* * $Id: normfact.inc,v 1996/02/15 17:51:56 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: normfact.inc,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:51:56 mclareni * Kernlib * * * CPU factor at CERNVM * * normfact.inc * #if defined(CERNLIB_CERN) #if (defined(CERNLIB_CERN))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_CERNVMB)) NORMFACT DC D'20.0' #endif #endif * CPU factor at CERNVMB #if defined(CERNLIB_CERN) #if (defined(CERNLIB_CERN))&&(defined(CERNLIB_CERNVMB)) NORMFACT DC D'5.0' #endif #endif * CPU factor elsewhere #if defined(CERNLIB_CERN) NORMFACT DC D'1.0' #endif PRINT NOGEN JOB$VM CSECT #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) JOB$VM AMODE ANY JOB$VM RMODE ANY #endif * *********************************************************************** * * * CERN Program Library Z307 JOB$VM * * * * Function: Returns various details about the current CMS * * environment for HepVM sites. * * * * Usage Example: * * * * DIMENSION SPACE(32) * * LOGICAL BATCH,JOB$VM * * CHARACTER*8 INFO(10) * * EQUIVALENCE (INFO(1),SPACE(1)) * * EQUIVALENCE (TIME,SPACE(21)) * * EQUIVALENCE (TNORM,SPACE(23)) * * EQUIVALENCE (MACH,SPACE(25)) * *C * * BATCH = JOB$VM(SPACE) * * * * * * The information returned is: * * * * BATCH = .TRUE. if the job is running under SLAC Batch * * .FALSE. otherwise * * * * INFO(1 ) = (Batch job submitter's) user ID * * INFO(2 ) = Account code * * INFO(3 ) = Distribution code * * INFO(4 ) = Machine ID (= user ID if interactive) * * INFO(5 ) = Job ID (INTERACT if interactive) * * INFO(6 ) = Virtual Machine Storage size * * INFO(7 ) = START/RESTART for a batch job * * INFO(8 ) = Node * * INFO(9 ) = BMON ID * * INFO(10) = Master BMON ID * * * * TIME = Time limit for job in accounting units * * TNORM = Conversion factor between accounting and machine units * * TNORM = (accounting second) / (machine second) * * MACH = 0 -> Machine type unknown * * 1 -> 370 Machine * * 2 -> XA Machine * * * *********************************************************************** * * * Information is gleaned from the results of a $B$INFO$ query and * * a call to the HepVM EXTRACT Diagnose function. * * NODE comes from CP QUERY USERID for an interactive machine * * * * Virtual Machine type determined by examining NUCMFLAG (previously * * a reserved field). $B$INFO$ called by SVC 202 or SVC 204 as * * appropriate. * * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * Modification log: * * * * 2.00 Drastically rewritten for public release. This code should * * now run correctly on all Hep$VM sites. * * Simple Fortran code in Patch SYVM for other sites - however * * those using SLAC batch but without the HepVM EXTRACT code * * may prefer just to avoid the DIAGNOSE instruction. * * * * 2.01 Clear R15 before OR before SVC 204 * * Allow for 1digit time limits * * * * 2.02 Fix storage and Node determination for non-XA systems * * * * Tony Cass CERN/DD 8th March 1989 * * Acknowledgments to H. Renshall/CERN and J. Wood/RAL * * * *********************************************************************** * * USING JOB$VM,R15 B SAVEREGS DC AL1(7),CL7'JOB$VM' Identifier DC C'2.02' Version.Modification level SAVEREGS STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R4,R13 CNOP 0,4 BAL R13,AROUNDSA SAVEAREA DC 18F'0' DROP R15 USING SAVEAREA,R13 AROUNDSA ST R13,8(0,R4) ST R4,4(0,R13) XC 8(4,R13),8(R13) * L R11,0(0,R1) R11 -> Argument address * TM JOBFLAGS,CALLED Already done the work? BO COPYDATA Yes, just copy the info * LM R5,R8,SIZEDIAG First find virtual storage DIAG R5,R7,X'0008' MVC VSTORE(5),RETSTORE+10 Copy over size CLI RETSTORE+14,C'M' Pre XA response? BE WHATTYPE No, got all the details MVI VSTORE+5,C'K' Yes, give storage units * WHATTYPE TM X'5EA'(0),X'80' XA/370? (No mnemonics to allow BO MACHXA for earlier CMSes * MACH370 MVI MACHTYPE+3,ITS370 LA R1,$B$PLIST ICM R1,B'1000',=X'05' Want nucleus extension SVC 202 DC AL4(1) B MACHALL * MACHXA MVI MACHTYPE+3,ITSXA LA R1,$B$PLIST Expand CMSCALL for non CMS 5.5 LA R15,0 O R15,=X'0000A000' SVC 204 * MACHALL LTR R15,R15 BM NOTBATCH Not in Slac batch * OI INBATCH+3,X'01' In Slac Batch * USING BATINFO,R15 * Copy interesting fields over MVC USERID,BATUSER MVC ACCOUNT,BATACNT MVC DISTCODE,BATBIN MVC JOBID,BATJOBID MVC RESTART,BATSTRST MVC NODE,BATNODE MVC BMONID,BATMONID MVC BMASTER,BATMASTR * LA R9,8 Find end of time limit TESTLIM LA R8,BATMXTME-1(R9) CLI 0(R8),C' ' BNE PACKLIM BCT R9,TESTLIM B EXTRACT Zero length limit is pretty silly * IPACKLIM PACK PKTLIM,BATMXTME(*-*) IPACKNRM PACK PKTNORM,BATTNORM(*-*) * PACKLIM BCTR R9,0 EX R9,IPACKLIM Pack time limit CVB R9,PKTLIM and convert to binary * LA R10,7 Find end of normalisation factor TESTNORM LA R8,BATTNORM(R10) CLI 0(R8),C' ' BNE PACKNORM BCT R10,TESTNORM LA R10,1 Make norm factor 1.0 B FLOATEM * PACKNORM EX R10,IPACKNRM Pack normalisation factor CVB R10,PKTNORM and convert to binary * FLOATEM ST R9,REALLIM+4 Make unnormalised REAL*8 values ST R10,REALNORM+4 for time limit and norm. factor LD F0,REALLIM AD F0,ZERO Normalise limit STD F0,TIMELIM and store it LD F0,REALNORM AD F0,ZERO Normalise normalisation factor(!) DD F0,=D'100.0' scaled by 100 by $B$INFO$ STE F0,NORMFACT and store it B EXTRACT * NOTBATCH LM R5,R8,NODEDIAG Set up registers for DIAG 8 DIAG R5,R7,X'0008' Issue command #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) BCTR R8,0 Point at x'15' added by CP LA R6,0(R8,R6) MVI 0(R6),C' ' And replace by a blank MVC NODE,INTNODE Copy node name across #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) S R8,=F'3' Skip x'15' and node must be * at least 1 character long LA R6,0(R8,R6) LA R5,0 Look backwards for IC R7,=C' ' a space NODECOMP CLM R7,B'0001',0(R6) BE NODEMOVE LA R5,1(,R5) BCT R6,NODECOMP * EXMOVE MVC NODE(*-*),1(R6) * NODEMOVE EX R5,EXMOVE And replace by a blank #endif * EXTRACT LA R1,EXTRLIST Find details from CP LA R2,NKEYS #if !defined(CERNLIB_QEXTRACT) DIAG R1,R2,X'0180' HepVM Extract * BC 1,COPYDATA Extract failed or not available * MVC USERID,EXTRNAME Copy over useful details MVC MACHINE,EXTRMACH MVC ACCOUNT,EXTRACNT MVC DISTCODE,EXTRDIST #endif COPYDATA MVC 0(128,R11),USERID Return the information L R0,INBATCH Return function value OI JOBFLAGS,CALLED Say we've already been called RETURN L R13,4(0,R13) LM R14,R15,12(R13) LM R1,R12,24(R13) MVI 12(R13),X'FF' BR R14 * DS 0D * * PLIST for call to $B$INFO$ command via SVC 202 or SVC 204 * $B$PLIST DC CL8'$B$INFO$' DC 8X'FF' * * Extract parameter list & work area * EXTRLIST DC CL8'USER' EXTRMACH DC CL8' ' DC CL8'USERNAME' EXTRNAME DC CL8' ' DC CL8'ACCOUNT' EXTRACNT DC CL8' ' DC CL8'DISTCODE' EXTRDIST DC CL8' ' NKEYS EQU (*-EXTRLIST)/16 * * Default answers or completed info for future calls * USERID DC CL8' ' ACCOUNT DC CL8' ' DISTCODE DC CL8' ' MACHINE DC CL8' ' JOBID DC CL8'INTERACT' VSTORE DC CL8' ' RESTART DC CL8' ' NODE DC CL8' ' BMONID DC CL8' ' BMASTER DC CL8' ' TIMELIM DC D'9999.0' * The following sequence is used to set the CPU normalization factor * in JOB$VM. At CERNVM (IBM 9000/900 ) accounted CPU =20 x native CPU * (IBM 3090/600J) accounted CPU = 8 x native CPU * (IBM 3090/600E) accounted CPU = 5 x native CPU #include "normfact.inc" MACHTYPE DC 2F'0' DC 6F'0' ITS370 EQU X'01' ITSXA EQU X'02' * PKTLIM DC D'0.0' REALLIM DC XL4'4E000000',F'0' PKTNORM DC D'0.0' REALNORM DC XL4'4E000000',F'0' ZERO DC D'0.0' * INBATCH DC F'0' JOBFLAGS DC X'00' CALLED EQU X'01' * DS 0D DIAG 08 for Storage Query SIZEDIAG DC A(QVSTORE) Rx -> command DC A(RETSTORE) Rx+1 -> Return buffer DC XL4'40000015' Ry = x'40' flag + L'command #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) DC F'16' Ry+1 = L'return buffer QVSTORE DC CL21'QUERY VIRTUAL STORAGE' RETSTORE DC CL16' ' #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) DC F'20' Ry+1 = L'return buffer QVSTORE DC CL21'QUERY VIRTUAL STORAGE' RETSTORE DC CL20' ' #endif * DS 0D For DIAG 08 if interactive NODEDIAG DC A(QUSERID) Rx -> command DC A(DIAG8BUF) Rx+1 -> Return buffer DC XL4'4000000C' Ry = x'40' flag + L'command DC F'20' Ry+1 = L'return buffer QUSERID DC CL12'QUERY USERID' DIAG8BUF DC CL12' ' INTNODE DC CL8' ' * LTORG * BATINFO DSECT BATUSER DS CL8 SENDER'S USERID BATACNT DS CL8 SENDER'S ACCOUNT BATBIN DS CL8 SENDER'S DIST CODE BATJOBID DS CL8 JOB ID BATMONID DS CL8 BMON ID BATMASTR DS CL8 MASTER MONITOR ID, OR "*" BATNODE DS CL8 MASTER NODEID, OR "*" BATSTRST DS CL8 START/RESTART BATMXTME DS CL8 MAX CPU TIME (NORMALISED SECONDS) BATTNORM DS CL8 100*CPU TIME NORMALISATION FACTOR * REGEQU END