/* * $Id: kuipcc.c,v 1.6 1998/02/12 10:31:28 gunter Exp $ * * $Log: kuipcc.c,v $ * Revision 1.6 1998/02/12 10:31:28 gunter * Remove lines at start of .c output files setting wrong defaults for name * (upper/lower/underscore); this required a CERNLIB_ to be set compiling the * C code. * * * * CVS:---------------------------------------------------------------------- * CVS:---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Revision 1.5 1997/11/19 16:42:54 mclareni * Correct typo * * Revision 1.4 1997/09/02 14:50:03 mclareni * WINNT corrections * * Revision 1.3 1997/03/14 17:15:56 mclareni * WNT mods * * Revision 1997/01/21 11:33:19 mclareni * All mods for Winnt 96a on winnt branch * * Revision 1.2 1996/04/16 13:29:49 gunter * Mods to compile kuipc. * The header files can be deleted and remade from the .m4 files. Use gnu's m4, * ie.: * gmake headers M4=/usr/local/bin/m4 * And then * gmake kuipc * * Revision 1996/03/08 15:33:03 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.06/09 27/02/95 16.54.36 by N.Cremel*/ /*-- Author : Alfred Nathaniel 17/08/92*/ /* kuipcc.c: KUIP CDF Compiler */ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include "kuip/kfor.h" #include "kuip/kbrow.h" #include "kuip/kmenu.h" #ifdef IBM370 #define F77_EXTENSION ".fortran" #endif #ifdef vms #define F77_EXTENSION ".for" #endif #ifdef CERNLIB_WINNT #define F77_EXTENSION ".for" #endif #ifndef F77_EXTENSION #define F77_EXTENSION ".f" #endif #define MAXLINE 512 /* maximum length of lines */ #define MAXNLEN 32 /* maximum length of names */ enum { ACT_ION, ACT_USER }; enum { BR_OWSE, BR_CLASS }; enum { COM_MAND, COM_HELP }; typedef struct { int used; int allocated; char *buffer; } Buffer; static Buffer cdef_menu; static Buffer cdef_body; static Buffer cdef_head; static Buffer cdef_tail; static Buffer fdef_body; static Buffer fdef_head; typedef struct { int groups; int *count; char ***value; } Group; typedef struct { char *name; /* parameter name */ int abbrev; /* minimum length that name is recognized */ char *prompt; /* prompt string */ char *dfault; /* default value */ char *width; /* width of input field */ int range_count; /* number of range values */ char **range_value; char **option_text; /* explanation text for options */ Group mutex; int *mutex_index; Group radio; int *radio_index; int select_count; /* number of selection values */ char **select_value; KmParFlag flags; /* special flags */ KmParType type; /* parameter type */ char *filter_default; /* file name filter */ char *range_lower; /* lower range value */ char *range_upper; /* upper range value */ char *slider_lower; /* slider lower range */ char *slider_upper; /* slider upper range */ } Parameter; typedef struct _Command { struct _Command *next; /* link to next command structure */ char *name; /* command name */ int total; /* total number of parameters */ int mandatory; /* number of mandatory parameters */ int list_par; /* index+1 for parameter of list type */ Parameter **par; /* parameter descriptions */ char *action; /* name of action routine */ char *user_help; /* name of user help routine */ int nguidance; /* number of lines in guidance text */ char **guidance; /* guidance text */ int nkeyword; /* number of "keyword" commands/menus */ char **keyword; /* "keyword" commands/menus list */ int nhlink; /* number of "links" (for HTML) */ char **hlink; /* "link" list */ int nsource; /* number of lines in source text */ char **source; /* source text */ } Command; typedef struct _Menu { struct _Menu *next; /* link to next menu */ struct _Menu *down; /* link to submenu */ struct _Menu *up; /* link to parent menu */ char *path; /* menu path */ char *name; /* menu name */ int level; /* depth of submenus */ int ncmds; /* number of commands */ Command **cmds; /* list of command */ int nguidance; /* number of lines in guidance text */ char **guidance; /* guidance text */ int nkeyword; /* number of "keyword" commands/menus */ char **keyword; /* "keyword" commands/menus list */ int nhlink; /* number of "links" (for HTML) */ char **hlink; /* "link" list */ } Menu; typedef struct { char *text; /* menu text */ char *accel; /* accelerator definition */ char *exec; /* action commands */ char *call; /* action routine */ BrActFlag flags; /* flags from menu text and accelerator */ BrActTag tag; /* for which window the action is defined */ } Action; typedef struct { char *name; /* class name */ char *title; /* class title */ char *scan_km; /* user function scanning the directory */ char *scan_br; /* user function scanning for browsables */ int nroot; /* number of entries in root actions */ Action **root; /* action bindings in root menu */ int nopen; /* number of entries in open actions */ Action **open; /* action bindings in open menu */ } Browsable; typedef struct { char *name; /* class name */ char *title; /* class title */ char *big_icon; /* big icon name */ char *sm_icon; /* small icon name */ char *user_icon; /* name of user icon routine */ int ncont; /* number of entries in cont actions */ Action **cont; /* action bindings in content menu */ int ngraf; /* number of entries in graf actions */ Action **graf; /* action bindings in graphics menu */ } Class; typedef struct { char *name; /* icon name */ int width; /* width of the pixmap */ int height; /* height of the pixmap */ int nbitmap; /* length of bitmap */ char *bitmap; /* bitmap data */ } Icon; typedef struct { char *action; /* user routine */ char *menu; /* menu title or NULL for a button */ char *label; /* button label or menu item */ char *mnemo; /* button mnemonic */ char *accel; /* button accelerator */ char *accel_text; /* accelerator text */ KmButtFlag flags; /* sensitivity type */ } Button; static char *motif_FallBk = NULL; static char *motif_TopWid = NULL; static char line[MAXLINE]; static Menu root_menu = { (Menu*)0, (Menu*)0, &root_menu, "", "", 0, 0, (Command**)0, 0, (char**)0 }; static Menu *curr_menu = &root_menu; static Command *curr_cmd; static Browsable **browsables; static int nbrowsables; static Class **classes; static int nclasses; static Icon **icons; static int nicons; static Button **buttons; static int nbuttons; static int have_graphics; static int line_count; static char full_line[MAXLINE]; /* line as read from CDF */ static char **word; /* pointers to start of words in parsed line */ static int nword; /* number of words on line */ static int mword; /* length of **word */ static char **external_F; /* list of external Fortran routines */ static int nexternal_F; /* number of external Fortran routines */ static char **external_C; /* list of external C functions */ static int nexternal_C; /* number of external C functions */ static int *texternal_C; /* type of external C functions */ enum { FUNC_SUBR, FUNC_INT, FUNC_CHAR, FUNC_pCHAR }; static int is_menu; /* flag if guidance belongs to menu */ static char *curr_name; /* name of the C definition routine */ static int cmode; /* flag if C code should be generated */ static int fmode; /* flag if Fortran code should be generated */ static int split; /* flag if code should go to separate files */ static char ifile[256]; /* input file name */ static char ofile[256]; /* output file name */ #define Malloc(type,size) (type*)malloc( size*sizeof(type) ) #define Malloc1(type) Malloc( type, 1 ) #define Realloc(type,ptr,size) ( ptr == NULL ? Malloc( type, size ) \ : (type*)realloc( (char*)ptr, size*sizeof(type) ) ) static void appchr( Buffer*, int ); static void append( Buffer*, const char* ); static void appext( Buffer*, const char*, int ); static void appflt( Buffer*, const char*, int ); static void appint( Buffer*, int, int ); static void applit( Buffer*, const char*, int ); static void appnum( Buffer*, const char*, int, int ); static void appstr( Buffer*, const char*, int ); static void assign_external( const char*, const char*, int ); static void cat_buffer( Buffer*, Buffer* ); static void copy_buffer( Buffer*, Buffer* ); static void check_abbrev( const char*, const char* ); static void check_args( int, int ); static void fatal( const char* ); static Menu* find_menu( Menu*, const char* ); static void finish_name(void); static void flush_buffer( Buffer* ); static char* format_name( const char*, const char* ); static void fredirect( const char* ); static void init_buffer( Buffer* ); static char* lowercase( const char* ); static void new_action( Action*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, BrActTag ); static char* new_external_C( const char*, int ); static char* new_external_F( const char* ); static void only_cmode( const char* ); static void only_fmode( const char* ); static char* output_action( const char*, const char*, int, Action** ); static void output_browsables(void); static void output_buttons(void); static void output_classes(void); static void output_cmd_list( Menu* ); static void output_external(void); static void output_icons(void); static void output_kupval( const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char* ); static void output_menu_list( Menu* ); static int parse_line(void); static char** parse_range( int*, const char* ); static void proc_action( int ); static void proc_browse(void); static void proc_button(void); static void proc_class(void); static void proc_command( int ); static void proc_comment(void); static void proc_fortran(void); static void proc_graphics(void); static void proc_guidance(void); static void proc_keyword(void); static void proc_hlink(void); static void proc_icon_bitmaps(void); static void proc_menu(void); static void proc_motif_customize(void); static void proc_name(void); static void proc_parameters(void); static void quit(void); static int read_line(void); static int* set_groups( Parameter*, Group* ); static void unread_line(void); static char* uppercase( const char* ); static void warning( const char* ); int main( argc, argv ) int argc; char **argv; { char *p; int iarg = 1; int explicit = 0; cmode = 0; while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' && argv[iarg][1] != '\0' ) { if( strcasecmp( argv[iarg], "-split" ) == 0 ) { split = 1; } else if( strcasecmp( argv[iarg], "-c" ) == 0 ) { cmode = 1; explicit = 1; } else if( strcasecmp( argv[iarg], "-f" ) == 0 ) { cmode = 0; explicit = 1; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid option %s\n", argv[iarg] ); quit(); } iarg++; } if( argc > iarg ) { strcpy( ifile, argv[iarg] ); iarg++; if( argc > iarg ) strcpy( ofile, argv[iarg] ); else { /* use input file name and chop off extension */ strcpy( ofile, ifile ); if( (p = strrchr( ofile, '.' )) != NULL && strpbrk( p, "/]" ) == NULL ) *p = '\0'; } } else { fprintf( stderr, "Enter CDF input file name: " ); gets( ifile ); fprintf( stderr, "Enter definition output file name: " ); gets( ofile ); } if( !explicit ) { /* derive output mode from file extension */ int len = strlen( ofile ); cmode = (strcasecmp( &ofile[len-2], ".c" ) == 0); } fmode = !cmode; if( (p = strrchr( ifile, '.' )) == NULL || strpbrk( p, "/]" ) != NULL ) strcat( ifile, ".cdf" ); if( (p = strrchr( ofile, '.' )) == NULL || strpbrk( p, "/]" ) != NULL ) strcat( ofile, cmode ? ".c" : F77_EXTENSION ); if( strcmp( ifile, "-" ) != 0 && freopen( ifile, "r", stdin ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open input file '%s'\n", ifile ); quit(); } if( strcmp( ofile, "-" ) != 0 ) { fredirect( ofile ); } while( read_line() > 0 ) { if( full_line[0] == '*' ) continue; parse_line(); if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">A", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Action" ); proc_action( ACT_ION ); } else if( strcasecmp( word[0], ">Browse" ) == 0 ) { proc_browse(); } else if( strcasecmp( word[0], ">Button" ) == 0 ) { proc_button(); } else if( strcasecmp( word[0], ">Class" ) == 0 ) { proc_class(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">C", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Command" ); proc_command( COM_MAND ); } else if( strcasecmp( word[0], ">Fortran" ) == 0 ) { proc_fortran(); } else if( strcasecmp( word[0], ">Graphics" ) == 0 ) { proc_graphics(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">G", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Guidance" ); proc_guidance(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">K", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Keyword" ); proc_keyword(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">L", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Link" ); proc_hlink(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">H", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Help_item" ); proc_command( COM_HELP ); } else if( strcasecmp( word[0], ">Icon_bitmaps" ) == 0 ) { proc_icon_bitmaps(); } else if( strcasecmp( word[0], ">Motif_customize" ) == 0 ) { proc_motif_customize(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">M", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Menu" ); proc_menu(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">N", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Name" ); proc_name(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">P", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">Parameters" ); proc_parameters(); } else if( strncasecmp( word[0], ">U", 2 ) == 0 ) { check_abbrev( word[0], ">User_help" ); proc_action( ACT_USER ); } else if( strncmp( word[0], ">*", 2 ) == 0 ) { proc_comment(); } else { warning( "Invalid directive ignored" ); proc_comment(); } } finish_name(); exit( 0 ); } static void warning( const char *text ) { fprintf( stderr, "Line %d - %s:\n%s\n", line_count, text, full_line ); } static void fatal( const char *text ) { warning( text ); fprintf( stderr, "Fatal error in CDF\n" ); quit(); } static void quit() { exit( 1 ); } static void only_cmode( const char *keyw ) { if( !cmode ) { char text[80]; sprintf( text, "%s only supported in C output mode", keyw ); warning( text ); } } static void only_fmode( const char *keyw ) { if( !fmode ) { char text[80]; sprintf( text, "%s only supported in Fortran output mode", keyw ); warning( text ); } } /* * redirect stdout into a file */ static void fredirect( const char *file ) { FILE *stream; #if 0 char *format = fmode ? "rfm=var" : "rfm=stmlf"; stream = freopen( file, "w", stdout, format ); #else stream = freopen( file, "w", stdout ); #endif if( stream == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open output file '%s'\n", ofile ); quit(); } } /***************************************************************************** * routines for processing directives *****************************************************************************/ /* * output code for >Action and >User_help */ static void proc_action( int what ) { check_args( 2, 2 ); switch( what ) { case ACT_ION: curr_cmd->action = strdup( word[1] ); break; case ACT_USER: curr_cmd->user_help = strdup( word[1] ); break; } } /* * process comment lines >* */ static void proc_comment() { while( read_line() > 0 ) { /* skip lines until next CDF directive */ if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { unread_line(); return; } } } /* * output code for >Browse */ static void proc_browse() { Browsable *brw; BrActTag tag = BRACT_ROOT; Action *act; check_args( 4, 5 ); only_cmode( ">Browse" ); browsables = Realloc( Browsable*, browsables, ++nbrowsables ); brw = browsables[nbrowsables-1] = Malloc1( Browsable ); brw->name = strdup( word[1] ); brw->title = str0dup( word[2] ); brw->scan_km = str0dup( word[3] ); brw->scan_br = str0dup( word[4] ); brw->nroot = 0; brw->root = NULL; brw->nopen = 0; brw->open = NULL; while( read_line() > 0 ) { if( full_line[0] == '*' ) continue; if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { /* loop until next CDF directive */ unread_line(); return; } parse_line(); if( strcmp( word[0], "+" ) == 0 ) { tag = BRACT_OPEN; continue; } if( tag == BRACT_ROOT ) { brw->root = Realloc( Action*, brw->root, ++brw->nroot ); act = brw->root[brw->nroot-1] = Malloc1( Action ); } else { brw->open = Realloc( Action*, brw->open, ++brw->nopen ); act = brw->open[brw->nopen-1] = Malloc1( Action ); } new_action( act, word[0], word[1], word[2], word[3], tag ); } } /* * output code for >Button action b_text m_text chopt * output code for >Button ... * ... menu-title [/]button-label callb_routine [mnem.] [acc.] [acct.] [chopt] */ static void proc_button() { Button *but; check_args( 4, 8 ); only_cmode( ">Button" ); buttons = Realloc( Button*, buttons, ++nbuttons ); but = buttons[nbuttons-1] = Malloc1( Button ); but->menu = strdup( word[1] ); but->label = strdup( word[2] ); but->action = strdup( word[3] ); but->mnemo = str0dup( word[4] ); but->accel = str0dup( word[5] ); but->accel_text = str0dup( word[6] ); but->flags = KmButtSensitive; if( word[7] != NULL ) { if( strcasecmp( word[7], "NS" ) == 0 ) but->flags = KmButtNonSensitive; else if( strcasecmp( word[7], "TS" ) == 0 ) but->flags = KmButtToggleSensitive; else if( strcasecmp( word[7], "BR" ) == 0 ) but->flags |= KmButtBrowser; else { warning( "Invalid button definition ignored" ); nbuttons--; } } if( but->label[0] == '/' ) { but->label++; but->flags |= KmButtSeparator; } } /* * output code for >Class */ static void proc_class() { Class *cls; BrActTag tag = BRACT_CONT; Action *act; check_args( 2, 5 ); only_cmode( ">Class" ); classes = Realloc( Class*, classes, ++nclasses ); cls = classes[nclasses-1] = Malloc1( Class ); cls->name = strdup( word[1] ); cls->title = strdup( word[2] ); cls->big_icon = str0dup( word[3] ); cls->sm_icon = str0dup( word[4] ); cls->user_icon = str0dup( word[5] ); cls->ncont = 0; cls->cont = NULL; cls->ngraf = 0; cls->graf = NULL; while( read_line() > 0 ) { if( full_line[0] == '*' ) continue; if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { /* loop until next CDF directive */ unread_line(); return; } parse_line(); if( strcmp( word[0], "+" ) == 0 ) { tag = BRACT_GRAF; continue; } if( tag == BRACT_CONT ) { if( cls->ncont == 0 ) { if( ( cls->big_icon == NULL || cls->sm_icon == NULL ) && cls->user_icon == NULL ) { warning( "Missing icon definition in >Class directive" ); } if( cls->big_icon == NULL ) cls->big_icon = "big_menu"; if( cls->sm_icon == NULL ) cls->sm_icon = "sm_menu"; } cls->cont = Realloc( Action*, cls->cont, ++cls->ncont ); act = cls->cont[cls->ncont-1] = Malloc1( Action ); } else { cls->graf = Realloc( Action*, cls->graf, ++cls->ngraf ); act = cls->graf[cls->ngraf-1] = Malloc1( Action ); } new_action( act, word[0], word[1], word[2], word[3], tag ); } } /* * output code for >Command and >Help_item */ static void proc_command( int what ) { check_args( 2, 2 ); curr_menu->cmds = Realloc( Command*, curr_menu->cmds, ++curr_menu->ncmds ); curr_cmd = curr_menu->cmds[curr_menu->ncmds-1] = Malloc1( Command ); curr_cmd->name = strdup( word[1] ); curr_cmd->total = 0; curr_cmd->mandatory = 0; curr_cmd->list_par = 0; curr_cmd->par = NULL; curr_cmd->action = NULL; curr_cmd->user_help = NULL; curr_cmd->nguidance = 0; curr_cmd->guidance = NULL; curr_cmd->nkeyword = 0; curr_cmd->keyword = NULL; curr_cmd->nhlink = 0; curr_cmd->hlink = NULL; curr_cmd->nsource = 0; curr_cmd->source = NULL; is_menu = 0; } /* * output code for >Fortran */ static void proc_fortran() { int nsource = 0; char **source = NULL; check_args( 1, 1 ); only_fmode( ">Fortran" ); while( read_line() >= 0 ) { if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { /* loop until next CDF directive */ unread_line(); break; } if( !fmode ) continue; source = Realloc( char*, source, ++nsource ); source[nsource-1] = strdup( full_line ); } curr_cmd->nsource = nsource; curr_cmd->source = source; } /* * output code for >Guidance */ static void proc_guidance() { int nguidance = 0; char **guidance = NULL; check_args( 1, 1 ); while( read_line() >= 0 ) { if( full_line[0] == '*' ) continue; if( full_line[0] == '\0' ) continue; /* ignore empty lines and comments */ if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { /* loop until next CDF directive */ unread_line(); break; } if( strcmp( full_line, "." ) == 0 ) full_line[0] = '\0'; /* make empty line */ guidance = Realloc( char*, guidance, ++nguidance ); guidance[nguidance-1] = strdup( full_line ); } if( is_menu ) { curr_menu->nguidance = nguidance; curr_menu->guidance = guidance; } else { curr_cmd->nguidance = nguidance; curr_cmd->guidance = guidance; } } /* * output code for >Keyword */ static void proc_keyword() { int nkeyword = 0; char **keyword = NULL; check_args( 1, 1 ); while( read_line() >= 0 ) { int i; if( full_line[0] == '*' ) continue; if( full_line[0] == '\0' ) continue; /* ignore empty lines and comments */ if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { /* loop until next CDF directive */ unread_line(); break; } parse_line(); for (i = 0; i < nword; i++) { keyword = Realloc( char*, keyword, ++nkeyword ); keyword[nkeyword-1] = strdup( word[i] ); } } /* end ... while( read_line() >= 0 ) */ if( is_menu ) { curr_menu->nkeyword = nkeyword; curr_menu->keyword = keyword; } else { curr_cmd->nkeyword = nkeyword; curr_cmd->keyword = keyword; } } /* * output code for >Link */ static void proc_hlink() { int nhlink = 0; char **hlink = NULL; check_args( 1, 1 ); while( read_line() >= 0 ) { int i; if( full_line[0] == '*' ) continue; if( full_line[0] == '\0' ) continue; /* ignore empty lines and comments */ if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { /* loop until next CDF directive */ unread_line(); break; } parse_line(); for (i = 0; i < nword; i++) { hlink = Realloc( char*, hlink, ++nhlink ); hlink[nhlink-1] = strdup( word[i] ); } } /* end ... while( read_line() >= 0 ) */ if( is_menu ) { curr_menu->nhlink = nhlink; curr_menu->hlink = hlink; } else { curr_cmd->nhlink = nhlink; curr_cmd->hlink = hlink; } } /* * output code for >Icon_bitmaps */ static void proc_icon_bitmaps() { check_args( 1, 1 ); only_cmode( ">Icon" ); while( read_line() > 0 ) { Icon *icn; char icon_name[32]; char *p; int width; int height; int nbytes; int n; if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { /* loop until next CDF directive */ unread_line(); break; } parse_line(); check_args( 3, 3 ); if( strcmp( word[0], "#define" ) != 0 ) check_args( 99, 99 ); strcpy( icon_name, word[1] ); if( (p = strrchr( icon_name, '_' )) == NULL ) check_args( 99, 99 ); *p++ = '\0'; if( strcmp( p, "width" ) != 0 ) check_args( 99, 99 ); width = atoi( word[2] ); if( read_line() <= 0 ) check_args( 99, 99 ); parse_line(); check_args( 3, 3 ); if( strcmp( word[0], "#define" ) != 0 ) check_args( 99, 99 ); if( strcmp( strrchr( word[1], '_' ), "_height" ) != 0 ) check_args( 99, 99 ); height = atoi( word[2] ); if( read_line() <= 0 ) check_args( 99, 99 ); parse_line(); check_args( 5, 5 ); if( strcmp( word[0], "static" ) != 0 ) check_args( 99, 99 ); nbytes = ((width-1)/8+1) * height; icons = Realloc( Icon*, icons, ++nicons ); icn = icons[nicons-1] = Malloc1( Icon ); icn->name = strdup( icon_name ); icn->width = width; icn->height = height; icn->nbitmap = nbytes; icn->bitmap = malloc( nbytes ); for( n = 0; n < nbytes && read_line() > 0; n += 12 ) { int m = nbytes - n < 12 ? nbytes - n : 12; int i; parse_line(); check_args( m, m ); for( i = 0; i < m; i++ ) icn->bitmap[n+i] = strtol( word[i], NULL, 0 ); } } } /* * output code for >Menu */ static void proc_menu() { check_args( 2, 2 ); curr_menu = find_menu( curr_menu, word[1] ); is_menu = 1; } /* * output code for >Motif_customize [user_res] [top_widget] */ static void proc_motif_customize() { check_args( 1, 3 ); only_cmode( ">Motif" ); motif_FallBk = str0dup( word[1] ); motif_TopWid = str0dup( word[2] ); } /* * output code for >Name */ static void proc_name() { check_args( 2, 2 ); if( curr_name != NULL ) finish_name(); curr_name = lowercase( word[1] ); curr_menu = &root_menu; } /* * output code for >Parameters */ static void proc_parameters() { int optional = 0; int constant = 0; check_args( 1, 1 ); while( read_line() > 0 ) { Parameter *par; char *star; int i; if( full_line[0] == '*' ) continue; if( full_line[0] == '\0' ) /* ignore empty lines */ continue; if( full_line[0] == '>' ) { /* loop until next CDF directive */ unread_line(); break; } if( strcmp( full_line, "+" ) == 0 ) { /* enter optional parameters */ optional = 1; if( constant ) { warning( "Cannot have more optional parameters following constants" ); } continue; } if( strcmp( full_line, "++" ) == 0 ) { /* enter constant parameters */ optional = 1; constant = KmFLAG_CONST; continue; } parse_line(); check_args( 3, 99 ); if( !optional ) curr_cmd->mandatory++; curr_cmd->par = Realloc( Parameter*, curr_cmd->par, ++curr_cmd->total ); par = curr_cmd->par[curr_cmd->total-1] = Malloc1( Parameter ); par->name = strdup( word[0] ); star = strchr( par->name, '*' ); if( star == NULL ) par->abbrev = strlen( par->name ); else { par->abbrev = star - par->name; strcpy( star, star + 1 ); } par->prompt = strdup( word[1] ); par->dfault = NULL; par->width = NULL; par->range_count = 0; par->range_value = NULL; par->option_text = NULL; par->mutex.groups = 0; par->mutex_index = NULL; par->radio.groups = 0; par->radio_index = NULL; par->select_count = 0; par->select_value = NULL; par->flags = constant; par->filter_default = NULL; par->range_lower = NULL; par->range_upper = NULL; par->slider_lower = NULL; par->slider_upper = NULL; if( strcasecmp( word[2], "C" ) == 0 ) par->type = KmTYPE_CHAR; else if( strcasecmp( word[2], "I" ) == 0 ) par->type = KmTYPE_INT; else if( strcasecmp( word[2], "R" ) == 0 ) par->type = KmTYPE_REAL; else { warning( "Invalid parameter type; 'C' assumed" ); par->type = KmTYPE_CHAR; } if( strncasecmp( word[0], "CHOPT", 5 ) == 0 || strncasecmp( word[0], "OPTION", 6 ) == 0 ) par->type = KmTYPE_OPTION; for( i = 3; i < nword; i++ ) { char *tag = word[i]; char *value = strchr( tag, '=' ); if( value != NULL ) { *value++ = '\0'; if( *value == '\0' ) { if( i == nword - 1 ) { sprintf( line, "Value after %s= missing", tag ); fatal( line ); } value = word[++i]; } } if( strcasecmp( tag, "D" ) == 0 ) { /* default */ if( value == NULL ) warning( "Default value missing" ); else par->dfault = strdup( value ); } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "R" ) == 0 ) { /* range */ if( value == NULL ) warning( "Range value missing" ); else { char *colon = strchr( value, ':' ); if( colon != NULL ) { /* R=lo:hi */ if( colon != value ) { *colon = '\0'; par->range_lower = strdup( value ); value = colon + 1; } if( *value != '\0' ) { par->range_upper = strdup( value ); } } else { /* range of discrete values */ if( par->type == KmTYPE_CHAR ) par->type = KmTYPE_OPTION; par->range_value = parse_range( &par->range_count, value ); } } } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "FILE" ) == 0 ) { par->type = KmTYPE_FILE; par->filter_default = str0dup( value ); } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "FORGET" ) == 0 ) { if( value != NULL ) warning( "Value in FORGET definition ignored" ); par->flags |= KmFLAG_FORGET; } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "HIDDEN" ) == 0 ) { if( value != NULL ) warning( "Value in HIDDEN definition ignored" ); if( !optional ) warning( "Cannot use HIDDEN for mandatory parameter" ); else par->flags |= KmFLAG_HIDDEN; } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "LOOP" ) == 0 ) { if( value != NULL ) warning( "Value in LOOP definition ignored" ); curr_cmd->list_par = curr_cmd->total; } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "MINUS" ) == 0 ) { if( value != NULL ) warning( "Value in MINUS definition ignored" ); par->flags |= KmFLAG_MINUS; } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "MUTEX" ) == 0 ) { only_cmode( "MUTEX" ); if( value == NULL ) warning( "MUTEX value missing" ); else { int n = ++par->mutex.groups; if( par->mutex.groups == 1 ) { par->mutex.count = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int) ); par->mutex.value = (char***)malloc( sizeof(char**) ); } else { par->mutex.count = (int*)realloc( (char*)par->mutex.count, n * sizeof(int) ); par->mutex.value = (char***)realloc( (char*)par->mutex.value, n * sizeof(char**) ); } par->mutex.value[n-1] = parse_range( &par->mutex.count[n-1], value ); } } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "OPTION" ) == 0 ) { if( value != NULL ) warning( "Value in OPTION definition ignored" ); par->type = KmTYPE_OPTION; } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "QUOTE" ) == 0 ) { if( value != NULL ) warning( "Value in QUOTE definition ignored" ); par->flags |= KmFLAG_QUOTE; } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "RADIO" ) == 0 ) { only_cmode( "RADIO" ); if( value == NULL ) warning( "RADIO value missing" ); else { int n = ++par->radio.groups; if( par->radio.groups == 1 ) { par->radio.count = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int) ); par->radio.value = (char***)malloc( sizeof(char**) ); } else { par->radio.count = (int*)realloc( (char*)par->radio.count, n * sizeof(int) ); par->radio.value = (char***)realloc( (char*)par->radio.value, n * sizeof(char**) ); } par->radio.value[n-1] = parse_range( &par->radio.count[n-1], value ); } } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "SELECT" ) == 0 ) { only_cmode( "SELECT" ); if( value == NULL ) warning( "SELECT value missing" ); else par->select_value = parse_range( &par->select_count, value ); } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "SEPARATE" ) == 0 ) { if( value != NULL ) warning( "Value in SEPARATE definition ignored" ); par->flags |= KmFLAG_SEPARATE; } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "SLIDER" ) == 0 ) { only_cmode( "SLIDER" ); if( value == NULL ) warning( "SLIDER value missing" ); else { char *colon = strchr( value, ':' ); if( colon != NULL ) { if( colon != value ) { *colon = '\0'; par->slider_lower = strdup( value ); value = colon + 1; } if( *value != '\0' ) { par->slider_upper = strdup( value ); } } else warning( "Invalid SLIDER definition ignored" ); } } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "VARARG" ) == 0 ) { if( value != NULL ) warning( "Value in VARARG definition ignored" ); par->flags |= KmFLAG_VARARG; } else if( strcasecmp( tag, "WIDTH" ) == 0 ) { only_cmode( "WIDTH" ); if( value == NULL ) warning( "WIDTH value missing" ); else par->width = strdup( value ); } else warning( "Invalid parameter definition ignored" ); } if( par->type == KmTYPE_OPTION ) { /* read option explanations: "-X text" */ if( par->range_count != 0 ) par->option_text = (char**)calloc( par->range_count, sizeof(char*) ); while( read_line() > 0 ) { if( full_line[0] == '*' ) /* ignore comments */ continue; if( full_line[0] == '\0' ) /* ignore empty lines */ continue; if( full_line[0] != '-' ) { unread_line(); break; } else { char *value = strdup( full_line ); char *text = strchr( value, ' ' ); int n; if( text != NULL ) { char *p; *text++ = '\0'; while( *text == ' ' ) { /* skip leading blanks */ text++; } while( (p = strstr( text, " " )) != NULL ) { /* remove multiple blanks */ strcpy( p, p + 1 ); } } value++; /* skip the minus */ /* look if option is already defined by R='...' */ for( n = 0; n < par->range_count; n++ ) { if( strcasecmp( par->range_value[n], value ) == 0 ) break; } if( n == par->range_count ) { par->range_count++; if( par->range_value == NULL ) { par->range_value = (char**)malloc( sizeof(char*) ); par->option_text = (char**)malloc( sizeof(char*) ); } else { par->range_value = (char**)realloc( (char*)par->range_value, (n+1) * sizeof(char*) ); par->option_text = (char**)realloc( (char*)par->option_text, (n+1) * sizeof(char*) ); } par->range_value[n] = value; } par->option_text[n] = text; } } if( par->dfault != NULL && par->range_count > 0 && par->type != KmTYPE_OPTION ) { int n; /* look if default is already contained on value list */ for( n = 0; n < par->range_count; n++ ) { if( strcasecmp( par->range_value[n], par->dfault ) == 0 ) break; if( par->range_value[n][0] == '\0' && strcmp( par->dfault, " " ) == 0 ) break; } if( n == par->range_count ) { par->range_count++; par->range_value = (char**)realloc( (char*)par->range_value, (n+1) * sizeof(char*) ); par->option_text = (char**)realloc( (char*)par->option_text, (n+1) * sizeof(char*) ); par->range_value[n] = par->dfault; par->option_text[n] = NULL; } } par->mutex_index = set_groups( par, &par->mutex ); par->radio_index = set_groups( par, &par->radio ); } } } /* * output code for >Graphics */ static void proc_graphics() { check_args( 1, 1 ); only_cmode( ">Graphics" ); have_graphics = 1; } /* * output the epilog for the definition routine */ static void finish_name() { static int first = 1; if( split ) { char fname[MAXNLEN]; if( cmode ) sprintf( fname, "%s.c", curr_name ); if( fmode ) sprintf( fname, "%s%s", curr_name, F77_EXTENSION ); fredirect( fname ); } if( cmode && (split || first) ) { time_t ltime; first = 0; time( <ime ); append( &cdef_head, "\ /*\n\ * This file has been generated by the KUIP compiler. Do NOT change it!\n\ *\n" ); sprintf( line, " * KUIP header: %d Generation date: %s *\n", KUIP_VERSION, asctime( localtime( <ime ) ) ); append( &cdef_head, line ); sprintf( line, " * Input file: %s\n */\n\n", ifile ); append( &cdef_head, line ); append( &cdef_head, "\ #if !defined(F77_LCASE) && !defined(F77_UCASE) && !defined(F77_USCORE)\n\ # if defined(__EXTENDED__) && !defined(IBM370) && !defined(_IBMR2)\n\ # define IBM370\n\ # endif\n\ # if defined(CRAY) || defined(IBM370) || defined(vms)\n\ # define F77_UCASE\n\ # else\n\ # if ( defined(apollo) || defined(__apollo) ) && defined(APOFTN)\n\ # define F77_LCASE\n\ # else\n\ # define F77_USCORE\n\ # endif\n\ # endif\n\ #endif\n\ \n\ #if (defined(WIN32)||defined(CERNLIB_WINNT)) && defined(CERNLIB_MSSTDCALL)\n\ #ifndef F77_UCASE\n\ #define F77_UCASE\n\ #endif\n\ #define type_of_call _stdcall\n\ #endif\n\ #ifndef type_of_call\n\ # define type_of_call\n\ #endif\n\ \n\ typedef int IntFunc();\n\ typedef char* CharFunc();\n\ typedef char** pCharFunc();\n\ typedef void type_of_call SUBROUTINE();\n\ #ifdef IBM370\n\ # pragma linkage(SUBROUTINE,FORTRAN)\n\ #endif\n\ \n\ extern void klnkmenu();\n\ extern void klnkbrcl();\n\ extern void klnkkmcl();\n\ extern void klnkicon();\n\ extern void klnkbutt();\n\ \n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kbrow_q1.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kbrow_q2.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kbrow_q3.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kbrow_q4.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "klink_q1.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kmenu_q1.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kmenu_q2.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kmenu_q3.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kmenu_q4.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, #include "kmenu_q5.h" ); append( &cdef_head, "\n\n" ); } if( cmode ) { sprintf( line, "void type_of_call %s()\n{\n\n", new_external_F( curr_name ) ); append( &cdef_body, line ); } if( fmode ) { sprintf( line, "\ SUBROUTINE %s\n\ CHARACTER*1 BS1\n\ PARAMETER (BS1='\\\\')\n\ PARAMETER (MGUIDL=199)\n\ CHARACTER*80 GUID\n\ COMMON /KCGUID/ GUID(MGUIDL)\n", uppercase( curr_name ) ); append( &fdef_head, line ); } if( root_menu.down != NULL ) { output_menu_list( &root_menu ); sprintf( line, " klnkmenu( &_%s, %d );\n", &root_menu.down->path[1], KUIP_VERSION ); append( &cdef_tail, line ); root_menu.down = NULL; } if( nbrowsables > 0 ) { output_browsables(); sprintf( line, " klnkbrcl( &brclass_1, %d );\n", KUIP_VERSION ); append( &cdef_tail, line ); nbrowsables = 0; browsables = NULL; } if( nclasses > 0 ) { output_classes(); sprintf( line, " klnkkmcl( &kmclass_1, %d );\n", KUIP_VERSION ); append( &cdef_tail, line ); nclasses = 0; classes = NULL; } if( nicons > 0 ) { output_icons(); sprintf( line, " klnkicon( &kmicons_1, %d );\n", KUIP_VERSION ); append( &cdef_tail, line ); nicons = 0; icons = NULL; } if( nbuttons > 0 ) { output_buttons(); sprintf( line, " klnkbutt( &kmbuttons_1, %d );\n", KUIP_VERSION ); append( &cdef_tail, line ); nbuttons = 0; buttons = NULL; } if( have_graphics ) { assign_external( "graf_info", "ixmotif", FUNC_INT ); assign_external( "graf_size", "IGRSIZ", FUNC_SUBR ); assign_external( "graf_pick", "IGOBJ", FUNC_SUBR ); assign_external( "graf_attr", "IGSET", FUNC_SUBR ); assign_external( "graf_close", "ICLWK", FUNC_SUBR ); have_graphics = 0; } if( motif_FallBk != NULL ) { assign_external( "user_FallBk", motif_FallBk, FUNC_pCHAR ); motif_FallBk = NULL; } if( motif_TopWid != NULL ) { assign_external( "user_TopWid", motif_TopWid, FUNC_INT ); motif_TopWid = NULL; } output_external(); if( cmode ) { append( &cdef_tail, "}\n\n\n" ); flush_buffer( &cdef_head ); flush_buffer( &cdef_body ); flush_buffer( &cdef_tail ); } if( fmode ) { append( &fdef_body, "\ \n\ CALL KUCMD('/',' ','SW')\n\ \n\ END\n" ); flush_buffer( &fdef_head ); flush_buffer( &fdef_body ); } is_menu = 0; } /* * change menu to the specified path * if menu does not exist then create it first */ static Menu *find_menu( Menu *menu, const char *path ) { Menu *m; char *name; char *tail; if( menu == NULL || path == NULL || path[0] == '\0' ) fatal( "Invalid menu path" ); if( strcmp( path, "/" ) == 0 ) return &root_menu; if( strcmp( path, "\\" ) == 0 || strcmp( path, ".." ) == 0 ) return menu->up; if( path[0] == '/' ) return find_menu( &root_menu, &path[1] ); if( path[0] == '\\' ) return find_menu( menu->up, &path[1] ); if( strncmp( path, "../", 3 ) == 0 ) return find_menu( menu->up, &path[3] ); name = strdup( path ); if( (tail = strchr( name, '/' )) != NULL ) { *tail++ = '\0'; menu = find_menu( menu, name ); return find_menu( menu, tail ); } if( menu->down == NULL ) m = menu->down = Malloc1( Menu ); else { Menu *prev = NULL; for( m = menu->down; m != NULL; m = m->next ) { if( strcasecmp( m->name, name ) == 0 ) return m; prev = m; } m = prev->next = Malloc1( Menu ); } m->next = NULL; m->down = NULL; m->up = menu; m->path = malloc( strlen( menu->path ) + strlen( name ) + 2 ); sprintf( m->path, "%s/%s", menu->path, name ); m->name = strdup( name ); m->level = menu->level + 1; m->ncmds = 0; m->cmds = NULL; m->nguidance = 0; m->guidance = NULL; m->nkeyword = 0; m->keyword = NULL; m->nhlink = 0; m->hlink = NULL; return m; } /* * output code for the complete command tree */ static void output_menu_list( Menu *menu ) { if( menu == NULL || menu->down == NULL ) return; if( fmode ) { for( menu = menu->down; menu != NULL; menu = menu->next ) { append( &fdef_body, "\n CALL KUCMD(' '" ); appstr( &fdef_body, menu->name, 1 ); append( &fdef_body, ",'C')\n" ); if( menu->nguidance > 0 ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < menu->nguidance; i++ ) { sprintf( line, " GUID(%d)=", i + 1 ); append( &fdef_body, line ); appstr( &fdef_body, menu->guidance[i], 0 ); append( &fdef_body, "\n" ); } append( &fdef_body, " CALL KUGUID(" ); appstr( &fdef_body, menu->name, 0 ); sprintf( line, ",GUID,%d,'S')\n", menu->nguidance ); append( &fdef_body, line ); } append( &fdef_body, "\n CALL KUCMD(" ); appstr( &fdef_body, menu->name, 0 ); append( &fdef_body, ",' ','SW')\n" ); output_cmd_list( menu ); output_menu_list( menu ); append( &fdef_body, "\n CALL KUCMD('..',' ','SW')\n" ); } return; } for( menu = menu->down; menu != NULL; menu = menu->next ) { char *mname = format_name( menu->path, NULL ); char *mnext = menu->next == NULL ? " (KmMenu*)0" : format_name( menu->next->path, NULL ); char *mdown = menu->down == NULL ? " (KmMenu*)0" : format_name( menu->down->path, NULL ); char *cname = menu->ncmds == 0 ? " (KmCommand*)0" : format_name( menu->path, menu->cmds[0]->name ); char *gname = menu->nguidance == 0 ? " (char**)0" : format_name( menu->path, "guidance" ); char *kname = menu->nkeyword == 0 ? " (char**)0" : format_name( menu->path, "keyword" ); char *lname = menu->nhlink == 0 ? " (char**)0" : format_name( menu->path, "hlink" ); Buffer cdef_temp; init_buffer( &cdef_temp ); copy_buffer( &cdef_temp, &cdef_menu ); output_menu_list( menu ); output_cmd_list( menu ); if( menu->nguidance > 0 ) { int i; sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &gname[1] ); append( &cdef_menu, line ); for( i = 0; i < menu->nguidance; i++ ) appstr( &cdef_menu, menu->guidance[i], i > 0 ); append( &cdef_menu, " };\n" ); } if( menu->nkeyword > 0 ) { int i; sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &kname[1] ); append( &cdef_menu, line ); for( i = 0; i < menu->nkeyword; i++ ) appstr( &cdef_menu, menu->keyword[i], i > 0 ); append( &cdef_menu, " };\n" ); } if( menu->nhlink > 0 ) { int i; sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &lname[1] ); append( &cdef_menu, line ); for( i = 0; i < menu->nhlink; i++ ) appstr( &cdef_menu, menu->hlink[i], i > 0 ); append( &cdef_menu, " };\n" ); } sprintf( line, "static KmMenu %s = { %s, %s", &mname[1], mnext, mdown ); append( &cdef_menu, line ); appstr( &cdef_menu, menu->path, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_menu, menu->name, 1 ); appint( &cdef_menu, menu->level, 1 ); applit( &cdef_menu, cname, 1 ); appint( &cdef_menu, menu->nguidance, 1 ); applit( &cdef_menu, &gname[1], 1 ); appint( &cdef_menu, menu->nkeyword, 1 ); applit( &cdef_menu, &kname[1], 1 ); appint( &cdef_menu, menu->nhlink, 1 ); applit( &cdef_menu, &lname[1], 1 ); append( &cdef_menu, " };\n\n" ); cat_buffer( &cdef_menu, &cdef_temp ); } cat_buffer( &cdef_body, &cdef_menu ); } /* * output code for CALL KUPVAL */ static void output_kupval( const char *cmd_name, const char *par_name, const char *ival, const char *rval, const char *cval, const char *tag ) { append( &fdef_body, " CALL KUPVAL(" ); appstr( &fdef_body, cmd_name, 0 ); appstr( &fdef_body, par_name, 1 ); applit( &fdef_body, ival, 1 ); appflt( &fdef_body, rval, 1 ); appstr( &fdef_body, cval, 1 ); appstr( &fdef_body, tag, 1 ); append( &fdef_body, ")\n" ); } /* * output code for all commands linked to the menu */ static void output_cmd_list( Menu *menu ) { int ncmd; if( menu == NULL ) return; if( fmode ) { for( ncmd = 0; ncmd < menu->ncmds; ncmd++ ) { Command *cmd = menu->cmds[ncmd]; int n; int i; append( &fdef_body, "\n CALL KUCMD(' '" ); appstr( &fdef_body, cmd->name, 1 ); append( &fdef_body, ",'C')\n" ); for( i = 0; i < cmd->total; i++ ) { Parameter *par = cmd->par[i]; char *ptype; char popt[8]; char *pdefc; char *pdefi; char *pdefr; char *prloi = NULL; char *prlor = NULL; char *prhii = NULL; char *prhir = NULL; popt[0] = '\0'; if( i >= cmd->mandatory ) strcat( popt, "O" ); if( (par->flags & KmFLAG_CONST) != 0 ) strcat( popt, "C" ); if( (par->flags & KmFLAG_FORGET) != 0 ) strcat( popt, "F" ); if( (par->flags & KmFLAG_HIDDEN) != 0 ) strcat( popt, "H" ); if( (par->flags & KmFLAG_MINUS) != 0 ) strcat( popt, "M" ); if( (par->flags & KmFLAG_QUOTE) != 0 ) strcat( popt, "Q" ); if( (par->flags & KmFLAG_SEPARATE) != 0 ) strcat( popt, "S" ); if( (par->flags & KmFLAG_VARARG) != 0 ) strcat( popt, "V" ); switch( par->type ) { case KmTYPE_INT: ptype = "I"; pdefc = " "; pdefi = par->dfault; pdefr = "0."; prloi = par->range_lower; prlor = "0."; prhii = par->range_upper; prhir = "0."; break; case KmTYPE_REAL: ptype = "R"; pdefc = " "; pdefi = "0"; pdefr = par->dfault; prloi = "0"; prlor = par->range_lower; prhii = "0"; prhir = par->range_upper; break; case KmTYPE_OPTION: ptype = "O"; pdefc = par->dfault; pdefi = "0"; pdefr = "0."; break; default: ptype = "C"; pdefc = par->dfault; pdefi = "0"; pdefr = "0."; break; } append( &fdef_body, " CALL KUPAR(" ); appstr( &fdef_body, cmd->name, 0 ); appstr( &fdef_body, par->name, 1 ); appstr( &fdef_body, par->prompt, 1 ); sprintf( line, ",'%s%s','S')\n", ptype, popt ); append( &fdef_body, line ); if( par->dfault != NULL ) output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, pdefi, pdefr, pdefc, "D" ); if( par->range_lower != NULL ) output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, prloi, prlor, NULL, "L" ); if( par->range_upper != NULL ) output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, prhii, prhir, NULL, "H" ); if( par->range_count > 0 ) { if( par->type == KmTYPE_INT || par->type == KmTYPE_REAL ) { for( n = 0; n < par->range_count; n++ ) { if( par->type == KmTYPE_INT ) output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, par->range_value[n], "0.", NULL, "V" ); else output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, "0", par->range_value[n], NULL, "V" ); } } else { if( par->range_value[0][0] == '\0' ) strcpy( line, " " ); else strcpy( line, par->range_value[0] ); for( n = 1; n < par->range_count; n++ ) { if( par->range_value[n][0] == '\0' ) strcat( line, ", " ); else { strcat( line, "," ); strcat( line, par->range_value[n] ); } } output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, "0", "0.", line, "V" ); if( par->type == KmTYPE_OPTION ) { for( n = 0; n < par->range_count; n++ ) { if( par->option_text[n] != NULL ) { /* explanation text for "-option" */ line[0] = '-'; strcpy( &line[1], par->range_value[n] ); output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, "0", "0.", par->option_text[n], line ); } } } } } if( par->abbrev != strlen( par->name ) ) { char pmlen[8]; sprintf( pmlen, "%d", par->abbrev ); output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, pmlen, "0.", NULL, "ABBREV" ); } if( par->flags != 0 ) { char pmflags[8]; sprintf( pmflags, "%d", par->flags ); output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, pmflags, "0.", NULL, "FLAGS" ); } if( cmd->list_par == i + 1 ) { output_kupval( cmd->name, par->name, "1", "0.", NULL, "LOOP" ); } } if( cmd->nguidance > 0 ) { for( n = 0; n < cmd->nguidance; n++ ) { sprintf( line, " GUID(%d)=", n + 1 ); append( &fdef_body, line ); appstr( &fdef_body, cmd->guidance[n], 0 ); append( &fdef_body, "\n" ); } sprintf( line, "\ CALL KUGUID('%s',GUID,%d,'S')\n", cmd->name, cmd->nguidance ); append( &fdef_body, line ); } if( cmd->user_help != NULL ) { sprintf( line, "\ CALL KUACH('%s',%s)\n", cmd->name, cmd->user_help ); append( &fdef_body, line ); new_external_F( cmd->user_help ); } if( cmd->action != NULL ) { sprintf( line, "\ CALL KUACT('%s',%s)\n", cmd->name, cmd->action ); append( &fdef_body, line ); new_external_F( cmd->action ); } for( n = 0; n < cmd->nsource; n++ ) { append( &fdef_body, cmd->source[n] ); } } return; } for( ncmd = menu->ncmds; ncmd > 0; ncmd-- ) { Command *cmd = menu->cmds[ncmd-1]; char *cname = format_name( menu->path, cmd->name ); char *cnext = ncmd == menu->ncmds ? " (KmCommand*)0" : format_name( menu->path, menu->cmds[ncmd]->name ); char *gname, *kname, *lname; char *plist; if( cmd->total == 0 ) { plist = " (KmParameter**)0"; } else { int i; for( i = 0; i < cmd->total; i++ ) { Parameter *par = cmd->par[i]; char *pname = format_name( &cname[1], par->name ); char *prange; char *ptext = " (char**)0"; char *pmutex = " (int*)0"; char *pradio = " (int*)0"; char *pselect; char *ptype = " (void*)0"; char *ktype = NULL; int width = 0; int n; switch( par->type ) { case KmTYPE_CHAR: ktype = "KmTYPE_CHAR"; width = 20; break; case KmTYPE_FILE: ktype = "KmTYPE_FILE"; width = 20; break; case KmTYPE_INT: ktype = "KmTYPE_INT"; width = 8; break; case KmTYPE_OPTION: ktype = "KmTYPE_OPTION"; width = 20; break; case KmTYPE_REAL: ktype = "KmTYPE_REAL"; width = 12; break; } /* discrete range values */ if( par->range_count == 0 ) { prange = " (char**)0"; } else { prange = format_name( &pname[1], "range" ); sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &prange[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( n = 0; n < par->range_count; n++ ) { appstr( &cdef_body, par->range_value[n], n > 0 ); if( par->range_value[n][0] == '-' ) par->flags |= KmFLAG_MINUS; } append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); width = 8; } /* values for selection box */ if( par->select_count == 0 ) { par->select_count = par->range_count; pselect = prange; } else { pselect = format_name( &pname[1], "select" ); sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &pselect[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( n = 0; n < par->select_count; n++ ) appstr( &cdef_body, par->select_value[n], n > 0 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } /* type dependent substructures */ switch( par->type ) { int decimals; case KmTYPE_CHAR: break; case KmTYPE_FILE: ptype = format_name( &pname[1], "type" ); if( par->filter_default == NULL || par->filter_default[0] == '\0' ) par->filter_default = "*.*"; sprintf( line, "static KmParFile %s = { ", &ptype[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); appstr( &cdef_body, par->filter_default, 0 ); append( &cdef_body, ", (char*)0 };\n" ); break; case KmTYPE_OPTION: if( par->option_text != NULL ) { ptext = format_name( &pname[1], "text" ); sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &ptext[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( n = 0; n < par->range_count; n++ ) appstr( &cdef_body, par->option_text[n], n > 0 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } if( par->mutex_index != NULL ) { pmutex = format_name( &pname[1], "mutex" ); sprintf( line, "static int %s[] = { ", &pmutex[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( n = 0; n < par->range_count; n++ ) appint( &cdef_body, par->mutex_index[n], n > 0 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } if( par->radio_index != NULL ) { pradio = format_name( &pname[1], "radio" ); sprintf( line, "static int %s[] = { ", &pradio[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( n = 0; n < par->range_count; n++ ) appint( &cdef_body, par->radio_index[n], n > 0 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } ptype = format_name( &pname[1], "type" ); sprintf( line, "static KmParOption %s = { ", &ptype[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); applit( &cdef_body, &ptext[1], 0 ); applit( &cdef_body, &pmutex[1], 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, &pradio[1], 1 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); break; case KmTYPE_INT: if( par->range_lower != NULL && par->range_upper != NULL ) { int lower = atoi( par->range_lower ); int upper = atoi( par->range_upper ); int max; if( lower < 0 ) lower = -lower; if( upper < 0 ) upper = -upper; max = lower > upper ? lower : upper; for( width = 1; max > 0; max /= 10 ) width++; } /* fallthrough */ case KmTYPE_REAL: ptype = format_name( &pname[1], "type" ); if( par->slider_lower == NULL ) par->slider_lower = par->range_lower; if( par->slider_upper == NULL ) par->slider_upper = par->range_upper; decimals = 0; if( par->slider_lower != NULL ) { char *point = strchr( par->slider_lower, '.' ); if( point != NULL ) decimals = strlen( point + 1 ); } if( par->slider_upper != NULL ) { char *point = strchr( par->slider_upper, '.' ); if( point != NULL ) { int n = strlen( point + 1 ); if( n > decimals ) decimals = n; } } sprintf( line, "static KmPar%s %s = { ", par->type == KmTYPE_INT ? "Int " : "Real", &ptype[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); appstr( &cdef_body, par->range_lower, 0 ); appstr( &cdef_body, par->range_upper, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, par->slider_lower, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, par->slider_upper, 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, decimals, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); break; } if( par->width != NULL ) width = atoi( par->width ); sprintf( line, "static KmParameter %s = { ", &pname[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line); appstr( &cdef_body, par->name, 0 ); appint( &cdef_body, par->abbrev, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, par->prompt, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, par->dfault, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, NULL, 1 ); /* last */ appint( &cdef_body, width, 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, par->range_count, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, &prange[1], 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, par->select_count, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, &pselect[1], 1 ); appnum( &cdef_body, "(KmParFlag)", par->flags, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, ktype, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, ptype, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } plist = format_name( &cname[1], "parameters" ); sprintf( line, "static KmParameter *%s[] = { ", &plist[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( i = 0; i < cmd->total; i++ ) { Parameter *par = cmd->par[i]; char *pname = format_name( &cname[1], par->name ); applit( &cdef_body, pname, i > 0 ); } append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } if( cmd->nguidance == 0 ) { gname = " (char**)0"; } else { int i; gname = format_name( &cname[1], "guidance" ); sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &gname[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( i = 0; i < cmd->nguidance; i++ ) appstr( &cdef_body, cmd->guidance[i], i > 0 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } if( cmd->nkeyword == 0 ) { kname = " (char**)0"; } else { int i; kname = format_name( &cname[1], "keyword" ); sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &kname[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( i = 0; i < cmd->nkeyword; i++ ) appstr( &cdef_body, cmd->keyword[i], i > 0 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } if( cmd->nhlink == 0 ) { lname = " (char**)0"; } else { int i; lname = format_name( &cname[1], "hlink" ); sprintf( line, "static char *%s[] = { ", &lname[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( i = 0; i < cmd->nhlink; i++ ) appstr( &cdef_body, cmd->hlink[i], i > 0 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); } sprintf( line, "static KmCommand %s = { %s", &cname[1], cnext ); append( &cdef_body, line ); sprintf( line, "%s/%s", menu->path, cmd->name ); appstr( &cdef_body, line, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, cmd->name, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, ", 0" ); /* hidden */ appint( &cdef_body, menu->level, 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, cmd->total, 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, cmd->mandatory, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, &plist[1], 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, cmd->list_par, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, ", 0" ); /* xcount */ appext( &cdef_body, cmd->action, FUNC_INT ); appext( &cdef_body, cmd->user_help, FUNC_pCHAR ); appint( &cdef_body, cmd->nguidance, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, &gname[1], 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, cmd->nkeyword, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, &kname[1], 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, cmd->nhlink, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, &lname[1], 1 ); append( &cdef_body, ", 0, (char**)0, (char*)0, (int*)0 };\n\n" ); } } /* * output code for linkage defines */ static void output_external() { if( fmode ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < nexternal_F; i++ ) { append( &fdef_head, " EXTERNAL " ); append( &fdef_head, uppercase( external_F[i] ) ); append( &fdef_head, "\n" ); } nexternal_F = 0; external_F = NULL; return; } if( nexternal_F > 0 ) { int i; append( &cdef_head, "#ifdef F77_LCASE\n" ); for( i = 0; i < nexternal_F; i++ ) { char *name = external_F[i]; sprintf( line, "# define %s_ %s\n", name, name ); append( &cdef_head, line ); } append( &cdef_head, "#endif\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, "#ifdef F77_UCASE\n" ); for( i = 0; i < nexternal_F; i++ ) { char *name = external_F[i]; sprintf( line, "# define %s_ %s\n", name, uppercase( name ) ); append( &cdef_head, line ); } append( &cdef_head, "#endif\n\n" ); append( &cdef_head, "#ifdef IBM370\n" ); for( i = 0; i < nexternal_F; i++ ) { char *name = external_F[i]; sprintf( line, "# pragma linkage(%s,FORTRAN)\n", uppercase( name ) ); append( &cdef_head, line ); } append( &cdef_head, "#endif\n\n" ); for( i = 0; i < nexternal_F; i++ ) { char *name = external_F[i]; sprintf( line, "extern void type_of_call %s_();\n", name ); append( &cdef_head, line ); } append( &cdef_head, "\n" ); nexternal_F = 0; external_F = NULL; } if( nexternal_C > 0 ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < nexternal_C; i++ ) { char *name = external_C[i]; char *type = NULL; switch( texternal_C[i] ) { case FUNC_INT: type = "int "; break; case FUNC_CHAR: type = "char *"; break; case FUNC_pCHAR: type = "char **"; break; } sprintf( line, "extern %s%s();\n", type, name ); append( &cdef_head, line ); } append( &cdef_head, "\n" ); nexternal_C = 0; external_C = NULL; texternal_C = NULL; } } /* * output code for external definitions */ static void appext( Buffer *buf, const char *name, int type ) { char *ffun = "(SUBROUTINE*)0"; char *cfun = NULL; switch( type ) { case FUNC_INT: cfun = "(IntFunc*)0"; break; case FUNC_CHAR: cfun = "(CharFunc*)0"; break; case FUNC_pCHAR: cfun = "(pCharFunc*)0"; break; } if( name != NULL ) { char *fun = strdup( name ); char *lan = strchr( fun, '%' ); int f77 = 1; if( lan != NULL ) { *lan++ = '\0'; f77 = toupper( lan[0] ) != 'C'; } if( f77 ) ffun = new_external_F( fun ); else cfun = new_external_C( fun, type ); } applit( buf, ffun, 1 ); applit( buf, cfun, 1 ); } static void assign_external( const char *name, const char *fun, int type ) { if( type == FUNC_SUBR ) sprintf( line, " klnkaddr.%s_F = %s;\n", name, new_external_F( fun ) ); else sprintf( line, " klnkaddr.%s_C = %s;\n", name, new_external_C( fun, type ) ); append( &cdef_tail, line ); } static char *new_external_F( const char *name ) { int i; char *lname = lowercase( name ); char *uname = malloc( 64 ); sprintf( uname, "%s_", lname ); for( i = 0; i < nexternal_F; i++ ) { if( strcasecmp( external_F[i], name ) == 0 ) return uname; } external_F = Realloc( char*, external_F, ++nexternal_F ); external_F[nexternal_F-1] = lname; return uname; } static char *new_external_C( const char *fun, int type ) { char *name = strdup( fun ); char *lan = strchr( name, '%' ); int i; if( lan != NULL ) *lan = '\0'; for( i = 0; i < nexternal_C; i++ ) { if( strcasecmp( external_C[i], name ) == 0 ) return name; } external_C = Realloc( char*, external_C, ++nexternal_C ); external_C[nexternal_C-1] = strdup( name ); texternal_C = Realloc( int, texternal_C, nexternal_C ); texternal_C[nexternal_C-1] = type; return name; } /* * output code for browsable definitions */ static void output_browsables() { int n; for( n = nbrowsables; n > 0; n-- ) { Browsable *brw = browsables[n-1]; char *proot; char *popen; char bname[16]; sprintf( bname, "brclass_%d", n ); proot = output_action( bname, "root", brw->nroot, brw->root ); popen = output_action( bname, "open", brw->nopen, brw->open ); sprintf( line, "static BrClass %s = { ", bname ); append( &cdef_body, line ); if( n == nbrowsables ) append( &cdef_body, "(BrClass*)0" ); else { sprintf( line, "&brclass_%d", n + 1 ); append( &cdef_body, line ); } appstr( &cdef_body, brw->name, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, brw->title, 1 ); appext( &cdef_body, brw->scan_km, FUNC_pCHAR ); appext( &cdef_body, brw->scan_br, FUNC_pCHAR ); applit( &cdef_body, proot, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, popen, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n\n" ); } } /* * output code for class definitions */ static void output_classes() { int n; for( n = nclasses; n > 0; n-- ) { Class *cls = classes[n-1]; char *name = cls->name; int is_dir = name[0] == '/'; char *pcont; char *pgraf; char cname[16]; sprintf( cname, "kmclass_%d", n ); pcont = output_action( cname, "cont", cls->ncont, cls->cont ); pgraf = output_action( cname, "graf", cls->ngraf, cls->graf ); sprintf( line, "static KmClass %s = { ", cname ); append( &cdef_body, line ); if( n == nclasses ) append( &cdef_body, "(KmClass*)0" ); else { sprintf( line, "&kmclass_%d", n + 1 ); append( &cdef_body, line ); } appint( &cdef_body, is_dir, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, &name[is_dir], 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, cls->title, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, cls->big_icon, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, ", (KmIcon*)0" ); /* bicon */ appstr( &cdef_body, cls->sm_icon, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, ", (KmIcon*)0" ); /* sicon */ appext( &cdef_body, cls->user_icon, FUNC_INT ); applit( &cdef_body, pcont, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, pgraf, 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, 0, 1 ); /* obj_count */ append( &cdef_body, " };\n\n" ); } } /* * output code for action definitions */ static char *output_action( const char *cname, const char *aname, int n, Action **act_list ) { char *pact = "(BrAction*)0"; int i; for( i = n; i > 0; i-- ) { Action *act = act_list[i-1]; char caname[32]; char *tag = NULL; sprintf( caname, "&%s_%s_%d", cname, aname, i ); if( i == 1 ) pact = strdup( caname ); sprintf( line, "static BrAction %s = { ", &caname[1] ); append( &cdef_body, line ); if( i == n ) append( &cdef_body, "(BrAction*)0" ); else { sprintf( line, "&%s_%s_%d", cname, aname, i + 1 ); append( &cdef_body, line ); } appnum( &cdef_body, "(BrActFlag)", act->flags, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, act->text, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, NULL, 1 ); /* user_text */ appstr( &cdef_body, act->accel, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, act->exec, 1 ); appext( &cdef_body, act->call, FUNC_INT ); switch( act->tag ) { case BRACT_OPEN: tag = "BRACT_OPEN"; break; case BRACT_ROOT: tag = "BRACT_ROOT"; break; case BRACT_CONT: tag = "BRACT_CONT"; break; case BRACT_GRAF: tag = "BRACT_GRAF"; break; } applit( &cdef_body, tag, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, ", (BrClass*)0 };\n" ); } return pact; } /* * output code for icon definitions */ static void output_icons() { int n; for( n = nicons; n > 0; n-- ) { Icon *icn = icons[n-1]; char bname[32]; int i; sprintf( bname, "(char*)kmicons_%d_bitmap", n ); sprintf( line, "static unsigned char %s[] = { ", bname + 7 ); append( &cdef_body, line ); for( i = 0; i < icn->nbitmap; i++ ) appint( &cdef_body, icn->bitmap[i] & 0xFF, i > 0 ); append( &cdef_body, " };\n" ); sprintf( line, "static KmIcon kmicons_%d = { ", n ); append( &cdef_body, line ); if( n == nicons ) append( &cdef_body, "(KmIcon*)0" ); else { sprintf( line, "&kmicons_%d", n + 1 ); append( &cdef_body, line ); } appstr( &cdef_body, icn->name, 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, icn->width, 1 ); appint( &cdef_body, icn->height, 1 ); applit( &cdef_body, bname, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, ", (KmPixmap)0, (KmPixmap)0 };\n\n" ); } } /* * output code for button definitions */ static void output_buttons() { int n; char *name, *lan; for( n = nbuttons; n > 0; n-- ) { Button *but = buttons[n-1]; sprintf( line, "static KmButton kmbuttons_%d = { ", n ); append( &cdef_body, line ); if( n == nbuttons ) append( &cdef_body, "(KmButton*)0" ); else { sprintf( line, "&kmbuttons_%d", n + 1 ); append( &cdef_body, line ); } appstr( &cdef_body, but->menu, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, but->label, 1 ); name = strdup (but->action); lan = strchr( name, '%' ); if( lan != NULL ) { /* callback is a routine */ *lan = '\0'; appext( &cdef_body, but->action, FUNC_INT ); appstr( &cdef_body, name, 1 ); } else { /* callback is a command */ char *p, *com; int il, i, j; while( (p = strstr( name, " " )) != NULL ) { /* remove multiple blanks */ strcpy( p, p + 1 ); } /* remove ending blanks */ il = strlen(name); for (i = il-1; i >=0; i--) { if (name[i] == ' ') name[i] = '\0'; else break; } applit (&cdef_body, "(SUBROUTINE*)0", 1); applit (&cdef_body, "(IntFunc*)0", 1); il = strlen(name); com = malloc(il + 10); strcpy (com, "BUTTON("); for (j=0; j < il; j++) { if (name[j] == ' ') com [j+7] = ','; else com [j+7] = name[j]; } com [j+7] = ')'; com [j+8] = '\0'; appstr( &cdef_body, com, 1 ); free (com); } free (name); appstr( &cdef_body, but->mnemo, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, but->accel, 1 ); appstr( &cdef_body, but->accel_text, 1 ); appnum( &cdef_body, "(KmButtFlag)", but->flags, 1 ); append( &cdef_body, ", (KmWidget)0 };\n\n" ); } } /***************************************************************************** * routines for reading and parsing *****************************************************************************/ static int line_in_buffer; /* flag used for unread_line() */ /* * read next line from stdin into full_line and return length or -1 for EOF */ static int read_line() { int n; if( line_in_buffer ) { line_in_buffer = 0; return strlen( full_line ); } n = 0; while( 1 ) { line_count++; if( fgets( &full_line[n], (sizeof full_line) - n, stdin ) == NULL ) return -1; n = strlen( full_line ); while( n > 0 && strchr( " \t\n", full_line[n-1] ) != NULL ) n--; if( n > 0 && full_line[n-1] == '_' ) n--; else { full_line[n] = '\0'; break; } } if( n == 0 ) return read_line(); else if( n > 0 && strchr( full_line, '\t' ) != NULL ) { char *line = struntab( strdup( full_line ) ); strcpy( full_line, line ); free( line ); n = strlen( full_line ); } return n; } /* * next read_line() will return the same line again */ static void unread_line() { line_in_buffer = 1; } /* * parse the line into blank separated words */ static int parse_line() { static char copy_line[MAXLINE]; char *p; char *s; int n = 0; int quoted = 0; int i = 0; while( 1 ) { char c = full_line[i++]; /* protect blanks inside quoted strings by replacing them with \n */ if( c == ' ' && quoted ) c = '\n'; else if( c == '\'' ) { if( quoted && full_line[i] == '\'' ) { i++; /* keep one quote */ } else { quoted = !quoted; continue; /* remove quotes */ } } copy_line[n++] = c; if( c == '\0' ) break; } if( mword < 10 ) { mword = 10; word = Malloc( char*, mword ); } for( nword = 0; nword < mword; nword++ ) word[nword] = NULL; for( nword = 0, s = copy_line; (p = strtok( s, " " )) != NULL; nword++ ) { if( nword == mword ) { mword += 10; word = Realloc( char*, word, mword ); } if( p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '\0' ) word[nword] = NULL; else word[nword] = p; s = NULL; } while( --n >= 0 ) { if( copy_line[n] == '\n' ) copy_line[n] = ' '; } return nword; } /* * check that the directive is not abbreviated */ static void check_abbrev( const char *is, const char *should ) { #if 0 if( strcasecmp( is, should ) != 0 ) { sprintf( line, "Abbreviation recognized as '%s'", should ); warning( line ); } #endif } /* * check that the number of blank separated fields is between nmin and nmax */ static void check_args( int nmin, int nmax ) { if( nword < nmin ) fatal( "Too few arguments" ); else if( nword > nmax ) warning( "Too many arguments" ); } /***************************************************************************** * routines for buffer management *****************************************************************************/ /* * append text at end of buffer */ static void append( Buffer *buf, const char *text ) { int len = strlen( text ); if( len == 0 ) return; if( buf->buffer == NULL ) { buf->allocated = len * 2 + 1; buf->buffer = malloc( buf->allocated ); } else if( buf->allocated < buf->used + len + 1 ) { buf->allocated += len * 2 + 1; buf->buffer = realloc( buf->buffer, buf->allocated ); } strcpy( &buf->buffer[buf->used], text ); buf->used += len; } /* * append a single character */ static void appchr( Buffer *buf, int chr ) { char str[2]; str[0] = chr; str[1] = '\0'; append( buf, str ); } /* * append float constant encoded in text */ static void appflt( Buffer *buf, const char *text, int comma ) { if( comma ) append( buf, "," ); append( buf, text ); if( strchr( text, '.' ) == NULL ) append( buf, "." ); } /* * append integer constant */ static void appint( Buffer *buf, int n, int comma ) { char text[16]; if( comma ) append( buf, ", " ); sprintf( text, "%d", n ); append( buf, text ); } /* * append integer constant with type cast */ static void appnum( Buffer *buf, const char *type, int n, int comma ) { char text[16]; if( comma ) append( buf, ", " ); append( buf, type ); sprintf( text, "%d", n ); append( buf, text ); } /* * append text as literal */ static void applit( Buffer *buf, const char *text, int comma ) { if( fmode ) { if( comma ) append( buf, "," ); append( buf, text ); return; } if( comma ) append( buf, ", " ); if( text == NULL ) append( buf, "NULL" ); else append( buf, text ); } /* * append text as string protecting \ and " */ static void appstr( Buffer *buf, const char *str, int comma ) { char *text = (str == NULL) ? NULL : strdup( str ); char *p; if( fmode ) { if( comma ) append( buf, "," ); if( text == NULL || text[0] == '\0' ) append( buf, "' '" ); else { int quoted = 0; int len = strlen( text ); if( len > 1 && text[len-1] == ' ' ) { while( len > 1 && text[len-1] == ' ' ) len--; text[len] = '\0'; } for( p = text; *p != '\0'; p++ ) { if( *p == '\\' ) { if( quoted ) { append( buf, "'" ); quoted = 0; } if( p != text ) append( buf, "//" ); append( buf, "BS1" ); } else { if( !quoted ) { if( p != text ) append( buf, "//" ); append( buf, "'" ); quoted = 1; } if( *p == '\'' ) append( buf, "''" ); else appchr( buf, *p ); } } if( quoted ) append( buf, "'" ); } return; } if( comma ) append( buf, ", " ); if( text == NULL ) append( buf, "(char*)0" ); else { append( buf, "\"" ); while( (p = strpbrk( text, "\\\"" )) != NULL ) { static char esc[] = "\\?"; esc[1] = *p; *p++ = '\0'; append( buf, text ); append( buf, esc ); text = p; } append( buf, text ); append( buf, "\"" ); } } /* * initialize a buffer */ static void init_buffer( Buffer *buf ) { buf->used = 0; buf->allocated = 0; buf->buffer = NULL; } /* * concatenate buf2 to buf1 and reset buf2 */ static void cat_buffer( Buffer *buf1, Buffer *buf2 ) { if( buf2->used == 0 ) return; if( buf1->used + buf2->used + 1 > buf1->allocated ) { buf1->allocated += buf2->allocated; buf1->buffer = realloc( buf1->buffer, buf1->allocated ); } strcpy( &buf1->buffer[buf1->used], buf2->buffer ); buf1->used += buf2->used; buf2->used = 0; buf2->allocated = 0; free( buf2->buffer ); buf2->buffer = NULL; } /* * copy buf2 to buf1 and reset buf2 */ static void copy_buffer( Buffer *buf1, Buffer *buf2 ) { if( buf1->buffer != NULL ) free( buf1->buffer ); buf1->used = buf2->used; buf1->allocated = buf2->allocated; buf1->buffer = buf2->buffer; buf2->used = 0; buf2->allocated = 0; buf2->buffer = NULL; } /* * output the buffer content taking care of continuation lines */ static void flush_buffer( Buffer *buf ) { int i; if( buf->used == 0 ) return; if( fmode ) { int quoted = 0; int n0 = 0; for( i = 0; i < buf->used; ) { int nbreak = 0; int n = 0; char *p; for( p = &buf->buffer[i]; n + n0 < 72 && *p != '\0' && *p != '\n'; p++, n++ ) { if( *p == '\'' ) quoted = !quoted; else if( !quoted && *p == ',' ) nbreak = n + 1; /* good break outside quotes */ } if( *p == '\0' ) { fputs( &buf->buffer[i], stdout ); break; } else if( *p == '\n' ) { strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], ++n ); line[n] = '\0'; n0 = 0; } else if( nbreak != 0 ) { n = nbreak; strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], n ); strcpy( &line[n], "\n +" ); n0 = 6; quoted = 0; } else if( p[-1] == '\'' && !quoted && p[0] != '\'' ) { strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], n ); strcpy( &line[n], "\n +" ); n0 = 6; } else if( p[-1] != ' ' && p[-1] != '\'' ) { strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], n ); strcpy( &line[n], "\n +" ); n0 = 6; } else { if( p[-1] == '\'' ) { while( p[-1] == '\'' ) { p--; n--; quoted = !quoted; } } else { n--; } strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], n ); strcpy( &line[n], "'\n +//'" ); n0 = 9; } fputs( line, stdout ); i += n; } } if( cmode ) { int squoted = 0; int dquoted = 0; int bslashd = 0; for( i = 0; i < buf->used; ) { int nbreak = 0; int nquote = 0; int n = 0; char *p; for( p = &buf->buffer[i]; n < 79 && *p != '\0' && *p != '\n'; p++, n++ ) { if( bslashd ) { bslashd = 0; /* ignore any character after \ */ } else if( *p == '\\' ) { bslashd = 1; } else if( *p == '"' ) { if( !squoted ) dquoted = !dquoted; /* " except inside ' */ } else if( *p == '\'' ) { if( !dquoted ) squoted = !squoted; /* ' except inside " */ } else if( *p == ' ' ) { if( !squoted && !dquoted ) nbreak = n; /* good break outside quotes */ if( dquoted ) nquote = n; /* good break inside quotes */ } } if( *p == '\0' ) { fputs( &buf->buffer[i], stdout ); break; } if( *p == '\n' ) { strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], ++n ); line[n] = '\0'; } else if( nbreak != 0 ) { n = nbreak; strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], n ); strcpy( &line[n], "\n" ); squoted = bslashd = 0; dquoted = 0; } else if( nquote != 0 ) { n = nquote; strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], n ); strcpy( &line[n], "\\\n" ); squoted = bslashd = 0; dquoted = 1; } else { strncpy( line, &buf->buffer[i], n ); strcpy( &line[n], "\n" ); } fputs( line, stdout ); i += n; } } buf->used = 0; } /* * concatenate head and tail * translate each occurence of '/' into '_' */ static char *format_name( const char *head, const char *tail ) { char *name; int len = strlen( head ) + 1; int i; if( tail != NULL ) len += strlen( tail ) + 1; name = malloc( len + 1 ); strcpy( name, "&" ); strcat( name, head ); if( tail != NULL ) { strcat( name, "_" ); strcat( name, tail ); } for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if( name[i] == '/' ) name[i] = '_'; } return name; } /* * return string converted to lowercase */ static char *lowercase( const char *str ) { return strlower( strdup( str ) ); } /* * return string converted to uppercase */ static char *uppercase( const char *str ) { return strupper( strdup( str ) ); } /* * parse comma separated list of range values */ static char **parse_range( int *prange_count, const char *range ) { int range_count = 0; char **range_value = NULL; char *s = strdup( range ); char *p; for( range_count = 0; (p = strtok( s, "," )) != NULL; ) { range_value = Realloc( char*, range_value, ++range_count ); range_value[range_count-1] = p; s = NULL; } *prange_count = range_count; return range_value; } /* * set index array for mutex and radio groups */ static int *set_groups( Parameter *par, Group *group ) { int *pindex = NULL; if( group != NULL && group->groups > 0 ) { int i; pindex = (int*)calloc( par->range_count, sizeof(int) ); for( i = 0; i < group->groups; i++ ) { char **value = group->value[i]; int j; for( j = 0; j < group->count[i]; j++ ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < par->range_count; k++ ) { if( strcasecmp( par->range_value[k], value[j] ) == 0 ) { if( pindex[k] != 0 ) { sprintf( line, "Redefining MUTEX or RADIO group for option '%s'", value[j] ); warning( line ); } pindex[k] = i + 1; break; } } if( k == par->range_count ) { sprintf( line, "Undefined MUTEX or RADIO option '%s'", value[j] ); warning( line ); } } } } return pindex; } static void new_action( Action *act, const char *text, const char *accel, const char *exec, const char *call, BrActTag tag ) { act->flags = 0; if( text[0] == '/' ) { act->flags |= BrActSeparator; text++; } if( text[0] == '!' ) { act->flags |= BrActUpdate; text++; } act->text = strdup( text ); if( accel != NULL ) { if( accel[0] == '/' ) { act->flags |= BrActSeparator; accel++; } if( accel[0] == '!' ) { act->flags |= BrActUpdate; accel++; } if( strncasecmp( accel, "T=", 2 ) == 0 ) { act->flags |= BrActToggle; if( accel[2] != '0' ) act->flags |= BrActToggleOn; accel += 3; } } if( accel != NULL && strncasecmp( accel, "S=0", 3 ) == 0 ) { accel += 3; } else { act->flags |= BrActSensitive; } act->accel = str0dup( accel ); act->exec = str0dup( exec ); act->call = str0dup( call ); act->tag = tag; }