* * $Id: ubunch.F,v 1.4 1998/09/25 09:32:06 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ubunch.F,v $ * Revision 1.4 1998/09/25 09:32:06 mclareni * Modifications for the Mklinux port flagged by CERNLIB_PPC * * Revision 1.3 1997/09/02 14:27:00 mclareni * WINNT correction * * Revision 1.2 1997/02/04 17:36:25 mclareni * Merge Winnt and 97a versions * * Revision 1997/01/21 11:31:41 mclareni * All mods for Winnt 96a on winnt branch * * Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:15 mclareni * Kernlib * * #include "kerngen/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_QFMSOFT) && defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) #include "wntgs/ubunch.F" #elif defined(CERNLIB_QMDOS) || defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) #include "dosgs/ubunch.F" #elif defined(CERNLIB_QMVAOS)||defined(CERNLIB_QMVMI) #include "allgs/ubunch.F" #elif (defined(CERNLIB_QMLNX) && !defined(CERNLIB_PPC)) #include "lnxgs/ubunch.F" #elif (defined(CERNLIB_QMLNX) && defined(CERNLIB_PPC)) #include "lnxppcgs/ubunch.F" #elif defined(CERNLIB_QMSUN) #include "sungs/ubunch.F" #elif defined(CERNLIB_QMVAX) #include "vaxgs/ubunch.F" #elif defined(CERNLIB_B32)||defined(CERNLIB_B64) SUBROUTINE UBUNCH (MS,MT,NCHP) C C CERN PROGLIB# M409 UBUNCH .VERSION KERNFOR 4.30 910819 C ORIG. 05/12/89, FCA+JZ C DIMENSION MS(99), MT(99), NCHP(9) #include "kerngen/iallbl.inc" #include "kerngen/ubnchx1.inc" NCH = NCHP(1) IF (NCH) 91,39,11 #if defined(CERNLIB_B64) 11 NWT = ISHFT (NCH,-3) NTRAIL = IAND (NCH,7) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_B32) 11 NWT = ISHFT (NCH,-2) NTRAIL = IAND (NCH,3) #endif JS = 0 IF (NWT.EQ.0) GO TO 31 C-- Pack the initial complete words #if defined(CERNLIB_B64) DO 24 JT=1,NWT MT(JT) = IOR (IOR (IOR (IOR (IOR (IOR (IOR ( + IAND(MS(JS+1),MASK1), + ISHFT (IAND(MS(JS+2),MASK1), -8)), + ISHFT (IAND(MS(JS+3),MASK1),-16)), + ISHFT (IAND(MS(JS+4),MASK1),-24)), + ISHFT (IAND(MS(JS+5),MASK1),-32)), + ISHFT (IAND(MS(JS+6),MASK1),-40)), + ISHFT (IAND(MS(JS+7),MASK1),-48)), + ISHFT (MS(JS+8), -56) ) 24 JS = JS + 8 #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_B32) DO 24 JT=1,NWT MT(JT) = IOR (IOR (IOR ( + IAND(MS(JS+1),MASK1), + ISHFT (IAND(MS(JS+2),MASK1), -8)), + ISHFT (IAND(MS(JS+3),MASK1),-16)), + ISHFT (MS(JS+4), -24) ) 24 JS = JS + 4 #endif IF (NTRAIL.EQ.0) RETURN C-- Pack the trailing word 31 MWD = IALLBL JS = NCH DO 34 JT=1,NTRAIL MWD = IOR (ISHFT(MWD,-8), IAND(MS(JS),MASK1)) 34 JS = JS - 1 MT(NWT+1) = MWD 39 RETURN 91 CALL ABEND END #endif