* * $Id: load.F,v 1996/03/08 15:33:02 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: load.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 15:33:02 mclareni * Kuip * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "_kuip/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.68/00 02/03/92 13.55.43 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : ***************************************************************** * * macro load name=x os=x ftn=x cpu=x dev=x * * ***************************************************************** mess 'Setting compile flags and loading sequences....' if [name] = apollo goto apollo if [os] = unix goto unix if [os] = vm goto vm if [os] = newlib goto newlib if [os] = vms goto vms goto error apollo: sel . apollo abbrev double qxno_sc bsd set [ftn]/*.ftn -f set kuip.lib -l if [dev] <> x goto devapo if [cpu] <> m68k goto a88k set 'ftn $compfile -b $compfile.bin -zero -save -indexl -frnd _ -cpu 3000' -c goto endif a88k: set 'ftn $compfile -b $compfile.bin -zero -save -indexl -natural _ -cpu at' -c goto endif devapo: if [cpu] <> m68k goto deva88k set 'ftn $compfile -b $compfile.bin -zero -save -indexl -pic -frnd _ -cpu 3000 -dba' -c goto endif deva88k: set 'ftn $compfile -b $compfile.bin -zero -save -indexl -natural _ -cpu at -dba' -c goto endif unix: set [ftn]/*.f -f set c -lan set [ftn]/*.c -f set ftn -lan set kuip.a -l if [name] = sgi goto sgi if [name] = hpux goto hpux if [name] = sun goto sun if [name] = decs goto decs if [name] = ibmrt goto ibmrt if [name] = aix370 goto aix370 if [name] = cray goto cray goto error sgi: sel . [name] [os] abbrev double bslash csetjmp qx_sc bsd OPTF = -static -O -nocpp goto endif1 hpux: sel . [name] [os] abbrev double csetjmp qx_sc sys5 OPTF = -K +ppu -O goto endif1 sun: sel . [name] [os] abbrev double bslash csetjmp qx_sc bsd OPTF = -O goto endif1 decs: sel . [name] [os] abbrev double bslash csetjmp qx_sc sys5 OPTF = -static -G 3 -O goto endif1 ibmrt: sel . [name] [os] abbrev double bslash csetjmp qx_sc sys5 set 'xlf -qextname -qrndsngl -qcharlen=32767 -O -c $compfile' -c goto endif aix370: sel . [name] [os] abbrev double qx_sc set 'xlf -qextname -qrndsngl -qcharlen=32767 -O -c $compfile' -c goto endif cray: sel . [name] abbrev qxcapt set 'cft77 -ed -o off -b $compfile.o $compfile' -c goto endif endif1: if [dev] <> x goto devset set 'f77 @[OPTF] -c $compfile' -c set c -lan set 'cc @[OPTC] -c $compfile' -c set ftn -lan goto endif devset: * default is debug goto endif vm: sel . [name] ibmall abbrev double set kuip.fortran.[ftn] -f set kuip.txtlib.a -l set 'vfort $compfile "(" noprint charlen "("15500")"' -c goto endif newlib: sel . [name] ibmmvs ibmall abbrev double mess '*** set compiler directive correctly ***' goto error * set kuip.fortran.[ftn] -f * set kuip.txtlib.a -l * set 'vfort $compfile "(" noprint charlen "("15500")"' -c * goto endif vms: sel . [name] abbrev double set '[.'//[ftn]//']kuip.for' -f set kuip.olb -l if [dev] <> x goto devvms set '$ for/obj=$compfile.obj $compfile' -c goto endif devvms: * default is debug goto endif endif: seq . /kucdes goto end error: mess *** Error in load: name = [name], os = [os] *** end: mess 'Setting compile flags and loading sequences....done' return