* * $Id: noarg32.s,v 1996/02/15 17:52:22 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: noarg32.s,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:52:22 mclareni * Kernlib * * ; SUBROUTINE NOARG (NARGS) ; ; CERN PROGLIB# Z029 NOARG .VERSION KERNCVX 1.09 910815 ; ORIG. 01/01/89 JV, CONVEX ; #if !defined(CERNLIB_QIEEE) .fpmode native #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_QIEEE) .fpmode ieee #endif ; INITIALIZED DATA .data .align 8 LI: ; UNINITIALIZED DATA .bss .align 8 LU: ; INSTRUCTIONS .text ds.w 0x4010000 ds.b "-O\0\0" .globl _noarg_ ;ENTRY _noarg_: sub.w #Lfs1,sp ; ld.w 8(fp),a1 ;get the previous frame pointer ld.w 12(a1),a1 ;get the previous argument pointer ld.w -4(a1),s0 ;get the number of arguments mov s0,s1 mul.w #4,s1 ; loop: sub.w #4,s1 mov a1,a2 add.w s1,a2 ld.w (a2),s2 leu.w #0x80000000,s2 jmps.t exit sub.w #1,s0 jmp loop exit: st.w s0,@0(ap) ; rtn ; #4 Lfs1 = 8 #ifdef CERNLIB_TCGEN_NOARG #undef CERNLIB_TCGEN_NOARG #endif