/* * $Id: kicon.c,v 1996/03/08 15:32:56 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: kicon.c,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 15:32:56 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.07/06 14/06/95 15.23.01 by Gunter Folger*/ /*-- Author : Alfred Nathaniel 06/11/92*/ /* kicon.c: browser icons */ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include "kuip/kfor.h" #include "kuip/klink.h" #include "kuip/kmenu.h" #include "kuip/kflag.h" #include "kuip/kbrow.h" static KmIcon *kmicons; /* list of icon bitmaps */ EXTERN char cdf_def[80], cdf_value[80]; /* * action routine for /MOTIF/ICON */ int kxicon() { char *icon_name = ku_gets(); char *file_name = ku_getf(); if( strcmp( icon_name, "*" ) == 0 ) icon_name = NULL; if( km_icon( icon_name, file_name ) == 0 ) return -1; else return 0; } /* * read bitmap data from file and store icon definition * if icon_name == NULL use name in file * return the number of bitmaps read in */ int km_icon( icon_name, fname ) const char *icon_name; const char *fname; { FILE *stream; if( (stream = fopen( fname, "r" )) == NULL ) { printf( " *** /MOTIF/ICON: cannot open file %s\n", fname ); return -1; } else { KmIcon *icon; KmIcon *kmicn; char line[1024]; char *word1; char *word2; char *word3; char *p; int nline = 0; int nicons = 0; again: icon = (KmIcon*)malloc( sizeof(KmIcon) ); while( fgets( line, (sizeof line), stream ) != NULL ) { nline++; word1 = strtok( line, " " ); if( word1 != NULL && strcmp( word1, "#define" ) == 0 ) { word2 = strtok( NULL, " " ); word3 = strtok( NULL, " " ); if( word3 == NULL || (p = strrchr( word2, '_' )) == NULL || strcmp( p, "_width" ) != 0 || (icon->width = atoi( word3 )) <= 0 ) { printf( " *** MOTIF/ICON: invalid width in line %d of %s\n", nline, fname ); free( (char*)icon ); fclose( stream ); return nicons; } if( icon_name == NULL ) { *p = '\0'; icon->name = strdup( word2 ); } else { icon->name = strdup( icon_name ); } fgets( line, (sizeof line), stream ); nline++; word1 = strtok( line, " " ); word2 = strtok( NULL, " " ); word3 = strtok( NULL, " " ); if( word3 == NULL || (p = strrchr( word2, '_' )) == NULL || strcmp( p, "_height" ) != 0 || (icon->height = atoi( word3 )) <= 0 ) { printf( " *** MOTIF/ICON: invalid height in line %d of %s\n", nline, fname ); free( icon->name ); free( (char*)icon ); fclose( stream ); return nicons; } while( fgets( line, (sizeof line), stream ) != NULL ) { nline++; word1 = strtok( line, " " ); if( word1 != NULL && strcmp( word1, "static" ) == 0 ) { int nbytes = ( ( icon->width - 1 ) / 8 + 1 ) * icon->height; int n = 0; icon->bitmap = malloc( nbytes ); p = NULL; while( n < nbytes ) { if( p != NULL ) { p = strtok( NULL, " ,};\n" ); } if( p == NULL ) { nline++; if( fgets( line, (sizeof line), stream ) == NULL ) { printf( " *** MOTIF/ICON: unexpected EOF in line %d of %s\n", nline, fname ); free( icon->name ); free( icon->bitmap ); free( (char*)icon ); fclose( stream ); return nicons; } p = strtok( line, " ,};\n" ); } icon->bitmap[n] = strtol( p, NULL, 0 ); n++; } for( kmicn = kmicons; kmicn != NULL; kmicn = kmicn->next ) { if( strcasecmp( kmicn->name, icon->name ) == 0 ) { /* redefinition of icon */ kmicn->width = icon->width; kmicn->height = icon->height; kmicn->bitmap = icon->bitmap; kmicn->pix = 0; kmicn->hi_pix = 0; free( icon->name ); free( (char*)icon ); break; } if( kmicn->next == NULL ) { /* add new icon at end of list */ icon->next = NULL; icon->pix = 0; icon->hi_pix = 0; kmicn->next = icon; break; } } nicons++; if( icon_name == NULL ) { goto again; } fclose( stream ); return nicons; } } free( icon->name ); } } if( nicons == 0 ) { printf( " *** MOTIF/ICON: invalid file content of %s\n", fname ); } free( (char*)icon ); fclose( stream ); return nicons; } } /* * add to the list of icons */ void klnkicon( KmIcon *kmicn_list, int version ) { strcpy ( cdf_def, "Icon" ); strcpy ( cdf_value, kmicn_list->name ); check_version( version, KUIP_VERSION ); if( kmicons == NULL ) kmicons = kmicn_list; else { KmIcon *kmicn = kmicons; while( kmicn->next != NULL ) kmicn = kmicn->next; kmicn->next = kmicn_list; } } /* * return pointer to bitmap data or NULL if name not found */ KmIcon *find_kmicon( const char *kmicn_name ) { KmIcon *kmicn; for( kmicn = kmicons; kmicn != NULL; kmicn = kmicn->next ) if( strcasecmp( kmicn->name, kmicn_name ) == 0 ) break; return kmicn; }