; ; $Id: upkch.s,v 1996/02/15 17:50:31 mclareni Exp $ ; ; $Log: upkch.s,v $ ; Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:31 mclareni ; Kernlib ; ; .TITLE UPKCH ;++ ; CERN PROGLIB# M427 UPKCH .VERSION KERNVAX 2.32 890926 ; ORIG. J. VORBRUEGGEN 18/5/83 ; MOD. JV 8/10/83, FCA 26/09/89 ; ; SUBROUTINE UPKCH(CHAR, INT, N, IPAR) ; Unpack the N bytes in CHAR into the array INT. ; Bytes are described by IPAR in the following way: ; ; IPAR(1) (= NBITS) # of bits per byte ; IPAR(2) (= NCHAR) # of bytes per zone; if zero, maximum is used ; IPAR(3) (= NZONE) # of bits per zone; if zero, set to 32 ; IPAR(4) (= LBITS) # of leading bits of each zone to be ignored ; ; Bits are numbered from left to right, starting with 1; ; bytes crossing word boundaries are discontinuous! ; Because of this, NZONE = 32 is treated seperately. ; If the specified number of bytes won't fit into a field ; of length NZONE-LBITS, NCHAR is set to the maximum that will. ; On return, the first longword of COMMON /SLATE/ contains the number ; of longwords used in CHAR, not including trailing bits of last zone. ; ; Register usage: ; R0 counter from N to 1 ; R1 counter from NCHAR to 1 ; R2 = NZONE ; R3 = NBITS ; R4 = LBITS ; R5 = NCHAR (temporarily used for address of IPAR) ; R6 address of CHAR(NWORD) ; R7 address of next integer to receive a byte ; R8 position of LSB of current byte ; ; If NZONE = 32, ; R9 position of LSB of first byte in longword ; R10 not used ; R11 not used ; ; If NZONE <> 32, ; R9 if byte spans longwords, contains # of bits left for this word ; R10 if byte spans longwords, contains # of bits for next longword ; R11 # of bits to be skipped between two zones ; ; R9 is used as scratch register for calculations in both cases. ; R10/R11 are saved only if needed (i. e. NZONE <> 32). ;-- .IDENT /01/ .PSECT $CODE,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT,LONG .ENTRY UPKCH,^M MOVL @12(AP),R0 ; get counter BGTR 10$ ; continue if > 0 RET ; else return 10$: MOVAL @16(AP),R5 ; get base address of IPAR MOVAL @4(AP),R6 ; get base address of CHAR MOVAL @8(AP),R7 ; and INT MOVL 8(R5),R2 ; get NZONE BNEQ 20$ ; default needed ? MOVL #32,R2 ; yes, NZONE = 32 20$: MOVL (R5),R3 ; get NBITS MOVL 12(R5),R4 ; and LBITS MOVL 4(R5),R5 ; and NCHAR BEQL 30$ ; default needed ? MULL3 R3,R5,R9 ; no, check for valid arguments ADDL2 R4,R9 ; compute NBITS*NCHAR+LBITS CMPL R9,R2 ; do they fit into NZONE bits ? BLEQ 40$ ; if not, set NCHAR to maximum 30$: SUBL3 R4,R2,R9 ; compute # of usable bits DIVL3 R3,R9,R5 ; divide result by size of byte 40$: MOVL #1,NWORD ; initialize NWORD SUBL3 R4,#32,R8 ; compute pointer to end of 1st byte CMPL #32,R2 ; zone of one longword ? BNEQ NOTWRD ; we get here if that's so WORD: SUBL2 R3,R8 ; compute position of 1st byte in zone MOVL R8,R9 ; save it for later use BRB 30$ ; start the loop correctly 10$: DECL R1 ; any more byes for this zone ? BEQL 20$ SUBL2 R3,R8 ; yes, update pointer EXTZV R8,R3,(R6),(R7)+ ; unpack one byte SOBGTR R0,10$ ; and loop RET ; new zone: 20$: ADDL2 #4,R6 ; update address in CHAR INCL NWORD ; count the longword MOVL R9,R8 ; set up position of 1st byte 30$: MOVL R5,R1 ; initialize byte counter EXTZV R8,R3,(R6),(R7)+ ; unpack one byte | repeated SOBGTR R0,10$ ; and loop | for speed RET ; we get here if everything's possible NOTWRD: MOVQ R10,-(SP) ; save the two registers MULL3 R3,R5,R9 ; compute # of bits used by bytes SUBL3 R9,R2,R11 ; compute # of bits between zones 10$: MOVL R5,R1 ; initialize byte counter TSTL R8 ; position negative <=> new longword ? BGEQ 30$ 20$: ADDL2 #4,R6 ; yes, update address in CHAR INCL NWORD ; and take account of that ADDL2 #32,R8 ; correct our position BLSS 20$ ; another longword to skip ? 30$: DECL R1 ; any more bytes for this zone ? BLSS 40$ SUBL2 R3,R8 ; yes, update position BLSS 50$ ; does byte span longwords ? EXTZV R8,R3,(R6),(R7)+ ; no, unpack one byte SOBGTR R0,30$ ; and loop MOVQ (SP)+,R10 ; restore registers RET 40$: SUBL2 R11,R8 ; skip trailing and leading bits BRB 10$ ; and start with new zone 50$: MOVL R8,R9 ; save position MNEGL R8,R10 ; compute # of bits in next longword ADDL2 #32,R8 ; correct position ADDL2 #4,R6 ; update address in CHAR INCL NWORD ; update NWORD EXTZV R8,R10,(R6),(R7)+ ; extract lower part of byte ADDL2 R3,R9 ; any bits left ? BEQL 60$ INSV -4(R6),R10,R9,-4(R7) ; yes, insert them 60$: SOBGTR R0,30$ ; loop MOVQ (SP)+,R10 ; restore registers RET .PSECT SLATE,PIC,OVR,REL,GBL,SHR,NOEXE,RD,WRT,LONG NWORD: .BLKL 1 RESERV: .BLKL 39 .END