/* * $Id: cfget.c,v 1996/02/15 17:49:37 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cfget.c,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:49:37 mclareni * Kernlib * */ /*> ROUTINE CFGET CERN PROGLIB# Z310 CFGET .VERSION KERNOS9 1.01 940729 ORIG. 12/01/91, JZ MOD. 29/07/94, MM (remove label retn: ) CALL CFGET (LUNDES, MEDIUM, NWREC, NWTAK, MBUF, ISTAT) read from the file : LUNDES file descriptor MEDIUM = 0,1,2,3 : primary disk/tape, secondary disk/tape NWREC number of words record size *NWTAK* number of words to be read / actually read *MBUF vector to be read into *ISTAT status, =zero if success */ #include #include #define NBYTPW 4 /* Number of bytes per word */ void cfget_(lundes, medium, nwrec, nwtak, mbuf, stat) char *mbuf; int *lundes, *medium, *nwrec, *nwtak, *stat; { int fildes; int nbdn, nbdo; *stat = 0; if (*nwtak <= 0) return; /* read the file */ fildes = *lundes; nbdo = *nwrec * NBYTPW; nbdn = read (fildes, mbuf, nbdo); if (nbdn == 0) goto heof; if (nbdn < 0) goto herror; *nwtak = (nbdn - 1) / NBYTPW + 1; return; /* Handle exceptions */ heof: *stat = -1; return; herror: *stat = errno; perror (" error in CFGET"); return; } /*> END <----------------------------------------------------------*/