; ; $Id: ucopy2.s,v 1996/02/15 17:50:31 mclareni Exp $ ; ; $Log: ucopy2.s,v $ ; Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:31 mclareni ; Kernlib ; ; .TITLE UCOPY2 ;++ ; CERN PROGLIB# V301 UCOPY .VERSION KERNVAX 2.21 870121 ; ORIG. J. VORBRUEGGEN 30/4/83, CORR. 5/12/85 FOR R0=65536 ; ; SUBROUTINE UCOPY(A, B, N) ; Copy source to destination array with count of longwords ; ; Register usage: ; N <= 16383 N > 16383 ; R0 byte count (used by MOVC3) ; R1 | source address ; R2 | (used by MOVC3) ; R3 | (used by MOVC3) destination address ; R4 | (used by MOVC3) ; R5 | (used by MOVC3) ; R6 not used = 65535 ; R7 not used updated byte count ; ; NOTE: - Entries UCOPY and UCOPY2 are equivalent, as the ; VAX hardware takes care of overlap in most cases. ; - R6/R7 are only saved if necessary (i. e. N > 16383) ;-- .IDENT /01/ .PSECT $CODE,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT,LONG .ENTRY UCOPY2,^M BRB GOON .ENTRY UCOPY,^M GOON: NOP ASHL #2,@12(AP),R0 ; Make count of bytes (*4) BLEQ 10$ ; Return if <= 0 CMPL #65535,R0 ; Too large for one MOVC3 ? BLSSU 20$ MOVC3 R0,@4(AP),@8(AP) ; Normal case. 10$: RET 20$: MOVQ R6,-(SP) ; Fastest way of saving R6/R7 MOVAL @4(AP),R1 ; Get address of source MOVL #65535,R6 ; Max. # of bytes for MOVC3 MOVL R0,R7 ; Save count from destruction MOVAL @8(AP),R3 ; Get address of destination CMPL R3,R1 ; Check relative position of ; source and destination BEQL 10$ ; Nothing to do. BGTRU 50$ ; Special case - do move from end 30$: MOVC3 R6,(R1),(R3) ; Move a 64KB bite ACBL R6,#-65535,R7,30$ ; Any more ? BEQL 40$ ; Already finished ? MOVC3 R7,(R1),(R3) ; Move the rest 40$: MOVQ (SP)+,R6 ; Restore registers RET 50$: SUBL2 R6,R7 ; Set pointer to first bite 60$: ADDL3 R7,4(AP),R1 ; Adjust source address ADDL3 R7,8(AP),R3 ; and destination address MOVC3 R6,(R1),(R3) ; Move a 64KB bite ACBL #0,#-65535,R7,60$ ; Any more ? ADDL2 R6,R7 ; Correct counter MOVC3 R7,@4(AP),@8(AP) ; Move the last bite MOVQ (SP)+,R6 ; Restore registers RET ; Done. .END