* * $Id: install.F,v 1996/03/08 15:33:02 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: install.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 15:33:02 mclareni * Kuip * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "_kuip/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.68/00 02/03/92 13.55.43 by Fons Rademakers *-- Author : ***************************************************************** * * macro install 1=x 2=x 3=x 4=x * * ***************************************************************** * *-- delete any alias that may interfere with the macro * alias/delete * * *-- some of the variables used in this script * * NAME Kind of machine * CPU CPU type (for Apollo only: m68k or a88k) * OS Operating system type: Unix, VMS, VM, NEWLIB * FTN Name of subdirectory for fortran files * VERS Version of cernlib to link with * DEV If -dev then development version, compile with debug flag * LIB If set a stand-alone library will be created, if not * the object files will be kept for later use * NAME = $lower([1]) A2 = $lower([2]) A3 = $lower([3]) A4 = $lower([4]) OPT = x DEV = x LIB = x VERS = new if [A2] <> -dev goto endif2 DEV = [A2] goto arg3 endif2: if [A2] <> -lib goto endif3 LIB = [A2] goto arg3 endif3: OPT = [A2] arg3: if [A3] <> -dev goto endif4 DEV = [A3] goto arg4 endif4: if [A3] <> -lib goto endif5 LIB = [A3] goto arg4 endif5: if [A3] = x goto arg4 goto help arg4: if [A4] <> -dev goto endif6 DEV = [A4] goto arg5 endif6: if [A4] <> -lib goto endif7 LIB = [A4] goto arg5 endif7: if [A4] = x goto arg5 goto help arg5: * *-- the user wants help or needs help * if [NAME] = ? goto help if [NAME] = help goto help if [NAME] = x goto help if [OPT] = ? goto help1 if [OPT] = help goto help1 * *-- set the variables before the actual installation * if [NAME] = apollo goto apollo if [NAME] = sgi goto unix if [NAME] = hpux goto unix if [NAME] = sun goto unix if [NAME] = decs goto unix if [NAME] = ibmrt goto unix if [NAME] = aix370 goto unix if [NAME] = cray goto unix if [NAME] = ibm goto ibmvm if [NAME] = newlib goto newlib if [NAME] = vax goto vms goto help apollo: CPU = [OPT] if [CPU] = x goto m68k if [CPU] = m68k goto unix if [CPU] = a88k goto unix goto help1 m68k: CPU = m68k goto unix unix: OS = unix FTN = ftn goto endif1 ibmvm: OS = vm FTN = M goto endif1 newlib: OS = newlib FTN = M goto endif1 vms: OS = vms FTN = ftn goto endif1 endif1: * *-- here follows the actual install stuff * mess ' ' mess Installation of CMZ on [NAME] starting at $DATE $TIME ..... mess ' ' exec clean os=[OS] ftn=[FTN] exec load name=[NAME] os=[OS] ftn=[FTN] cpu=[CPU] dev=[DEV] if [LIB] <> x goto library cfor / set c -lan cfor / set ftn -lan goto endif8 library: cflib / set c -lan cflib / set ftn -lan endif8: mess ' ' mess 'If you also want to build kuipc type:' mess exec kuipc name=[NAME] os=[OS] vers=[VERS] dev=[DEV] mess ' ' mess ' ' mess Installation of CMZ on [NAME] finished at $DATE $TIME ..... mess ' ' goto end help: exec help goto end help1: exec help name=[NAME] goto end end: return