/* * $Id: kedit.c,v 1.2 1997/03/17 16:54:57 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: kedit.c,v $ * Revision 1.2 1997/03/17 16:54:57 mclareni * WNT mods * * Revision 1997/01/21 11:32:45 mclareni * All mods for Winnt 96a on winnt branch * * Revision 1996/03/08 15:32:55 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.05/17 19/08/94 12.53.04 by Alfred Nathaniel*/ /*-- Author : Alfred Nathaniel 06/11/92*/ /* kedit.c: file editing */ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include "kuip/kfor.h" #include "kuip/klink.h" #include "kuip/kmenu.h" #include "kuip/kflag.h" static char *editor_cmd = NULL; /* command which envoked edit server */ static char *editor_file = NULL; /* file which was edited */ /* * set the user routine called when edit server exits */ void F77_ENTRY_E(Kueusr,fun) /* { */ kjmpaddr.user_edit_F = fun; } /* * test if executable exists */ LOGICAL F77_ENTRY_C(Kuqexe,chname) /* { */ char *name = fstrdup( chname, len_chname ); int exists = (ku_qexe( name ) != NULL); free( name ); return ku_true( exists ); } char *ku_qexe( const char *name ) { char *path; char *dirpath; #ifdef IBMVM dirpath = NULL; path = fsearch( name, "MODULE", "*" ); #define _done_ #endif #ifdef UNIX dirpath = str0dup( getenv( "PATH" ) ); # if defined(MSDOS) || defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) path = fsearch( name, "EXE", dirpath ); # else path = fsearch( name, NULL, dirpath ); # endif #define _done_ #endif #ifdef vms dirpath = str0dup( getenv( "KUIPPATH" ) ); path = fsearch( name, "EXE", dirpath ); #define _done_ #endif #ifdef _done_ #undef _done_ #else dirpath = NULL; path = NULL; #endif if( dirpath != NULL ) free( dirpath ); return path; } /* * return flag whether edit server will be used */ LOGICAL F77_ENTRY(Kuqsvr) /* { */ return ku_true( kc_flags.use_server ); } /* * envoke editor on file */ void F77_ENTRY_CI(Kuedit,chfile,status) /* { */ char *file = fstrdup( chfile, len_chfile ); *status = ku_edit( file, 0 ); free( file ); } /* * edit file using the server if possible */ void F77_ENTRY_CI(Kuesvr,chfile,status) /* { */ if( kc_flags.use_server ) { char *file = fstrdup( chfile, len_chfile ); *status = ku_edit( file, 1 ); if( *status == 1 ) *status = 0; free( file ); } else *status = 1; } #ifdef vms /* * call if a nowait spawned editor terminates */ static void edit_server_ast( cmd_line ) char *cmd_line; { if( kc_flags.editor_cbuf == NULL ) { kc_flags.editor_cbuf = mstrcat( cmd_line, "\n" ); } else { kc_flags.editor_cbuf = mstr2cat( kc_flags.editor_cbuf, cmd_line, "\n" ); free( cmd_line ); /* allocated in ku_edit */ } kc_flags.editor_exit = 1; } #endif /* * edit a file * returns 0 if edit successful * returns 1 if file unchanged or sent to edit server * returns 2 on error */ int ku_edit( const char *file, int use_server ) { char *path = ku_home( file, "kumac" ); int status = 2; char *line; char *p; if( use_server && kc_flags.use_server ) { #if defined(UNIX) && !defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) line = strdup( "kuesvr -p " ); line = mstricat( line, getpid() ); line = mstr4cat( line, " -c ", ku_path(), " -e '", kc_value.set_host_editor ); if( (p = strrchr( line, '&' )) != NULL ) *p = ' '; /* remove & from editor command */ line = mstr3cat( line, "' ", path, " &" ); if( shsystem( kc_value.set_host_shell, line ) == 0 ) status = 1; free( line ); #endif /* UNIX */ #ifdef vms unsigned int flags = CLI$M_NOWAIT; int istat; char *cmd_string = str4dup( "$ ", kc_value.set_host_editor, " ", path ); struct dsc$descriptor_s cmd_dsc; var_descriptor( cmd_dsc, cmd_string ); line = str3dup( path, " ", ku_path() ); /* free'd in edit_server_ast */ if( kc_flags.in_motif ) { /* * In Motif mode we cannot spawn the "CREATE/TERM/WAIT EDIT file" command * directly because SYS$INPUT will be assigned to the mailbox. * Instead we have to envoke a command script which, for the first * command has still assigned the mailbox, but then gets SYS$INPUT * assigned to the real terminal window ?????????????????????????? */ FILE *script = fopen( "sys$login:kuipedit.com", "w" ); char fname[256]; fgetname( script, fname ); fprintf( script, "$ show logical sys$input\n" ); fprintf( script, "%s\n", cmd_string ); fprintf( script, "$ delete %s\n", fname ); fclose( script ); free( cmd_string ); cmd_string = str2dup( "$ @", fname ); var_descriptor( cmd_dsc, cmd_string ); } istat = lib$spawn( &cmd_dsc, NULL, NULL, &flags, NULL, /* process name */ NULL, /* process id */ NULL, /* completion status */ NULL, /* completion efn */ edit_server_ast, line ); if( istat == SS$_NORMAL ) status = 1; free( cmd_string ); #endif /* vms */ } else { KmTimeStamp stamp1; KmTimeStamp stamp2; #ifdef APOLLO if( strcasecmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "DM" ) == 0 ) { pad_$window_desc_t edit_pad; stream_$id_t stream; status_$t istat; int writable = 1; edit_pad.top = kc_window.edit_pad.top; edit_pad.left = kc_window.edit_pad.left; edit_pad.width = kc_window.edit_pad.width; edit_pad.height = kc_window.edit_pad.height; pad_$create_window( path, strlen( path ), pad_$edit, 1, edit_pad, &stream, &istat ); if( istat.all == ios_$insufficient_rights ) { pad_$create_window( path, strlen( path ), pad_$read_edit, 1, edit_pad, &stream, &istat ); writable = 0; } if( istat.all == status_$ok ) { if( writable ) pad_$edit_wait( stream, &istat ); if( istat.all == status_$ok ) { status = 0; } else if( istat.all == pad_$edit_quit ) { status = 1; } else { error_$print( istat ); } stream_$close( stream, &istat ); } if( istat.all != status_$ok ) { status = 2; error_$print( istat ); } free( path ); return status; } #endif /* APOLLO */ #ifdef vms int istat; char *cmd_string; struct dsc$descriptor_s cmd_dsc; if( strncasecmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "EDT", 3 ) == 0 || strncasecmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "TPU", 3 ) == 0 ) { /* invoke the callable EDT or TPU */ /* these functions are not prototyped in any system include file ? */ extern int EDT$EDIT( struct dsc$descriptor_s* ); extern int TPU$TPU( struct dsc$descriptor_s* ); get_stamp( path, &stamp1 ); if( strcasecmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "EDT" ) == 0 ) { var_descriptor( cmd_dsc, path ); istat = EDT$EDIT( &cmd_dsc ); } else { cmd_string = str3dup( kc_value.set_host_editor, " ", path ); var_descriptor( cmd_dsc, cmd_string ); istat = TPU$TPU( &cmd_dsc ); free( cmd_string ); } get_stamp( path, &stamp2 ); status = same_stamp( &stamp1, &stamp2 ); free( path ); return status; } #endif /* vms */ #ifdef IBMMVS INTEGER istat = 0; strupper( path ); F77_CALL_Cx(Kmvsed,path,strlen(path),&istat); status = istat; #else /* IBMMVS */ get_stamp( path, &stamp1 ); # ifdef IBMVM line = str2dup( "/KUIP/SHELL '", kc_value.set_host_editor ); if( (p = strchr( line, '(' )) != NULL ) *p = '\0'; /* remove "( xedit-options" */ line = mstr2cat( line, " ", path ); while( (p = strchr( line, '.' )) != NULL ) *p = ' '; /* change "fn.ft.fm" to "fn ft fm" */ if( (p = strchr( kc_value.set_host_editor, '(' )) != NULL ) line = mstr2cat( line, " ", p ); /* append "( xedit-options" */ line = mstrcat( line, "'" ); # else /* IBMVM */ line = str5dup( "/KUIP/SHELL '", kc_value.set_host_editor, " ", path, "'" ); if( (p = strchr( line, '&' )) != NULL ) *p = ' '; /* remove & from Unix editor command */ # endif /* IBMVM */ status = ku_exel( line ); # if defined(UNIX) && !defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) /* "emacs -nw" sometime returns a non-zero exit code ?!? */ if( status == 130 && strstr( kc_value.set_host_editor, "emacs" ) != NULL && strstr( kc_value.set_host_editor, "-nw" ) != NULL ) { printf( " *** Bogus non-zero exit code ignored\n" ); status = 0; } # endif /* UNIX */ if( status == 0 ) { get_stamp( path, &stamp2 ); status = same_stamp( &stamp1, &stamp2 ); } else { status = 2; } free( line ); #endif /* IBMMVS */ } free( path ); return status; } void F77_ENTRY_C(Kupad,chfile) /* { */ char *file = fstrdup( chfile, len_chfile ); ku_pad( file, 0 ); free( file ); } void ku_pad( const char *fname, int is_temp ) /* flag if file should be removed afterwards */ { char *file = strdup( fname ); char *cmd; #ifdef IBMVM char *profile = "KUHELP.XEDIT.A"; FILE *stream = fopen( profile, "w" ); #endif #ifdef IBMMVS INTEGER iluno = is_temp ? kc_flags.uhlp_luno : 0; #endif char *p; ku_fcase( file ); #ifdef APOLLO if( strcasecmp( kc_value.set_host_pager, "DM" ) == 0 ) { pad_$window_desc_t help_pad; stream_$id_t stream; status_$t istat; short fontw; short fonth; short fnlen; FILE *input = fopen( file, "r" ); char line[1024]; int height = 0; if( input == NULL ) { printf( " *** File %s not found\n", file ); return; } pad_$inq_font( stream_$stdout, &fontw, &fonth, NULL, 0, &fnlen, &istat ); if( istat.all != status_$ok ) fonth = 15; while( fgets( line, (sizeof line), input ) != NULL ) height += fonth; /* count number of lines in file */ fclose( input ); if( kc_window.help_pad.top + height > 980 ) kc_window.help_pad.height = 980 - kc_window.help_pad.top; else kc_window.help_pad.height = height; if( kc_window.help_pad.left + kc_window.help_pad.width > 1280 ) kc_window.help_pad.width = 1280 - kc_window.help_pad.left; help_pad.top = kc_window.help_pad.top; help_pad.left = kc_window.help_pad.left; help_pad.width = kc_window.help_pad.width; help_pad.height = kc_window.help_pad.height; pad_$create_window( file, strlen(file), pad_$read_edit, 1, help_pad, &stream, &istat ); if( istat.all != status_$ok ) { error_$print( istat ); return; } if( (kc_flags.style & KmSTYLE_G) != 0 ) pad_$edit_wait( stream, &istat ); stream_$close( stream, &istat ); if( kc_window.shift_max > 1 ) { kc_window.help_pad.top += kc_window.voffset * kc_window.shift_dir; kc_window.help_pad.left += kc_window.hoffset * kc_window.shift_dir; kc_window.shift_now += kc_window.shift_dir; if( kc_window.shift_now < 1 || kc_window.shift_now >= kc_window.shift_max ) { kc_window.shift_dir = -kc_window.shift_dir; kc_window.shift_now += kc_window.shift_dir; } } return; } #endif #ifdef UNIX # if defined(MSDOS) || defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) if( strcmp( kc_value.set_host_pager, "more" ) == 0 ) cmd = str3dup( "type ", file, " | more" ); else cmd = str3dup( kc_value.set_host_pager, " ", file ); text_mode__(); system( cmd ); free( cmd ); if( is_temp ) remove( file ); # else cmd = str4dup( "(", kc_value.set_host_pager, " ", file ); if( is_temp ) cmd = mstr4cat( cmd, "; /bin/cp /dev/null ", file, "; /bin/rm ", file ); cmd = mstrcat( cmd, ")" ); if( (p = strchr( cmd, '&' )) != NULL ) { /* move ampersand to the end */ *p = ' '; cmd = mstrcat( cmd, " &" ); } shsystem( kc_value.set_host_shell, cmd ); free( cmd ); # endif #endif #ifdef vms cmd = str3dup( kc_value.set_host_pager, " ", file ); system( cmd ); free( cmd ); if( is_temp ) remove( file ); #endif #ifdef IBMVM if( stream == NULL ) { printf( " *** Cannot open %s\n", profile ); return; } fprintf( stream, "\ SET PREFIX OFF\n\ SET SCALE ON 2\n\ SET VERIFY ON 1 *\n\ SET CURLINE ON 3\n" ); fclose( stream ); /* NOLOCK needed for SFS */ cmd = str3dup( "XEDIT ", file, " ( NOLOCK PROF KUHELP" ); while( (p = strchr( cmd, '.' )) != NULL ) *p = ' '; system( cmd ); free( cmd ); remove( profile ); #endif #ifdef IBMMVS F77_CALL_Cx(Kmvspg,file,strlen(file),&iluno); if( is_temp ) remove( file ); #endif free( file ); } /* * return file and command name to the user edit routine */ void F77_ENTRY_CC(Ksvpar,file,cmd) /* { */ fstrset( file, len_file, editor_file ); fstrset( cmd, len_cmd, editor_cmd ); } /* * scan the description file written by the edit server */ void check_edit_server() { #ifdef USE_EDIT_SERVER if( kjmpaddr.user_edit_F != NULL && kc_flags.editor_exit != 0 ) { char lock_file[64]; int fid; int len; int nbytes; char *s; kc_flags.editor_exit = 0; #ifdef UNIX /* /tmp cannot be locked on Sun if allocated on swap space */ sprintf( lock_file, "/usr/tmp/kuesvr.%d", (int)getpid() ); fid = open( lock_file, O_RDONLY ); if( fid == -1 ) { /* we could be using an old server writing to /tmp */ fid = open( &lock_file[4], O_RDONLY ); if( fid == -1 ) { perror( "kugsvr: open /tmp read-only" ); return; } close( fid ); fid = open( &lock_file[4], O_RDWR ); if( fid == -1 ) { perror( "kugsvr: open /tmp read-write" ); return; } } else { close( fid ); fid = open( lock_file, O_RDWR ); if( fid == -1 ) { perror( "kugsvr: open /usr/tmp read-write" ); return; } } /* lock the file */ if( lockf( fid, F_LOCK, (off_t)0 ) == -1) { perror( "kugsvr: lock file" ); close( fid ); return; } /* read the complete file */ kc_flags.editor_cbuf = malloc( BUFSIZ + 1 ); kc_flags.editor_cbuf[0] = '\0'; len = 0; while( (nbytes = read( fid, &kc_flags.editor_cbuf[len], BUFSIZ )) > 0 ) { /* null terminate the string at the end of the bytes read */ len += nbytes; kc_flags.editor_cbuf[len] = '\0'; kc_flags.editor_cbuf = realloc( kc_flags.editor_cbuf, strlen( kc_flags.editor_cbuf ) + BUFSIZ + 1 ); } if( ftruncate( fid, (off_t)0 ) == -1 ) perror( "kugsvr: ftruncate" ); if( lockf( fid, F_ULOCK, (off_t)0 ) == -1) perror("kugsvr: un-lockf"); close(fid); #endif /* * For VMS the buffer is filled in edit_server_ast() */ s = kc_flags.editor_cbuf; while( *s != '\0' ) { editor_file = s; s = strchr( s, ' ' ); if( s == NULL ) break; *s++ = '\0'; editor_cmd = s; s = strchr( s, '\n' ); if( s == NULL ) break; *s++ = '\0'; if( strcmp( editor_cmd, "/KUIP/EDIT" ) != 0 ) { /* call user routine for all non-standard edit commands */ (*kjmpaddr.user_edit_F)(); } } free( kc_flags.editor_cbuf ); kc_flags.editor_cbuf = NULL; editor_file = NULL; editor_cmd = NULL; } #endif /* USE_EDIT_SERVER */ } /* * action routine for /KUIP/SET_SHOW/HOST_EDITOR */ int kxhosteditor() { char *editor = ku_gets(); if( strcmp( editor, "?" ) == 0 ) { printf( " Current host editor is '%s'\n", kc_value.set_host_editor ); } else if( strcasecmp( editor, "WINDOW" ) == 0 ) { kc_window.edit_pad.top = ku_geti(); kc_window.edit_pad.left = ku_geti(); kc_window.edit_pad.width = ku_geti(); kc_window.edit_pad.height = ku_geti(); } else if( strcasecmp( editor, "PAD" ) == 0 ) { kc_window.help_pad.top = ku_geti(); kc_window.help_pad.left = ku_geti(); kc_window.help_pad.width = ku_geti(); kc_window.help_pad.height = ku_geti(); kc_window.hoffset = ku_geti(); kc_window.voffset = ku_geti(); kc_window.shift_max = ku_geti(); kc_window.shift_now = 1; kc_window.shift_dir = 1; } else { if( kc_value.set_host_editor != NULL ) free( kc_value.set_host_editor ); kc_value.set_host_editor = strdup( editor ); kc_flags.use_server = 0; #ifdef USE_EDIT_SERVER # ifdef UNIX if( strchr( kc_value.set_host_editor, '&' ) != NULL ) { /* must be a workstation and kuesvr in search path to use server */ kc_flags.use_server = (getenv( "DISPLAY" ) != NULL) && (ku_qexe( "kuesvr" ) != NULL); /* vi must be wrapped into xterm */ if( kc_flags.use_server && ( strncmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "vi ", 3 ) == 0 || strcmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "vi&" ) == 0 ) ) { char *p = kc_value.set_host_editor; kc_value.set_host_editor = str2dup( "xterm -e ", p ); free( p ); } } # endif # ifdef vms strupper( kc_value.set_host_editor ); if( kc_flags.in_motif ) { /* * We have to spawn a nowait process because otherwise we get stuck * when pressing the right mouse button. * Instead of the callable TPU we have to use the EDIT/TPU command * and create a terminal window if not using the TPU Motif driver. */ if( strncmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "EDT", 3 ) == 0 || strncmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "TPU", 3 ) == 0 ) { char *p = kc_value.set_host_editor; kc_value.set_host_editor = str2dup( "EDIT/", p ); free( p ); if( strstr( kc_value.set_host_editor, "=DECW" ) == NULL && strstr( kc_value.set_host_editor, "=MOTIF" ) == NULL ) { p = kc_value.set_host_editor; kc_value.set_host_editor = str2dup( "CREATE/TERM/WAIT ", p ); free( p ); } } } if( strncmp( kc_value.set_host_editor, "CRE", 3 ) == 0 || strstr( kc_value.set_host_editor, "=DECW" ) != NULL || strstr( kc_value.set_host_editor, "=MOTIF" ) != NULL ) { kc_flags.use_server = 1; } # endif #endif #ifdef DBMALLOC malloc_mark( kc_value.set_host_editor ); #endif } return 0; } /* * action routine for /KUIP/SET_SHOW/HOST_PSVIEWER */ int kxhostpsviewer() { char *psviewer = ku_gets(); if( strcmp( psviewer, "?" ) == 0 ) { printf( " Current PostScript Viewer is '%s'\n", kc_value.set_host_psviewer ); } else { if( kc_value.set_host_psviewer != NULL ) free( kc_value.set_host_psviewer ); kc_value.set_host_psviewer = strdup( psviewer ); #ifdef DBMALLOC malloc_mark( kc_value.set_host_psviewer ); #endif } return 0; } /* * action routine for /KUIP/SET_SHOW/HOST_PAGER */ int kxhostpager() { char *pager = ku_gets(); if( strcmp( pager, "?" ) == 0 ) { printf( " Current host pager is '%s'\n", kc_value.set_host_pager ); } else { if( kc_value.set_host_pager != NULL ) free( kc_value.set_host_pager ); kc_value.set_host_pager = strdup( pager ); #ifdef DBMALLOC malloc_mark( kc_value.set_host_pager ); #endif } return 0; } /* * action routine for /KUIP/SET_SHOW/HOST_PRINTER */ int kxhostprinter() { char *cmd = ku_gets(); char *ext = ku_gets(); if( strcmp( cmd, "?" ) == 0 ) { if( kc_value.set_print_cmds == NULL ) { printf( " No host printer command defined.\n" ); } else { int i; printf( " Filetype | Host printer command\n" ); printf( " ---------|---------------------\n" ); for( i = 0; kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] != NULL; i++ ) { printf( " %-9s| %s\n", kc_value.set_print_exts[i], kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] ); } } } else if( cmd[0] == '\0' ) { /* delete command */ if( kc_value.set_print_cmds != NULL ) { int i; for( i = 0; kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if( strcmp( kc_value.set_print_exts[i], ext ) == 0 ) { free( kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] ); free( kc_value.set_print_exts[i] ); do { kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] = kc_value.set_print_cmds[i+1]; kc_value.set_print_exts[i] = kc_value.set_print_exts[i+1]; } while( kc_value.set_print_cmds[++i] != NULL ); break; } } } } else { int i; cmd = strdup( cmd ); if( strstr( cmd, "$*" ) == NULL && strstr( cmd, "$-" ) == NULL ) cmd = mstrcat( cmd, " $*" ); if( kc_value.set_print_cmds == NULL ) { kc_value.set_print_cmds = (char**)malloc( 2 * sizeof(char*) ); kc_value.set_print_cmds[0] = cmd; kc_value.set_print_cmds[1] = NULL; kc_value.set_print_exts = (char**)malloc( 2 * sizeof(char*) ); kc_value.set_print_exts[0] = strdup( ext ); kc_value.set_print_exts[1] = NULL; #ifdef DBMALLOC malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_cmds ); malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_cmds[0] ); malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_exts ); malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_exts[0] ); #endif return 0; } for( i = 0; kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if( strcasecmp( kc_value.set_print_exts[i], ext ) == 0 ) { free( kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] ); kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] = cmd; #ifdef DBMALLOC malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] ); #endif return 0; } } kc_value.set_print_cmds = (char**)realloc( (char*)kc_value.set_print_cmds, (i+2) * sizeof(char*) ); kc_value.set_print_exts = (char**)realloc( (char*)kc_value.set_print_exts, (i+2) * sizeof(char*) ); kc_value.set_print_cmds[i+1] = NULL; kc_value.set_print_exts[i+1] = NULL; while( i > 0 && strlen( kc_value.set_print_exts[i-1] ) < strlen( ext ) ) { kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] = kc_value.set_print_cmds[i-1]; kc_value.set_print_exts[i] = kc_value.set_print_exts[i-1]; i--; } kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] = cmd; kc_value.set_print_exts[i] = strdup( ext ); #ifdef DBMALLOC malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_cmds ); malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] ); malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_exts ); malloc_mark( kc_value.set_print_exts[i] ); #endif } return 0; } /* * action routine for /KUIP/PRINT */ int kxprint() { if( kc_value.set_print_cmds != NULL ) { char *file = ku_gets(); char *file_end = file + strlen( file ); FILE *stream = fopen( file, "r" ); int i; #ifdef IBMVM char *p; if( strchr( file, '.' ) != (p = strrchr( file, '.' )) && p != NULL ) file_end = p; #endif #ifdef vms char *p; if( (p = strchr( file, ';' )) != NULL ) file_end = p; #endif if( stream == NULL ) { printf( " *** KUIP/PRINT: file %s not found\n", file ); return -1; } else fclose( stream ); for( i = 0; kc_value.set_print_cmds[i] != NULL; i++ ) { int n = strlen( kc_value.set_print_exts[i] ); if( strncasecmp( file_end - n, kc_value.set_print_exts[i], n ) == 0 ) { char *cmd = str3dup( "/KUIP/SHELL '", kc_value.set_print_cmds[i], "'" ); char *p; while( (p = strstr( cmd, "$*" )) != NULL ) { char *newcmd = strndup( cmd, p - cmd ); newcmd = mstr2cat( newcmd, file, p + 2 ); free( cmd ); cmd = newcmd; } while( (p = strstr( cmd, "$-" )) != NULL ) { char *newcmd = strndup( cmd, p - cmd ); newcmd = mstrncat( newcmd, file, file_end - file - n ); newcmd = mstrcat( newcmd, p + 2 ); free( cmd ); cmd = newcmd; } #ifdef IBMVM while( (p = strchr( cmd, '.' )) != NULL ) *p = ' '; #endif ku_exel( cmd ); free( cmd ); return 0; } } } printf( " *** KUIP/PRINT: no host printer command defined\n" ); return -1; } /* * action routine for /KUIP/EDIT */ int kxedit() { char *file = ku_getf(); char *path = fsearch( file, NULL, NULL ); if( path == NULL ) path = fsearch( file, "kumac", kc_flags.macro_path ); if( path == NULL ) { /* file not found in search path */ path = ku_home( file, "kumac" ); if( kc_flags.macro_path != NULL ) { /* if file spec does'nt contain directory use first in search path */ char *default_dir = strdup( kc_flags.macro_path ); char *p; if( (p = strchr( default_dir, ',' )) != NULL ) *p = '\0'; #ifdef IBMVM if( strchr( path, '.' ) == strrchr( path, '.' ) ) { path = mstr2cat( path, ".", default_dir ); } #endif #ifdef vms if( strchr( path, ':' ) == NULL && strchr( path, ']' ) == NULL ) { p = str2dup( default_dir, path ); free( path ); path = p; } #endif #ifdef UNIX if( strpbrk( path, SLASHES ) == NULL ) { p = strdup( default_dir ); if( strchr( SLASHES, p[strlen(p)-1] ) == NULL ) p = mstrccat( p, SLASHES[0], 1 ); p = mstrcat( p, path ); free( path ); path = p; } #endif free( default_dir ); } ku_edit( path, 1 ); free( path ); } else { ku_edit( path, 1 ); } return 0; } /* * action routine for /KUIP/SET_SHOW/COLUMNS */ int kxcolumns() { int width = ku_geti(); if( width < 0 ) { char *columns = getenv( "COLUMNS" ); if( columns != NULL && isdigit( columns[0] ) ) width = atoi( columns ); else width = 80; } if( width == 0 ) printf( " Current number of columns: %d\n", kc_window.term_width ); else { if( width < 40 ) { printf( " *** COLUMNS: minimum screen width is 40\n" ); width = 80; } sprintf( kc_value.set_columns, "%d", width ); kc_window.term_width = width; #ifndef IBM370 gl_setwidth( width ); #endif } return 0; } /* * action routine for /KUIP/MACRO/LIST */ int kxmlist() { char *mname = ku_getf(); char *dpath = kc_flags.macro_path; char *dir; if( dpath == NULL ) { dpath = "."; #ifdef IBMVM dpath = "a"; #endif #ifdef vms dpath = "[]"; #endif } dpath = strdup( dpath ); for( dir = strtok( dpath, "," ); dir != NULL; dir = strtok( NULL, "," ) ) { #ifdef IBMVM char *line = str5dup( "LFILE ", mname, "* KUMAC ", dir, " (DATE" ); system( line ); free( line ); #endif #ifdef UNIX # ifdef MSDOS # ifdef WINNT char *kumac = "*.kumac"; # else char *kumac = "*.kum"; # endif char *line = str2dup( "dir ", dir ); if( dir[0] != '\0' && dir[strlen(dir)-1] != '\\' ) line = mstrcat( line, "\\" ); line = mstr3cat( line, mname, kumac, " | more" ); text_mode__(); system( line ); # else char *line = str2dup( "ls -l ", dir ); if( dir[0] != '\0' && dir[strlen(dir)-1] != '/' ) line = mstrcat( line, "/" ); line = mstr2cat( line, mname, "*.kumac" ); shsystem( kc_value.set_host_shell, line ); # endif free( line ); #endif #ifdef vms char *fspec_string = str3dup( dir, mname, "*.kumac" ); struct dsc$descriptor_s fspec_dsc; struct dsc$descriptor_d match_dsc; int context = 0; int istat; var_descriptor( fspec_dsc, fspec_string ); match_dsc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T; match_dsc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_D; match_dsc.dsc$w_length = 0; match_dsc.dsc$a_pointer = NULL; while( 1 ) { istat = lib$find_file( &fspec_dsc, &match_dsc, &context ); if( istat != RMS$_NORMAL ) { break; } else { char *mpath = strndup( match_dsc.dsc$a_pointer, match_dsc.dsc$w_length ); printf( " %s\n", mpath ); free( mpath ); } } lib$find_file_end( &context ); free( fspec_string ); #endif } free( dpath ); return 0; } /* * action routine for /KUIP/PSVIEW */ int kxpsview() { char *file = ku_getf(); char *path = fsearch( file, NULL, NULL ); int status = 0; if( path == NULL ) path = fsearch( file, "ps", NULL ); if( path != NULL ) { /* file is found */ #ifdef vms int istat; unsigned int flags = CLI$M_NOWAIT; char *line = str4dup( "$ ",kc_value.set_host_psviewer, " ", path ); struct dsc$descriptor_s cmd_dsc; var_descriptor( cmd_dsc, line ); istat = lib$spawn( &cmd_dsc, NULL, NULL, &flags ); free( line ); #else # ifdef UNIX char *line = str4dup( kc_value.set_host_psviewer, " ", path, " &" ); shsystem( kc_value.set_host_shell, line ); free( line ); # else printf( " *** PSVIEW not implemented\n" ); status = -1; # endif #endif free( path ); } else { printf( " *** PSVIEW: file %s not found\n", file ); status = -1; } return status; }