/* * $Id: kvect.c,v 1.2 1997/10/23 16:53:35 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: kvect.c,v $ * Revision 1.2 1997/10/23 16:53:35 mclareni * The definiton of the vector with "too many initializers" * corrupted the memory; * - Fixed "strange" bug under "Microsoft Visual C/C++" (Likely * compiler bug ) * V.Fine 5.10.97 * * Revision 1996/03/08 15:32:59 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.06/03 12/01/95 18.15.01 by Gunter Folger*/ /*-- Author : Alfred Nathaniel 24/08/92*/ /* kvect.c: vector handling */ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include "kuip/kfor.h" #include "kuip/kcom.h" #include "kuip/kmenu.h" #include "kuip/klink.h" #include "kuip/kflag.h" #include "kuip/khash.h" static int repeat_value( const char*, const char*, const char*, INTEGER*, REAL*); /* * action routine for /VECTOR/CREATE */ int kxvcreate() { char *vspec = ku_getc(); char *vname = strdup( vspec ); int lvname; char *vtype = ku_getc(); int lvtype = strlen( vtype ); char *value; int length[4]; INTEGER LENGTH[3]; INTEGER LLOW; INTEGER LHIGH; #ifdef CERNLIB_WINNT REAL rval; /*I move this variable to make Microsoft Bisual C/C++ compiler hally */ #endif length[0] = 0; length[1] = 0; length[2] = 0; if( strchr( vspec, '(' ) == NULL ) { /* "V/CRE name" is treated as "V/CRE name(1)" */ length[0] = 1; } else { int ntok = sscanf( vspec, "%[^(](%d,%d,%d,%d)", vname, &length[0], &length[1], &length[2], &length[3]); if( ntok < 2 || ntok > 4) { ku_alfa(); printf( " *** VECTOR/CREATE %s: invalid dimensions\n", vspec ); free( vname ); return -1; } } lvname = strlen( vname ); F77_CALL_Cxx(Kuvect,vname,lvname,&LLOW,&LHIGH); if( LLOW != 0 ) { int vlen = LHIGH - LLOW + 1; F77_CALL_C(Kuvdel,vname,lvname); ku_alfa(); printf( " *** VECTOR/CREATE %s: existing vector %s(%d) replaced\n", vspec, vname, vlen ); } LENGTH[0] = length[0]; LENGTH[1] = length[1]; LENGTH[2] = length[2]; F77_CALL_CCx3(Kuvcre,vname,lvname,vtype,lvtype,LENGTH,&LLOW,&LHIGH); free( vname ); if( LLOW == 0 ) { ku_alfa(); printf( " *** VECTOR/CREATE %s: cannot create\n", vspec ); return -1; } ku_getc(); while( (value = ku_getl()) != NULL ) { /* fill vector with initial data */ INTEGER ival; #ifndef CERNLIB_WINNT /* by UNKNOWN reason it generates a problem under MS Visual C/C++ v.4.2 */ REAL rval; #endif int repeat; int i; if( vtype[0] == 'I' ) repeat = repeat_value( "VECTOR/CREATE", vspec, value, &ival, NULL ); else repeat = repeat_value( "VECTOR/CREATE", vspec, value, NULL, &rval ); if( repeat < 1 ) return -1; if( LLOW + repeat - 1 > LHIGH ) { repeat = LHIGH - LLOW + 1; ku_alfa(); printf( " *** VECTOR/CREATE %s: too many initializers\n", vspec ); break; } for( i = 0; i < repeat; i++ ) { if( vtype[0] == 'I' ) IQ(LLOW) = ival; else Q(LLOW) = rval; LLOW++; } } return 0; } /* * action routine for /VECTOR/INPUT */ int kxvinput() { char *vspec = ku_getc(); int lvspec = strlen( vspec ); char *vname; char *p; INTEGER LLOW; INTEGER LHIGH; int nval; int vtype; int ilo[3]; int ihi[3]; int idx[3]; int ndim = 1; int status = 0; int i; Kcvect.TVECFL = ku_true( 0 ); /* don't make a temporary copy */ F77_CALL_Cxx(Kuvect,vspec,lvspec,&LLOW,&LHIGH); Kcvect.TVECFL = ku_true( 1 ); if( LLOW == 0 ) { ku_alfa(); printf( " *** VECTOR/INPUT: unknown vector %s\n", vspec ); return -1; } if( IQUEST(20) != 0 ) { ku_alfa(); printf( " *** VECTOR/INPUT: sub-vector %s not implemented\n", vspec ); return -1; } vtype = IQUEST(14); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { idx[i] = ilo[i] = IQUEST(21+i); if( (ihi[i] = IQUEST(31+i)) > 1 ) ndim = i + 1; } nval = LHIGH - LLOW + 1; vname = strdup( vspec ); if( (p = strchr( vname, '(' )) != NULL ) *p = '\0'; ku_getc(); while( nval > 0 ) { const char *value; INTEGER ival; REAL rval; int repeat; char *prompt = str2dup( vname, "(" ); prompt = mstricat( prompt, idx[0] ); for( i = 1; i < ndim; i++ ) { prompt = mstrcat( prompt, "," ); prompt = mstricat( prompt, idx[i] ); } prompt = mstrcat( prompt, ") " ); if( (value = ku_getl()) == NULL ) { /* prompt for values */ value = ku_proc( prompt, NULL ); if( value == NULL ) { free( prompt ); status = -1; break; } } if( *value == '\0' ) { /* leave value unchanged */ free( prompt ); repeat = 1; } else { if( vtype != 1 ) repeat = repeat_value( "VECTOR/INPUT", prompt, value, &ival, NULL ); else repeat = repeat_value( "VECTOR/INPUT", prompt, value, NULL, &rval ); free( prompt ); if( repeat < 1 ) { status = -1; break; } if( repeat > nval ) { repeat = nval; ku_alfa(); printf( " *** VECTOR/INPUT: too many initializers for %s\n", vspec ); } for( i = 0; i < repeat; i++ ) { if( vtype != 1 ) IQ(LLOW) = ival; else Q(LLOW) = rval; LLOW++; } } nval -= repeat; for( i = 0; i < repeat; i++ ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < ndim; k++ ) { if( ++idx[k] > ihi[k] ) idx[k] = ilo[k]; else break; } } } free( vname ); return status; } /* * decode a input value [rep*]val where val can be numeric or a vector element */ static int repeat_value( const char *cmd, const char *vname, const char *rep_value, INTEGER *ival, REAL *rval ) { int repeat; const char *value; char *star; char *tail; while( (star = strchr( rep_value, '*')) != NULL && (repeat = atoi( rep_value )) < 1 ) { ku_alfa(); printf( " *** %s: invalid repetition factor %s for %s\n", cmd, rep_value, vname ); rep_value = ku_pros( "Reenter initializer or Q to quit:", NULL ); if( rep_value == NULL || *rep_value == 'q' || *rep_value == 'Q' ) return -1; /* EOF or QUIT */ } if( star != NULL ) value = star + 1; else { value = rep_value; repeat = 1; } if( ival != NULL ) { *ival = fstrtoi( value, &tail ); if( *tail != '\0' ) *ival = fstrtod( value, &tail ); } if( rval != NULL ) { *rval = fstrtod( value, &tail ); } if( *tail != '\0' ) { INTEGER LLOW; INTEGER LHIGH; F77_CALL_Cxx(Kuvect,value,strlen(value),&LLOW,&LHIGH); if( LLOW == 0 ) { ku_alfa(); printf( " *** %s: invalid initializer %s for %s\n", cmd, value, vname ); value = ku_pros( "Reenter initializer or Q to quit:", NULL ); if( value == NULL || *value == 'q' || *value == 'Q' ) return -1; /* EOF or QUIT */ return repeat_value( cmd, vname, value, ival, rval ); } if( LLOW != LHIGH ) { ku_alfa(); printf( " *** %s: only first element of %s used as initializer for %s\n", cmd, value, vname ); } if( IQUEST(14) != 1 ) { /* integer vector */ if( ival != NULL ) *ival = IQ(LLOW); if( rval != NULL ) *rval = IQ(LLOW); } else { /* real vector */ if( ival != NULL ) *ival = Q(LLOW); if( rval != NULL ) *rval = Q(LLOW); } } return repeat; } /* * action routine for /VECTOR/PRINT */ int kxvprint() { char *vspec = ku_getc(); int lvspec = strlen( vspec ); int dense = ku_geti(); char *vname; char *p; INTEGER LLOW; INTEGER LHIGH; int nval; int vtype; int ilo[3]; int ihi[3]; int idx[3]; char dfm[3][8]; int ndim = 1; int n; int i; ku_alfa(); F77_CALL_Cxx(Kuvect,vspec,lvspec,&LLOW,&LHIGH); if( LLOW == 0 ) { printf( " *** VECTOR/PRINT: unknown vector %s\n", vspec ); return -1; } vtype = IQUEST(14); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { idx[i] = ilo[i] = IQUEST(21+i); if( (ihi[i] = IQUEST(31+i)) > 1 ) ndim = i + 1; } for( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ ) { int m = ihi[i]; int k = 1; while( m >= 10 ) { m /= 10; k++; } sprintf( dfm[i], "%s%%%dd", (i == 0) ? "" : ",", k ); } nval = LHIGH - LLOW + 1; vname = strupper( strdup( vspec ) ); if( (p = strchr( vname, '(' )) != NULL ) *p = '\0'; for( n = 0; n < nval; n++ ) { int same = 0; if( dense > 0 ) { if( vtype != 1 ) { for( i = n + 1; i < nval && IQ(LLOW+i) == IQ(LLOW+n); i++ ) same++; } else { for( i = n + 1; i < nval && Q(LLOW+i) == Q(LLOW+n); i++ ) same++; } if( dense == 1 && same == 1 ) same = 0; } printf( " %s(", vname ); for( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ ) printf( dfm[i], idx[i] ); printf( ")" ); if( same > 0 ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < same; k++ ) { for( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ ) { if( ++idx[i] > ihi[i] ) idx[i] = ilo[i]; else break; } } if( dense == 1 ) printf( " ...\n %s", vname ); else printf( ".." ); printf( "(" ); for( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ ) printf( dfm[i], idx[i] ); printf( ")" ); n += same; } printf( " = " ); if( vtype != 1 ) printf( "%d", IQ(LLOW+n) ); else { double dval = Q(LLOW+n); printf( "%s", strfromd( dval, 0 ) ); } printf( "\n" ); for( i = 0; i < ndim; i++ ) { if( ++idx[i] > ihi[i] ) idx[i] = ilo[i]; else break; } } free( vname ); return 0; } /* * set user routine to be called when a vector is deleted * (COMIS needs to clear its tables in that case) */ void F77_ENTRY_E(Kucomv,fun) /* { */ kjmpaddr.user_comis_F = fun; } /* * Because for IBM/370 we cannot use arguments in an indirect function call * we have to store the vector name in a buffer and call the user routine * which then has to call KUVNAM to retrieve the vector name. */ static char deleted_vname[32]; static int deleted_len_vname; void F77_ENTRY_C(Kicomv,vname) /* { */ if( kjmpaddr.user_comis_F != NULL ) { if( len_vname > (sizeof deleted_vname) ) len_vname = (sizeof deleted_vname); strncpy( deleted_vname, vname, len_vname ); deleted_len_vname = len_vname; (*kjmpaddr.user_comis_F)(); } } void F77_ENTRY_C(Kuvnam,vname) /* { */ memset( vname, ' ', len_vname ); if( len_vname > deleted_len_vname ) len_vname = deleted_len_vname; strncpy( vname, deleted_vname, len_vname ); } /* * return the number of leading characters which are valid for a vector name */ int len_vector( const char *line ) { int len = 0; if( !isdigit( line[0] ) ) { while( line[len] != '\0' && ( isalnum( line[len] ) || strchr( "_?", line[len] ) != NULL ) ) { len++; } } return len; } /* * return vector address as index into Q(): */ int ku_vqaddr( const char *vname ) { INTEGER LLOW; INTEGER LHIGH; F77_CALL_Cxx(Kuvect,vname,strlen(vname),&LLOW,&LHIGH); return LLOW; } /* * return vector type: * 0 : vector name not defined * 1 : real vector * 2 : integer vector */ int ku_vtype( const char *vname ) { INTEGER LLOW; INTEGER LHIGH; F77_CALL_Cxx(Kuvect,vname,strlen(vname),&LLOW,&LHIGH); if( LLOW != 0 ) { return IQUEST(14); } return 0; } /* * test if vspec specifies a single vector element and return its value */ int ku_vvalue( const char *vspec, double *value ) { INTEGER LLOW; INTEGER LHIGH; F77_CALL_Cxx(Kuvect,vspec,strlen(vspec),&LLOW,&LHIGH); if( LLOW != 0 && LLOW == LHIGH ) { if( value != NULL ) { if( IQUEST(14) == 1 ) { /* real vector */ *value = Q(LLOW); } else if( IQUEST(14) == 2 ) { /* integer vector */ *value = IQ(LLOW); } } return 0; } return 1; } /* * inquire if file is Fortran opened */ int ku_inqf( const char *fname ) { INTEGER luno; F77_CALL_Cx(Kuinqf,fname,strlen(fname),&luno); return luno; } /* * Fortran open a file */ int ku_open( int lun, const char *fname, const char *mode ) { INTEGER luno = lun; INTEGER istat; F77_CALL_xCCx(Kuopen,&luno,fname,strlen(fname),mode,strlen(mode),&istat); return istat; } /* * Fortran close a file */ int ku_close( int lun ) { INTEGER luno = lun; INTEGER istat; F77_CALL_xCx(Kuclos,&luno," ",1,&istat); return istat; } /* * Read a line from Fortran unit */ int ku_read( int lun, char *line, size_t len ) { INTEGER luno = lun; INTEGER nch; F77_CALL_xCx(Kuread,&luno,line,len,&nch); if( nch >= 0 ) line[nch] = '\0'; return nch; } /* * Write a line to Fortran unit */ void ku_write( int lun, const char *line ) { INTEGER luno = lun; const char *p = line; const char *s; while( (s = strchr( p, '\n' )) != NULL ) { F77_CALL_xC(Kuwrit,&luno,p,s-p); p = s + 1; } F77_CALL_xC(Kuwrit,&luno,p,strlen(p)); }