* * $Id: cdc_a4.s,v 1996/02/15 17:47:37 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cdc_a4.s,v $ * Revision 1996/02/15 17:47:37 mclareni * Kernlib * * CDC$A4 CSECT #if defined(CERNLIB_QMIBMXA) CDC$A4 AMODE ANY CDC$A4 RMODE ANY #endif * * CALL CDC$A4(CDCBUF,IBMBUF,LEN,BYTWD,FILL) * * CDCBUF: Array of 64-bit words containig a 60-bit CDC word * right justified (output of READWI) * IBMBUF: Any memory space of at least LEN*BYTWD bytes * LEN : Number of CDC words to decode * BYTWD : Number of characters taken from each CDC word (Optional, * defaults to 4 * FILL : Optional value to be stored in CDCBUF (padded to 64 bits on * the left) to avoid Error 14 from CONCDC * * Note: a CDC word contains 10 6-bit CDC characters; they are transla- * ted from CDC Display 6-bit code to EBCDIC 8-bit code, and assembled * contiguously into IBMBUF (whose word boundaries are ignored). Only * if BYTWD=4 the CDC and IBM word counts are equal, with the loss of * of the 6 rightmost CDC characters (normally not used if the program * was written for 32-bit machines). * If BYTWD > 10 blanks are added to the right of the 10 characters of * each CDC word. SPACE R0 EQU 0 R1 EQU 1 R2 EQU 2 R3 EQU 3 R4 EQU 4 R5 EQU 5 R6 EQU 6 R7 EQU 7 R8 EQU 8 R9 EQU 9 R10 EQU 10 R11 EQU 11 R12 EQU 12 R13 EQU 13 R14 EQU 14 R15 EQU 15 PRINT NOGEN USING *,R15 B START DC X'07',CL7'CDC$A4' SAVEAREA DS 3F SPACE START STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R12,R13 LA R13,SAVEAREA ST R13,8(R12) ST R12,4(R13) USING SAVEAREA,R13 DROP R15 LM R2,R6,0(R1) Get addr of args XR R8,R8 For filler LTR R4,R4 Length last parm? BM DEFBYTSW Yes, set default BYTWD & fill LTR R5,R5 BYTWD last parm? BNM BYTESWD No, all parms given - do work B DEFFILL Yes, set default filler DEFBYTSW LA R5,=F'4' Our default for BYTWD DEFFILL XR R6,R6 ...and clear Filler address BYTESWD L R4,0(R4) Get length of array LOOP LM R10,R11,0(R2) <--+ Get a word (odd) SLDL R10,2 | Shift left R10-R11 2 bits L R7,0(R5) | Get Bytes per Word in R7 (loop count) LOOPC STCM R10,MSB,0(R3) <+ | Store in output array (8 bits) NI 0(R3),X'3F' | | Clear leftmost 2 bits TR 0(1,R3),CDCTB | | Translate CDC Display Code to EBCDIC LA R3,1(R3) | | Point to next byte (output) SLDL R10,6 | | Shift-in next CDC character or blank BCT R7,LOOPC ------+ | Loop for next CDC character LTR R6,R6 | Filler required? BZ NOFILL | No L R9,0(R6) | Yes, get it STM R8,R9,0(R2) | Store it in place (input) NOFILL LA R2,8(R2) | Point to next CDC word (input) BCT R4,LOOP ---------+ Loop for next CDC word END L R13,4(R13) ** MVI 12(R13),X'FF' LM R2,R12,28(R13) BR R14 SPACE 3 * 0123456701234567 octal * CDCTB DC C' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO' 00-17 DC C'PQRSTUVWXYZ01234' 20-37 DC C'56789+-*/()$= ,.' 40-57 DC C'#[]%"_!&&''?<>@\^;' 60-77 * MSB EQU B'1000' Most significant byte (leftmost) LTORG END