* * $Id: helpcmds.dat,v 1996/02/15 17:47:35 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: helpcmds.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:47:35 mclareni * Kernlib * * #if defined(CERNLIB_IBMVM) /*DECK ID>, umon_cmd.helpinfo */ .cm CAT:INFO .cm NAM:UMON_CMDS .cm EXP: commands concerning program usage monitors. .cm DAT: 88.11.11 .cm A/R: Bernd Pollermann .cm KEY: STATISTICS LOG LOGGING FREQUENCY UMON-COMMAND .cm KEY: PROGRAM-USAGE USAGE MONITOR MONITORING UMON U-MON U-MONITOR .cm KEY: SERVICE SERVICE-MACHINE SERVER .cm KEY: MONITOR-EXEC EXEC-USAGE .cm END: UMON commands UMON commands allow you to communicate with your UMON monitor(s). You may modify (the status of) your monitor(s) or handle the "log-sheets" produced by these monitors. UMON commands can only be issued by the monitor's admini- strator. If you are not familiar with the concepts of UMON please read first the UMON introduction (accessible via 'FIND UMON INTRODUCTION'). Note: All UMON commands are Special MeSsaGes to the service machine UMON. Therefore ALL these commands MUST BE PRECEDED BY 'CP SMSG UMON '. For READABILITY ONLY this "prefix" has been omitted in the text below. Monitor commands: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | QUERY MONitor moni --> shows attributes of monitor moni (Usage note 1) | | | | MODIFY MONitor moni [admin|=] [disk|=] [vaddr|=] [passw|=] ( Usage ) | | --> gives (new) attributes to moni ( note 2 ) | | | | ACTIVATE MONitor moni --> monitor moni will accept to log messages | | BLOCK MONitor moni --> monitor moni will refuse to log messages | | KILL MONitor moni --> monitor moni ceases to exist | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: moni is the name of the monitor admin is the login-id of the person in charge of the monitor moni disk is the logon-id to which the minidisk belongs vaddr the disk's virtual address passw the disk WRITE password = used instead of a parameter means that the parameter will not change Log-sheet Commands: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | WRITEOUT LOGsheet moni --> empties the buffer onto disk (Usage note 3) | | | | SENDERASE LOGsheet moni --> sends log-sheet to your reader and erases it | | immediately afterwards (Usage Note 4) | | SEND LOGsheet moni --> sends log-sheet to your reader (Usage note 5) | | ERASE LOGsheet moni --> erase the log-sheet | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ where: moni is the name of the monitor used here as the filetype of the file onto which the monitor writes the log. The format of this file is: col content 1- 8 logon-id of the user who used the program 10-15 date in the form dd mmm 17-21 time in the form of hh:mm Usage notes: 1. The meaning of the monitor attributes should be clear from the header in the response to your QUERY. The different forms of the monitor status 'blocked' 'a-blocked,'s-blocked' and 'v-blocked') need some further explanations: status meaning can be changed by a-blocked administrator-blocked, i.e. the 'ACTIVATE' command blocked via the 'BLOCK' command s-blocked space-blocked, i.e. blocked by freeing disk space by the UMON because the monitors disk 'SENDERASE' command, followed is full by 'ACTIVATE' v-blocked verification-blocked, i.e. blocked correcting the attributes by by UMON because of wrong attributes the 'MODIFY' command of the monitor 2. MODIFY MONITOR allows you to change all the attributes including the logon- id of the administrator. If you do this only the new administrator will be able to communicate with 'your' monitor. 3. For performance reasons logging is done in the memory of UMON. The buffer for each "log-sheet" is written on disk from time to time, at least once a day (around midnight). Use the WRITEOUT command BEFORE you reLINK to your monitor's disk if you want to have a look at the LATEST logs. 4. 'SENDERASE LOGSHEET' is the recommended way of dealing with the "log-sheets" in case - your disk is getting full and - you do not want to loose a single recording 5. Both 'SENDERASE' and 'SEND' imply 'WRITEOUT', i.e. you will get the latest version of the "log-sheet" into your reader. #endif