/* * $Id: jbyt.c,v 1996/02/15 17:50:03 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: jbyt.c,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:03 mclareni * Kernlib * */ #include "kerngen/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_QF_F2C) /* jbyt.f -- translated by f2c and been corrected by V.E.Fine by hand You must link the resulting object file with the libraries: -lF77 -lI77 -lm -lc (in that order) */ #include "kerngen/qf_f2c.h" integer jbyt_(izw, izp, nzb) integer *izw, *izp, *nzb; { /* System generated locals */ integer i__1, i__2, i__3; /* CERN PROGLIB# M421 JBYT .VERSION KERNFOR 4.23 891215 */ /* ORIG. 13/03/89 JZ */ /* This non-ANSI code is a default which may be slow, if so */ /* it should be replaced by a machine-specific fast routine */ i__1 = 33 - *izp - *nzb; i__2 = *izw << i__1; i__3 = 32 - *nzb; return (unsigned) (i__2) >> i__3; } /* jbyt_ */ #endif