* * $Id: kxlisv.F,v 1.4 1997/03/11 09:43:44 cremel Exp $ * * $Log: kxlisv.F,v $ * Revision 1.4 1997/03/11 09:43:44 cremel * Bug correction in command WAIT (after answering "Q" to a "WAIT" statement, * the ability to issue several HISTOGRAM/PLOT statements on a single line, * separated by semicolons, disappears). * kexec.c : add a test on the variable "kc_flags.in_macro". * kuvers.c : increase version number to 2.07/13 * * Revision 1.3 1997/02/18 16:53:11 cremel * Bug correction i(can crash with Paw++) for the command "VECTOR/LIST" i * (UHTOC(IQ(LVECN+9),4,TYPE,1) instead of UHTOC(IQ(LVECN+9),4,VTYPE,4)) * and reformatting of the output to make it look better. * * Revision 1.2 1996/10/01 07:31:18 gunter * Use correct types of variables to print; ie. vector name and type are * first coverted to CHARACTER using uhtoc, and then printed. Printing * integer with A format can crash a program on AIX with f77/f90, if env. * variable XLFRTEOPTS=err_recovery=no:langlvl=90std * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Revision 1996/03/08 15:32:54 mclareni * Kuip * * #include "kuip/pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.00/11 21/01/93 11.39.08 by Alfred Nathaniel *-- Author : SUBROUTINE KXLISV * ******************************************************************************** * * Execution routine for command '/VECTOR/LIST' * * N.B. See KUVECT for description of IQUEST (Q or IQ) * ******************************************************************************** * #include "kuip/kcgen.inc" #include "kuip/kcvect.inc" CHARACTER*32 VNAME CHARACTER*1 TYPE CALL KUALFA IF (NUMVEC.LE.1) THEN PRINT *,'*** No vector defined' ELSE C PRINT *,'Vector Name Type Length'// C + ' Dim-1 Dim-2 Dim-3' WRITE (6,1010) 'Vector Name ', 'Type', + 'Length', ' Dim-1', ' Dim-2', ' Dim-3' PRINT * LVECN=LQ(LVEC-1) LVECN=LQ(LVECN) DO 10 I=2,NUMVEC NDIMS=IQ(LVECN+14) NNN=10+NDIMS IF (NDIMS.EQ.1.AND.IQ(LVECN+11).EQ.1) NNN=10 CALL UHTOC(IQ(LVECN+1),4,VNAME,32) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LVECN+9),4,TYPE,1) WRITE (6,1000) VNAME,TYPE,(IQ(LVECN+J),J=10,NNN) 1000 FORMAT (1X,A32,8X,A1,1X,I6,3(3X,I6)) 1010 FORMAT (1X,A32,5X,A4,1X,A6,3(3X,A6)) LVECN=LQ(LVECN) 10 CONTINUE PRINT * NNN=NUMVEC-1 PRINT *,'Total of ',NNN,' Vector(s)' ENDIF 999 END