/* * $Id: mkuip.c,v 1.2 1996/10/24 12:13:41 cremel Exp $ * * $Log: mkuip.c,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/10/24 12:13:41 cremel * Version 2.07/10 * Add resource higzMessGeometry to have control on the size and position of * the "HigzOutput" window (e.g. for the locator). To change the size * and position of this window one must add in his .Xdefaults (or .Xresources) * file the 2 following lines: * * Paw++*kuipScroll1.defaultPosition: False * Paw++*higzMessGeometry: 200x250+650+650 * * Revision 1996/03/08 15:33:06 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.07/05 01/06/95 15.55.18 by N.Cremel*/ /*-- Author : N.Cremel 06/05/92*/ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* MOTIF-based library for KUIP - deck MKUIP */ /* */ /* Basic Interface for the "Executive Window" : */ /* (connected to the file //KUIP/XMCLIB/KUXEXE for building */ /* the window with Architect : "create_kuipExec") */ /* */ /* - Motif / Xt Initialization */ /* - Menus "Control", "Commands" (command panels) and "Help" */ /* - Command widget manipulation */ /* - KUIP Panels manipulation (style GP) / connected to the */ /* file //KUIP/XMCLIB/KUXPAN for building the panels with */ /* Architect ("create_kuipPanel") */ /* - User defined buttons and Menus */ /* - Application Main Loop. */ /* */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #define Extern /* allocate storage for globals */ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include "kuip/kfor.h" #include "kuip/klink.h" #include "kuip/kmenu.h" #include "kuip/kflag.h" #include "kuip/mkterm.h" #include /* Global SEQUENCES (defined in MKCDES) */ #include "mkincl.h" #include "mkdims.h" #include "mkfont.h" #include "mksres.h" #include "mkutfm.h" #include "mkutdm.h" #include "kuip/mkutfu.h" #define CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS 1 #include "mkuxbr.h" #include "mkuxpa.h" #include "mkuxli.h" #include "mkuxlihlp.h" #undef CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS #include "kuip/browh1.h" #include "browh2.h" /* Start hourglass bitmaps (for km_wait_cursor) */ #define hourglass_width 32 #define hourglass_height 32 #define hourglass_x_hot 15 #define hourglass_y_hot 15 static unsigned char hourglass_bits[] = { 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x60, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x8e, 0x01, 0x80, 0x55, 0xdd, 0x00, 0x00, 0xab, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x56, 0x37, 0x00, 0x00, 0xec, 0x1b, 0x00, 0x00, 0xd8, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa0, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb0, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8c, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0x60, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc1, 0xc3, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xb0, 0x86, 0x01, 0x60, 0x5c, 0x1d, 0x03, 0x60, 0x2a, 0x39, 0x03, 0x60, 0xdd, 0x7f, 0x03, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03}; #define hourglass_mask_width 32 #define hourglass_mask_height 32 static unsigned char hourglass_mask_bits []= { 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03}; /* ... end hourglass bitmaps */ /* application resource list */ static XtResource kuip_resources[] = { { XmNdoubleClickInterval, XmCDoubleClickInterval, XmRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffset(SresRecPtr, dc_interval), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) 250}, { XmNhelpFont, XmCHelpFont, XmRString, sizeof (String), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,Help_font), XmRString, "*-courier-medium-r-normal*-120-*"}, { XmNdoubleBuffer, XmCDoubleBuffer, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,double_buffer), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) True}, { XmNgBell, XmCGBell, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,bell_vol), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0}, { XmNcenterCommand, XmCCenterCommand, XmRInt, sizeof(int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,center_command), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) 0}, { XmNpanelInteractive, XmCPanelInteractive, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,panel_interactive), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) True}, { XmNnoKxterm, XmCNoKxterm, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,no_kxterm), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) False}, { XmNnoMBrowser, XmCNoMBrowser, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,no_mbrowser), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) False}, { XmNhigzMessGeometry, XmCHigzMessGeometry, XmRString, sizeof (String), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,higzmess_geometry), XmRString, "0x0+0+0"}, { XmNkxtermGeometry, XmCKxtermGeometry, XmRString, sizeof (String), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,kxterm_geometry), XmRString, "650x450+0+0"}, { XmNkxtermTextFont, XmCKxtermTextFont, XmRString, sizeof (String), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,kxterm_text_font), XmRString, "*-courier-medium-r-normal*-120-*"}, { XmNkxtermFont, XmCKxtermFont, XmRString, sizeof (String), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,kxterm_font), XmRString, "*-helvetica-bold-r-normal*-120-*"}, { XmNmainCursor, XmCMainCursor, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,main_cs), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) -1}, { XmNgraphCursor, XmCGraphCursor, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,graph_cs), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) -1}, { XmNinputCursor, XmCInputCursor, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,input_cs), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) -1}, { XmNwaitCursor, XmCWaitCursor, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,wait_cs), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) -1}, { XmNhelpCursor, XmCHelpCursor, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,help_cs), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) -1}, { XmNbusyCursor, XmCBusyCursor, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,busy_cs), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) -1}, { XmNblckCursor, XmCBlckCursor, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,blck_cs), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) -1}, { XmNselcCursor, XmCSelcCursor, XmRInt, sizeof (int), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,selc_cs), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t) -1}, { XmNscrolledCmdPanel, XmCScrolledCmdPanel, XmRString, sizeof (String), XtOffset (SresRecPtr,scrolled_cmdpanel), XmRString, "auto"}, }; /* No graphics window */ static String k_fallbacks[] = { "*dirlist*fontList: *-courier-bold-r-normal*-120-*", "*fontList: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal*-120-*", "*kuipBrowser*fileScWindow.width: 80", "*kuipBrowser*fileScWindow.bottomOffset: 52", "*kuipBrowser*fileScWindow.topOffset: 59", "*kuipBrowser*dirScWindow.bottomOffset: 52", "*kuipBrowser*dirScWindow.topOffset: 59", "*kuipBrowser*separatorGadget1.topPosition: 50", "*kuipBrowser_shell.geometry: -0+0", NULL}; /* With graphics window */ static String kg_fallbacks[] = { "*dirlist*fontList: *-courier-bold-r-normal*-120-*", "*fontList: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal*-120-*", "*kuipBrowser*fileScWindow.width: 80", "*kuipBrowser*fileScWindow.bottomOffset: 52", "*kuipBrowser*fileScWindow.topOffset: 59", "*kuipBrowser*dirScWindow.bottomOffset: 52", "*kuipBrowser*dirScWindow.topOffset: 59", "*kuipBrowser*separatorGadget1.topPosition: 50", "*kuipGraphics_shell.geometry: 600x600-0+0", "*kuipBrowser_shell.geometry: +0+485", NULL}; /*********************************************************************** * * * Local data. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static Widget appShell[MAX_APP_SHELL]; static char *appShell_title[MAX_APP_SHELL]; static Widget print_box_widget; static int fl_decwindows; /* flag if the server is DecWindows */ static int do_bell; static Widget kuipControlM; static Widget kuipControlShell, kuipControlShellM; static Widget km_list_id = NULL; /* Widget id. for kuipList */ #define MAX_ITEMS 30 /*********************************************************************** * * * GLOBAL data. * * * ***********************************************************************/ char class_name[MAX_string]; char main_prompt[MAX_string]; XmFontList help_font = NULL; XFontStruct *help_font_struct; Colormap km_colormap; SresRec srec; /* application resources */ XmAnyCallbackStruct *current_callback_data = NULL; Boolean km_browser_refresh; int do_exec, km_all_cycles; void (*user_logo_C)( /* Widget */ ); /* should be in a kuip structure */ void (*user_mail_C)( /* Widget */ ); /* should be in a kuip structure */ /* For HPArchitect */ XtAppContext UxAppContext; Widget UxTopLevel; Display *UxDisplay; int UxScreen, UxScreenWidth, UxScreenHeight; /*********************************************************************** * * * Forward declarations of local functions. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static C_PROTO_0(void init_data); static void set_HIGZ(); static C_PROTO_1(Widget create_option_menu, Widget parent); static C_PROTO_1(void create_command_menu, Widget parent); static C_PROTO_2(void set_grab, Widget widget_id, int flgrab); static C_PROTO_4(void display_widget, KmCommand *cmd, Position xr, Position yr, int flag); static C_PROTO_4(void show_widget, char *command, Position xr, Position yr, int flag); /* List of Callbacks */ static void C_PROTO_3(destroy_print_box, Widget widget, caddr_t tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data); static C_PROTO_3(void get_command_panel, Widget widget, int tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data); #if 0 static C_PROTO_3(void help_list_items, Widget w, char **help, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); #endif static C_PROTO_3(void destroy_list_id, Widget w, caddr_t tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static C_PROTO_3(void command_panel_activate, Widget widget, char *cmd, XmAnyCallbackStruct *data); static C_PROTO_3(void appShell_activate, Widget widget, int tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data); static C_PROTO_3(void iconify_appShell, Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static C_PROTO_3(void kuipList_OK, Widget widget, int tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data); static C_PROTO_3(void kxterm_raise_OK, Widget widget, int tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data); static C_PROTO_3(void km_do_mail, Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); C_PROTO_3(void km_kmenu_OK, Widget widget, caddr_t tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data); static C_PROTO_3(void ListHelp, Widget w, char **help, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); /*********************************************************************** * * * Forward declarations of global functions. * * * ***********************************************************************/ C_PROTO_3(void km_deiconify_appShell, Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); C_PROTO_1(void km_create_windows, char *cname); C_PROTO_0(void define_buttons); C_PROTO_2(void km_buttons_callb, char **, int); C_PROTO_0(int km_enter_loop); C_PROTO_0(void km_realize_windows); C_PROTO_3(void km_do_help, Widget w, char *cval, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); C_PROTO_3(void km_help_activate, Widget widget, caddr_t tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data); C_PROTO_3(void km_focus_window, Widget widget, caddr_t tag, XEnterWindowEvent *ev); C_PROTO_1(void create_menu_help, Widget parent); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_show_panel, char **, int); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_set_panel, char **, int); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_set_echo_mode, char **, int); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_iconify, char **, int); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_raise, char **, int); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_help, char **, int); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_geometry, char **, int); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_about, char **, int); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_mail, char **, int); /*********************************************************************** * * * Forward declarations of extern functions. * * * ***********************************************************************/ extern C_PROTO_3(Widget km_create_Browser, Widget w, Widget clone_parent, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); extern C_PROTO_1(Widget create_kuipList, Widget); extern C_PROTO_5(int start_kxterm, char *title, char *geometry, char *font, char *text_font, char *main_prompt); extern C_PROTO_1(void km_WarnCB, String message); /*********************************************************************** * * * X Window error handler. * * * ***********************************************************************/ int error_handler (dp, error_event) Display *dp; XErrorEvent *error_event; { char text[1000]; int il = 1000; unsigned char errc = error_event->error_code; /* error code */ if (errc == Success) /* everything's okay */ return (0); else if (errc == BadRequest) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: bad request code \n"); else if (errc == BadValue) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadValue \n"); else if (errc == BadWindow) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadWindow \n"); else if (errc == BadPixmap) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadPixmap \n"); else if (errc == BadAtom) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadAtom \n"); else if (errc == BadCursor) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadCursor \n"); else if (errc == BadFont) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadFont \n"); else if (errc == BadMatch) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadMatch \n"); else if (errc == BadDrawable) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadDrawable \n"); else if (errc == BadAccess) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadAccess \n"); else if (errc == BadAlloc) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadAlloc \n"); else if (errc == BadColor) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadColor \n"); else if (errc == BadGC) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadGC \n"); else if (errc == BadIDChoice) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadIDChoice \n"); else if (errc == BadName) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadName \n"); else if (errc == BadLength) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadLength \n"); else if (errc == BadImplementation) printf (" *** X Protocol Error: BadImplementation \n"); XGetErrorText (dp, errc, text, il); printf ("%s \n", text); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* km_create_windows (class) : MOTIF initialization (has to be called first) */ /* class (input) : class name (if "" then "Mkuip") */ /******************************************************************************/ void km_create_windows(cname) char *cname; { IntC argc; int i, iterm; char *argv[15]; char title[MAX_string]; String *fallbacks, *kuip_fallbacks; Boolean km_kxterm = True; Boolean nombr = False; if (klnkaddr.graf_info_C == NULL) { /* no graphics window */ kuip_fallbacks = k_fallbacks; } else { kuip_fallbacks = kg_fallbacks; } fallbacks = kuip_fallbacks; if( klnkaddr.user_FallBk_C != NULL ) { /* allow application to specify its own fallbacks */ String *user_fallbacks = (*klnkaddr.user_FallBk_C)(); /* concatenate Kuip and user fallbacks */ if( user_fallbacks != NULL ) { int fbcnt = 0; for( i = 0; kuip_fallbacks[i] != NULL; i++ ) fbcnt++; for( i = 0; user_fallbacks[i] != NULL; i++ ) fbcnt++; fallbacks = (String*)XtMalloc( (fbcnt+1) * sizeof(String) ); fbcnt = 0; for( i = 0; kuip_fallbacks[i] != NULL; i++ ) fallbacks[fbcnt++] = kuip_fallbacks[i]; for( i = 0; user_fallbacks[i] != NULL; i++ ) fallbacks[fbcnt++] = user_fallbacks[i]; fallbacks[fbcnt] = NULL; } } /* * Initialize toolkit */ if (cname != NULL) { char *cargv[15]; int cargc; k_parse_args(cname, cargv, &cargc); /* Parse arguments */ for( i = 0; i < cargc; i++) { if (strcmp(cargv[i], "-nokxterm") == 0) km_kxterm = False; if (strcmp(cargv[i], "-nombrowser") == 0) nombr = True; free (cargv[i]); } if (cargc > 0) { /* Keep only the 1st word */ char *tmp; if ( (tmp = strstr( cname, " " )) != NULL ) tmp[0] = '\0'; } } strcpy (class_name, cname != NULL ? cname : "Mkuip"); sprintf (title,"%s Executive Window", class_name); argc = 0; argv[argc] = NULL; UxTopLevel = XtAppInitialize(&UxAppContext, class_name, NULL, 0, &argc, argv, fallbacks, NULL, 0); UxDisplay = XtDisplay(UxTopLevel); UxScreen = XDefaultScreen(UxDisplay); UxScreenWidth = DisplayWidth(UxDisplay, UxScreen); UxScreenHeight = DisplayHeight(UxDisplay, UxScreen); /* * We set the geometry of UxTopLevel so that dialogShells * that are parented on it will get centered on the screen * (if defaultPosition is true). */ XtVaSetValues(UxTopLevel, XmNmappedWhenManaged, False, XmNallowShellResize, True, XmNx, DisplayWidth(UxDisplay, UxScreen)/2, XmNy, DisplayHeight(UxDisplay, UxScreen)/2, XmNwidth, 1, XmNheight, 1, NULL); /* XSynchronize(UxDisplay, TRUE); */ /* for debugging only */ /* * Set default colormap and get application resources. */ km_Display = UxDisplay; km_colormap = DefaultColormap(km_Display,DefaultScreen(km_Display)); XtGetApplicationResources(UxTopLevel, &srec, kuip_resources, XtNumber(kuip_resources), NULL, 0); if (srec.no_kxterm) km_kxterm = False; if (srec.no_mbrowser) nombr = True; /* * Create a shadow kxterm topLevelShell. This widget is not mapped * but is used to popup dialogs as if kxterm were the parent. * When kxterm is moved or resized it sends a message (#@geometry...) * to the application which in turn calls the routine kxterm_geometry * to move and resize also the shadow kxterm toplevel widget. */ if (km_kxterm) { /* to have the same resources (colours, fonts, ...) as Main Browser : */ #if EXEC_RES /* to have the same resources (colours, fonts, ...) as Executive Window : */ km_toplevel = XtAppCreateShell(NULL, "KXterm", applicationShellWidgetClass, km_Display, NULL, 0); #else km_toplevel = XtAppCreateShell(NULL, class_name, applicationShellWidgetClass, km_Display, NULL, 0); #endif } else { km_toplevel = XtAppCreateShell(NULL, "kxterm_shadow", topLevelShellWidgetClass, km_Display, NULL, 0); /* unbuffered I/O */ setbuf(stdin, NULL); setbuf(stdout, NULL); kc_flags.use_kxterm = 0; #if 0 fprintf(stderr,"\ You have selected the \"noKxterm\" resource.\n\ Your present terminal window will handle I/O.\n"); #endif } /* don't free geometry it is not copied?! */ XtVaSetValues(km_toplevel, XmNmappedWhenManaged, False, XmNgeometry, srec.kxterm_geometry, NULL); XtRealizeWidget(km_toplevel); /* * Create Main Browser. */ if (!nombr) { km_main_browser = (Widget)km_create_Browser((Widget)NULL, (Widget)NULL, (XmAnyCallbackStruct *)NULL); XmUpdateDisplay(km_main_browser); /* Initialize global data */ init_data(); /* Create menu "Option" (general entries) */ kuipControlM = create_option_menu(km_main_browser); /* Create "Commands" menu (with all commands) */ create_command_menu(km_main_browser); } /* ... if (!nombr) */ /* * Start kxterm and redirect stdin, stdout and stderr. */ if (km_kxterm) { iterm = start_kxterm(title, srec.kxterm_geometry, srec.kxterm_font, srec.kxterm_text_font, kc_flags.echo_prompt); } else { /* no_kxterm */ iterm = -1; } if (klnkaddr.user_TopWid_C != NULL) /* tell application that kxterm can now be initialized */ (*klnkaddr.user_TopWid_C)("kxterm", (Widget)NULL); /* user defined buttons/menus */ if (kmbuttons != NULL) define_buttons(); /* set system current working directory in kxterm */ if (kc_flags.use_kxterm) { char cwd[256]; if (getcwd(cwd, (sizeof cwd))) { char *s = malloc(strlen(cwd) + 6); sprintf(s, "lcd(%s)", cwd); send_single_kxterm_cmd(s); free(s); } } /* Store kxterm widget (if any) */ if (iterm >= 0) km_store_appShell(NULL, title); /* Store Main Browser widget */ if (!nombr) km_store_appShell(km_main_browser, NULL); /* Set up information requested by HIGZ to open the Motif graphics window */ set_HIGZ(); } static void set_HIGZ() { extern C_PROTO_5(Window km_graph_open, int wkid, int x_pos, int y_pos, int w_dim, int h_dim); extern C_PROTO_1(void km_graph_init, int wkid); extern C_PROTO_1(void km_graph_close, int wkid); /* Set up information requested by HIGZ to open the Motif graphics window */ if (klnkaddr.graf_info_C != NULL) /* if NULL -> no graphics window */ (*klnkaddr.graf_info_C) (km_Display, km_graph_open, km_graph_init, km_graph_close); } /******************************************************************************/ /* User defined buttons and menus (in the CDF) */ /******************************************************************************/ void define_buttons() { KmButton *kmbut; char line0[512], line1[512]; Boolean exist; int i, num_actions, nkm, nbm; KxtermActionList actions = (KxtermActionList) malloc( sizeof(KxtermActionsRec) ); char **kxterm_menu = (char **) malloc ( sizeof (char *) ); char **browser_menu = (char **) malloc ( sizeof (char *) ); int na = 0; int nk = 0; int nb = 0; for (kmbut = kmbuttons; kmbut != NULL; kmbut = kmbut->next) { /* add buttons/menus (kxterm and browser) */ line0[0] = line1[0] = '\0'; if ( (kmbut->flags & KmButtSeparator) != 0) { sprintf (line0, "M:%s: Sep : : separator", kmbut->menu); } sprintf (line1, "M:%s: %s : %s%s : button : %s: %s: %s", kmbut->menu, kmbut->label, ESCAPE, kmbut->action, kmbut->mnemo, kmbut->accel, kmbut->accel_text); if ( (kmbut->flags & KmButtBrowser) != 0) { /* fill browser_menu array */ if (line0[0] != '\0') { browser_menu = (char **) realloc ( (char *)browser_menu, (nb+1) * sizeof (char *) ); browser_menu[nb++] = strdup (line0); } browser_menu = (char **) realloc ( (char *)browser_menu, (nb+1) * sizeof (char *) ); browser_menu[nb++] = strdup (line1); } else { /* fill kxterm_menu array (default) */ if (line0[0] != '\0') { kxterm_menu = (char **) realloc ( (char *)kxterm_menu, (nk+1) * sizeof (char *) ); kxterm_menu[nk++] = strdup (line0); } kxterm_menu = (char **) realloc ( (char *)kxterm_menu, (nk+1) * sizeof (char *) ); kxterm_menu[nk++] = strdup (line1); } /* add corresponding actions */ exist = False; for (i=0; iaction, actions[i].string ) == 0 ) exist = True; } if (!exist) { actions = (KxtermActionList) realloc ( actions, (na+1) * sizeof (KxtermActionsRec) ); actions[na].string = strdup (kmbut->action); if (kmbut->call_C != NULL) actions[na].proc = (KxtermActionProc)kmbut->call_C; else actions[na].proc = km_buttons_callb; na++; } } /* terminate all arrays with NULL */ actions = (KxtermActionList) realloc ( actions, (na+1) * sizeof (KxtermActionsRec) ); actions[na].string = NULL; actions[na].proc = NULL; browser_menu = (char **) realloc ( (char *)browser_menu, (nb+1) * sizeof (char *) ); browser_menu[nb++] = NULL; kxterm_menu = (char **) realloc ( (char *)kxterm_menu, (nk+1) * sizeof (char *) ); kxterm_menu[nk++] = NULL; num_actions = na; nkm = nk; nbm = nb; send_kxterm_cmd (kxterm_menu); km_add_menu (browser_menu); kxterm_add_actions (actions); for (na=0; na (push EXECUTE button) */ do_bell = True; /* ring bell when grabbing (set_grab) */ if (ServerVendor(km_Display) != NULL && strncmp(ServerVendor(km_Display),"DECWINDOWS",10) == 0) { fl_decwindows = 1; } else { fl_decwindows = 0; } sprintf (main_prompt, "%s > ", class_name); km_browser_refresh = False; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Set up help menu's. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void create_menu_help(parent) Widget parent; { Widget helpB1, helpB2, helpB3, helpB4, helpB5, helpB6; char hlab[128]; /* * find and restore the context for Browser * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipBrowserContext = (_UxCkuipBrowser *)UxGetContext(parent); /* delete default help button in HelpPdMenu */ XtDestroyWidget(HelpPdMenu_help); /* add new help button's */ sprintf(hlab,"On %s", class_name); helpB1 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "helpB1", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, HelpPdMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "O" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, hlab ), NULL ); XtAddCallback (helpB1,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_do_help,(XtPointer)"HELP_EXE"); sprintf(hlab,"On %s Resources", class_name); helpB6 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "helpB6", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, HelpPdMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "R" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, hlab ), NULL ); XtAddCallback (helpB6,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_do_help,(XtPointer)"HELP_EXE_RESOURCES"); helpB2 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "helpB2", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, HelpPdMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "K" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "On Kuip Resources"), NULL ); XtAddCallback (helpB2,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_do_help,(XtPointer)"HELP_RESOURCES"); helpB4 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "helpB4", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, HelpPdMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "B" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "On Browser" ), NULL ); XtAddCallback (helpB4,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_do_help,(XtPointer)"HELP_BROWSER"); helpB3 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "helpB3", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, HelpPdMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "P" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "On Panel" ), NULL ); XtAddCallback (helpB3,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_do_help,(XtPointer)"HELP_PANEL"); helpB5 = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "helpB5", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, HelpPdMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "F" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "On System Functions" ), NULL ); XtAddCallback (helpB5,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_do_help,(XtPointer)"FUNCTIONS"); if (user_mail_C) { Widget button; button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "helpB6", xmSeparatorGadgetClass, HelpPdMenu, NULL ); sprintf(hlab, "Mail %s Developers", class_name); button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "helpB7", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, HelpPdMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "M" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, hlab ), NULL ); XtAddCallback(button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_do_mail, NULL); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* kireal : MOTIF realization (has to be called last) */ /******************************************************************************/ void km_realize_windows() { XEvent event; XColor color_defs[2]; Pixmap hourglass_pixmap, hourglass_mask_pixmap; /* initialize cursors */ if (srec.main_cs == -1) km_main_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, XC_left_ptr); else km_main_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, srec.main_cs); if (srec.graph_cs == -1) km_cross_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, XC_crosshair); else km_cross_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, srec.graph_cs); if (srec.input_cs == -1) km_input_cursor = km_main_cursor; else km_input_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, srec.input_cs); if (srec.help_cs == -1) km_help_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, XC_question_arrow); else km_help_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, srec.help_cs); if (srec.busy_cs == -1) km_busy_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, XC_watch); else km_busy_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, srec.busy_cs); if (srec.blck_cs == -1) km_blck_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, XC_dot); else km_blck_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, srec.blck_cs); if (srec.selc_cs == -1) km_selc_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, XC_hand2); else km_selc_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, srec.selc_cs); /* build wait cursor with hourglass pixmap */ color_defs[0].pixel = BlackPixel(km_Display, UxScreen); color_defs[1].pixel = WhitePixel(km_Display, UxScreen); XQueryColors(km_Display, km_colormap, color_defs, 2); hourglass_pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(km_Display, DefaultRootWindow(km_Display), (char*)hourglass_bits, hourglass_width, hourglass_height, WhitePixel(km_Display, UxScreen), BlackPixel(km_Display, UxScreen), 1); hourglass_mask_pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(km_Display, DefaultRootWindow(km_Display), (char*)hourglass_mask_bits, hourglass_mask_width, hourglass_mask_height, WhitePixel(km_Display, UxScreen), BlackPixel(km_Display, UxScreen), 1); if (srec.wait_cs == -1) km_wait_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(km_Display, hourglass_pixmap, hourglass_mask_pixmap, &color_defs[0], &color_defs[1], hourglass_x_hot, hourglass_y_hot); else km_wait_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(km_Display, srec.wait_cs); /* * register a procedure to be called on warning messages * to discard the passive grab warnings generated by Motif */ (void)XtAppSetWarningHandler(UxAppContext, (XtErrorHandler)km_WarnCB); /* * Realize the widget tree. */ XtRealizeWidget(UxTopLevel); km_all_cursor(KM_WAIT_CURSOR); /* Flush events to display the browser (and not wait for XtMainLoop) */ while ( XEventsQueued( km_Display, QueuedAlready) > 1) { XtAppNextEvent( UxAppContext, &event ); XtDispatchEvent (&event); } XSync(km_Display, False); } /* * execute IDLE command if no other activity */ static XtIntervalId idle_timer = 0; static void idle_callback( XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id ) { /* * If "IDLE 0" was typed in Kxterm without any X-event on the application * side then the timer was not removed. Therefore we better check here * again that there is still an idle command active. */ if( kc_value.idle_time > 0 ) { ku_exel( kc_value.idle_cmd ); idle_timer = XtAppAddTimeOut( UxAppContext, kc_value.idle_time * 1000, idle_callback, kc_value.idle_cmd ); } else idle_timer = 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* kiloop : give control to MOTIF event loop (has to be called last) */ /******************************************************************************/ int km_enter_loop() { #ifdef vms /* * The signal handler calls LIB$SIG_TO_RET which lets km_enter_loop return * the error number ( 1 == SS$_NORMAL ) */ VAXC$ESTABLISH( signal_handler ); #endif km_all_cursor (KM_MAIN_CURSOR); while( 1 ) { XEvent event; if( kc_value.idle_time > 0 ) idle_timer = XtAppAddTimeOut( UxAppContext, kc_value.idle_time * 1000, idle_callback, kc_value.idle_cmd ); else idle_timer = 0; XtAppNextEvent( UxAppContext, &event ); if( idle_timer != 0 ) XtRemoveTimeOut( idle_timer ); XtDispatchEvent( &event ); if (km_panel_context) km_ContextHelp(); } return 1; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Create "Options" menu for all optional settings. */ /******************************************************************************/ static Widget create_option_menu(parent) Widget parent; { int narg; Arg arglist[2]; Widget id_pdm; Widget PdMenu[15]; /* * find and restore the context for Browser * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipBrowserContext = (_UxCkuipBrowser *)UxGetContext(parent); /* create pulldown_menu */ id_pdm = XmCreatePulldownMenu (browserMenu,"OptionsPdMenu",arglist,0); /* create pulldown_menu_entry "Options" */ XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "optionsMenu", xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass, browserMenu, XmNsubMenuId, id_pdm, XmNmnemonic, XK_O, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "Options" ), NULL ); /* create list of push_buttons and separators for menu "Option" */ /* create pulldown_menu for "Raise Window" (with list of appl. shells) */ narg = 0; #if XmREVISION == 99 /* problem with REVISION 2 ! */ XtSetArg(arglist[narg], XmNtearOffModel, XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED); narg++; #endif kuipControlShellM = XmCreatePulldownMenu (id_pdm,"ControlShellM",arglist,narg); /* create pulldown_menu_entry */ kuipControlShell = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "ControlShell", xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass, id_pdm, XmNsubMenuId, kuipControlShellM, XmNmnemonic, XK_R, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "Raise Window" ), NULL ); XtVaCreateManagedWidget("PdSep0", xmSeparatorGadgetClass, id_pdm, NULL); PdMenu[3] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("PdMenu3", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, id_pdm, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "Command Argument Panel... " ), XmNmnemonic,XK_C, NULL ); XtAddCallback (PdMenu[3],XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)get_command_panel, (XtPointer)0); return (id_pdm); } /************************************************************************ * * * Create "Commands" menu for all commands defined in the CDF. * * * ************************************************************************/ static void scan_menu_list(w, pdm, call_data) Widget w, pdm; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { static Boolean init = False; if (!init) { Widget widget_menu[MAX_MENU_LEVEL]; KmMenu **menu_list = root_menu_list(""); KmMenu *menu; int i; init = True; widget_menu[0] = pdm; for (i = 0; (menu = menu_list[i]) != NULL; i++) { int narg; Arg arglist[5]; Widget id_pdme, id_pdm; Widget pw = widget_menu[menu->level-1]; char *name = str0dup(menu->name); KmCommand *cmd; int nbut; Widget *id_pushb = (Widget *) malloc ( sizeof (Widget)); strlower (name+1); /* Do not display menu "Motif" (contains helps only) */ if (name != NULL && strcmp(name, "Motif") == 0) continue; /* create pulldown_menu */ narg = 0; #if XmVERSION > 1 || XmREVISION >= 2 XtSetArg(arglist[narg], XmNtearOffModel, XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED); narg++; #endif id_pdm = XmCreatePulldownMenu (pw,"id_pdmC",arglist,narg); id_pdme = XtVaCreateWidget( "id_pdmeC", xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass, pw, XmNsubMenuId, id_pdm, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, name ), NULL ); widget_menu[menu->level] = id_pdm; free (name); /* create and manage push_button(s) */ nbut = 0; for (cmd = menu->cmds; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next) { char *cmd_name = str0dup(cmd->name); strlower (cmd_name+1); id_pushb = (Widget *) realloc ( id_pushb, (nbut+1) * sizeof (Widget) ); id_pushb[nbut] = XtVaCreateWidget( "id_pushb", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, id_pdm, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, cmd_name ), NULL ); XtAddCallback (id_pushb[nbut],XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)command_panel_activate, (XtPointer)cmd->path); free (cmd_name); nbut++; } XtManageChild (id_pdme); if (nbut > 0) XtManageChildren (id_pushb, nbut); free ((Widget *) id_pushb); } free( menu_list ); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Execute an application defined menu button. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void application_cmd_cb( w, cmd, cbs ) Widget w; char *cmd; XmAnyCallbackStruct *cbs; { handle_kxterm_action(cmd); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Execute an application defined toggle menu button. These commands * * must recognize the 'on' and 'off' options. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void application_toggle_cb( w, cmd, cbs ) Widget w; char *cmd; XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct *cbs; { char *s; s = XtMalloc(strlen(cmd) + 10); if (cbs->set) sprintf(s, "%s(ON)", cmd); else sprintf(s, "%s(OFF)", cmd); handle_kxterm_action(s); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Handle menu building escape commands. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void add_entry (entry) char *entry; { char *cmd, *s, *menu, *menu_name; Widget pulldown; MenuItem *menu_item; /* * find and restore the context for Browser * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipBrowserContext = (_UxCkuipBrowser *)UxGetContext(km_main_browser); /* Get menu label */ cmd = entry; if (strncasecmp(cmd, "M:", 2)) return; cmd += 2; if ((s = strchr(cmd, ':'))) { menu = XtCalloc(s-cmd+1, 1); menu_name = XtCalloc(s-cmd+7+1, 1); strncpy(menu, cmd, s-cmd); sprintf(menu_name, "*%sPdMenu", menu); menu_item = (MenuItem *)XtMalloc(MAX_ITEMS*sizeof(MenuItem)); if (km_add_item(s+1, application_cmd_cb, application_toggle_cb, menu_item, MAX_ITEMS)) { /* does menu already exist? */ pulldown = XtNameToWidget(browserMenu, menu_name); if (pulldown) { /* add to existing pulldown menu */ km_build_menu(pulldown, XmMENU_PULLDOWN, menu, menu[0], menu_item, True); } else { /* create new pulldown menu */ km_build_menu(browserMenu, XmMENU_PULLDOWN, menu, menu[0], menu_item, False); } } XtFree((char *)menu_item); XtFree(menu); XtFree(menu_name); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Handle application defined menu for the main browser. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void km_add_menu (menu) char **menu; { int i; for (i = 0; menu[i]; i++) add_entry (menu[i]); } /************************************************************************ * * * Create "Commands" menu for all commands defined in the CDF. * * * ************************************************************************/ static void create_command_menu(parent) Widget parent; { Widget id_pdme, id_pdm; Arg arglist[2]; int narg; /* * find and restore the context for Browser * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipBrowserContext = (_UxCkuipBrowser *)UxGetContext(parent); /* create pulldown_menu_entry "Commands" for all commands */ narg = 0; #if XmVERSION > 1 || XmREVISION >= 2 XtSetArg(arglist[narg], XmNtearOffModel, XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED); narg++; #endif id_pdm = XmCreatePulldownMenu (browserMenu, "CommandsPdMenu", arglist, narg); id_pdme = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "id_pdme", xmCascadeButtonGadgetClass, browserMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "C" ), XmNsubMenuId, id_pdm, RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "Commands" ), NULL ); /* * Delay creation of the KUIP menu structure till the user selects the * Command menu */ XtAddCallback(id_pdme, XmNcascadingCallback, (XtCallbackProc) scan_menu_list, id_pdm); } /******************************************************************************/ /* void Function km_print_box (pw, x, y, message, itype) */ /* MessageBox widget */ /* pw (input) : parent widget */ /* x, y (input) : Position */ /* message (input) : message string */ /* itype (input) : dialogType */ /* 0 --> DIALOG_ERROR */ /* 1 --> DIALOG_INFORMATION */ /* 2 --> DIALOG_MESSAGE */ /* 3 --> DIALOG_QUESTION */ /* 4 --> DIALOG_WARNING */ /* 5 --> DIALOG_WORKING */ /* return Widget widget_id : widget identifier */ /******************************************************************************/ C_DECL_5(void km_print_box, Widget, pw, Position, x, Position, y, char *, message, int, itype) { Widget kid[6]; int narg; Arg arglist[20]; XmString xmstr; char cval[MAX_string]; /* If parent widget is not yet realized just put a print message */ if (!XtIsRealized (pw)) { printf ("%s %s\n", main_prompt, message); return; } /* If not yet done destroy previous print box widget */ if ( print_box_widget != NULL ) XtDestroyWidget (print_box_widget); km_reset_appShell (print_box_widget); print_box_widget = NULL; /* create MessageDialog */ narg = 0; /* Set position */ if (x != 0 || y != 0) { XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNdefaultPosition,False); narg++; XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNx,x); narg++; XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNy,y); narg++; } XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNmessageString, XmStringCreateLtoR(message, km_charset)); narg++; if (itype == 0) { XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNdialogType,XmDIALOG_ERROR); narg++; } else if (itype == 1) { XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNdialogType,XmDIALOG_INFORMATION); narg++; } else if (itype == 2) { XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNdialogType,XmDIALOG_MESSAGE); narg++; } else if (itype == 3) { XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNdialogType,XmDIALOG_QUESTION); narg++; } else if (itype == 4) { XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNdialogType,XmDIALOG_WARNING); narg++; } else if (itype == 5) { XtSetArg(arglist[narg],XmNdialogType,XmDIALOG_WORKING); narg++; } /* Add following line if you want to change the title (can be a new argument)*/ sprintf (cval, "%s Message", class_name); xmstr = XmStringCreateLtoR(cval, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XtSetArg(arglist[narg], XmNdialogTitle, xmstr); narg++; print_box_widget = XmCreateMessageDialog (pw,"print_box",arglist,narg); XmStringFree(xmstr); /* Unmanage unneeded children. */ kid[0] = XmMessageBoxGetChild (print_box_widget, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON); kid[1] = XmMessageBoxGetChild (print_box_widget, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON); XtUnmanageChildren (kid, 2); /* Add callback(s) and manage print_box */ XtAddCallback (print_box_widget,XmNokCallback, (XtCallbackProc)destroy_print_box,NULL); XtManageChild (print_box_widget); set_grab(print_box_widget, 1); } /******************************************************************************/ /* void set_grab (widget_id, flgrab) */ /******************************************************************************/ /* * Set grab on widget and ring the bell */ static void set_grab (widget_id, flgrab) Widget widget_id; int flgrab; /* flgrab = 0 -> change only cursor shape to input */ { XKeyboardState kbstate; int percent; km_set_cursor (widget_id, km_input_cursor); if (flgrab == 0) return; /* grab widget (do not accept any event until user does acknowledge) */ /* XtAddGrab (widget_id,True,True); */ /* Set Bell if requested (default) */ if (!do_bell) return; /* Set subresources for : gBell (bell volume when grabbing) */ percent = srec.bell_vol; if (percent < 0) { /* Use some reasonnable default */ XGetKeyboardControl( km_Display, &kbstate ); percent = kbstate.bell_percent; } if (percent > 0) XBell( km_Display, percent ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /*** CALLBACKS ROUTINES ***/ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** * * * Display command panel if command is valid * * or propose list of commands if it is ambiguous * * * * flag = 0 --> command panel * * 1 --> command panel help * * * ***********************************************************************/ static C_DECL_4(void show_widget, char *, command, Position, xr, Position, yr, int, flag) { KmCommand **last_cmd_list; KmCommand *cmd; /* Get command path according to command string */ if (command == NULL || command[0] == '\0') return; cmd = search_command (command, &last_cmd_list); if (cmd != NULL) { /* Command is ok */ display_widget (cmd, xr, yr, flag); } else { km_cmd_list (command, last_cmd_list, flag); } /* end if (cmd != NULL) ... */ } /*********************************************************************** * * * Display list. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void km_display_list (items, help_items, data) char **items, **help_items; ListData data; { char *item; char cval[MAX_string]; int nitems; static char **help = NULL; if (km_list_id != NULL) { XtDestroyWidget (XtParent(km_list_id)); km_reset_appShell (km_list_id); } km_list_id = NULL; if (help != NULL) free ((char **)help ); help = NULL; if (items != NULL) { Widget kuipListSelection; /* command is ambiguous ... */ if (help_items == NULL) km_list_id = (Widget) create_kuipList(km_toplevel); else km_list_id = (Widget) create_kuipListHelp(km_toplevel); /* Set title */ sprintf (cval, "%s List", class_name); XtVaSetValues(XtParent(km_list_id), XmNtitle, cval, NULL); km_store_appShell (km_list_id, cval); XtVaSetValues(km_listSBox, RES_CONVERT( XmNlistLabelString, data.listLabel ), RES_CONVERT( XmNselectionLabelString, data.label ), NULL); /* Fill list */ kuipListSelection = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (km_listSBox, XmDIALOG_LIST); for (nitems = 0; (item = items[nitems]) != NULL; nitems++) { XmString xmstr; xmstr = XmStringCreate(item, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XmListAddItem(kuipListSelection, xmstr, 0); XmStringFree(xmstr); } if (help_items != NULL) { help = (char**)malloc( sizeof(char*) ); for (nitems = 0; help_items[nitems] != NULL; nitems++) { help = (char**)realloc( (char*)help, (nitems+1) * sizeof(char*) ); help[nitems] = strdup (help_items[nitems]); } help = (char**)realloc( (char*)help, (nitems+1) * sizeof(char*) ); help[nitems] = NULL; #if 0 Unfortunately the following does not seem to work ... --> replace it with "helpCallback". XtAddCallback (kuipListSelection, XmNsingleSelectionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)help_list_items, help); #endif } /* end ... if (help_items != NULL) */ if (data.OKcallback) XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNokCallback, (XtCallbackProc)data.OKcallback, data.OKcallback_data); XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNcancelCallback, (XtCallbackProc)destroy_list_id, NULL); /* XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNhelpCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_help_activate, data.help); */ XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNhelpCallback, (XtCallbackProc)ListHelp, help); /* This is to avoid the window to disappear under kxterm */ XtAddEventHandler (km_list_id, FocusChangeMask, False, (XtEventHandler)km_focus_window, NULL); if (nitems <= 3) XtVaSetValues(km_list_id, XmNheight, (Dimension)280, NULL); UxPopupInterface(km_list_id, XtGrabNone); } } static void ListHelp ( w, help, call_data) Widget w; char **help; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { Widget kuipListSelection; int *pos; int ipos; int i; int npos = 0; /* * find and restore the context for ListHelp * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipListHelpContext = (_UxCkuipListHelp *)UxGetContext(w); kuipListSelection = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (w, XmDIALOG_LIST); XmListGetSelectedPos (kuipListSelection , &pos, &npos); ipos = pos[0] - 1; if ( help != NULL && help[ipos] != NULL ) XmTextSetString (km_listText, help[ipos]); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Display list of possible commands if it is ambiguous * * * * flag = 0 --> command panel * * 1 --> command panel help * * * ***********************************************************************/ void km_cmd_list (command, cmd_list, flag) char *command; KmCommand **cmd_list; int flag; { Widget kuipListSelection; KmCommand *cmd; char cval[MAX_string]; int i; if (km_list_id != NULL) { XtDestroyWidget (XtParent(km_list_id)); km_reset_appShell (km_list_id); } km_list_id = NULL; if (cmd_list == NULL) { /* command does not exist ... */ sprintf (cval, "Cannot find command : %s", command); km_warn_user(km_toplevel, cval, ""); } else { char *help = (char *) "Select item in the List !"; /* command is ambiguous ... */ km_list_id = (Widget) create_kuipList(km_toplevel); /* Set title */ sprintf (cval, "%s List", class_name); XtVaSetValues(XtParent(km_list_id), XmNtitle, cval, NULL); km_store_appShell (km_list_id, cval); /* Fill list */ kuipListSelection = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (km_listSBox, XmDIALOG_LIST); for (i = 0; (cmd = cmd_list[i]) != NULL; i++) { XmString xmstr; xmstr = XmStringCreate(cmd->path, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XmListAddItem(kuipListSelection, xmstr, 0); XmStringFree(xmstr); } /* end for ... */ XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNokCallback, (XtCallbackProc)kuipList_OK, (XtPointer)flag); XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNcancelCallback, (XtCallbackProc)destroy_list_id, NULL); XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNhelpCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_help_activate, help); UxPopupInterface(km_list_id, XtGrabNone); } /* end if (cmd_list == NULL) ... */ } static C_DECL_4(void display_widget, KmCommand *, cmd, Position, xr, Position, yr, int, flag) { if (flag == 0) { /* Enter Command ... (force display of panel) */ km_xcur_pos = xr; km_ycur_pos = yr; exec_cmd_string (cmd->path, -1, km_display_cmdpan); } else if (flag == 1) { /* Command Panel Help ... */ char *helptext = fmt_cmd_help( cmd, 0 ); km_display_sctext (cmd->path, helptext, xr, yr, 1); free( helptext ); } } static void destroy_print_box( widget, tag, callback_data ) Widget widget; caddr_t tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { if (print_box_widget != NULL ) XtDestroyWidget(print_box_widget); km_reset_appShell (print_box_widget); print_box_widget = NULL; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * popup a command panel. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_show_panel( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { FILE *ppf; char fname[MAX_stringl], message[MAX_stringl]; char *panel_name; char exstr[MAX_stringl]; panel_name = km_wait_input ("Give KUIP macro file name", "panel", "HELP_PANEL"); if (panel_name == NULL) return; /* check existence of macro file */ sprintf (fname, "%s.kumac", panel_name); if ((ppf = fopen (fname,"r")) == NULL) { sprintf (message,"Cannot find file %s", fname); km_print_box (km_toplevel, 0, 0, message,0); fclose (ppf); return; } free (panel_name); sprintf (exstr,"/MACRO/EXEC %s", fname); exec_cmd_string (exstr, 0, NULL); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * popup a new command panel. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_set_panel( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { ku_exel ("/KUIP/SET_SHOW/NEWPANEL"); } static void get_command_panel( widget, tag, callback_data ) Widget widget; int tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { char *command; Position xr, yr; int flag = tag; command = km_wait_input ("Give Command Name", "", "HELP_GET_COMMAND_PANEL"); if (command == NULL) return; km_get_curpos (callback_data->event,&xr,&yr); show_widget (command, xr, yr, flag); free (command); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * turn on/off command echoing. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_set_echo_mode( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { if (!strcasecmp(argv[0], "on")) kc_flags.echo_command = 1; else kc_flags.echo_command = 0; } #if 0 /*********************************************************************** * * * Add callback on each list item for "singleSelection" * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void help_list_items(w, help, call_data) Widget w; char **help; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { Widget kuipListSelection; int *pos; int ipos; int npos = 0; /* * find and restore the context for ListHelp * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipListHelpContext = (_UxCkuipListHelp *)UxGetContext(w); kuipListSelection = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (w, XmDIALOG_LIST); XmListGetSelectedPos (kuipListSelection , &pos, &npos); ipos = pos[0] - 1; if (help[ipos] != NULL XmTextSetString (km_listText, help[ipos]); } #endif /*********************************************************************** * * * Destroy km_list_id (widget issued from kuipList) * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void destroy_list_id(w, tag, call_data) Widget w; caddr_t tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { km_destroy_list(); } void km_destroy_list() { if (km_list_id != NULL) { UxDestroyInterface(km_list_id); km_reset_appShell (km_list_id); km_list_id = NULL; } } /* * Display panel corresponding to command */ static void command_panel_activate( widget, cmd, data ) Widget widget; char *cmd; XmAnyCallbackStruct *data; { /* Force display of panel */ km_get_curpos (data->event,&km_xcur_pos,&km_ycur_pos); exec_cmd_string (cmd, -1, km_display_cmdpan); } /******************************************************************************/ /* km_store_appShell : store application shell (for Iconify) */ /******************************************************************************/ void km_store_appShell(w, title) Widget w; char *title; { Arg arglist[2]; Widget PdMenu; char *tit; int i; if (w == NULL && (title)) { /* Executive window */ /* Create entry in pulldown menu "Application Shell" */ appShell_title[0] = strdup(title); if (!kuipControlM) return; PdMenu = XmCreatePushButtonGadget (kuipControlShellM,appShell_title[0],arglist,0); XtAddCallback(PdMenu,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)appShell_activate, (XtPointer)-1); XtManageChild(PdMenu); return; } else { for (i = 1; i < MAX_APP_SHELL; i++) { if (appShell[i] == NULL) { appShell[i] = w; if (title) appShell_title[i] = strdup(title); else { XtVaGetValues(km_GetTrueShell(w), XmNtitle, &tit, NULL); appShell_title[i] = strdup(tit); } /* Create entry in pulldown menu "Application Shell" */ if (!kuipControlM) break; PdMenu = XmCreatePushButtonGadget (kuipControlShellM,appShell_title[i],arglist,0); XtAddCallback(PdMenu,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)appShell_activate, (XtPointer)i); XtManageChild(PdMenu); break; } /* end ... if (appShell[i] == NULL) */ } /* end ... for (i = 1; i < MAX_APP_SHELL; i++) */ if (i == MAX_APP_SHELL-1) km_print_box (km_toplevel, 0, 0, "Please erase some windows ...",4); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* km_reset_appShell : retrieve application shell from the list (for Iconify)*/ /******************************************************************************/ void km_reset_appShell(w) Widget w; { int narg; Arg arglist[2]; Widget PdMenu; int i; for (i = 1; i < MAX_APP_SHELL; i++) { if (w == appShell[i]) { appShell[i] = NULL; appShell_title[i] = NULL; break; } } if (!kuipControlM) return; /* Reset pulldown_menu "Application Shell" */ if (kuipControlShellM != NULL) XtDestroyWidget (kuipControlShellM); narg = 0; #if XmREVISION == 99 /* problem with REVISION 2 ! */ XtSetArg(arglist[narg], XmNtearOffModel, XmTEAR_OFF_ENABLED); narg++; #endif kuipControlShellM = XmCreatePulldownMenu (kuipControlM,"ControlShellM",arglist,narg); /* set XmNsubMenuId attribute for pulldown menu entry */ XtVaSetValues(kuipControlShell, XmNsubMenuId, kuipControlShellM, NULL); if (appShell_title[0] != NULL) { /* Executive window */ PdMenu = XmCreatePushButtonGadget (kuipControlShellM,appShell_title[0],arglist,0); XtAddCallback (PdMenu,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)appShell_activate, (XtPointer)-1); XtManageChild(PdMenu); } for( i = 1; i < MAX_APP_SHELL; i++) { if (appShell[i] != NULL) { /* reset entries in pulldown menu "Application Shell" */ PdMenu = XmCreatePushButtonGadget (kuipControlShellM,appShell_title[i],arglist,0); XtAddCallback (PdMenu,XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)appShell_activate, (XtPointer)i); XtManageChild(PdMenu); } } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Iconify all TopLevelShells. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void iconify_appShell(w, client_data, call_data) Widget w; XtPointer client_data; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_APP_SHELL; i++) { if (appShell[i]) km_IconifyShell(appShell[i]); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * DeIconify all TopLevelShells. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void km_deiconify_appShell(w, client_data, call_data) Widget w; XtPointer client_data; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_APP_SHELL; i++) { if (appShell[i] && km_IsShellIconic(appShell[i])) km_DeIconifyShell(appShell[i]); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * iconify or de-iconify all top level shells. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_iconify( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { if (!strcasecmp(argv[0], "unmap")) iconify_appShell((Widget)NULL, (XtPointer)0, (XmAnyCallbackStruct *)NULL); else km_deiconify_appShell((Widget)NULL, (XtPointer)0, (XmAnyCallbackStruct *)NULL); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * raise any top level shells. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_raise( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { Widget kuipListSelection; char cval[MAX_string]; int i; char *help = (char *) "Select the window you want to popup !"; if (km_list_id != NULL) { XtDestroyWidget (XtParent(km_list_id)); km_reset_appShell (km_list_id); } km_list_id = NULL; km_list_id = (Widget) create_kuipList(km_toplevel); /* Set title */ sprintf (cval, "%s Window List", class_name); km_store_appShell (km_list_id, cval); XtVaSetValues(XtParent(km_list_id), XmNtitle, cval, NULL); XtVaSetValues(km_listSBox, RES_CONVERT( XmNlistLabelString, "List of Windows" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNselectionLabelString, "Window to be raised" ), NULL); /* Fill list */ kuipListSelection = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (km_listSBox, XmDIALOG_LIST); for (i = 0; appShell_title[i] != NULL; i++) { XmString xmstr; xmstr = XmStringCreate(appShell_title[i], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XmListAddItem(kuipListSelection, xmstr, 0); XmStringFree(xmstr); } /* end for ... */ XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNokCallback, (XtCallbackProc)kxterm_raise_OK, NULL); XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNcancelCallback, (XtCallbackProc)destroy_list_id, NULL); XtAddCallback (km_listSBox,XmNhelpCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_help_activate, help); UxPopupInterface(km_list_id, XtGrabNone); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * show help. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_help( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { if (argc == 1) { char *cmd = XtMalloc(strlen(argv[0]) + 12); sprintf(cmd, "/KUIP/HELP %s", argv[0]); ku_exel (cmd); XtFree(cmd); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * change the geometry of the km_toplevel shell. This action will * * be called whenever kxterm is moved or resized, so that * * km_toplevel can follow kxterm. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_geometry( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { Position x, y; Dimension width, height; if (argc == 4) { x = (Position) atoi(argv[0]); y = (Position) atoi(argv[1]); width = (Dimension) atoi(argv[2]); height = (Dimension) atoi(argv[3]); XtVaSetValues(km_toplevel, XmNx, x, XmNy, y, XmNwidth, width, XmNheight, height, NULL); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * show the about... (logo) off the application. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_about( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { if (user_logo_C) { (user_logo_C)(UxTopLevel); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * show the "Mail Developers" dialog of the application. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_mail( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { if (user_mail_C) { (user_mail_C)(UxTopLevel); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Callback routine which will be called to * * show the "Mail Developers" dialog of the application. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void km_do_mail(Widget w, XtPointer cd, XmAnyCallbackStruct *cbs) { if (user_mail_C) { (user_mail_C)(UxTopLevel); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Set cursor shape for all TopLevelShells (except Graphics). * * * ***********************************************************************/ void km_all_cursor (icurs) int icurs; { int i; Cursor kursor, gkursor; if (icurs == KM_MAIN_CURSOR) { kursor = km_main_cursor; gkursor = km_cross_cursor; } else if (icurs == KM_WAIT_CURSOR) { kursor = km_wait_cursor; gkursor = kursor; } else if (icurs == KM_CROSS_CURSOR) { kursor = km_cross_cursor; gkursor = kursor; } else if (icurs == KM_INPUT_CURSOR) { kursor = km_input_cursor; gkursor = kursor; } else if (icurs == KM_HELP_CURSOR) { kursor = km_help_cursor; gkursor = kursor; } else if (icurs == KM_BUSY_CURSOR) { kursor = km_busy_cursor; gkursor = kursor; } else if (icurs == KM_BLCK_CURSOR) { kursor = km_blck_cursor; gkursor = kursor; } else if (icurs == KM_SELC_CURSOR) { kursor = km_selc_cursor; gkursor = kursor; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_APP_SHELL; i++) { if (appShell[i] != NULL) { char *title = str0dup(appShell_title[i]); if( title == NULL || strstr(strupper(title), "GRAPHICS") == NULL ) km_set_cursor (appShell[i], kursor); else km_set_cursor (appShell[i], gkursor); if( title != NULL ) free (title); } } /* Kxterm */ if (icurs == KM_MAIN_CURSOR) send_single_kxterm_cmd ("cursor(main)"); else if (icurs == KM_WAIT_CURSOR) send_single_kxterm_cmd ("cursor(wait)"); } /******************************************************************************/ /* void appShell_activate( widget, tag, callback_data ) */ /******************************************************************************/ static void appShell_activate( widget, tag, callback_data ) Widget widget; int tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { int i = tag; if (tag >= 0) { if (appShell[i] == NULL) return; UxPopupInterface(appShell[i], XtGrabNone); XMapRaised(km_Display, XtWindow(km_GetTrueShell(appShell[i]))); XFlush(km_Display); } else { /* Executive window managed by kxterm */ send_single_kxterm_cmd("raise"); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* void kuipList_OK ( widget, tag, callback_data ) */ /******************************************************************************/ static void kuipList_OK( widget, tag, callback_data ) Widget widget; int tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { Widget kuipListText; char *command; char cval[MAX_string]; KmCommand *cmd; Position xr, yr; int flag = tag; /* Get selected value */ kuipListText = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (km_listSBox, XmDIALOG_TEXT); command = (char *) XmTextGetString (kuipListText); if (command != NULL) { /* Get command path according to command string */ cmd = search_command (command, NULL); if (cmd != NULL) { /* Command is ok */ km_get_curpos (callback_data->event,&xr,&yr); display_widget (cmd, xr, yr, flag); } else { /* command does not exist ... */ sprintf (cval, "Cannot find command : %s", command); km_warn_user(km_toplevel, cval, ""); XtFree (command); return; } XtFree (command); } km_destroy_list(); } /******************************************************************************/ /* void km_kmenu_OK ( widget, tag, callback_data ) */ /******************************************************************************/ void km_kmenu_OK( widget, tag, callback_data ) Widget widget; caddr_t tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { Widget kuipListText; char *menu; char *path = (char *) tag; /* Get selected value */ kuipListText = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (km_listSBox, XmDIALOG_TEXT); menu = (char *) XmTextGetString (kuipListText); /* Destroy list */ km_destroy_list(); if (menu != NULL) { char cmd[MAX_stringl]; if (path != NULL) sprintf (cmd, "/KUIP/HELP %s/%s", path, menu); else sprintf (cmd, "/KUIP/HELP %s", menu); ku_exel (cmd); XtFree (menu); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* void kxterm_raise_OK ( widget, tag, callback_data ) */ /******************************************************************************/ static void kxterm_raise_OK( widget, tag, callback_data ) Widget widget; int tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data; { Widget kuipListText; char *title; int k, index; /* Get selected value */ kuipListText = XmSelectionBoxGetChild (km_listSBox, XmDIALOG_TEXT); title = (char *) XmTextGetString (kuipListText); index = -1; if (title != NULL) { for (k = 0; k < MAX_APP_SHELL; k++) { if (appShell_title[k] == NULL) break; if (strcmp(title, appShell_title[k]) == 0) { index = k; break; } } XtFree (title); } /* end ... if (title != NULL) */ if (index >= 0) { if (index == 0) /* Executive window */ appShell_activate (NULL, -1, NULL); else appShell_activate (NULL, index, NULL); } }