800 700 CONTINUE CWHYXT = ': FATAL ERROR IN PARAMETER DEFINITIONS. ' 800 WRITE (ISYSWR,'(A,A)') ' ..........MINUIT TERMINATED ',CWHYXT STOP C C ......................entry to set unit numbers - - - - - - - - - - ENTRY MINTIO(I1,I2,I3) JSYSRD = I1 JSYSWR = I2 JSYSSA = I3 RETURN END