* * $Id: astdoc.F,v 1996/02/15 17:47:52 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: astdoc.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:47:52 mclareni * Kernlib * * #include "kernbit/pilot.h" Copyright (C) 1988 CAJ Mekenkamp. All Rights Reserved. Carlo Mekenkamp, President Krugerstraat 42, 1975 EH IJmuiden, Holland * * Date: 10-MAR-1988 * The author of this program does not accept any responsibilities for * damage caused by use or ill-use of this program. * This program may be used in combination with FIOPAT.MAR * together with the program GARFIELD which was written by Rob Veenhof. * * PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: * * Control-C interrupt routines * * Routines below: * ASTINT - Init Control-C AST Routines * ASTXIT - Exit Control-C AST Routines * ASTECC - Enable Control-C AST * ASTDCC - Disable Control-C AST * ASTCCA - Control-C AST Routine * ASTCCH - Control-C Condition Handler * ASTSCS - Start Critical Section * ASTECS - End Critical Section * * AUTHOR: * * C.A.J. Mekenkamp * * CREATION DATE: 10-MAR-1988 * * VERSION: 2.04 * * C H A N G E L O G * * Date | Name | Description *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [change_entry] * * Start of the routines *