* * $Id: locf.F,v 1996/02/15 17:50:37 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: locf.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:37 mclareni * Kernlib * * #include "kerngen/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_QMMPW) #include "mpwgs/locf.F" #elif defined(CERNLIB_QMSUN) #include "sungs/locf.F" #elif defined(CERNLIB_QMVAX) #include "vaxgs/locf.F" #else FUNCTION LOCF (IVAR) C C CERN PROGLIB# N100 LOCF .VERSION KERNFOR 4.34 930114 C C- This is a default which works on several machines C DIMENSION IVAR(9) * Number of ADdress Units Per Word for Fortran C and its logarithm base 2 PARAMETER (NADUPW=4, LADUPW=2) J = LOC(IVAR) LOCF = ISHFT (J, -LADUPW) END #endif