* * $Id: abuser.s,v 1996/02/15 17:51:48 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: abuser.s,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:51:48 mclareni * Kernlib * * PRINT NOGEN ABUSER CSECT #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) ABUSER AMODE ANY ABUSER RMODE ANY #endif * * CERN PROGLIB# Z036 ABUSER .VERSION KERNIBM 2.25 881103 * * System : VM / CMS * * Function: Saves the address of a user specified exit routine * to which control is passed after an abend * * Called by: EXTERNAL NAME * CALL ABUSER(NAME) To set up user exit * CALL ABUSER(0) To cancel existing exit * or: CALL REENT(NAME) to set up user exit * CALL REENT(0) to cancel existing exit * * ABUSER may be called at any time before an abend * to specify, respecify or cancel the user exit routine. * * Calls: After an ABEND control is transferred to the user exit * routine via a call of the form CALL NAME(KODES,KODEU). * The two arguments kept only for compatibility with MVS * and are set to zero. * On return from the user exit routine control passes on * to the standard Fortran ABEND processing routines. * * Notes: ABUSER uses storage in NUCON which must not be * overwritten: 8bytes at NUSERFWD * 8bytes at NUCCOPYR for CMS4 and previous * NUCUSER1 for CMS5 on * ********************************************************************* * * Modification log: * * 1.00 Original version Tony Cass CERN/DD 19th July 1988 * ********************************************************************* * * 1.01 For XA change DMSKEY NUCLEUS to SPKA 224(0) * DMSKEY USER SPKA 0 * For CMS 5 onwards use NUCUSER1 & NUCUSER2 instead of NUCCOPYR * * Tony Cass CERN/DD 3rd November 1988 * ********************************************************************* * * 1.02 VS Fortran 2.5 generates an operation exception testing for * presence of hardware SQRT instruction. Add call to S#QRT so that * this exception does not lead to call to user exit routine. * * Tony Cass CERN/DD 7th January 1992 * ********************************************************************* * PRINT NOGEN ENTRY REENT REENT EQU * * USING ABUSER,R15 B SAVE DC AL1(7),CL7'ABUSER' Name DC CL4'1.02' Version.modification SAVE STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R4,R13 CNOP 0,4 BAL R13,CARRYON ABUSSAVE DC 18F'0' DROP R15 USING ABUSSAVE,R13 CARRYON ST R13,8(,R4) ST R4,R4(,R13) XC 8(4,R13),8(R13) * USING NUCON,R0 * L R1,0(,R1) -> address of user exit routine L R1,0(,R1) = ditto C R1,=F'0' Setting or unsetting? BE UNSET * SET ST R1,USEREXIT Save it so I know where to go TM PSWSTATE,MINE Is s/he resetting exit address? BNZ RETURN Yup, so I've finished * * Make sure the operation exception generated when Fortran tests for * hardware SQRT won't cause a call here. * EXTRN S#QRT EXTRN D#SQRT LA R1,SQRTPARM L R15,=A(S#QRT) BALR R14,R15 LA R1,SQRTPARM L R15,=A(D#SQRT) BALR R14,R15 * LA R1,HALFWAY Set up new program interrupt handler TM X'5EA'(0),X'80' XA mode? BNO SETNPSW No, basic address is fine O R1,=X'80000000' Yes, say so ... * SETNPSW SPKA 0(0) MVC PSWSTORE(8),PGMNPSW ST R1,PGMNPSW+4 SPKA 224(0) OI PSWSTATE,MINE and show it's been done * * Intercept return to system so I can reset PROGNPSW if necessary * USING SVCSECT,R11 USING SSAVE,R12 * TM THRUME,YES Check I've not already done this BNZ RETURN L R11,ASVCSECT Follow the tortuous path L R12,CURRALOC to get the address of the L R1,USAVEPTR save area of 'caller' MVC TOSYSTEM(4),12(R1) Save the return address LA R5,PUTBACK TM X'5EA'(0),X'80' XA mode? BNO SETRETN No, basic address is fine O R5,=X'80000000' Yes, say so ... * SETRETN ST R5,12(,R1) and put mine there instead OI THRUME,YES Flag it as done * B RETURN * UNSET TM PSWSTATE,MINE Check psw needs resetting BZ RETURN SPKA 0(0) Yes, put back cms interrupt handler MVC PGMNPSW(8),PSWSTORE SPKA 224(0) NI PSWSTATE,255-MINE and show it's been done * RETURN L R13,4(,R13) LM R14,R12,12(R13) OI 12(R13),X'FF' BR R14 * * Here when the ABEND happens * DROP R13 HALFWAY ST R13,NUSERFWD BALR R13,0 Where on earth am I? USING *,R13 CNOP 0,4 BAL R13,AROUNDSA Do this for nice FORTRAN linkage DROP R13 USING SAVEAREA,R13 SAVEAREA DC 18F'0' AROUNDSA STM R14,R12,MYSAVE and save registers for later * * Check which type of interrupt I've got * LA R1,43 Location of interrupt code TM PGMOPSW+1,BCMODE depends on control mode BZ WHICH LA R1,143 WHICH CLI 0(R1),X'06' BH TONORMAL Ignore maths problems * * Now go to exit routine after checking idiot isn't already ABENDing * TM LOOPING,YES BNZ PROBLEMS OI LOOPING,YES SPKA 224(0) Stop user overwriting nucleus LA R1,AKODES For compatibility with MVS L R15,USEREXIT BALR R14,R15 SPKA 0(0) * * Be nice and put back real program new PSW * RESETPSW SPKA 0(0) MVC PGMNPSW(8),PSWSTORE SPKA 224(0) NI PSWSTATE,255-MINE and show it's been done * * Now go to real interrupt processor * TONORMAL LM R14,R12,MYSAVE L R13,NUSERFWD LPSW PSWSTORE Not PGMNPSW since here for maths also * * Here if user's ABEND routine ABENDs... * PROBLEMS WRTERM '**************************************************' WRTERM '** SORRY, YOUR ABEND PROCESSING ROUTINE ABENDED **' WRTERM '**************************************************' B RESETPSW * * Here on the way back to CMS - replace PGMNPSW * USING *,R14 Return is BR 14 with R15=return code PUTBACK STM R15,R13,MYSAVE Just in case... TM PSWSTATE,MINE Check psw needs resetting BZ ALLOVER No SPKA 0(0) Yes MVC PGMNPSW(8),PSWSTORE SPKA 224(0) NI PSWSTATE,255-MINE and show it's been done * ALLOVER LM R15,R13,MYSAVE L R14,TOSYSTEM Return address to CMS BR R14 And now it really is all over * DS 0D USEREXIT DC AL4(0) TOSYSTEM DC AL4(0) MYSAVE DC 18F'0' AKODES DC AL4(KODES) AKODEU DC AL4(KODEU+X'80000000') KODES DC F'0' KODEU DC F'0' SQRTPARM DC AL4(FOUR+X'80000000') FOUR DC F'41400000' DC F'0' BCMODE EQU X'08' LOOPING DC X'00' THRUME DC X'00' YES EQU X'01' PSWSTATE DC X'00' MINE EQU X'01' DS 0D LTORG DS 0D NUCON #if defined(CERNLIB_QCMS4) PSWSTORE EQU NUCCOPYR For CMS4 and previous #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QCMS4) PSWSTORE EQU NUCUSER1 For CMS5 [ONWARDS...] #endif SVCSECT CMSAVE REGEQU END