; ; $Id: iucomh.s,v 1996/02/15 17:50:27 mclareni Exp $ ; ; $Log: iucomh.s,v $ ; Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:27 mclareni ; Kernlib ; ; .TITLE IUCOMH ;++ ; CERN PROGLIB# IUCOMH .VERSION KERNVAX 1.07 801117 ; ORIG. J. BETTELS 17/11/80 ; MOD. J. VORBRUEGGEN 18/5/83 ; ; INTEGER FUNCTION IUCOMH(STRING1, STRING2, NCH) ; Compare the two strings of NCH bytes length and return a value of ; ; -1 if STRING1 < STRING2 ; 0 = ; +1 > ; ; which is determined by the first non-identical character. ; N. B.: The strings are NOT of type CHARACTER ! ;-- .IDENT /01/ .PSECT $CODE,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT,LONG .ENTRY IUCOMH,^M CMPC3 @12(AP),@4(AP),@8(AP) ;do the compare BEQL 10$ ;equal ? BLSS 20$ ;STRING1STRING2 RET 10$: CLRL R0 RET 20$: MOVL #-1,R0 RET .END