* * $Id: ie3tos.F,v 1996/02/15 17:54:36 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ie3tos.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:54:36 mclareni * Kernlib * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBXVF) @PROCESS DIRECTIVE ('*VDIR:') OPT(3) VECTOR #endif SUBROUTINE IE3TOS (MS,MT,NWDO,JBAD) C C CERN PROGLIB# M220 IE3TOS .VERSION KERNIBX 1.00 900101 C C 02/03/89 M.Roethlisberger/IBM + J.Zoll/CERN Optimise / Vectorise C- Convert single precision for input with copy C- from source in IEEE to target in native data format C- C- Reference: ZEBRA REFERENCE MANUAL book FZ, para. 3.03 C- C- IEEE Representation: sccc cccc cmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm C- IBM Representation: sccc cccc mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm C- C- m: Mant (IBM) = (00800000+ Mant (IE3))/J1 (Right-shifting) C- c: Exp (IBM) = (Exp (IE3)-126+J2)/4 + 64 = C- = (Exp (IE3)+130+J2)/4 C- C- s: Sign (IBM) = Sign (IE3) C C Where J1 and J2 are both function of the 2 right-most bits C of I3E exponent. DIMENSION MS (99) , MT (99) DIMENSION J1 (0:3) , J2 (0:3) EQUIVALENCE (ITHA , THA) C PARAMETER (MSKA31 = Z 7FFFFFFF) PARAMETER (MSKA31 = 2147 483 647) C PARAMETER (MSKA7F = Z 7F000003) PARAMETER (MSKA7F = 2130 706 432) C PARAMETER (MSKA23 = Z 007FFFFF) PARAMETER (MSKA23 = 8 388 607) C PARAMETER (MSKB24 = Z 00800000) PARAMETER (MSKB24 = 8 388 608) C PARAMETER (MSKC18 = Z 01800000) PARAMETER (MSKC18 = 25 165 864) C PARAMETER (IBADMS = Z 7FFFFFFF) PARAMETER (IBADMS = 2147 483 647) C PARAMETER (IOVPMS = Z 7FFFFFF0) PARAMETER (IOVPMS = 2147 483 632) C PARAMETER (IOVNMS = Z FFFFFFF0) PARAMETER (IOVNMS = -16) PARAMETER (LVMIN = 44) DATA (J1 (II),II=0,3) / + 4, 2, 1, 8/ DATA (J2 (II),II=0,3) / C- Respectively 2, 1, 0 and 3 but 22 positions left-shifted. C- 00800000, 00400000, 00000000, 00C00000 + 8 388 608, 4 194 304, 0, 12 582 912/ #include "q_andor.inc" #include "q_shift.inc" JBAD = 0 #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBXVF) IF (NWDO.LT.LVMIN) GO TO 336 C*VDIR: PREFER VECTOR C---- Vector loop DO 334 JL=1,NWDO MT(JL) = IOR( IOR( C Add 1 bit in front of I3E mantissa, shift it right (0-3 positions) + IOR (IAND(MS(JL),MSKA23),MSKB24) + /J1(ISHFTR(IAND(MS(JL),MSKC18),23)) C Shift I3E exponent 1 position to right, add 20800000 (130 22 positions C left-shifted), add J2 (also shifted) and discard all non-IBM exponents C bits (i.e. /4) + ,IAND(ISHFTR (ISHFTL(MS(JL),1),2) + 545 259 520 + +J2(ISHFTR(IAND(MS(JL),MSKC18),23)),MSKA7F)) C Add sign bit + ,IAND (MS(JL),NOT(MSKA31)) ) 334 CONTINUE GO TO 341 C*VDIR: PREFER SCALAR ON #endif C---- Scalar loop 336 DO 339 JL=1,NWDO MT(JL) = IOR( IOR( + IOR (IAND(MS(JL),MSKA23),MSKB24) + /J1(ISHFTR(IAND(MS(JL),MSKC18),23)) + ,IAND(ISHFTR (ISHFTL(MS(JL),1),2) + 545 259 520 + +J2(ISHFTR(IAND(MS(JL),MSKC18),23)),MSKA7F)) + ,IAND (MS(JL),NOT(MSKA31)) ) 339 CONTINUE C---- Second loop for exceptions handling 341 DO 349 JL=1,NWDO C Stored Exp (I3E) JEXP3 = ISHFTR (ISHFTL(MS(JL),1),24) IF (JEXP3.EQ.0) THEN JMAN3 = IAND (MS(JL), MSKA23) IF (JMAN3.EQ.0) THEN C Exp=0 ; Mant=0 : Floating-point zero MT(JL)=0 ELSE C Exp=0 ; Mant ~= 0 : De-normalized number THA = FLOAT(JMAN3) * 2.**(-63) THA = THA * 2.**(-86) IF (IAND (MS(JL),NOT(MSKA31)).NE.0) THA=-THA MT(JL)=ITHA ENDIF ENDIF IF (JEXP3.EQ.255) THEN C Error conditions JBAD = JL JMAN3 = IAND (MS(JL), MSKA23) IF (JMAN3.EQ.0) THEN C Exp=255 ; Mant = 0 : Signed infinity MT(JL) = IOR (IOVPMS, IAND(MS(JL),NOT(MSKA31)) ) ELSE C Exp = 255 ; Mant ~= 0 : Not a Number (NaN) MT(JL) = IBADMS ENDIF ENDIF 349 CONTINUE RETURN END #ifdef CERNLIB_TCGEN_IE3TOS #undef CERNLIB_TCGEN_IE3TOS #endif