* * $Id: iospak2.s,v 1996/02/15 17:51:57 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: iospak2.s,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:51:57 mclareni * Kernlib * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- PUNCH 'SPB' TELL LOADER TO START AT NEXT PAGE * The '"' character in previous statement is a X'02'. * Do not edit the line without CMS SET INPUT " 02 first. *-------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE 'FULL-SCREEN OUTPUT ROUTINES FOR VM/CMS' * FLAG IOSWRT *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Routine to write a field on full-screen terminal *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * * IRC = IOSWRT(LINE,LENGTH,LINENO,NCOL[,IATTR[,IBUF]]) * IRC = IOSWRT('CLEAR') * IRC = IOSWRT() * IRC = IOSWRT('WRITE') * IRC = IOSWRT(0) * IRC = IOSWRT(IBUF) * * IRC = Integer return code: 0 = all ok * -1 = Terminal busy (CP) * -2 = Invalid Line Number * -3 = Invalid Column * -4 = String too long * -5 = No room for attribute * -6 = No Length * -7 = Interrupt Error * -8 = Diag Error * -10 = Device End missing * -11 = I/O still active * -12 = Too many arguments * -2xx = HNDINT SET error 'xx' * -3xx = WAITD error 'xx' * -4xx = HNDINT CLR error 'xx' * * LINE = Character array, Hollerith constant or Integer array; * 'CLEAR', 'CL' or no parameter clears the screen, * 'WRITE', 'WR' or 0 writes screen from internal buffer, * IBUF as the only parm writes screen from IBUF, * subsequent writes to screen are superposed. * LENGTH = Length of string in bytes (0 for an empty field). * If negative the cursor is moved to LINENO, NCOL, and * no new field is generated (IATTR ignored). * LINENO = Screen Line number (0 = unchanged). * NCOL = Screen Column number (0 = unchanged). * If both LINENO and NCOL = 0 the string is appended * to last string, in the last field defined. * IATTR = Attribute Byte, forces the start of a new field; if * missing, the string is placed in the existing field. * It is ignored if LENGTH < 0. * IBUF = Optional parameter - when missing an immediate write * of the field is executed, otherwise it is must be an * INTEGER*4 user buffer used to set up a screen. The * field is just assembled into the buffer, if it is a * zero, the internal buffer is used instead. The first * two integers of IBUF must contain the buffer length * in bytes (dimension*4-8 or less) and the amount used * by previous calls (0 = buffer empty). This quantity * is updated by the routine. * * Note: the screen must be cleared to force CP to relinquish the * control. Error -8 signals the user when CP has regained * control of the screen (in case of a message) destroying * all the information displayed; in this case the display * must be rebuilt by the user. * * 3270 Attribute Byte layout: * * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * | see table | Prot | Num | Int | L.P. | -- | MDT | * +-------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ * * Table for Bits 0-1: * * Bits 4-7 -> 0 1 2-9 A-F * Bits 2-3 +----+-----------+------+ * | 00 | 40 | C0 | 40 | Unprotected Alphanum. * V | | | | * 01 | 40 | C0 | 40 | Unprotected Numeric * | +----+ | | * 10 | 40 | C0 | 40 | Protected Alphanum. * +---------+ | | * 11 | C0 | 40 | Protected Numeric * +----------------+------+ * * Bits 4-5: 00 01 10 11 * * * * * - Display * - - * - Intensified * - * * - Selector Pen detectable * * * * - Printable * * Bit 6: Reserved * * Bit 7: Modified Data Tag (may be set by program write) SPACE 2 * Author: Elia PEROTTO - CERN EP Division - tel. 7672303 * - CNUCE/CNR - Pisa - tel. 593268 * VERSION 1.0 - 14 Dec 1987 * 1.1 - 11 Apr 1989 CMS 5.5 compatible (macro HNDINT modified) SPACE 2 IOSWRT CSECT #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) IOSWRT AMODE ANY IOSWRT RMODE ANY #endif &DT SETC 'IOSWRT &SYSDATE&SYSTIME' For debugging SAVE (14,12),,&DT LR R12,R15 USING IOSWRT,R12 LR R10,R1 Save args pointer GATE B INIT Fetch real console characteristics * LA R11,INTBUFF Default to internal buffer MVI STAT,0 Clear status flags LTR R10,R10 Any Parm? BZ CLEAR None, clear then * LM R3,R8,0(R10) Load args addresses LTR R2,R3 R2 = buffer address BH NOONE Branch if not last parm * ICM R1,15,0(R2) Is it a zero? BZ REWRITE Yes, rewrite buffer BH USWRITE Write user buffer * Negative, EBCDIC string CLC 0(2,R2),=C'WR' Is it a keyword? BE REWRITE Yes, write then * CLC 0(2,R2),=C'CL' Is it a keyword? BE CLEAR Yes, clear then * ERROR6 LH R0,=H'-6' Code for no length specified B ERROR SPACE 1 NOONE LR R1,R4 Save length addr ICM R4,15,0(R4) R4 = buffer length BNL GO Positive OI STAT,CURSOR Negative, put cursor here * GO ST R4,LENGTH Save length here LTR R1,R1 Was it last parm? BL GO2 Yes * LR R1,R5 Save Line Number addr ICM R5,15,0(R5) Get Line Number BNZ CHLINE OI STAT,SAMELIN Do not change line B GO4 SPACE 1 CHLINE BCTR R5,0 Decrement for displacement form CL R5,LASTLINE Is it outside screen? BNL ERROR2 -2 * ST R5,LINENO GO4 LTR R1,R1 Was it last parm? BL GO2 Yes * LR R1,R6 Save Column addr ICM R6,15,0(R6) Get Column BNZ CHCOL If zero... OI STAT,SAMECOL ...do not change column TM STAT,NOSBA Line unchanged too? BM GO5 MVC COLUMN,OLDCOL Get last position B GO5 SPACE 1 CHCOL BCTR R6,0 Decrement for displacement form CL R6,LINELEN Is it outside line length? BNL ERROR3 -3 * ST R6,COLUMN Save Column GO5 LTR R1,R1 Was it last parm? BNL GO3 No OI STAT,NOFIELD No new Field B GO2 Skip Attr & Buffer processing SPACE 1 USING SCRNBUF,R11 GO3 LTR R7,R7 Was it last parm? BNL STORE No, store in buffer LA R0,1 ST R0,LDONE Init LDONE with WCC OI STAT,IMMED Remember it B GO1 SPACE 1 STORE OI STAT,SAVE Assemble field into buffer LTR R11,R8 Copy buffer addr in R11 BNL ERROR12 Too many arguments -12 * ICM R1,15,BUFLEN Is a user buffer there? BNZ GO1 Yes * LA R11,INTBUFF No, use our internal buffer GO1 L R7,0(R7) Get Attribute ST R7,ATTR Save Attribute (for debug) GO2 LM R5,R7,LINENO Load Line, Column & Attribute TM STAT,CURSOR+NOFIELD Attribute required? BNZ NOATTR No attribute * TM STAT,NOSBA Concatenate? BO NOATTR Yes, leave space for Attribute * BCTR R6,0 Back up Column for Attribute NOATTR BAL R14,GETADDR0 ICM R1,15,LDONE Get used bytes BNZ WCC1 WCC place left LA R1,1 Save place for WCC (first call) WCC1 LA R5,BUFFER(R1) Starting byte TM STAT,NOSBA Concatenate? * BO SKIPSBA Yes, skip SBA business MVI 0(R5),SBA Store Set Buffer Address STCM R8,3,1(R5) Store 2 6-bit screen address parts TR 1(2,R5),ATAB Translate to EBCDIC LA R5,3(R5) Skip over SBA + addr LA R1,3(R1) Count SBA + addr SKIPSBA LTR R4,R4 Negative length? BL INSCUR * L R8,BUFLEN Get last byte addr SR R8,R4 Subtract String Length CR R1,R8 Is R5 too forward? BH ERROR4 Yes, error -4 * TM STAT,NOFIELD Start Field required? BNZ NOSF No Start Field * MVI 0(R5),SF Deposit Start Field N R7,=F'63' Clear high bits IC R0,ATAB(R7) Translate Attribute STC R0,1(R5) Deposit attribute LA R5,2(R5) Skip over SF,Attr LA R1,2(R1) Count SF,Attr NOSF LTR R9,R4 Is it a null String? BZ NULLSTR Yes * BCTR R9,0 Decrement for Execute EX R9,MOVESTR Move String NULLSTR LA R1,0(R4,R1) Add String length INSCUR2 ST R1,LDONE A R4,COLUMN Calculate end of string ST R4,OLDCOL Remember last position TM STAT,SAVE Just save? BZ USWRITE2 No, write to screen B RETURN Yes SPACE 1 INSCUR MVI 0(R5),IC Insert Cursor LA R1,1(R1) Count IC, no need to update R5 B INSCUR2 Branch on negative length SPACE 1 * 3270 Orders: * SBA EQU X'11' Set Buffer Address IC EQU X'13' Insert Cursor SF EQU X'1D' Start Field RA EQU X'3C' Repeat to Address SPACE 2 MOVESTR MVC 0(0,R5),0(R2) Executed MVC EJECT *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write a Buffer to Screen *-------------------------------------------------------------------- USWRITE LR R11,R2 User buffer address USWRITE2 LA R1,2 Keyboard restore B WCCDONE SPACE 1 REWRITE LA R11,INTBUFF Use our internal buffer LA R1,3 Keyboard restore + Reset MDT WCCDONE L R4,LDONE IC R1,ATAB(R1) Translate WCC STC R1,WCC Deposit WCC LA R5,DISPCCW Get ccw address in R5 LA R2,BUFFER STCM R2,B'0111',1(R5) Store buffer address STH R4,6(R5) Store byte count TS FLAG Is the path clear? BNZ ERROR11 No, signal error -11 to caller * L R6,CONSADDR Get console address BAL R14,HNDINT Start interrupt handling *5.5* * HNDINT issued past here *ERROR LH R2,=H'-8' Error code for I/O error DIAG R5,R6,X'58' Write to screen BNZ ERROR8 Something went wrong in the diagnose XR R2,R2 Clear error code CLI FLAG,0 Is Flag clear BZ NOWAIT Yes, interrupt already gone BAL R14,WAIT Wait for I/O to finish *5.5* *--------------------------- Wait for I/O --------------------------- NOWAIT BAL R14,HNDINT0 Disable Interrupt Handler *5.5* LTR R0,R2 Any previous error? BNZ ERROR Yes, signal error to caller * CLI FLAG,0 Is Flag clear BNZ ERROR7 No, signal error -7 to caller * TM CSWST,DE Attention signalled? BZ ERROR10 No, signal error -10 to caller * CLI CSWST,X'8E' Screen in use (busy)? BZ ERROR1 Yes, signal error -1 to caller * MVI CCWCT,0 Clear Erase/Write flag * SH R4,CSW+6 Subtract residual count TM STAT,IMMED Should this field be saved? BZ RETURN Yes, leave pointer * LA R0,1 Initialize buffer count... ST R0,LDONE ...to 1 (WCC) RETURN EQU * ERROR ST R0,20(R13) Save it on caller's R0 RETURN (14,12) Return to fortran caller SPACE 1 ERROR1 LH R0,=H'-1' Code for Screen Busy for CP B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR2 LH R0,=H'-2' Code for invalid line no. B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR3 LH R0,=H'-3' Code for invalid column B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR4 LH R0,=H'-4' Code for overflow error B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR5 LH R0,=H'-5' Code for underflow error B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR7 LH R0,=H'-7' Error code for Interrupt error B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR8 MVI FLAG,0 -8 I/O not started B NOWAIT Release Interrupt Handling SPACE 1 ERROR10 LH R0,=H'-10' Error code for DE miss B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR11 LH R0,=H'-11' Error code for Screen Busy for us B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR12 LH R0,=H'-12' Error code for too many arguments B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR20 LH R0,=H'-200' Error code for HNDINT B ERRADD SPACE 1 ERROR40 LH R0,=H'-400' Error code for HNDINT ERRADD SR R0,R15 B ERROR SPACE 1 EJECT * FLAG IOSDIM *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Routine to retrieve the screen dimensions *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * * CALL IOSDIM(LINES,NCOL) * ENTRY IOSDIM USING IOSDIM,R15 IOSDIM SAVE (14,12) L R12,=A(IOSWRT) Get Module addressability DROP R15 LM R7,R8,0(R1) Get argument addresses BAL R14,GETMODEL Get 3270 information ST R1,0(R7) Store number of lines ST R2,0(R8) Store number of columns RETURN (14,12) SPACE 3 *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Clear Screen and Internal Buffer *-------------------------------------------------------------------- CLEAR OI CCWCT,X'80' Set Erase/Write flag LA R11,INTBUFF Empty internal buffer XR R1,R1 Clear number of... ST R1,LDONE ...bytes assembled B RETURN EJECT *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Get 3270 buffer address *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * GETADDR0 LR R8,R5 Get line no. MH R8,LINELEN+2 Multiply by line length AR R8,R6 Add column no. BL ERROR5 -5 * SRDL R8,6 Push lower 6 bits into R9 SRL R9,2 Add 2 zero bits SLDL R8,8 Pull 8 bits in R8 BR R14 SPACE 3 *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize Device Characteristics *-------------------------------------------------------------------- INIT BAL R14,GETMODEL Find 3270 model B GATE SPACE 1 GETMODEL XR R0,R0 Clear error code LR R4,R0 Console address... BCTR R4,0 ...unknown DIAG R4,R5,X'24' Get console information BNZR R14 Terminal disconnected... * MVI GATE+1,0 Nop the branch STM R4,R6,CONSADDR Save it here... * STH R4,HNDINT+24 ...and in HNDINT Plist (CMS 4.0) * STH R4,HNDINT+28 ...and in HNDINT Plist (CMS 5.5) XR R1,R1 IC R1,CONSMODL Get 327X Model number BCTR R1,0 Table Displacement IC R1,MODELTAB(R1) Get screen lines XR R2,R2 IC R2,CONSLLEN Get line length LA R4,DEVINFO Buffer address L R5,CONSADDR Console address LA R6,8 Buffer length DIAG R4,R6,X'8C' Get model 5 screen dimensions LTR R0,R5 Any error? BNZ MODELX Yes * LH R2,DEVINFO+2 Get screen width LH R1,DEVINFO+4 Get screen height MODELX STM R1,R2,LASTLINE Last screen line BR R14 Back to normal operation SPACE 1 MODELTAB DC AL1(12,24,35,43,27) Model 1..5 screen lines EJECT *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize Interrupt Handler *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * HNDINT HNDINT SET,(CON1,NETINT,009,ASAP),ERROR=ERROR20 BR R14 SPACE 1 *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Wait for Console I/O completion *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Wait for console I/O (WAITT does not work) WAIT WAITD CON1,ERROR=ERROR30 BR R14 SPACE 1 ERROR30 LH R2,=H'-300' Base error code for WAITD SR R2,R15 Add positive WAITD error BR R14 We must deactivate HNDINT SPACE 1 *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Disable Interrupt Handler *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * HNDINT0 HNDINT CLR,CON1,ERROR=ERROR40 Stop interrupt handling BR R14 EJECT *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * DEVICE I/O INTERRUPT HANDLER *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * FLAG NETINT USING NETINT,R15 NETINT C R4,CONSADDR Is it console? BNE INTPASS No * CLI FLAG,X'FF' Is it our start I/O? BNE INTPASS No * STM R2,R3,CSW Save csw TM CSWST,DE+ATTN Last interrupt (Device End)? BZ INTEXIT No, wait for next * MVI FLAG,0 Yes, clear flag to signal completion INTPASS XR R15,R15 Dispatch main task INTEXIT BR R14 Return to cms interrupt handler SPACE 2 FLAG DC X'00' Synchronization flag (0 = free) STAT DC X'00' Status flags SAVE EQU X'80' Save field in buffer IMMED EQU X'40' Immediate write SAMELIN EQU X'20' Same Line as previous Field SAMECOL EQU X'10' Same Col. as previous Field NOSBA EQU SAMELIN+SAMECOL Concatenate strings CURSOR EQU X'02' Insert Cursor NOFIELD EQU X'01' No new field * DISPCCW CCW X'29',0,SILI,0 Write CCW CCWCT EQU DISPCCW+5 CCW Control Byte SILI EQU X'20' Suppress incorrect length indication CSW DS D Saved from last interrupt CSWST EQU CSW+4 CSW Status Byte ATTN EQU X'80' Attention Bit DE EQU X'04' Device End Bit * DEVINFO DS D Buffer for diagnose 24 CONSADDR DS 2F Buffer for diagnose 8c CONSRCLS DS X RDEVTYPC Class CONSRTYP DS X RDEVTYPE Type CONSMODL DS X RDEVMDL Model CONSLLEN DS X RDEVLLEN Line Length LASTLINE DC F'24' Last Screen Line LINELEN DC F'80' Default line length LENGTH DC F'0' Arg string length LINENO DC F'1' Line number COLUMN DC F'2' First usable column in line 1 ATTR DC F'0' 3270 attribute byte OLDCOL DC F'0' ATAB DC C' ABCDEFGHI',X'4A4B4C4D4E4F' '\.<(+|' DC C'&&JKLMNOPQR',X'5A5B5C5D5E5F' '!$*);~' DC C'-/STUVWXYZ',X'6A6B6C6D6E6F' '^,%_>?' DC C'0123456789',X'7A7B7C7D7E7F' ':#@''="' SPACE 2 LTORG * BLEN EQU 4096-*+IOSWRT-12 INTBUFF DC A(BLEN,0) Internal buffer length DS (BLEN)X Internal buffer ENDMOD EQU * SPACE 1 SCRNBUF DSECT BUFLEN DC A(BLEN) Length of SCREEN Buffer LDONE DC A(1) Bytes in SCREEN Buffer BUFFER EQU * WCC DS X SPACE 3 REGEQU END TITLE 'MACROS' *-------------------------------------------------------------------- MACRO PAGE PUNCH 'SPB' TELL LOADER TO START AT NEXT PAGE MEND *-------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE LOAD ON A FULL PAGE BOUNDARY TITLE 'FULL-SCREEN INPUT ROUTINES FOR VM/CMS' *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Routine to read a field on full-screen terminal *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * * IRC = IOSRD (ECB) * IRC = IOSRD (LINE,LENGTH,LINENO,NCOL) * IRC = IOSFLD(LINE,LENGTH,LINENO,NCOL) * * ECB = Event Control Block (Integer 0) * * IRC = INTEGER RETURN CODE: 0 = All OK (Enter pressed) * R0 1..24 = PFKey pressed * R0 -1 = Terminal Busy * R0 -2 = PA2 Key * R0 -3 = CLEAR Key * R0 -4 = Unsolicited Read (no AID) * R0 -5 = Incorrect Parm Number * R0 -6 = Attention Error * R0 -7 = Attention Miss * R0 -8 = Diagnose Error * R0 -9 = Device End Miss * LINE = Character array or Hollerith constant * LENGTH = Length of string in bytes (may be 0) * LINENO = Screen Line number * NCOL = Screen Column number * * Author: Elia PEROTTO - CERN EP Division - tel. 7672303 * - CNUCE/CNR - Pisa - tel. 593268 * VERSION 1.0 - 10 Dec 1987 * IOSRD CSECT #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) IOSRD AMODE ANY IOSRD RMODE ANY #endif &DT SETC 'IOSRD &SYSDATE&SYSTIME' For debugging SAVE (14,12),,&DT LR R12,R15 USING IOSRD,R12 LR R10,R1 Save args pointer GATE B INIT Fetch real console characteristics * LTR R10,R10 No args? BZ ERROR5 Yes, error -5 * LM R3,R6,0(R10) Load args addresses STM R3,R6,PARMS Save parms LTR R1,R3 Is it last and only Parm? BL ECBSET Yes, just set ECB * LTR R6,R6 Is it last Parm? BNL ERROR5 * XR R1,R1 No need of ECB any more BAL R14,SETINT Go set interrupt trap * WAITD CON1 Wait for console ATTN (WAITT doesn't work) *---------------------------------------------------------------------- XC ECBADR,ECBADR Forget ECB TS FLAG Is the path clear? BNZ ERRORI6 * TM CSWST,ATTN Attention signalled? BZ ERRORI7 * CLI CSWST,ATTN Attention signalled? BNE ERROR256 * L R7,0(R4) Get length CH R7,=H'4' More than 4? BH USRBUF Yes, use his buffer * LA R3,BUFFER Use internal buffer LA R7,L'BUFFER-4 Its length (less AID code) USRBUF LA R1,DISPCCW Get ccw address in R1 MVI 0(R3),0 Clear old AID byte ST R3,BUFADR Save for IOSFLD STCM R3,B'0111',1(R1) Store buffer address OI 5(R1),X'80' Set Read Modified flag STH R7,6(R1) Store byte count LA R2,9 Get console address DIAG R1,R2,X'58' Read screen BNZ ERRORI8 Something went wrong in the diagnose * WAITD CON1 Wait for console I/O (WAITT does not work) *-------------------------------------------------------------------- BAL R14,CLRINT Go clear interrupt trap SH R7,CSW+6 Subtract residual count ST R7,0(R4) Update length ST R7,LENGTH Update length A R7,BUFADR Find last addr ST R7,EOB Store as End Of Block TM CSWST,CE+DE Device End arrived? BNO IOERR9 No, signal error to caller * LA R7,31 Error code for BUSY CLI CSWST,X'8E' Device Busy? BE IOERR2 Yes, signal error to caller * LA R7,3 AID + ADDR1 + ADDR2 ST R7,LDONE Init length done IC R7,0(R3) Get AID byte N R7,=F'31' Clear high bits IOERR2 SLL R7,1 Multiply by 2 LH R1,AIDCODE(R7) Get PFKey number STH R1,ERC Save for user SLL R7,1 Multiply by 2 L R1,AIDTAB(R7) Get descriptive word * LR R7,R3 Load 3270 buffer address BAL R14,GETADDR Translate to Line/Column L R3,PARMS Restore user buffer RETURN LH R0,ERC Signal no errors ERROR ST R0,20(R13) Save it on caller's R0 XC ERC,ERC Clear return code RETURN (14,12) Return to fortran caller SPACE 1 IOERR MVC 0(2,R3),CSWST Copy CSW Status to User Buffer B ERROR SPACE 1 ECBSET BAL R14,SETINT Go set interrupt trap B RETURN SPACE 1 ERROR1 LH R0,=H'-1' Error code for Terminal Busy B ERROR SPACE 1 ERROR5 LH R0,=H'-5' No Parms error code B ERROR SPACE 1 ERRORI6 LH R0,=H'-6' Error code for Attn B ERRORI SPACE 1 ERRORI7 LH R0,=H'-7' Error code for Attn miss B ERRORI SPACE 1 ERROR256 LH R0,CSWST Error code for Attn plus B ERRORI SPACE 1 ERRORI8 LH R0,=H'-8' Error code for I/O error ERRORI STH R0,ERC BAL R14,CLRINT Go clear interrupt trap B RETURN SPACE 1 IOERR9 LH R0,=H'-9' Error code for DE miss B IOERR SPACE 1 ERC DC H'0' Return code * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize Device Characteristics *-------------------------------------------------------------------- INIT BAL R14,GETMODEL MVI GATE+1,0 Nop the branch B GATE * GETMODEL XR R0,R0 Clear error code LA R4,9 Console address DIAG R4,R5,X'24' Get console information STM R4,R6,CONSINFO Save it here LA R1,24 Model 2 has 24 lines CLI CONSINFO+10,2 Is it a model 2? BE MODELX Yes it is * LA R1,27 Default model 5 lines (27) LA R4,DEVINFO Buffer address LA R5,9 Console address LA R6,8 Buffer length DIAG R4,R6,X'8C' Get model 5 screen dimensions LTR R0,R5 Any error? BNZ MODELX Yes * LH R1,DEVINFO+2 Get screen width ST R1,LINELEN LH R1,DEVINFO+4 Get screen height MODELX LR R5,R1 BCTR R5,0 Put it in displacement form ST R5,LASTLINE Last screen line BR R14 Back to normal operation * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set I/O Interrupt Trap *-------------------------------------------------------------------- SETINT XR R0,R0 C R0,ECBADR Interr. already cared for? BNZR R14 Yes, HNDINT already set * ST R1,ECBADR Save user ECB address or 0 TS FLAG Is the path clear? BNZ ERROR1 No, signal error to caller * HNDINT SET,(CON1,NETINT,009,ASAP) start interrupt handl. BR R14 * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Clear I/O Interrupt Trap *-------------------------------------------------------------------- CLRINT HNDINT CLR,CON1 Stop interrupt handling BR R14 * *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * DEVICE I/O INTERRUPT HANDLER *-------------------------------------------------------------------- NETINT EQU * USING *,R15 CH R4,=H'9' Is it console? BNE INTPASS No * CLI FLAG,X'FF' Is it our start i/o? BNE INTPASS No * STM R2,R3,CSW Save CSW TM CSWST,DE+ATTN Last interrupt (Device End)? BZ INTEXIT No, wait for next * MVI FLAG,0 Yes, clear flag to signal completion ICM R1,15,ECBADR Get ECB address if any BZ INTPASS None * ST R3,0(R1) Store CSW Status and residual count INTPASS XR R15,R15 Dispatch main task BR R14 Return to cms interrupt handler * INTEXIT STM R2,R3,CSW1 Save CSW BR R14 Return to cms interrupt handler * FLAG DC X'00' Synchronization flag (0 = free) * DISPCCW CCW X'2A',0,SILI,0 Read CCW SILI EQU X'20' Suppress incorrect length indication CSW1 DS D Saved from first interrupt CSW DS D Saved from last interrupt CSWST EQU CSW+4 CSW Status Byte ATTN EQU X'80' Attention Bit CE EQU X'08' Channel End Bit DE EQU X'04' Device End Bit * DEVINFO DS 0D Buffer for diagnose 24 CONSINFO DS 3F Buffer for diagnose 8c LASTLINE DC F'23' 2nd input line LINELEN DC F'80' Default line length PARMS DS 4F LENGTH DC F'0' Bytes read LDONE DC F'0' Bytes seen BUFADR DS A User or Our buffer address ECBADR DC A(0) Event Control Block address EJECT *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * FIELD ENTRY POINT *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * ENTRY IOSFLD USING IOSFLD,R15 &DT SETC 'IOSFLD &SYSDATE&SYSTIME' For debugging IOSFLD SAVE (14,12),,&DT IOSF2 L R12,=A(IOSRD) DROP R15 LM R3,R6,0(R1) Load args addresses * R3 = buffer address * R4 = buffer length addr * R5 = line number addr * R6 = column number addr XR R2,R2 BCTR R2,0 Set to -1 L R7,LDONE Load Pointer C R7,LENGTH Check if finished BNL EOS2 Finished already * STM R3,R6,PARMS Save parms A R7,BUFADR BAL R14,GETADDR L R8,0(R4) Get Length XR R2,R2 Init length LOOP C R7,EOB Is it End Of Block? BNL EOS Yes * CLI 0(R7),X'11' Is it SBA? BE EOF Yes, End Of Field * LA R2,1(R2) Count next byte CR R2,R8 Past user buffer? BH USRFULL Yes * MVC 0(1,R3),0(R7) Move 1 byte LA R3,1(R3) Update Target Pointer USRFULL LA R7,1(R7) Update Source Pointer B LOOP No SPACE 1 EOF S R7,BUFADR Get length EOS ST R7,LDONE Store length done EOS2 ST R2,0(R4) Store String (real) Length RETURN (14,12) Return to fortran caller EJECT *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Translate Buffer Address to Line/Column *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * GETADDR LA R7,1(R7) Skip AID or SBA XR R8,R8 ICM R8,3,0(R7) Load in addr LA R7,2(R7) Skip Addr SRDL R8,6 Push lower 6 bits SRL R8,2 Discard 2 bits SRDL R8,6 Push upper 6 bits SRL R9,20 Right adjust the 12 bits XR R8,R8 Clear for divide D R8,LINELEN Divide by line length LA R8,1(R8) Start from 1 LA R9,1(R9) " " " ST R8,0(R6) Store column ST R9,0(R5) Store line BR R14 SPACE 2 LINE DS F COLUMN DS F EOB DS A LTORG DS 0D AIDCODE DC AL2(99,13,14,15,16,17,18,19) DC AL2(20,21,22,23,24,-3,-2,99) DC AL2(-4,01,02,03,04,05,06,07) DC AL2(08,09,10,11,12,00,00,-1) AIDTAB DC C'-- PF13PF14PF15PF16PF17PF18PF19' DC C'PF20PF21PF22PF23PF24CLR PA2 ????' DC C'TREQPF01PF02PF03PF04PF05PF06PF07' DC C'PF08PF09PF10PF11PF12ENTRSLPABUSY' * LTORG * BLEN EQU 4096-*+IOSRD-4 BUFFER DS XL(BLEN) Screen Buffer * REGEQU END