; ; $Id: upkbyt.s,v 1996/02/15 17:50:31 mclareni Exp $ ; ; $Log: upkbyt.s,v $ ; Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:31 mclareni ; Kernlib ; ; .TITLE UPKBYT ;++ ; CERN PROGLIB# M422 UPKBYT .VERSION KERNVAX 2.05 830901 ; ORIG. J. VORBRUEGGEN 10/5/83 ; ; SUBROUTINE UPKBYT(A, JA, IY, N, MPACK) ; Unpack the N bytes from A, staring at the JA'th byte, ; into the array of small integers starting at IY. ; ; Bytes are described by their length (in bits) NBITS (MPACK(1)) ; and their number per longword INWORD (MPACK(2)). ; NBITS = 0 is interpreted as a default value of NBITS = 1 and INWORD = 32. ; Callers of UPKBYT assume the first byte in A to be JA = 1; ; internally, however, all counters concerning bytes start at 0. ; ; Register usage: ; R0 = NBITS ; R1 = INWORD ; R2 base address of bit field (=byte) ; R3 byte number in current longword (from 0 to INWORD-1) ; R4 position of bit field (from 0 to (INWORD-1)*NBITS) ; R5 updated address in IY ; R6 first used as scratch register, then counter from N to 1 ;-- .IDENT /01/ .PSECT $CODE,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT,LONG .ENTRY UPKBYT,^M MOVAL @20(AP),R6 ; get base address of MPACK MOVL (R6),R0 ; save NBITS BEQL 10$ ; default values required ? MOVL 4(R6),R1 ; no, save INWORD BRB 20$ ; and skip 10$: MOVL #1,R0 ; yes, NBITS = 1 MOVL #32,R1 ; and INWORD = 32 20$: MOVL @8(AP),R6 ; get byte number DECL R6 ; change it to internal counting DIVL3 R1,R6,R2 ; compute longword offset MULL3 R1,R2,R4 ; number of bytes up to offset SUBL3 R4,R6,R3 ; byte number MULL3 R0,R3,R4 ; finally, position of first bit MOVAL @12(AP),R5 ; get base address of IY MOVAL @4(AP)[R2],R2 ; compute base address of bit field MOVL @16(AP),R6 ; get counter 30$: EXTZV R4,R0,(R2),(R5)+ ; extract a byte INCL R3 ; JB = JB + 1 CMPL R3,R1 ; JB >= INWORD ? BGEQ 40$ ADDL2 R0,R4 ; no, just update position BRB 50$ ; and skip 40$: ADDL2 #4,R2 ; yes, update base address CLRQ R3 ; reset position and byte number 50$: SOBGTR R6,30$ ; and loop RET .END