; ; $Id: iusame.s,v 1996/02/15 17:50:27 mclareni Exp $ ; ; $Log: iusame.s,v $ ; Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:27 mclareni ; Kernlib ; ; .TITLE IUSAME ;++ ; CERN PROGLIB# M501 IUSAME .VERSION KERNVAX 2.05 830901 ; ORIG. J. VORBRUEGGEN 18/5/83 ; ; INTEGER FUNCTION IUSAME(VECT, JL, JR, MIN, JSAME) ; The function searches for at least MIN consecutive ; occurences of the same longword in VECT(JL) to VECT(JR). ; If such a sequence is found, JSAME contains the index of the ; first longword of the sequence and the function value is the ; number of occurences. Otherwise, IUSAME=0 and JSAME=JR+1. ; ; Register usage: ; R0 address of VECT(I), I = JL, JR ; R1 = MIN ; R2 counter of occurences ; R3 index (R5) when current item first occured ; R4 = JR ; R5 counter from JL to JR ;-- .IDENT /01/ .PSECT $CODE,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT,LONG .ENTRY IUSAME,^M MOVAL @4(AP),R0 ; get base address of VECT MOVL @8(AP),R5 ; get JL MOVAL -4(R0)[R5],R0 ; compute address of VECT(JL) MOVL @12(AP),R4 ; get JR MOVL R5,R3 ; preset index to JL CLRL R2 ; preset occurence counter MOVL @16(AP),R1 ; get MIN BRB 20$ ; start main loop 10$: CMPL (R0)+,(R0) ; compare VECT(I) and VECT(I+1) BEQL 20$ ; if equal, go on looking CMPL R1,R2 ; not equal - have we reached MIN ? BLEQU 30$ CLRL R2 ; no - reset occurence counter MOVL R5,R3 ; and index 20$: INCL R2 ; increment occurence counter AOBLEQ R4,R5,10$ ; and loop CMPL R1,R2 ; finished with examining VECT BGTRU 40$ ; have we reached MIN equalities ? 30$: MOVL R2,R0 ; yes, return index as function value MOVL R3,@20(AP) ; and first occurence index in JSAME RET ; we didn't get MIN equal longwords 40$: CLRL R0 ; so return a zero as function value MOVL R5,@20(AP) ; and JR+1 in JSAME RET .END