/* * $Id: kxpan.c,v 1996/03/08 15:33:04 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: kxpan.c,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 15:33:04 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.07/03 09/05/95 11.54.44 by N.Cremel*/ /*-- Author : N.Cremel 10/08/92*/ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Basic Interface for "KXTERM Panels". */ /* (connected to the file "panels" for building */ /* panels with Architect : "create_kuipPanel"). */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include #include #if defined(__hpux) && XtSpecificationRelease == 4 #include #else #include #endif #include "utils.h" #include "uxxt.h" #define CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS 1 /* #include "kuipPanel.h" */ #include "uxpan.h" #undef CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS /*********************************************************************** * * * Forward declarations of extern functions. * * * ***********************************************************************/ extern Widget create_kuipPanel(); extern void warn_user( /* from dialog.c */ #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget parent, char *warning #endif ); extern void inform_user( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget parent, char *warning #endif ); extern Boolean ask_user( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget parent, char *question, char *ans1, char *ans2, int default_ans #endif ); extern char *prompt_user( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget parent, char *prompt, char *default_line, char *help_item #endif ); extern void send_cmd( #ifndef _NO_PROTO char * #endif ); /*********************************************************************** * * * Forward declarations of local functions. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void panelfocusCallback( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget, caddr_t, XmAnyCallbackStruct * #endif ); static void panel_execute( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget, caddr_t, XmAnyCallbackStruct * #endif ); static void panel_save( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget , char * #endif ); static void okPNBCallback( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget, Widget, XmAnyCallbackStruct * #endif ); static void savePNBCallback( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget, Widget, XmAnyCallbackStruct * #endif ); void helpPNBCallback( #ifndef _NO_PROTO Widget, char *, XmAnyCallbackStruct * #endif ); static char *Mstrcat( #ifndef _NO_PROTO char *, const char * #endif ); /*********************************************************************** * * * Local datas. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static int WM_x = 0; /* width of Window Manager decoration */ static int WM_y = 0; /* height of Window Manager decoration */ static char panel_geometry[512]; static struct kxpanel { int panel_rows; /* number of rows */ int *panel_cols; /* number of columns in each row */ char ***panel_keys; /* key labels */ } kx_panel = { 0, NULL, NULL }; #define MAXCMD 512 /* max length of a command line */ #define MAX_button 600 /* max. number of buttons in a panel */ /* cf. KUIP : 30 lin. X 20 col. */ #define MAX_string 80 /* max. length for string */ #define MAX_stringl 240 /* max. length for long string */ /******************************************************************************/ /* void set_kxtpanel_rows (nrow, ncol, last) */ /******************************************************************************/ void set_kxtpanel_rows (nrow, ncol, last) int nrow, ncol, last; { int i, j; if (last == -1) { /* Reset old panel datas */ for( i = 0; i < kx_panel.panel_rows; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < kx_panel.panel_cols[i]; j++ ) { if (kx_panel.panel_keys[i][j] != NULL ) free( kx_panel.panel_keys[i][j] ); } if (kx_panel.panel_keys[i] != NULL ) { free( (char*)kx_panel.panel_keys[i] ); kx_panel.panel_keys[i] = NULL; } kx_panel.panel_cols[i] = 0; } if( kx_panel.panel_rows != 0 ) { free( (char*)kx_panel.panel_cols ); kx_panel.panel_cols = NULL; free( (char*)kx_panel.panel_keys ); kx_panel.panel_keys = NULL; } /* new space allocation */ kx_panel.panel_rows = nrow; kx_panel.panel_cols = (int*)malloc( nrow * sizeof(int) ); kx_panel.panel_keys = (char***)malloc( nrow * sizeof(char**) ); return; } kx_panel.panel_cols[nrow] = ncol; kx_panel.panel_keys[nrow] = (char**)malloc( ncol * sizeof(char**) ); for( i = 0; i < ncol; i++ ) { kx_panel.panel_keys[nrow][i] = NULL; } } /******************************************************************************/ /* void set_kxtpanel_keys (row, col, key) */ /******************************************************************************/ void set_kxtpanel_keys (row, col, key) int row, col; char *key; { if( kx_panel.panel_keys[row][col] != NULL ) free( kx_panel.panel_keys[row][col] ); if (key != NULL) kx_panel.panel_keys[row][col] = strdup( key ); else kx_panel.panel_keys[row][col] = strdup( "" ); } /******************************************************************************/ /* void display_kxtpanel */ /******************************************************************************/ void display_kxtpanel (title, geometry) char *title, *geometry; { Widget panel_widget; Widget npbutton[MAX_button]; char wname[MAX_stringl]; int i, j, ncol, nbutton; short nrow; panel_widget = (Widget) create_kuipPanel(); /* * find and restore the context * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipPanelContext = (_UxCkuipPanel *)UxGetContext( panel_widget ); strcpy (panel_geometry, geometry); /* Set title and geometry */ if (geometry != NULL) XtVaSetValues(XtParent(panel_widget), XmNtitle, title, XmNiconName, title, XmNdefaultPosition, False, XmNgeometry, geometry, NULL); else XtVaSetValues(XtParent(panel_widget), XmNtitle, title, XmNiconName, title, NULL); /* Create RowColumn with push buttons child of Scrolled Window */ nrow = kx_panel.panel_rows; XtVaSetValues(km_rowcolPNW, XmNnumColumns, nrow, NULL); /* Get maximum number of colums */ ncol = 0; for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++) { if (kx_panel.panel_cols[i] > ncol) ncol = kx_panel.panel_cols[i]; } /* Create buttons */ nbutton = 0; for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++) { int nc = kx_panel.panel_cols[i]; if (nbutton >= MAX_button - 1) break; for (j = 0; j < nc; j++) { sprintf (wname, "NP%sB%d", title,j); if (kx_panel.panel_keys[i][j] != NULL) npbutton[nbutton] = XtVaCreateWidget (wname, xmPushButtonWidgetClass, km_rowcolPNW, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, kx_panel.panel_keys[i][j]), NULL); else npbutton[nbutton] = XtVaCreateWidget (wname, xmPushButtonWidgetClass, km_rowcolPNW, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, ""), NULL); XtOverrideTranslations (npbutton[nbutton], XtParseTranslationTable(":Arm()")); XtOverrideTranslations (npbutton[nbutton], XtParseTranslationTable(":Activate()")); XtAddCallback (npbutton[nbutton],XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)panel_execute,NULL); nbutton ++; } for (j = nc; j < ncol; j++) { sprintf (wname, "NP%sB%d", title,j); npbutton[nbutton] = XtVaCreateWidget (wname, xmPushButtonWidgetClass, km_rowcolPNW, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, ""), NULL); XtOverrideTranslations (npbutton[nbutton], XtParseTranslationTable(":Arm()")); XtOverrideTranslations (npbutton[nbutton], XtParseTranslationTable(":Activate()")); XtAddCallback (npbutton[nbutton],XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)panel_execute,NULL); nbutton ++; } } XtManageChildren (npbutton, nbutton); XtAddCallback (km_okPNB,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)okPNBCallback, panel_widget); XtAddCallback (km_savePNB,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)savePNBCallback, panel_widget); XtAddCallback (km_helpPNB,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)helpPNBCallback, (XtPointer)"HELP_EDIT_PANEL"); XtAddCallback (panel_widget,XmNfocusCallback, (XtCallbackProc)panelfocusCallback, NULL); UxPopupInterface(panel_widget, XtGrabNone); return; } static void panelfocusCallback( widget, tag, callback_data ) Widget widget; caddr_t tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { Position xpos, ypos; int ih, iw, ix, iy; static int ifirst = 0; if (ifirst == 0) { /* First time only we get WM decoration size */ ifirst = 1; XtVaGetValues(XtParent(widget), XmNx, &xpos, XmNy, &ypos, NULL); sscanf (panel_geometry, "%dx%d+%d+%d", &iw, &ih, &ix, &iy); WM_x = xpos - ix; WM_y = ypos - iy; } } static void panel_execute( pbut_widget, tag, callback_data ) Widget pbut_widget; caddr_t tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { XmString xmstr_label; char *g_string; char cmd_start[MAXCMD]; int i,ilen; int dollar_pos = -1; /* * Special case / selection with button 3 : erase label (new button) */ if (callback_data->event->xbutton.button == 3) { XtVaSetValues (pbut_widget, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "" ), NULL); return; } XtVaGetValues (pbut_widget, XmNlabelString, &xmstr_label, NULL); XmStringGetLtoR (xmstr_label, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &g_string); ilen = strlen(g_string); if (g_string != NULL) { char *blank_string = " "; /* * Special case / button selected is blank : ask for label */ if ( ilen == 0 || strncmp(g_string,blank_string,ilen) == 0 ) { /* ask for new button label */ char *blab; blab = prompt_user (UxTopLevel, "Give text to map in this button", "", "HELP_EDIT_PANEL"); if (blab != NULL) XtVaSetValues (pbut_widget, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, blab ), NULL); free (blab); return; } } /* Execute command ... */ for (i=0; i= 0) { /* character "$" inside a key */ char *command; char cmd_string[MAX_stringl]; int lc; command = prompt_user (UxTopLevel, "Enter value which should replace $", "", "HELP_DOLLAR_PANEL"); if (command == NULL) return; lc = strlen(command); for (i=0; i= 0) */ return; } static void panel_save (pwidget, name) Widget pwidget; char *name; { WidgetList bchild; FILE *ppf; char *fstr; String title; char display_string[MAX_stringl]; Cardinal nbut; short nrow, ncol; Position xpos, ypos; Dimension dh, dw; int i, k, nbutton; /* * find and restore the context * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipPanelContext = (_UxCkuipPanel *)UxGetContext( pwidget ); /* Get values for panel geometry */ XtVaGetValues (XtParent(pwidget), XmNtitle, &title, XmNx, &xpos, XmNy, &ypos, XmNheight, &dh, XmNwidth, &dw, NULL); /* We have to extract WM decoration from xpos and ypos */ xpos = xpos - WM_x; ypos = ypos - WM_y; sprintf (display_string,"\npanel 0 T \'%s\' %dx%d+%d+%d\n", title, dw, dh, xpos, ypos); /* Get number and list of the rowcolumn push buttons children */ XtVaGetValues (km_rowcolPNW, XmNnumChildren, &nbut, XmNchildren, &bchild, XmNnumColumns, &nrow, NULL); fstr = strdup ("*\n* MOTIF_PANEL "); fstr = Mstrcat (fstr, name); fstr = Mstrcat (fstr, "\n*\npanel 0"); ncol = (short) (nbut / nrow); nbutton = 0; for (k = 0; k < nrow; k++) { for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++) { char cval[MAX_string]; XmString xmstr_label; char *label; int ilen; if (ncol < 10) sprintf (cval,"\npanel %d.0%d \'", k+1,i+1); else sprintf (cval,"\npanel %d.%d \'", k+1,i+1); fstr = Mstrcat (fstr, cval); XtVaGetValues (bchild[nbutton], XmNlabelString, &xmstr_label, NULL); XmStringGetLtoR (xmstr_label, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &label); if ( (ilen = strlen(label)) == 0 ) fstr = Mstrcat (fstr, " "); else fstr = Mstrcat (fstr, label); fstr = Mstrcat (fstr, "\'"); XtFree (label); nbutton++; } } fstr = Mstrcat (fstr, display_string); if ((ppf = fopen(name, "w")) == NULL) { char message[MAX_stringl]; sprintf (message,"Unable to open file %s for write ", name); warn_user (UxTopLevel, message); return; } fwrite(fstr, sizeof(char), strlen(fstr), ppf); fclose(ppf); } static void okPNBCallback( widget, parent, data ) Widget widget; Widget parent; XmAnyCallbackStruct *data; { UxDestroyInterface(parent); } static void savePNBCallback( widget, panel, callback_data ) Widget widget; Widget panel; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { FILE *tfp; /* Pointer to open file */ char *macro_name; /* Get kuip macro name (panel definition) */ macro_name = prompt_user (UxTopLevel, "Give KUIP macro file name", "", "HELP_SAVE_PANEL"); if (macro_name == NULL) return; /* Check if file already exists and put a warning message */ if ((tfp = fopen(macro_name, "r")) != NULL) { char cmess[MAX_stringl]; int answ; sprintf (cmess,"File %s already exists: overwrite it ? (Y/N)", macro_name); answ = ask_user (UxTopLevel, cmess, "Yes", "No", 1); if (answ != 1) { fclose(tfp); return; } fclose(tfp); } /* Save file */ panel_save (panel, macro_name); free (macro_name); return; } void helpPNBCallback( widget, hlpstr, callback_data ) Widget widget; char *hlpstr; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { char cmd_help[MAXCMD]; sprintf (cmd_help, "HELP %s", hlpstr); send_cmd (cmd_help); } /* * concatenate two strings if the first one is allocated */ static char *Mstrcat( str1, str2 ) char *str1; const char *str2; { size_t len1 = strlen( str1 ); size_t len2 = strlen( str2 ); str1 = realloc( str1, len1 + len2 + 1 ); strcpy( &str1[len1], str2 ); return str1; }