; ; $Id: ie3tos.s,v 1996/02/15 17:50:27 mclareni Exp $ ; ; $Log: ie3tos.s,v $ ; Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:27 mclareni ; Kernlib ; ; .TITLE IE3TOS ;++ ; CERN PROGLIB# M220 IE3TOS .VERSION KERNVAX 2.34 900301 ; ORIG. February 89, M. Jonker/CERN ; CORR. D. Coffman 12/02/1990 ; ; SUBROUTINE IE3TOS (MS,MT,NWDO,JBAD) ; Convert single precision for input with copy ; from source in IEEE to target in native data format ;-- .IDENT /900212MJJ/ .PSECT $CODE,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT,LONG .ENTRY IE3TOS,^M MOVQ 4(AP),R0 ;R0/R1 = source/destination MOVL @12(AP),R2 ;AP = count MOVL #0,@16(AP) ;JBAD=0 initially BRB 29$ .ALIGN LONG 20$: ROTL #16,(R0)+,R3 ; extract and test the characteristics BICW3 #^X807F,R3,R4 BEQL 31$ CMPW R4,#^X7E80 BGEQ 41$ ADDL3 #^X00000100,R3,(R1)+ 29$: SOBGEQ R2,20$ ;loop RET ; Handle exceptions ; - Zero characteristics, test for floating zero 31$: BITL #^XFFFF7FFF,R3 BNEQ 51$ ;De-normalized number CLRL (R1)+ ;Floating zero 39$: SOBGEQ R2,20$ ;Loop RET ; - Characteristics .gt. 253, not a number or overflow 41$: CMPW #^X7F80,R4 BNEQ 42$ BITL #^XFFFF007F,R3 BEQL 42$ ; Not a number MOVL #^X00008001,(R1)+ SUBL3 R2,@12(AP),@16(AP) BRB 39$ ; Signed overflow 42$: BICL2 #^XFFFF7FFF,R3 BISL3 #^X00007F81,R3,(R1)+ SUBL3 R2,@12(AP),@16(AP) BRB 39$ ; - Denormalized number 51$: BBCC #6,R3,53$ ; Exponent = 2 ROTL #1,R3,R3 BBCC #16,R3,52$ ;Test sign bit BBSS #15,R3,52$ ;Restore sign bit 52$: BISL3 #^X00000100,R3,(R1)+ BRB 39$ 53$: BBC #5,R3,55$ ; Exponent = 1 BBCC #15,R3,54$ ;Test sign bit BBSS #13,R3,54$ ;Restore sign bit 54$: ROTL #2,R3,(R1)+ BRB 39$ ; Underflow 55$: CLRL (R1)+ BRB 39$ ;! exceptions: ;! c=0, m=0 floating zero ;! c=0, m#0 de-normalized number +/- 0.m 2**(-126 or -1022) ;! c=1...1 m=0 signed infinity ;! c=1...1 m#0 not a number .END