* * $Id: helpintro.dat,v 1996/02/15 17:47:36 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: helpintro.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:47:36 mclareni * Kernlib * * #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) /*DECK ID>, umon_int.helpinfo */ .cm CAT:INFO .cm NAM:UMON_INTRO .cm EXP: Introduction to UMON, a server for monitoring program usage .cm DAT: 88.11.11 .cm A/R: Bernd Pollermann .cm KEY: INTRODUCTION STATISTICS LOG LOGGING FREQUENCY .cm KEY: PROGRAM-USAGE USAGE MONITOR MONITORING UMON U-MON U-MONITOR .cm KEY: SERVICE SERVICE-MACHINE SERVER UMON-INTRO .cm KEY: MONITOR-EXEC EXEC-USAGE .cm END: If you are the author (or responsible) of programs/execs you might want to know whether your programs are being used and how. UMON is a service machine which can supply such information via "usage monitors". The following help file gives you an introduction to UMON. WHAT CAN A MONITOR DO FOR YOU? ============================== A monitor can note down on a "log-sheet" - when a program/exec was used, - by whom and - with which parameters. By analyzing the file produced by the monitor you can determine with what frequency your program/exec is being used and whether it is being used the way it was meant to be used. WHICH PROGRAMS CAN BE MONITORED? ================================ Any program which can execute the CP-command 'SMSG' can be monitored. This means that at CERN any REXX exec, XEDIT macro, ASSEMBLER or FORTRAN program can be monitored. The same is true for all programs calling a program written in the above mentionned languages. IS MONITORING DONE CONTINUOUSLY? ================================ Almost. However, to allow implementation of new features UMON can be taken down on Thursdays for one hour maximum (19.00-20.00). During this time monitoring is not possible. HOW TO START? ================= - Choose one of your existing minidisks or create (and FORMAT) a new one. - Execute the command 'DIRM MDISK' and . choose 'RR' as access mode (ensures read-only access on your side) . give it a WRITE password (enables your monitor to write on it) - MAIL the WRITE password and the name you want to give to YOUR monitor to BERND@CERNVM We will then create the monitor for you and let you know about it. Once your monitor exists you can ACTIVATE and BLOCK it, MODIFY and KILL it with the help of UMON commands. These commands also allow you to deal with the "log- sheets". The UMON commands are described in the (FINDable) help file UMON_CMDS. Attention: Programs to be monitored must contain a call to 'LOGUSAGE'. For more details consult the (FINDable help file) LOGUSAGE. For any further questions, Please contact me by mail (BERND@CERNVM) or phone (ext. 2407). #endif