* * $Id: sbyt.F,v 1996/02/15 17:50:14 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: sbyt.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:14 mclareni * Kernlib * * #include "kerngen/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_QMSUN) #include "sungs/sbyt.F" #else SUBROUTINE SBYT (IT,IZW,IZP,NZB) C C CERN PROGLIB# M421 SBYT .VERSION KERNFOR 4.23 891215 C MOD. true default 24/2/89, JZ C C This non-ANSI code is a default which may be slow, if so C it should be replaced by a machine-specific fast routine C #include "kerngen/wordsize.inc" #include "kerngen/iall1s.inc" #if !defined(CERNLIB_QISASTD) #include "kerngen/q_andor.inc" #include "kerngen/q_shift.inc" * Ignoring t=pass #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QISASTD) MSK = ISHFTR (IALL11, NBITPW-NZB) IZW = IOR ( IAND (IZW, NOT(ISHFTL(MSK,IZP-1))) +, ISHFTL(IAND(IT,MSK),IZP-1)) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_QISASTD) MSK = ISHFT (IALL11,-NBITPW+NZB) IZW = IOR ( IAND (IZW, NOT(ISHFT (MSK,IZP-1))) +, ISHFT (IAND(IT,MSK),IZP-1)) #endif RETURN END #endif