; ; $Id: tre0a0.s,v 1996/02/15 17:47:47 mclareni Exp $ ; ; $Log: tre0a0.s,v $ ; Revision 1996/02/15 17:47:47 mclareni ; Kernlib ; ; .TITLE TRE0A0 ;++ ; CERN PROGLIB# M233 TRE0A0 .VERSION KERNVAX 2.01 ; ORIG. J. VORBRUEGGEN 28/5/83 ; ; SUBROUTINE TRE0A0(A, N) ; Translate the N characters at A from CERN EBCDIC to CERN ASCII ; ; Register usage: ; N <= 65535 N > 65535 ; R0 byte count (used by MOVTC) ; R1 | source address in A ; R2 | (used by MOVTC) ; R3 | (used by MOVTC) address of translation table ; R4 | (used by MOVTC) ; R5 | destination address in A (same as R1) ; R6 not used = 65535 ; R7 not used updated byte count ; ; NOTE: R6/R7 are only saved if necessary (i. e. N > 65535). ;-- .IDENT /01/ .PSECT $CODE,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,RD,NOWRT,LONG .ENTRY TRE0A0,^M MOVL @8(AP),R0 ; get N BLEQ 10$ ; return if <= 0 CMPL #65536,R0 ; can we do it in one go ? BLSSU 20$ ; if more than 64KB, use loop MOVTC R0,@4(AP),#0,E0A0TABLE,R0,@4(AP) ; Normal case. 10$: RET 20$: MOVQ R6,-(SP) ; first save two registers MOVL R0,R7 ; save count from destruction MOVAL @4(AP),R1 ; get base address of A MOVL R1,R5 ; copy it for use as destination MOVAL E0A0TABLE,R3 ; get address of translation table MOVL #65535,R6 ; this is the maximum for one MOVTC 30$: MOVTC R6,(R1),#0,(R3),R6,(R5) ; translate one 64KB chunk ACBL R6,#-65535,R7,30$ ; any more ? BEQL 40$ ; already finished ? MOVTC R7,(R1),#0,(R3),R7,(R5) ; no, translate the rest 40$: MOVQ (SP)+,R6 ; restore registers RET .PSECT $PDATA,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,NOEXE,RD,NOWRT,LONG ;++ ; This translation table converts CERN EBCDIC to CERN ASCII. ; It is based on the Rutherford table with the following ; modifications: ; - EBCDIC 6A is converted to ASCII 5E (circumflex) ; - EBCDIC 71 is considered illegal ; - illegal characters are converted to 23 (hash) rather than ; 25 (percent) ; ; Modification Log ; ; Change in the CERN IBM character set - January 1990 ; ; braces C0/D0 map to ASCII 7B/7D (mapped to 23 hash before) ; 8B/9B map to 23 hash (illegal) (mapped to braces before) ; tilde A1 maps to ASCII 7E tilde (mapped to 23 hash before) ; not sign 5F maps to ASCII 5E caret (mapped to 7E tilde before) ; split bar 6A maps to ASCII 23 hash (mapped to 5E caret before) ; caret 53 maps to ASCII 23 hash (unchanged !) ; ;-- E0A0TABLE: .BYTE ^X00,^X01,^X02,^X03,^X23,^X09,^X23,^X7F ; 07 .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X0B,^X0C,^X0D,^X0E,^X0F ; 0F .BYTE ^X10,^X11,^X12,^X13,^X23,^X23,^X08,^X23 ; 17 .BYTE ^X18,^X19,^X23,^X23,^X1C,^X1D,^X1E,^X1F ; 1F .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X0A,^X17,^X1B ; 27 .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X05,^X06,^X07 ; 2F .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X16,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X04 ; 37 .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X14,^X15,^X23,^X1A ; 3F .BYTE ^X20,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; 47 .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X2E,^X3C,^X28,^X2B,^X7C ; 4F .BYTE ^X26,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; 57 .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X21,^X24,^X2A,^X29,^X3B,^X5E ; 5F ; .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X21,^X24,^X2A,^X29,^X3B,^X7E ; Change 5F 7E->5E .BYTE ^X2D,^X2F,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; 67 .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X2C,^X25,^X5F,^X3E,^X3F ; 6F ; .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X5E,^X2C,^X25,^X5F,^X3E,^X3F ; Change 6A 5E->23 .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; 77 .BYTE ^X23,^X60,^X3A,^X23,^X40,^X27,^X3D,^X22 ; 7F .BYTE ^X23,^X61,^X62,^X63,^X64,^X65,^X66,^X67 ; 87 .BYTE ^X68,^X69,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; 8F ; .BYTE ^X68,^X69,^X23,^X7B,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; Change 8B 7B->23 .BYTE ^X23,^X6A,^X6B,^X6C,^X6D,^X6E,^X6F,^X70 ; 97 .BYTE ^X71,^X72,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; 9F ; .BYTE ^X71,^X72,^X23,^X7D,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; Change 9B 7D->23 .BYTE ^X23,^X7E,^X73,^X74,^X75,^X76,^X77,^X78 ; A7 ; .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X73,^X74,^X75,^X76,^X77,^X78 ; Change A1 23->7E .BYTE ^X79,^X7A,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X5B,^X23,^X23 ; AF .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; B7 .BYTE ^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X5D,^X23,^X23 ; BF .BYTE ^X7B,^X41,^X42,^X43,^X44,^X45,^X46,^X47 ; C7 ; .BYTE ^X23,^X41,^X42,^X43,^X44,^X45,^X46,^X47 ; Change C0 23->7B .BYTE ^X48,^X49,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; CF .BYTE ^X7D,^X4A,^X4B,^X4C,^X4D,^X4E,^X4F,^X50 ; D7 ; .BYTE ^X23,^X4A,^X4B,^X4C,^X4D,^X4E,^X4F,^X50 ; Change D0 23->7D .BYTE ^X51,^X52,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; DF .BYTE ^X5C,^X23,^X53,^X54,^X55,^X56,^X57,^X58 ; E7 .BYTE ^X59,^X5A,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; EF .BYTE ^X30,^X31,^X32,^X33,^X34,^X35,^X36,^X37 ; F7 .BYTE ^X38,^X39,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23,^X23 ; FF .END