/* * $Id: kmbrow.c,v 1996/03/08 15:33:08 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: kmbrow.c,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 15:33:08 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.06/09 20/02/95 12.14.20 by N.Cremel*/ /*-- Author : Nicole Cremel*/ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* MOTIF-based library for KUIP - deck KMBROW */ /* */ /* Basic Interface for any "KUIP Browsers" */ /* (connected to the file //KUIP/XMCLIB/KUXBRO for building the */ /* panels with Architect : "create_kuipBrowser"). */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include "kuip/kfor.h" #include "kuip/klink.h" #include "kuip/kmenu.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mkdims.h" #include "kuip/mkutfu.h" #include "mkutfm.h" #include "mkutda.h" #include "mkutdm.h" #include "kuip/mkterm.h" #include "icbox.h" #include "kuip/browh1.h" #include "browh2.h" #include "browbm.h" #define CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS 1 #include "mkuxbr.h" #undef CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS /* structure definition */ typedef struct { Widget browser; BrAction *bract; } otag_str; /* tag structure for FilePdMenu_o_activate */ /* local data */ static Widget last_browser; static Widget file_popup; static Widget dir_popup; static int n_fbrowser = 0; static int hili_left = 0; static int hili_right = 0; static Boolean no_recursion = False; static Boolean path_edit = False; static int current_browser; static Widget class_popup = NULL; static Widget object_popup = NULL; static char br_filter[MAX_stringl]; static char *br_init = NULL; static char *path_init = NULL; static int init_br = 0; /* extern data */ extern XmAnyCallbackStruct *current_callback_data; /*********************************************************************** * * * Forward declarations of extern functions. * * * ***********************************************************************/ extern C_PROTO_1(Widget create_kuipBrowser, void); extern C_PROTO_1(void create_menu_help, Widget parent); extern C_PROTO_3(void popup_activate, Widget widget, caddr_t tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); /*********************************************************************** * * * Forward declarations of global functions. * * * ***********************************************************************/ C_PROTO_3(void km_show_Browser, Widget w, Widget clone_parent, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); C_PROTO_2(void kxterm_show_browser, char **, int); C_PROTO_3(Widget km_create_Browser, Widget w, Widget clone_parent, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); C_PROTO_1( void file_execute, char *lun); C_PROTO_3( void dir_execute, Widget browser, KmObject *kmobj, char *lun); C_PROTO_3(void update_browser, Widget widget, int list, Boolean refresh); C_PROTO_0(void km_reset_class_popup); C_PROTO_0(void km_reset_object_popup); C_PROTO_0(char *km_get_br_filter); /* C-callable entry to set browser in a given state */ void km_browser_set ( const char *file, const char *path ); /*********************************************************************** * * * Forward declarations of local functions. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static C_PROTO_1(Widget find_kuipBrowser, Widget child); static C_PROTO_6(void list_delete_item, int *lst, char *item, int *litem, int *all1, int *refresh, int *all_dir); static C_PROTO_2(void list_refresh, int *list, int *all_dir); static C_PROTO_1(void file_list_refresh, Widget widget); static C_PROTO_1(int get_fb_context, Widget w); static C_PROTO_1(void save_fb_context, Widget w); static C_PROTO_1(void focus_allbrowser, Boolean set); static C_PROTO_3(void destroy_kuipBrowser, Widget w, Widget browser, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static C_PROTO_0(char *get_path); static C_PROTO_1(void set_path, char *path); static C_PROTO_3(void reset_cursor, Widget w, Widget browser, XButtonPressedEvent *event); static C_PROTO_3(void change_path, Widget w, Widget browser, XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *cbs); static C_PROTO_3(void edit_path, Widget w, Widget browser, XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *cbs); static C_PROTO_3(void do_file_list, Widget w, Widget browser, XmListCallbackStruct *call_data); static C_PROTO_1(KmObject *get_dir_data, Widget browser); static C_PROTO_3(void do_dir_list, Widget w, Widget browser, IconBoxCallbackStruct *call_data); static C_PROTO_3(void enter_browser, Widget widget, int tag, XEnterWindowEvent *ev); static C_PROTO_3(void post_class_menu, Widget w, Widget browser, XButtonPressedEvent *event); static C_PROTO_3(void post_object_menu, Widget w, Widget browser, XButtonPressedEvent *event); static C_PROTO_5(void list_addc_item, KmObject *kmobj, int ltype, int pos, Boolean refresh, Boolean all_dir); #if UNREF static C_PROTO_3(void list_addp_item, char *item, int pos, Boolean all_dir); #endif static C_PROTO_2 (void do_list_content, char *path, Boolean refresh); static C_PROTO_1(void init_fb_menu, Widget browser); static C_PROTO_1(void set_icon_tb_state, int icon_type); static C_PROTO_3(void change_icon_type, Widget w, int icon_type, XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct *call_data); #ifdef ALL_CYCLE /* vms */ static C_PROTO_3(void change_cycle, Widget w, caddr_t tag, XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct *call_data); #endif static C_PROTO_3(void select_all_decks, Widget w, Widget browser, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static C_PROTO_3(void show_filtDialog, Widget w, Widget browser, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static C_PROTO_3(void FilePdMenu_o_activate, Widget widget, caddr_t tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static C_PROTO_3(void FilePdMenu_exit, Widget widget, caddr_t tag, XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data); static void browser_init(); static void set_browser ( char *file ); /*********************************************************************** * * * Show (manage) the file browser. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void km_show_Browser(w, clone_parent, call_data) Widget w, clone_parent; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { km_create_Browser(w, clone_parent, call_data); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Action routine which will be called by handle_kxterm_actions to * * popup a new browser. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void kxterm_show_browser( argv, argc ) char **argv; int argc; { km_show_Browser((Widget)NULL, (Widget)NULL, (XmAnyCallbackStruct *)NULL); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Create the file browser. * * * ***********************************************************************/ Widget km_create_Browser(w, clone_parent, call_data) Widget w, clone_parent; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { Widget widget; Pixmap pixmap; Pixel fgc; XmString *xfsel, *xdsel; Display *display; char *path, *title; char cval[MAX_string], cval1[MAX_string]; int i, fitem, fcnt, dcnt, icon_type; int browser_count = 0; BrObject *brobj; if (n_fbrowser >= MAX_FILE_BROWSER) { km_inform_user(w, "Cannot open more file browsers.", ""); return(NULL); } widget = create_kuipBrowser(); last_browser = widget; get_fb_context(widget); /* set icon for file browser popup */ display = XtDisplay(widget); pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), (char*)browser_bits, browser_width, browser_height); for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (!fbrowser[i].widget) { browser_count = i; break; } } /* * First browser is called the so called Main browser. */ if (!browser_count) sprintf (cval,"%s Main Browser", class_name); else sprintf (cval,"%s Browser %d", class_name,browser_count+1); XtVaSetValues(XtParent(widget), XmNtitle, cval, XmNiconName, cval, XmNiconPixmap, pixmap, NULL); /* * Register browser with application via application defined routine. */ sprintf (cval1,"kuipBrowser%d", browser_count+1); if( klnkaddr.user_TopWid_C != NULL ) { /* pass widget ID to application */ (*klnkaddr.user_TopWid_C)(cval1, widget); XtVaGetValues(XtParent(widget), XmNtitle, &title, NULL); km_store_appShell (widget, title); } else { km_store_appShell (widget, cval); } XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNbackground, &fgc, NULL); XtVaSetValues(pathText, XmNbackground, fgc, NULL); /* * install callbacks on browser buttons */ if (!browser_count) { XtVaSetValues(XtParent(widget), XmNdeleteResponse, XmDO_NOTHING, NULL); XtSetSensitive(closeButton, False); } else { km_MwmCloseCallback(XtParent(widget), (XtCallbackProc)destroy_kuipBrowser, (XtPointer)widget); XtAddCallback(closeButton, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)destroy_kuipBrowser, widget); } XtAddCallback(cloneButton, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_show_Browser, widget); /* * install callbacks on the lists */ XtAddCallback(fileList, XmNbrowseSelectionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)do_file_list, widget); XtAddCallback(fileList, XmNsingleSelectionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)do_file_list, widget); XtAddCallback(fileList, XmNdefaultActionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)do_file_list, widget); /* * install event handler on the pathText widget */ XtAddEventHandler(pathText, ButtonPressMask, False, (XtEventHandler)reset_cursor, widget); XtAddCallback(pathText, XmNmotionVerifyCallback, (XtCallbackProc)change_path, widget); dirList = CreateIconBox(dirScWindow, "dirlist", NULL, 0); /* * install callbacks on the dirList */ IconBoxAddCallback(dirList, XmNdefaultActionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)do_dir_list, (caddr_t)widget); IconBoxAddCallback(dirList, XmNsingleSelectionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)do_dir_list, (caddr_t)widget); IconBoxAddCallback(dirList, XmNextendedSelectionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)do_dir_list, (caddr_t)widget); IconBoxAddCallback(dirList, XmNmultipleSelectionCallback, (XtCallbackProc)do_dir_list, (caddr_t)widget); /* * install event handler on EnterNotify events */ current_browser = browser_count; XtAddEventHandler(widget, EnterWindowMask, False, (XtEventHandler)enter_browser, (XtPointer)browser_count); /* * initialize the View menu */ init_fb_menu(widget); /* * initialize the Help menu */ create_menu_help(widget); /* * install the popup menu's and event handlers */ XtAddEventHandler(fileList, ButtonPressMask, False, (XtEventHandler)post_class_menu, widget); XtAddEventHandler(dirList, ButtonPressMask, False, (XtEventHandler)post_object_menu, widget); /* display the file browser */ UxPopupInterface(widget, XtGrabNone); /* get icon_type and titles state */ icon_type = IconBoxGetIconType(dirList); if (icon_type == IconBoxBIG_ICON) titles = 0; else if (icon_type == IconBoxSMALL_ICON) titles = 1; else if (icon_type == IconBoxNO_ICON) titles = 2; else if (icon_type == IconBoxTITLES) titles = 3; n_fbrowser++; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (!fbrowser[i].widget) { fbrowser[i].widget = widget; fbrowser[i].dirlist = dirList; fbrowser[i].file_popup = file_popup; fbrowser[i].dir_popup = dir_popup; fbrowser[i].pref_dialog = (Widget) NULL; fbrowser[i].pref_menu = (MenuCbStruct *) NULL; fbrowser[i].cd[0] = '\0'; fbrowser[i].hili_left = 0; fbrowser[i].hili_right = 0; fbrowser[i].titles = titles; fbrowser[i].order = 0; strcpy (fbrowser[i].filter, "*"); fbrowser[i].focus = False; fbrowser[i].reset = False; fbrowser[i].path_edit = False; break; } } /* Show all connected files (class window) */ for ( brobj = scan_brobjects(); brobj != NULL; brobj = brobj->next ) { /* Get total number of classes and for each one get and * add short_name in class window */ XmString xmstr = XmStringCreate( brobj->name, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET ); XmListAddItem( fileList, xmstr, 0 ); XmStringFree( xmstr ); } /* is it a clone ? */ if (clone_parent) { /* set context to the parent */ get_fb_context(clone_parent); /* get selected item in the parent's file list */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNitemCount, &fitem, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); if (!fcnt) return(widget); IconBoxGetSelectedItems(dirList, &xdsel, &dcnt); icon_type = IconBoxGetIconType(dirList); /* get current path in the parent's file list */ path = get_path(); strcpy (browser_dir, path); /* * save parent's context as clone context (to save titles, order and * filter settings) */ save_fb_context(widget); /* set context back to the clone */ get_fb_context(widget); XmListSelectItem(fileList, xfsel[0], True); IconBoxSetIconType(dirList, icon_type); set_path(path); if (titles) set_icon_tb_state(IconBoxTITLES); else set_icon_tb_state(icon_type); /* list content of selected_path for this new current_browser */ do_list_content(path, True); /* highlight the icons that were selected */ IconBoxSelectItems(dirList, xdsel, dcnt, False); if (dcnt > 0) XtFree((char *)xdsel); XtFree(path); } else { set_path(""); } return (widget); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Get the context for kuipBrowser widget. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static int get_fb_context(w) Widget w; { int i; if (!w) return -2; /* * find and restore the context * (to get to the widgets belonging to this dialog) */ UxKuipBrowserContext = (_UxCkuipBrowser *)UxGetContext(w); /* restore dirList context by hand (not in Architect context) */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (fbrowser[i].widget == w) { dirList = fbrowser[i].dirlist; file_popup = fbrowser[i].file_popup; dir_popup = fbrowser[i].dir_popup; pref_dialog = fbrowser[i].pref_dialog; pref_menu = fbrowser[i].pref_menu; strcpy(browser_dir, fbrowser[i].cd); hili_left = fbrowser[i].hili_left; hili_right = fbrowser[i].hili_right; titles = fbrowser[i].titles; order = fbrowser[i].order; strcpy(browser_filter, fbrowser[i].filter); browser_focus = fbrowser[i].focus; browser_reset = fbrowser[i].reset; path_edit = fbrowser[i].path_edit; return i; } } return -1; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Get current value of br_filter. * * * ***********************************************************************/ char *km_get_br_filter() { return br_filter; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Save the context for kuipBrowser widget. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void save_fb_context(w) Widget w; { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (fbrowser[i].widget == w) { strcpy(fbrowser[i].cd, browser_dir); fbrowser[i].hili_left = hili_left; fbrowser[i].hili_right = hili_right; fbrowser[i].titles = titles; fbrowser[i].order = order; strcpy(fbrowser[i].filter, browser_filter); fbrowser[i].focus = browser_focus; fbrowser[i].reset = browser_reset; fbrowser[i].path_edit = path_edit; break; } } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Set or reset the file browser update flag. * * * ***********************************************************************/ C_DECL_1(void km_reset_allbrowser, Boolean, set) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { fbrowser[i].reset = set; } browser_reset = set; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Set or reset the file browser focus flag. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static C_DECL_1(void focus_allbrowser, Boolean, set) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { fbrowser[i].focus = set; } browser_focus = set; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Destroy the file browser dialog. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void destroy_kuipBrowser(w, browser, call_data) Widget w, browser; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { int i; n_fbrowser--; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (fbrowser[i].widget == browser) { fbrowser[i].widget = (Widget) NULL; fbrowser[i].dirlist = (Widget) NULL; fbrowser[i].file_popup = (Widget) NULL; fbrowser[i].dir_popup = (Widget) NULL; fbrowser[i].pref_dialog = (Widget) NULL; XtFree((char *)fbrowser[i].pref_menu); fbrowser[i].pref_menu = (MenuCbStruct *) NULL; fbrowser[i].cd[0] = '\0'; fbrowser[i].hili_left = 0; fbrowser[i].hili_right = 0; fbrowser[i].titles = 0; fbrowser[i].order = 0; strcpy (fbrowser[i].filter, "*"); fbrowser[i].focus = False; fbrowser[i].reset = False; fbrowser[i].path_edit = False; break; } } UxDestroyInterface(browser); km_reset_appShell (browser); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Find the file browser dialog. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static Widget find_kuipBrowser(child) Widget child; { String name; Widget browser; /* * starting from a child widget find back the * parent file browser widget to set the right context. */ browser = child; do { browser = XtParent(browser); name = XtName(browser); } while (browser && strcmp(name, "kuipBrowser")); return browser; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Set the current path in kxterm. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void set_path_in_kxterm(path) char *path; { char *s = XtMalloc(strlen(path)+6); sprintf(s,"cwd(%s)", path); send_single_kxterm_cmd(s); XtFree(s); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Handle the browser window enter and leave events. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void enter_browser(widget, tag, ev) Widget widget; int tag; XEnterWindowEvent *ev; { extern Boolean km_browser_refresh; int fcnt; XmString *xfsel; char *path, *selected_path; get_fb_context(fbrowser[tag].widget); if( current_browser != tag ) { /* When moving from one browser into another we have to refresh */ current_browser = tag; browser_focus = False; } /* Test flag reset for command like HISTO/FILE */ if (browser_reset) km_browser_refresh = True; if (km_browser_refresh) { /* after command execution : */ /* update all browsers the 1st time one is entered */ update_browser (NULL, 0, False); km_browser_refresh = False; km_reset_allbrowser(False); get_fb_context(fbrowser[current_browser].widget); browser_focus = False; } if (!browser_focus) { path = get_path(); set_path_in_kxterm(path); /* * scan object for this filebrowser class * This code may be removed once each browser has its own kmobj * structure */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); if (fcnt) { XmStringGetLtoR(xfsel[0], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &selected_path); scan_kmobjects(selected_path, path, current_browser); XtFree (selected_path); } /* execute default action for this browser (e.g. cd ...) */ update_browser (fbrowser[current_browser].widget, DIR_LIST, False); XtFree (path); focus_allbrowser(False); browser_focus = True; } /* always update a browser which shows the //PAWC */ path = get_path(); if (!strncasecmp(path, "//PAWC", 6)) do_list_content(path, True); XtFree (path); save_fb_context(fbrowser[current_browser].widget); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Update browser : both class and object window. * * * * + Execute default action for the current path (change directory) * * * * list = DIR_LIST, FILE_LIST or 0 (both) * * if browser = NULL then update all browsers (class and/or object) * * if list = DIR_LIST and refresh = False then execute default * * command for this browser selected path (e.g. cd) * * if list = DIR_LIST and refresh = True then update browser content * * and execute default command for this browser selected path * * * ***********************************************************************/ C_DECL_3(void update_browser, Widget, browser, int, list, Boolean, refresh) { XmString *xfsel; char *path; int i, fitem, fcnt, oldcur; BrObject *brobj; BrClass *brcls; BrAction *bract; if (browser != NULL) get_fb_context(browser); /* Update the "class window" with list of connected files */ if (list == 0 || list == FILE_LIST) { if (browser == NULL) { /* update all browsers */ int do_all = 1; int lt = FILE_LIST; list_refresh(<, &do_all); } else { file_list_refresh (fileList); save_fb_context(browser); } } if (list == FILE_LIST) return; if (browser == NULL) { /* Update all browser object windows */ oldcur = current_browser; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (fbrowser[i].widget) { current_browser = get_fb_context(fbrowser[i].widget); /* Update the content window */ path = get_path(); if (path == NULL) { IconBoxDeleteAllItems(dirList, True); continue; } do_list_content (path, True); XtFree (path); } } current_browser = oldcur; } else { /* Get selected class (lun) for this browser */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNitemCount, &fitem, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); /* Execute default action for this selected class (change directory) */ if (fcnt) { char *lun; XmStringGetLtoR(xfsel[0], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &lun); /* Get object structure for this lun */ if ( (brobj = find_brobject( lun )) != NULL ) { brcls = brobj->class; bract = brcls->root; /* execute the class window default action for lun */ current_callback_data = NULL; exec_action (bract, lun, NULL, False, NULL, NULL); } XtFree (lun); } if (refresh) { /* refresh content window */ path = get_path(); if (path == NULL) { IconBoxDeleteAllItems(dirList, True); return; } /* Store new value for "browser_dir" */ strcpy(browser_dir, path); /* Update the content window */ do_list_content (path, True); XtFree (path); } } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Make sure that the correct file is highlighted. * * The user may have changed the file selection. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void check_file_selection() { } /*********************************************************************** * * * Get the path in the pathText widget. * * It removes the blank appended at the end of the path by set_path. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static char *get_path() { char *path, *s; int ls; s = strtrim( XmTextGetString(pathText) ); ls = strlen(s); if (ls) path = XtNewString(s); else path = XtCalloc(1, 1); free(s); return path; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Set the path in the pathText widget. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void set_path(path) char *path; { no_recursion = True; XmTextSetString(pathText, path); XmTextInsert(pathText, strlen(path), " "); no_recursion = False; hili_left = 0; hili_right = 0; set_path_in_kxterm(path); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Event handler which resets the cursor position to 1 so * * change_path will always be called (because the current pos * * will always be different from the new pos. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void reset_cursor(w, browser, event) Widget w, browser; XButtonPressedEvent *event; { XmTextPosition pos; /* only handle 1st and 3rd mouse button */ if (event->button == 2) return; no_recursion = True; if (event->button == 1) { pos = 0; XmTextSetInsertionPosition(w, pos); } if (event->button == 3) { /* set the context */ get_fb_context(browser); XmTextSetHighlight(pathText, hili_left, hili_right, XmHIGHLIGHT_NORMAL); hili_left = 0; hili_right = 0; path_edit = True; save_fb_context(browser); XtVaSetValues(pathText, XmNeditable, True, XmNcursorPositionVisible, True, XmNshadowThickness, 2, XmNmarginHeight, 3, NULL); XtOverrideTranslations (pathText, XtParseTranslationTable("Return:activate()")); XtAddCallback(pathText, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)edit_path, browser); } no_recursion = False; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Callback for manually editing the pathtext. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void edit_path(w, browser, cbs) Widget w, browser; XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *cbs; { char *path, *selected_path, *lun; int zero, all, list; XmString *xfsel; int fitem, fcnt; no_recursion = True; get_fb_context(browser); XtRemoveCallback(pathText, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)edit_path, browser); path = get_path(); /* Store new value for "browser_dir" and update path */ strcpy(browser_dir, path); set_path(browser_dir); /* make sure the values changed in set_path are saved */ save_fb_context(browser); km_set_cursor (browser, km_wait_cursor); zero = 0; all = 1; list = DIR_LIST; list_delete_item(&list, NULL, &zero, &all, &zero, &zero); selected_path = (char *) XtMalloc (MAX_string+1); strcpy (selected_path, browser_dir); do_list_content (selected_path, True); /* Get selected class (lun) for this browser */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNitemCount, &fitem, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); /* Execute default action for this selected class */ if (fcnt) { BrObject *brobj; XmStringGetLtoR(xfsel[0], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &lun); /* Get object structure for this lun */ if ( (brobj = find_brobject( lun )) != NULL ) { BrClass *brcls; BrAction *bract; brcls = brobj->class; bract = brcls->root; /* execute the class window default action for lun */ current_callback_data = NULL; exec_action (bract, lun, NULL, False, NULL, NULL); /* Update all browsers */ if (bract->flags & BrActUpdate) update_browser(NULL, FILE_LIST, False); } XtFree (lun); } km_set_cursor (browser, km_main_cursor); XtFree (selected_path); check_file_selection(); path_edit = False; save_fb_context(browser); XtFree(path); XtVaSetValues(pathText, XmNeditable, False, XmNcursorPositionVisible, False, XmNshadowThickness, 0, XmNmarginHeight, 5, NULL); no_recursion = False; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Event handler for the pressing of the 1st mouse button in the * * pathText widget. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void change_path(w, browser, cbs) Widget w, browser; XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *cbs; { XmTextPosition pos; int end_pos, zero, all, x, y, width, height, list; char *path, *prev, *s, *s2, *class, *lun; char *selected_path; Boolean selected; XmString xmstr; int is_vms_dir = 0; int slash = '/'; if (no_recursion || path_edit) return; /* get the click position */ pos = cbs->newInsert; if (pos <= 0) return; /* set the context */ get_fb_context(browser); path = get_path(); /* check if it is not a VMS directory name "disk:[dir]" */ if( path[strlen(path)-1] == ']' ) { is_vms_dir = 1; slash = '.'; } /* special case for path's starting with // (i.e. RZ files) */ if (!strncmp(path, "//", 2) && pos <= 2) pos = 3; /* search from the click position to the first / */ s = strchr(path+(pos-1), slash); if (s) { end_pos = s - path; if (end_pos == 0) end_pos = 1; } else end_pos = strlen(path); /* if clicked twice in the same path segment change path */ if (end_pos == hili_right) { /* just rescan when full path selected */ if (end_pos == strlen(path)) { XmTextSetHighlight(pathText, hili_left, hili_right, XmHIGHLIGHT_NORMAL); hili_left = 0; hili_right = 0; save_fb_context(browser); /* make sure the above values are saved */ km_set_cursor (browser, km_wait_cursor); zero = 0; all = 1; list = DIR_LIST; list_delete_item(&list, NULL, &zero, &all, &zero, &zero); selected_path = (char *) XtMalloc (MAX_string+1); strcpy (selected_path, browser_dir); do_list_content (selected_path, False); list = DIR_LIST; list_refresh(&list, &zero); XtFree (selected_path); km_set_cursor (browser, km_main_cursor); } else { /* new path selected: execute action for "change directory" */ XmString *xfsel; int fitem, fcnt; BrObject *brobj; BrClass *brcls; BrAction *bract; /* Store new value for "browser_dir" and update path */ strncpy(browser_dir, path, end_pos); if( is_vms_dir ) { browser_dir[end_pos] = ']'; browser_dir[end_pos+1] = '\0'; } else { browser_dir[end_pos] = '\0'; } set_path(browser_dir); /* make sure the values changed in set_path are saved */ save_fb_context(browser); s2 = strchr(s+1, slash); if (s2) { prev = XtCalloc(s2-s, 1); strncpy(prev, s+1, s2-s-1); } else { prev = XtCalloc(strlen(path)-end_pos, 1); strcpy(prev, s+1); } km_set_cursor (browser, km_wait_cursor); zero = 0; all = 1; list = DIR_LIST; list_delete_item(&list, NULL, &zero, &all, &zero, &zero); selected_path = (char *) XtMalloc (MAX_string+1); strcpy (selected_path, browser_dir); do_list_content (selected_path, False); xmstr = XmStringCreate(prev, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); if (IconBoxGetItemAttr(dirList, xmstr, &x, &y, &width, &height, &class, &selected)) IconBoxZoom(dirList, x, y, width, height, False); list = DIR_LIST; list_refresh(&list, &zero); /* Get selected class (lun) for this browser */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNitemCount, &fitem, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); /* Execute default action for this selected class */ if (fcnt) { XmStringGetLtoR(xfsel[0], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &lun); /* Get object structure for this lun */ if ( (brobj = find_brobject( lun )) != NULL ) { brcls = brobj->class; bract = brcls->root; /* execute the class window default action for lun */ current_callback_data = NULL; exec_action (bract, lun, NULL, False, NULL, NULL); /* Update all browsers */ if (bract->flags & BrActUpdate) update_browser(NULL, FILE_LIST, False); } XtFree (lun); } km_set_cursor (browser, km_main_cursor); XtFree (selected_path); XtFree(prev); XtFree(class); XmStringFree(xmstr); } } else { /* if clicked in new path segment, just highlight the segment */ XmTextSetHighlight(pathText, hili_left, hili_right, XmHIGHLIGHT_NORMAL); hili_right = end_pos; XmTextSetHighlight(pathText, hili_left, hili_right, XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED); } check_file_selection(); save_fb_context(browser); XtFree(path); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Event handler for the pressing of the 3rd mouse button * * in the class window. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void post_class_menu(w, browser, event) Widget w, browser; XButtonPressedEvent *event; { Widget wtmp; MenuItem filemenu_items[MAXITEMS]; char *selected_path; XmString *xfsel; int fitem, fcnt; int i; BrObject *brobj; BrClass *brcls; BrAction *bract; char title[MAX_string]; static poptag_str ptag[MAXITEMS]; unsigned int state; /* only handle 3rd mouse button */ if (event->button != 3) return; state = event->state; get_fb_context(browser); /* Get selected_path for this browser */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNitemCount, &fitem, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); if (!fcnt) return; XmStringGetLtoR(xfsel[0], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &selected_path); /* Get Browser class according to the selection : selected_path */ if( (brobj = find_brobject( selected_path )) == NULL ) { XtFree (selected_path); return; } brcls = brobj->class; bract = brcls->root; /* Build the "class window" popup menu : */ for( i = 0; bract != NULL; bract = bract->next, i++ ) { if (i > MAXITEMS) break; ptag[i].command_num = i+1; ptag[i].flag = 1; ptag[i].browser = browser; ptag[i].panel = (state == ControlMask); ptag[i].bract = bract; ptag[i].bract_next = bract->next; ptag[i].kmobj = NULL; strcpy (ptag[i].pathname, selected_path); filemenu_items[i].accelerator = NULL; filemenu_items[i].accel_text = NULL; filemenu_items[i].callback = popup_activate; filemenu_items[i].callback_data = (caddr_t) &ptag[i]; filemenu_items[i].default_button = False; filemenu_items[i].subitems = NULL; filemenu_items[i].set = False; if (bract->flags & BrActToggle) { filemenu_items[i].class = &xmToggleButtonGadgetClass; if (bract->flags & BrActToggleOn) filemenu_items[i].set = True; } else { filemenu_items[i].class = &xmPushButtonGadgetClass; } filemenu_items[i].label = bract->text; filemenu_items[i].mnemonic = bract->text[0]; filemenu_items[i].separator = (bract->flags & BrActSeparator); } /* Add auromatically a "Help" item at the end of the menu */ filemenu_items[i].accelerator = NULL; filemenu_items[i].accel_text = NULL; filemenu_items[i].callback = km_do_help; filemenu_items[i].callback_data = str2dup("HELP_", selected_path) ; filemenu_items[i].subitems = NULL; filemenu_items[i].set = False; filemenu_items[i].class = &xmPushButtonGadgetClass; filemenu_items[i].label = strdup("Help"); filemenu_items[i].mnemonic = 'H'; filemenu_items[i].separator = True; i++; filemenu_items[i].label = NULL; filemenu_items[0].default_button = True; /* create menu title */ if( brcls->title != NULL ) sprintf( title, "%s %s", brcls->title, brobj->name ); else sprintf( title, "%s", brobj->name ); km_reset_class_popup(); class_popup = km_build_popup (fileList, title, filemenu_items, XmMENU_POPUP, &wtmp); /* * position the menu at the location of the button press! If we wanted * to position it elsewhere, we could change the x,y fields of the * event structure. */ XmMenuPosition(class_popup, event); XtManageChild(class_popup); XtFree (selected_path); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Destroy menu defined in the class window (class_popup). * * * ***********************************************************************/ void km_reset_class_popup() { if (class_popup != NULL) XtDestroyWidget (XtParent(class_popup)); class_popup = NULL; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Event handler for the pressing of the 3rd mouse button * * in the object window. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void post_object_menu(w, browser, event) Widget w, browser; XButtonPressedEvent *event; { Widget wtmp; MenuItem filemenu_items[MAXITEMS]; int i, npos, *pos; char *selected_path; XmString *xfsel; int fitem, fcnt; static poptag_str ptag[MAXITEMS]; static KmObject tag_kmobj; unsigned int state; KmObject *kmobj; KmClass *kmcls; BrAction *bract; char title[MAX_string]; /* only handle 3rd mouse button */ if (event->button != 3) return; state = event->state; get_fb_context(browser); /* Get selected_path for this browser */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNitemCount, &fitem, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); if (!fcnt) return; XmStringGetLtoR(xfsel[0], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &selected_path); /* Get selected_item for this browser */ IconBoxGetSelectedPos (dirList, &pos, &npos); if (npos != 1) { XtFree((char *)pos); XtFree (selected_path); return; } kmobj = kmobjects; for( i = pos[npos-1] - 1; kmobj != NULL && i > 0; i-- ) kmobj = kmobj->next; XtFree((char *)pos); if( kmobj == NULL ) return; /* save kmobj in local copy */ tag_kmobj.next = NULL; if (tag_kmobj.name) free(tag_kmobj.name); if (kmobj->name) tag_kmobj.name = strdup(kmobj->name); if (tag_kmobj.stext) free(tag_kmobj.stext); if (kmobj->stext) tag_kmobj.stext = strdup(kmobj->stext); else tag_kmobj.stext = NULL; if (tag_kmobj.ltext) free(tag_kmobj.ltext); if (kmobj->ltext) tag_kmobj.ltext = strdup(kmobj->ltext); else tag_kmobj.ltext = NULL; tag_kmobj.class = kmobj->class; /* Get item class according to the selection */ kmcls = kmobj->class; bract = kmcls->cont; /* Build object window popup menu according to this class */ if( kmcls->title != NULL ) { /* create menu title */ } for( i = 0; bract != NULL; bract = bract->next, i++ ) { if (i > MAXITEMS) break; ptag[i].command_num = i+1; ptag[i].flag = 2; ptag[i].browser = browser; ptag[i].panel = (state == ControlMask); ptag[i].bract = bract; ptag[i].bract_next = bract->next; ptag[i].kmobj = &tag_kmobj; strcpy (ptag[i].pathname, selected_path); filemenu_items[i].accelerator = NULL; filemenu_items[i].accel_text = NULL; filemenu_items[i].callback = popup_activate; filemenu_items[i].callback_data = (caddr_t) &ptag[i]; filemenu_items[i].default_button = False; filemenu_items[i].subitems = NULL; filemenu_items[i].set = False; if (bract->flags & BrActToggle) { filemenu_items[i].class = &xmToggleButtonGadgetClass; if (bract->flags & BrActToggleOn) filemenu_items[i].set = True; } else { filemenu_items[i].class = &xmPushButtonGadgetClass; } filemenu_items[i].label = bract->text; filemenu_items[i].mnemonic = bract->text[0]; filemenu_items[i].separator = (bract->flags & BrActSeparator); } filemenu_items[i].label = NULL; filemenu_items[0].default_button = True; sprintf( title, "%s %s", kmcls->title, kmobj->name ); km_reset_object_popup(); object_popup = km_build_popup (dirList, title, filemenu_items, XmMENU_POPUP, &wtmp); /* * position the menu at the location of the button press! If we wanted * to position it elsewhere, we could change the x,y fields of the * event structure. */ XmMenuPosition(object_popup, event); XtManageChild(object_popup); XtFree (selected_path); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Destroy menu defined in the object window (object_popup). * * * ***********************************************************************/ void km_reset_object_popup() { if (object_popup != NULL) XtDestroyWidget (XtParent(object_popup)); object_popup = NULL; } #if UNREF /*********************************************************************** * * * Add an item to the Class Window * * FORTRAN callable * * * * If all_dir<>0 then add the item to all lists in all file * * browsers. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static C_DECL_3(void list_addp_item, char *, item, int, pos, Boolean, all_dir) { XmString xmstr; int i; if (!km_toplevel) return; if (!n_fbrowser) return; xmstr = XmStringCreate(item, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); if (all_dir) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (fbrowser[i].widget) { get_fb_context(fbrowser[i].widget); XmListAddItem(fileList, xmstr, pos); } } } else XmListAddItem(fileList, xmstr, pos); XmStringFree(xmstr); } #endif /*********************************************************************** * * * Add an item to the Object Window * * FORTRAN callable * * * * If all_dir<>0 then add the item to all lists in all file * * browsers. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static C_DECL_5(void list_addc_item, KmObject *, kmobj, int, ltype, int, pos, Boolean, refresh, Boolean, all_dir) { XmString xmstr; Boolean pixmap; char *title; int i; KmIcon *kmicon_big, *kmicon_sml; if (!km_toplevel) return; if (!n_fbrowser) return; title = XtCalloc(MAX_stringl, 1); if (ltype == 0) { /* Big icons */ strcpy( title, kmobj->name ); } else if (ltype == 1) { /* Small icons */ strcpy( title, kmobj->name ); } else if (ltype == 2) { /* no icons */ sprintf (title, "%s", kmobj->name ); if( kmobj->stext != NULL ) { strcat( title, " " ); strcat( title, kmobj->stext ); } } else if (ltype == 3) { /* Titles */ sprintf (title, "%-10s%-8s", kmobj->name, (kmobj->stext != NULL) ? kmobj->stext : "" ); if ( kmobj->ltext != NULL ) { strcat( title, " - " ); strcat( title, kmobj->ltext ); } } xmstr = XmStringCreate(title, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); pixmap = True; /* Retrieve bitmap data (corresponding to this class) from the CDF */ /* Create big pixmaps (first time only) */ if ((kmicon_big = kmobj->class->bicon) == NULL) kmicon_big = kmobj->class->bicon = find_kmicon( kmobj->class->big_icon); /* Create small pixmaps (first time only) */ if ((kmicon_sml = kmobj->class->sicon) == NULL) kmicon_sml = kmobj->class->sicon = find_kmicon( kmobj->class->sm_icon); if (kmicon_big == NULL && kmicon_sml == NULL) { pixmap = False; } else { if (kmicon_big == NULL) kmicon_big = kmicon_sml; if (kmicon_sml == NULL) kmicon_sml = kmicon_big; } if (all_dir) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (fbrowser[i].widget) { get_fb_context(fbrowser[i].widget); if (pixmap) { IconBoxAddItemBitmapData (dirList, xmstr, kmobj->class->name, kmicon_big->name, kmicon_big->bitmap, kmicon_big->width, kmicon_big->height, kmicon_sml->name, kmicon_sml->bitmap, kmicon_sml->width, kmicon_sml->height, pos, refresh); } else { IconBoxAddItem(dirList, xmstr, kmobj->class->name, pos, refresh); } } } } else { if (pixmap) { IconBoxAddItemBitmapData (dirList, xmstr, kmobj->class->name, kmicon_big->name, kmicon_big->bitmap, kmicon_big->width, kmicon_big->height, kmicon_sml->name, kmicon_sml->bitmap, kmicon_sml->width, kmicon_sml->height, pos, refresh); } else { IconBoxAddItem(dirList, xmstr, kmobj->class->name, pos, refresh); } } XmStringFree(xmstr); XtFree(title); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Delete one or all items from one of the two lists (file or dir * * list). * * If a selected item is deleted from the file list then delete also * * all the items from the dir list. If all1 is <>0 then delete all * * items. If refresh=0 then one needs to call list_delete_item at * * least once more with refresh<>0 or call list_refresh. If * * all_dir<>0 then delete item from all file browsers. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void list_delete_item(lst, item, litem, all1, refresh, all_dir) int *lst; char *item; int *litem; int *all1; int *refresh; int *all_dir; { } /*********************************************************************** * * * Refresh the lists * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void list_refresh(list, all_dir) int *list, *all_dir; { Boolean all_brow; int i; if (!km_toplevel) return; if (!n_fbrowser) return; all_brow = (Boolean) *all_dir; if (*list == DIR_LIST) { if (all_brow) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (fbrowser[i].widget) { get_fb_context(fbrowser[i].widget); IconBoxRefresh(dirList); } } } else IconBoxRefresh(dirList); } else if (*list == FILE_LIST) { if (all_brow) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_BROWSER; i++) { if (fbrowser[i].widget) { get_fb_context(fbrowser[i].widget); file_list_refresh (fileList); save_fb_context(fbrowser[i].widget); } } } else file_list_refresh (fileList); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Refresh File_list (class window) * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void file_list_refresh(widget) Widget widget; { BrObject *brobj; int fcnt; XmString *xfsel; char *fsel = NULL; Boolean found = False; XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); if (fcnt) fsel = km_normal_string(xfsel[0]); XmListSetPos(widget, 1); XmListDeselectAllItems(widget); XmListDeleteAllItems (widget); /* Get list of root pathname and update the list widget */ for( brobj = scan_brobjects(); brobj != NULL; brobj = brobj->next ) { XmString xmstr = XmStringCreate( brobj->name, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET ); XmListAddItem( widget, xmstr, 0 ); if (fsel != NULL && !strcmp(fsel, brobj->name)) { XmListSelectItem(widget, xmstr, False); found = True; } XmStringFree( xmstr ); } /* Set pre-defined browser (user has to call km_browser_set) */ browser_init (); if (!found && init_br != 0) { IconBoxDeleteAllItems(dirList, True); browser_dir[0] = '\0'; set_path(""); } if (fsel != NULL) XtFree(fsel); init_br = 1; } static void browser_init() { if( br_init != NULL && init_br == 0 ) { XmString xmsel; char path_n[MAX_string]; char *path, *rpath; xmsel = XmStringCreate(br_init, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XmListSelectItem(fileList, xmsel, True); /* Store new value of "browser_dir" */ if (path_init != NULL) { path = path_init; } else { sprintf (path_n, "path_%d", current_browser); rpath = get_variable( br_init, "root"); if ( (path = get_variable( br_init, path_n )) == NULL) { path = rpath; } if( path == NULL || path[0] == '\0' ) path = "/"; } strcpy(browser_dir, path); set_path(browser_dir); XmStringFree(xmsel); br_init = NULL; free (br_init); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Callback for the file list * * * * (Execution when clicking on one item in the class window) * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void do_file_list(w, browser, call_data) Widget w, browser; XmListCallbackStruct *call_data; { char *lun; get_fb_context(browser); lun = km_normal_string(call_data->item); switch (call_data->reason) { case XmCR_DEFAULT_ACTION: break; case XmCR_SINGLE_SELECT: case XmCR_BROWSE_SELECT: km_set_cursor (browser, km_wait_cursor); set_browser (lun); current_callback_data = (XmAnyCallbackStruct *)call_data; km_set_cursor (browser, km_main_cursor); break; } XtFree(lun); save_fb_context(browser); } void km_browser_set ( const char *file, const char *path ) { BrObject *brobj; /* Take right value in the list (case sensitive) */ br_init = strdup (file); for( brobj = scan_brobjects(); brobj != NULL; brobj = brobj->next ) { if ( strcasecmp( file, brobj->name ) == 0 ) br_init = strdup (brobj->name); } if (path != NULL) path_init = strdup (path); } void F77_ENTRY_CC(Kmbrset,chfil,chpath) /* { */ char *file = fstr0dup( chfil, len_chfil); char *path = fstr0dup( chfil, len_chpath); km_browser_set( file, path ); if (file != NULL) free( file ); if (path != NULL) free( path ); } static void set_browser ( file ) char *file; { char ff[512]; char *value, *vf; XmString xmfil, xmstr; BrObject *brobj; int ic = current_browser; /* Check if item is in the list */ vf = strdup(file); for( brobj = scan_brobjects(); brobj != NULL; brobj = brobj->next ) { if ( strcasecmp( file, brobj->name ) == 0 ) vf = strdup(brobj->name); } get_fb_context(fbrowser[ic].widget); xmfil = XmStringCreate(vf, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); if ( !XmListItemExists( fileList, xmfil ) ) { printf ("set_browser : cannot find %s in list of browsables\n", file); XmStringFree(xmfil); return; } XmStringFree(xmfil); /* Get filename corresponding to path selected */ strcpy( ff, "File: " ); if( (value = get_variable( vf, "file" )) != NULL ) strcat( ff, value ); xmstr = XmStringCreate(ff, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); /* Print fileNameLabel in the labelString area */ XtVaSetValues(fileNameLabel, XmNlabelString, xmstr, NULL); XmStringFree(xmstr); file_execute (vf); free (vf); } /* * action routine for /MOTIF/BROWSER */ int kxbrset() { char *file = ku_gets(); int npar = ku_npar(); char *vf = NULL; XmString xmsel; BrObject *brobj; get_fb_context(last_browser); if (file == NULL) return 0; for( brobj = scan_brobjects(); brobj != NULL; brobj = brobj->next ) { if ( strcasecmp( file, brobj->name ) == 0 ) vf = strdup (brobj->name); } if (vf == NULL) { printf ("kxbrset : cannot find %s in list of browsables\n", file); return 0; } xmsel = XmStringCreate(vf, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XmListSelectItem(fileList, xmsel, True); XmStringFree(xmsel); if (npar > 1) { extern Boolean km_browser_refresh; char *path = ku_gets(); if (path == NULL) { free (vf); return 0; } else { char *full_path = fexpand(path, NULL); strcpy(browser_dir, full_path); set_path(browser_dir); km_browser_refresh = True; browser_focus = False; enter_browser(NULL, current_browser, NULL); free (full_path); } } /* end ... if (npar > 1) */ free (vf); return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * * * Execute default action (for list) when clicking on one item in * * the class window. * * * ***********************************************************************/ void file_execute (lun) char *lun; { char *path, *rpath; char path_n[MAX_string]; BrObject *brobj; BrClass *brcls; BrAction *bract; /* Store new value of "browser_dir" */ sprintf (path_n, "path_%d", current_browser); rpath = get_variable( lun, "root"); if ( (path = get_variable( lun, path_n )) == NULL) { path = rpath; } if( path == NULL || path[0] == '\0' ) path = "/"; strcpy(browser_dir, path); set_path(browser_dir); /* Update object window with the list of objects for this path */ do_list_content(browser_dir, True); /* execute default action (first command) */ if (init_br == 0) return; if ( (brobj = find_brobject( lun )) == NULL ) return; brcls = brobj->class; bract = brcls->root; exec_action (bract, lun, NULL, False, NULL, NULL); /* Update all browsers */ if (bract->flags & BrActUpdate) { update_browser(NULL, FILE_LIST, False); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Get data (value, class, title) on item selected in object window * * * ***********************************************************************/ static KmObject *get_dir_data (browser) Widget browser; { int i, npos, *pos; KmObject *kmobj; get_fb_context(browser); IconBoxGetSelectedPos (dirList, &pos, &npos); if (npos != 1) { XtFree((char *)pos); return(NULL); } kmobj = kmobjects; for( i = pos[npos-1] - 1; kmobj != NULL && i > 0; i-- ) kmobj = kmobj->next; XtFree((char *)pos); if( kmobj == NULL ) return(NULL); /* Set value of "dirNameLabel" (bottom right) */ if (kmobj->name != NULL) { XmString xmstr; char str[512]; if (kmobj->ltext != NULL) sprintf(str, "%s: %s",kmobj->name, kmobj->ltext); else sprintf(str, "%s",kmobj->name); xmstr = XmStringCreate(str, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XtVaSetValues(dirNameLabel, XmNlabelString, xmstr, NULL); XmStringFree(xmstr); } return (kmobj); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Callback for the dir list * * * * (Execution when clicking on one item in the object window) * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void do_dir_list(w, browser, call_data) Widget w, browser; IconBoxCallbackStruct *call_data; { XmString *xfsel; int fitem, fcnt; char *lun; /* name in the root window, e.g. PAWC */ KmObject *kmobj; get_fb_context(browser); /* Get selected_path (lun) for this browser */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNitemCount, &fitem, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); if (!fcnt) return; XmStringGetLtoR(xfsel[0], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &lun); switch (call_data->reason) { case XmCR_SINGLE_SELECT: case XmCR_MULTIPLE_SELECT: case XmCR_EXTENDED_SELECT: get_dir_data (browser); break; case XmCR_DEFAULT_ACTION: km_set_cursor (browser, km_wait_cursor); kmobj = get_dir_data (browser); current_callback_data = (XmAnyCallbackStruct *)call_data; if (kmobj->class->is_dir) { /* This is a directory ... */ /* execute default action for directory */ dir_execute (browser, kmobj, lun); } else { /* execute default action (first command) */ km_get_curpos (call_data->event, &km_xcur_pos, &km_ycur_pos); exec_action (kmobj->class->cont, lun, kmobj->name, False, w, call_data); /* Update all browsers */ if (kmobj->class->cont->flags & BrActUpdate) update_browser (NULL, 0, False); } km_set_cursor (browser, km_main_cursor); break; } XtFree(lun); save_fb_context(browser); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Execute default action and make zoom effect * * when clicking on one directory in the object window * * * ***********************************************************************/ void dir_execute (browser, kmobj, lun) Widget browser; KmObject *kmobj; char *lun; { XmString xmstr; char *path, *selected_path, *class, *dirname, *title; Boolean selected; int list, zero, all, x, y, width, height; BrAction *brasav; get_fb_context(browser); /* Store new value of "browser_dir" */ path = get_path(); strcpy( browser_dir, path ); XtFree (path); if( strcmp( kmobj->name, ".." ) == 0 ) { /* go up one level in directory hierarchy */ if( browser_dir[1] != '\0' ) { char *p = strrchr( browser_dir, '/' ); if( p != NULL ) { if( p == browser_dir ) p[1] = '\0'; else p[0] = '\0'; } } } else if( strcmp( kmobj->name, "[-]" ) == 0 ) { /* VMS */ char *p = strrchr( browser_dir, '.' ); if( p != NULL ) strcpy( p, "]" ); } else if( strncmp( kmobj->name, "[.", 2 ) == 0 ) { /* VMS */ char *p = strrchr( browser_dir, ']' ); if( p != NULL ) strcpy( p, kmobj->name + 1 ); } else { if( browser_dir[1] != '\0' || browser_dir[0] == '~') strcat( browser_dir, "/" ); strcat( browser_dir, kmobj->name ); } /* save new browser_dir value */ save_fb_context(browser); /* Set new path with "browser_dir" */ selected_path = str0dup (browser_dir); set_path(selected_path); /* delete previous contents and fill directory list again */ zero = 0; all = 1; list = DIR_LIST; /* delete the items from the iconbox */ list_delete_item(&list, NULL, &zero, &all, &zero, &zero); /* * store the items from the new directory in the iconbox, * but do not yet update the screen */ brasav = kmobj->class->cont; dirname = str0dup (kmobj->name); title = XtCalloc(MAX_stringl, 1); if (titles == 0 || titles == 1) { /* big and small icons */ strcpy(title, kmobj->name); } else if (titles == 2) { /* no icons */ sprintf (title, "%s", kmobj->name ); if ( kmobj->stext != NULL ) { strcat( title, " " ); strcat( title, kmobj->stext ); } } else if (titles == 3) { /* Titles */ sprintf (title, "%-10s%-8s", kmobj->name, (kmobj->stext != NULL) ? kmobj->stext : "" ); if ( kmobj->ltext ) { strcat( title, " - " ); strcat( title, kmobj->ltext ); } } /* make zoom effect and update the screen */ xmstr = XmStringCreate(title, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); if (IconBoxGetItemAttr(dirList, xmstr, &x, &y, &width, &height, &class, &selected)) { do_list_content (selected_path, False); IconBoxZoom(dirList, x, y, width, height, True); IconBoxDeselectAllItems(dirList, False); list = DIR_LIST; list_refresh(&list, &zero); } free(selected_path); XtFree(class); XtFree(title); XmStringFree(xmstr); /* execute default action (first command) */ exec_action (brasav, lun, dirname, False, NULL, NULL); /* * Update all browsers * Here we assume that the default action does not add new items * in the just refreshed object window, only in the class window * (i.e. FILE_LIST). Best would be if there would be a separate * flag for class and object window refreshes. */ if (brasav->flags & BrActUpdate) update_browser (NULL, FILE_LIST, False); free(dirname); save_fb_context(browser); } /*********************************************************************** * * * do_list_content (path, refresh) * * * * char *path (input) : complete directory pathname * * (e.g. //PAWC/LUN20/DIR1) * * Boolean refresh (input) : refresh the iconbox * * * * Default action for do_file_list * * * * List of objects should be obtained by calling the "next_object" * * routine corresponding to the class of the directory pathname * * (HBOOK, Picture, ZEBRA file, ...) * * * ***********************************************************************/ static C_DECL_2(void do_list_content, char *, path, Boolean, refresh) { char *pathname; XmString xmstr; int ic = current_browser; KmObject *kmobj; XmString *xfsel; int fitem, fcnt; char *selected_path; /* name in the root window, e.g. PAWC */ /* make a local copy of path (which can be overwritten by browser_dir) */ pathname = (char *) XtMalloc(strlen(path)+1); strcpy (pathname, path); get_fb_context(fbrowser[ic].widget); /* get selected item in the parent's file list */ XtVaGetValues(fileList, XmNitemCount, &fitem, XmNselectedItemCount, &fcnt, XmNselectedItems, &xfsel, NULL); if (!fcnt) { XtFree (pathname); return; } XmStringGetLtoR(xfsel[0], XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &selected_path); if (!get_variable(selected_path, "root") && !strcmp(pathname, "/")) pathname[0] = '\0'; if (strlen(pathname) == 0) strcpy(browser_dir, "/"); else strcpy(browser_dir, pathname); IconBoxDeleteAllItems(dirList, False); strcpy (br_filter, fbrowser[ic].filter); for( kmobj = scan_kmobjects( selected_path, pathname, ic); kmobj != NULL; kmobj = kmobj->next ) { int i1 = 0; int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; /* Add item */ list_addc_item(kmobj,fbrowser[ic].titles,i1,i2,i3); } /* end for( kmobj = scan_kmobjects ... */ /* Set value of counterLabel */ xmstr = XmStringCreate( get_variable( selected_path, "summary" ), XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XtVaSetValues(counterLabel, XmNlabelString, xmstr, NULL); XmStringFree(xmstr); if (refresh) IconBoxRefresh(dirList); save_fb_context(fbrowser[ic].widget); XtFree (pathname); XtFree (selected_path); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Install callbacks file browser menu's. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void init_fb_menu(browser) Widget browser; { int narg; Arg arglist[15]; XmString mgXmStrings[1]; Widget FilePdMenu_button, FilePdMenu_sep; int icon_type; BrClass *brcls; Boolean open_button = False; /* * Set up list of buttons in OPEN menu * and install callbacks on OPEN men buttons */ /* Get the list of "Open statements" for all "browsers" */ for( brcls = brclasses; brcls != NULL; brcls = brcls->next ) { BrAction *bract; for( bract = brcls->open; bract != NULL; bract = bract->next ) { otag_str *otag = (otag_str*)malloc(sizeof(otag_str)); narg = 0; mgXmStrings[0] = XmStringCreateLtoR( bract->text, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); XtSetArg(arglist[narg], XmNlabelString, mgXmStrings[0]); narg++; if (bract->flags & BrActSeparator) { FilePdMenu_sep = XmCreateSeparatorGadget (FilePdMenu,"FilePdMenu_sep",arglist,0); XtManageChild(FilePdMenu_sep); } FilePdMenu_button = XmCreatePushButtonGadget (FilePdMenu,"FilePdMenu_button",arglist,narg); open_button = True; otag->browser = browser; otag->bract = bract; XtAddCallback(FilePdMenu_button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)FilePdMenu_o_activate,otag ); XtManageChild(FilePdMenu_button ); XmStringFree(mgXmStrings[0]); } } /* * add "Exit" button at the end of "File" menu (to exit application) */ if (open_button) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "FilePdMenu_sep", xmSeparatorGadgetClass, FilePdMenu, NULL ); FilePdMenu_button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "FilePdMenu_button", xmPushButtonGadgetClass, FilePdMenu, RES_CONVERT( XmNmnemonic, "E" ), RES_CONVERT( XmNlabelString, "Exit" ), NULL ); XtAddCallback(FilePdMenu_button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)FilePdMenu_exit, NULL ); /* * install callbacks on VIEW men buttons */ XtAddCallback(ViewPdMenu_icon, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc)change_icon_type, (XtPointer)IconBoxBIG_ICON); XtAddCallback(ViewPdMenu_sicon, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc)change_icon_type, (XtPointer)IconBoxSMALL_ICON); XtAddCallback(ViewPdMenu_nicon, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc)change_icon_type, (XtPointer)IconBoxNO_ICON); XtAddCallback(ViewPdMenu_title, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc)change_icon_type, (XtPointer)IconBoxTITLES); #ifdef ALL_CYCLE /* vms */ km_all_cycles = 0; XtAddCallback(ViewPdMenu_allcycle, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc)change_cycle, NULL); #endif /* * install callbacks on HELP men button */ XtAddCallback(HelpPdMenu_help, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)km_do_help,(XtPointer)"HELP_BROWSER"); /* * SELECT ALL command */ XtAddCallback(ViewPdMenu_selall, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)select_all_decks, browser); /* * PREFERENCES command */ XtAddCallback(ViewPdMenu_filt, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)show_filtDialog, browser); /* get icon_type set in the .Xdefaults file */ icon_type = IconBoxGetIconType(dirList); set_icon_tb_state(icon_type); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Set the icon toggle button state. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void set_icon_tb_state(icon_type) int icon_type; { /* turn all buttons off except the one currently active */ XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(ViewPdMenu_icon, False, False); XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(ViewPdMenu_sicon, False, False); XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(ViewPdMenu_nicon, False, False); XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(ViewPdMenu_title, False, False); switch (icon_type) { case IconBoxBIG_ICON: XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(ViewPdMenu_icon, True, False); break; case IconBoxSMALL_ICON: XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(ViewPdMenu_sicon, True, False); break; case IconBoxNO_ICON: XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(ViewPdMenu_nicon, True, False); break; case IconBoxTITLES: XmToggleButtonGadgetSetState(ViewPdMenu_title, True, False); } } /*********************************************************************** * * * Get the new icon_type and change the dirList accordingly. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void change_icon_type(w, icon_type, call_data) Widget w; int icon_type; XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct *call_data; { Widget browser; XmString *xmlist; int dcnt; browser = find_kuipBrowser(w); get_fb_context(browser); set_icon_tb_state(icon_type); /* when a button gets unselected don't do anything */ if (!call_data->set) return; km_set_cursor (browser, km_wait_cursor); IconBoxGetItems(dirList, &xmlist, &dcnt); /* * Delete all items and reset list with current path (browser_dir) and * icon_type. */ if (icon_type == IconBoxTITLES) { titles = 3; if (dcnt) IconBoxDeleteAllItems(dirList, False); IconBoxSetIconType(dirList, IconBoxSMALL_ICON); } else { if (icon_type == IconBoxBIG_ICON) titles = 0; if (icon_type == IconBoxSMALL_ICON) titles = 1; if (icon_type == IconBoxNO_ICON) titles = 2; if (dcnt) IconBoxDeleteAllItems(dirList, False); IconBoxSetIconType(dirList, icon_type); } save_fb_context(browser); if (dcnt) { char *selected_path; selected_path = (char *) XtMalloc (MAX_string+1); strcpy (selected_path, browser_dir); do_list_content (selected_path, True); XtFree (selected_path); } km_set_cursor (browser, km_main_cursor); /* cleanup XmString list */ if (dcnt) XtFree((char *)xmlist); } #ifdef ALL_CYCLE /* vms */ /*********************************************************************** * * * Get cycle flag ("All Cycles" or not) * * and change the dirList accordingly. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void change_cycle(w, tag, call_data) Widget w; caddr_t tag; XmToggleButtonCallbackStruct *call_data; { Widget browser; XmString *xmlist; int list, zero, all, ref, ll, dcnt, icon_type; if (call_data->set ) km_all_cycles = 1; else km_all_cycles = 0; browser = find_kuipBrowser(w); get_fb_context(browser); list = DIR_LIST; zero = 0; all = 1; ref = 0; ll = strlen(browser_dir); km_set_cursor (browser, km_wait_cursor); IconBoxGetItems(dirList, &xmlist, &dcnt); /* * Delete all items and reset list according to km_all_cycles */ if (XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState(ViewPdMenu_icon)) icon_type = IconBoxBIG_ICON; else if (XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState(ViewPdMenu_sicon)) icon_type = IconBoxSMALL_ICON; else if (XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState(ViewPdMenu_nicon)) icon_type = IconBoxNO_ICON; else if (XmToggleButtonGadgetGetState(ViewPdMenu_title)) icon_type = IconBoxSMALL_ICON; IconBoxSetIconType(dirList, icon_type); save_fb_context(browser); if (dcnt) { char *selected_path; selected_path = (char *) XtMalloc (MAX_string+1); strcpy (selected_path, browser_dir); do_list_content (selected_path, True); XtFree (selected_path); } km_set_cursor (browser, km_main_cursor); /* cleanup XmString list */ if (dcnt) XtFree((char *)xmlist); } #endif /*********************************************************************** * * * Select all decks. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void select_all_decks(w, browser, call_data) Widget w, browser; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { get_fb_context(browser); IconBoxSelectAllItems(dirList, True, False); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Show (manage) PREFERENCES dialog. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void show_filtDialog(w, browser, call_data) Widget w, browser; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { XmString *xmlist; int ibr, dcnt; char *filter; ibr = get_fb_context(browser); filter = km_prompt ("Filter (on object names)", fbrowser[ibr].filter); if (filter != NULL) strcpy(fbrowser[ibr].filter, filter); km_set_cursor (browser, km_wait_cursor); IconBoxGetItems(dirList, &xmlist, &dcnt); /* Delete all items and reset list with current filter */ if (dcnt) { char *selected_path; IconBoxDeleteAllItems(dirList, False); selected_path = (char *) XtMalloc (MAX_string+1); strcpy (selected_path, browser_dir); do_list_content (selected_path, True); XtFree (selected_path); } km_set_cursor (browser, km_main_cursor); /* cleanup XmString list */ if (dcnt) XtFree((char *)xmlist); XtFree((char *)filter); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Callbacks for "Open" menu items. * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void FilePdMenu_o_activate (widget, tag, call_data) Widget widget; caddr_t tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { otag_str *stag = (otag_str *)tag; current_callback_data = call_data; km_get_curpos (call_data->event, &km_xcur_pos, &km_ycur_pos); exec_action( stag->bract, NULL, NULL, 1, widget, call_data); } /*********************************************************************** * * * Callbacks for "Exit". * * * ***********************************************************************/ static void FilePdMenu_exit (widget, tag, call_data) Widget widget; caddr_t tag; XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data; { exec_cmd_string ("/KUIP/EXIT", 0, NULL); }