* * $Id: cyear4.F,v 1.2 1996/12/12 13:49:28 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: cyear4.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/12/12 13:49:28 cernlib * Caldat mods from O. Hell to cater for the year 2000 * * Revision 1996/02/15 17:47:51 mclareni * Kernlib * * #include "kernbit/pilot.h" INTEGER FUNCTION CYEAR4 (YEAR2) C CC "Compute" YYYY from YY C C This algorithm cannot deliver a "correct" result. It aims to C keep the absolute difference between "this year" and CYEAR4 at C less or equal to 50 : C C If "this 2-digit-year" is less than 50 C then it assumes C "this century" for YEAR2 <= 50 and C "previous century" for YEAR2 > 50 C C If "this 2-digit-year" is larger than 50 C then it assumes C "next century" for YEAR2 <= 50 and C "this century" for YEAR2 > 50 C C Examples: C this year YEAR2 CYEAR one century . . . . . next century C yyyy yy 50................99 00...............50 C 1936 36 39 1939 this_y. YEAR2 CYEAR C 1936 36 89 1889 YEAR2 CYEAR this_year C 1996 96 39 2039 this_year YEAR2 CYEAR C 1996 96 89 1989 this_y. YEAR2 CYEAR C C C This computation is tied to DATIME and its COMMON /SLATE/ ISL(1) C hoping that this will give the correct century, even in the C year 2000, see remarks at the very top of the CALDAT source. C INTEGER YEAR2, I, K COMMON /SLATE/ ISL(40) C ISL(1) = ccyy C C This 2-digit-year --> I (yy), this century --> K (cc00) C CALL DATIME (K, I) C K = yymmdd, I = hhmm C I = K / 10000 K = ISL(1) - I C C Decide on CYEAR4 C IF ( I .LE. 50 ) THEN IF ( YEAR2 .LE. 50 ) THEN CYEAR4 = K + YEAR2 ELSE CYEAR4 = K - 100 + YEAR2 ENDIF ELSE IF ( YEAR2 .LE. 50 ) THEN CYEAR4 = K + 100 + YEAR2 ELSE CYEAR4 = K + YEAR2 ENDIF ENDIF C END