* * $Id: timexce.s,v 1996/02/15 17:51:45 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: timexce.s,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:51:45 mclareni * Kernlib * * #if defined(CERNLIB_CERN) PRINT OFF MACRO &NAME GETCPUTM &NAME DIAG R12,R12,X'000C' Return time information MVI TOTCPU,X'4E' Unnormalised FP number LD F0,TOTCPU DD F0,=D'1.0E6' Microseconds -> Seconds TM FLAGS,INBATCH In batch? BO *+4 SD F0,CPUSTART No, Adjust time MEND PRINT ON,NOGEN TIMEX CSECT #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) TIMEX AMODE ANY TIMEX RMODE ANY #endif * * CERN PROGLIB# Z007 TIMEX * ********************************************************************* * * TITLE : TIMEL/TIMEX/TIMED/TIMEST CERN routines for VM/CMS SLAC batch * ===== * * FUNCTION : Returns the time used by or left to a job in seconds. * ======== The job may be running in SLAC batch or online. An * interface to the SLAC JOBSTOP command to return no * time left is included. * * DESCRIPTION * =========== * * See CERN library specification for Z007 for TIMED/TIMEL/TIMEX. * * TIMEST usage: CALL TIMEST(TIME) * where TIME is a REAL*4 number specifying the time limit in seconds * for the job, relative to the current CPU time. * Subsequent calls to TIMEST are ignored. * In SLAC batch, all calls to TIMEST are ignored. * ********************************************************************* * * M O D I F I C A T I O N L O G * * Original Version: * * H.R.Renshall CERN/DD February 1985 * Based on the Rutherford Lab version for IBM Batch by C.P.Wood RL * * Modified 17 05 85 to return TIMEL=9999. by default * KERNIBM 2.12 CNL 179 H.R.Renshall/CERN/DD * * Modified 21 06 85 to use the normalised time limit plus the * CPU normalisation constant now returned by JOB$VM * KERNIBM 2.13 CNL 180 H.R.Renshall/CERN/DD * * Modified extensively 15/03/89 to use the now public JOB$VM routine. * Code considerably simplified (My opinion at least...) * KERNCMS 1.02 CNL 195 Tony Cass CERN/DD * * Modified 15/03/89 to use the new HEPVM JOBSTOP check * KERNCMS 1.05 CNL 200 Tony Cass CERN/DD * ********************************************************************* * * * P R O L O G U E * USING NUCON,R0 * USING TIMEX,R15 B 16(R15) DC AL1(7),CL7'TIMEX' Identifier DC C'2.00' Version.Modification level OI FLAGS,EPTIMEX Identify Entry Point LA R15,START USING START,R15 BR R15 * ENTRY TIMEL TIMEL EQU * USING TIMEL,R15 B 12(R15) DC X'7' DC CL7'TIMEL' OI FLAGS,EPTIMEL Identify Entry Point LA R15,START USING START,R15 BR R15 * ENTRY TIMED TIMED EQU * USING TIMED,R15 B 12(R15) DC X'7' DC CL7'TIMED' OI FLAGS,EPTIMED Identify Entry Point LA R15,START USING START,R15 BR R15 * ENTRY TIMEST TIMEST EQU * USING TIMEST,R15 B 12(R15) DC X'7' DC CL7'TIMEST' OI FLAGS,EPTIMEST Identify Entry Point LA R15,START USING START,R15 * START STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R4,R13 CNOP 0,4 BAL R13,AROUNDSA SAVEAREA DC A(RETURN),17F'0' DROP R15 USING SAVEAREA,R13 AROUNDSA ST R13,8(0,R4) ST R4,4(0,R13) XC 8(4,R13),8(R13) * REALCODE L R11,0(,R1) Argument address LA R12,TIMEAREA For Diagnose X'000C' USING TIMEAREA,R12 * ********************************************************************* * Access CMS constant areas. Call CERN library routine JOB$VM * to see if interactive or batch (and find time limit if batch) ********************************************************************* * TM FLAGS,JOBDONE How's the initialisation? BO WHICHEP LA R1,ARG$VM L R15,=V(JOB$VM) BALR R14,R15 OI FLAGS,JOBDONE LTR R0,R0 Are we in batch? BZ WHICHEP No... LD F0,BATMXTME Limit in accounting seconds DD F0,BATTFACT Convert to native seconds STD F0,BATMXTME OI FLAGS,INBATCH Yes, set the flags OI FLAGS,SETTIME Make's life simpler * WHICHEP TM FLAGS,EPTIMEST Call to TIMEST? BNO REALWORK No... * ********************************************************************* * T I M E S T CODE SECTION ********************************************************************* * TM FLAGS,SETTIME Previous call to TIMEST? BO RETURN Yes - ignore this call * GETCPUTM Get time used since session began STD F0,CPUSTART Store it MVC BATMXTME(4),0(R11) Store user limit OI FLAGS,SETTIME Show it's all been done B RETURN And that's all * ********************************************************************* * T I M E X / T I M E L CODE SECTION ********************************************************************* * REALWORK TM FLAGS,EPTIMED TIMED call? BO DOTIMED Yes... * LD F0,=D'0.0' Default time used so far TM FLAGS,EPTIMEL For TIMEL, check if JOBSTOP is set BNO NOTFORCD Not TIMEL TM BATFLAG2,BATSTOP New, official HEPVM test #if defined(CERNLIB_QMNOGVAR) BNO NOTFORCD Not BATCH JOPSTOPped... #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QMNOGVAR) BO FORCED * Keep old test for now L R15,=V(JOBSTP) Have we been forcibly timed out? BALR R14,R15 LTR R0,R0 BZ NOTFORCD No.... #endif FORCED LD F0,BATMXTME Yes, pretend we're at time limit B GOTTIME * NOTFORCD TM FLAGS,SETTIME Do we want real limits? BNO GOTTIME No, 0 CPU used is fine and dandy * GETCPUTM Interrogate timer * GOTTIME TM FLAGS,EPTIMEL Want time used or time left? BNO RETTIME Time used - but got that already * SD F0,BATMXTME Difference between limit and LCDR F0,F0 Current CPU time gives time left B RETTIME * ********************************************************************* * Code for T I M E D ********************************************************************* * DOTIMED GETCPUTM Get current CPU time LDR F2,F0 SD F0,LASTIMED Subtract time at last call STD F2,LASTIMED And reset * ********************************************************************* * Return time to user ********************************************************************* * RETTIME STE F0,0(R11) * ********************************************************************* * Common return point ********************************************************************* * RETURN EQU * NI FLAGS,X'0F' Clear Entry Point identifier L R13,4(0,R13) LM R14,R12,12(R13) MVI 12(R13),X'FF' BR R14 * * ********************************************************************* * DATA AREA. ********************************************************************* * DS 0D BATUSER DS CL8 Sender's UserID BATACNT DS CL8 Sender's Account BATBIN DS CL8 Sender's Dist code BATMACH DS CL8 Virtual Machine ID BATJOBID DS CL8 Job ID VSTORE DS CL8 BATSTRST DS CL8 Start/Restart BATNODE DS CL8 Master NodeID BATMONID DS CL8 BMON ID BATMASTR DS CL8 Master monitor ID BATMXTME DS D Max CPU time (in accounting seconds) BATTFACT DS D DP CPU time normalisation factor MACHTYPE DS D DS 3D * ARG$VM DC A(BATUSER) * FLAGS DC XL1'00' JOBDONE EQU X'01' Show JOB$VM has been called INBATCH EQU X'02' Distinguish batch/interactive SETTIME EQU X'04' Show if TIMEST has been called NOTUSED EQU X'08' EPTIMEX EQU X'10' Entry point TIMEX EPTIMEL EQU X'20' TIMEL EPTIMED EQU X'40' TIMED EPTIMEST EQU X'80' TIMEST * LTORG 170583 * DS 0D TIMEAREA EQU * Data area for Pseudo Timer DS 2CL8' ' Date and time in character format VIRTCPU DC D'0.0' Virtual CPU time used TOTCPU DC D'0.0' Total CPU time used CPUSTART DC D'0.0' Online CPU start time LASTIMED DC D'0.0' CPU used at last TIMED call * REGEQU NUCON END #endif