* * $Id: history.dat,v 1996/02/15 17:50:48 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: history.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:50:48 mclareni * Kernlib * * * This directory was created from kernvax.car patch kernvax KERNLIB ROUTINES PARTICULAR TO THE VAX --------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains the following Patches : *KVAX Pilot-patch selecting Kernlib for VAX system VMS *KALPH Pilot-patch selecting Kernlib for ALPHA system VMS QMVAX VAX and ALPHA machine patch VAXUTIL Utility programs for VAX or ALPHA VAXMLAN VAX only machine language versions of Kernlib routines VAXGS VAX Fortran versions of some standard Kernlib routines VAXSYS Routines specific to VAX operating system VMS And the following option patches are used : QMALPH ALPHA only machine patch QMVAXCC if the C compiler is available =====================================================================