* * $Id: cdnew.dat,v 1996/02/28 16:24:00 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cdnew.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:24:00 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) # # Setup the directory and file structure for a new # server # iam=`whoami` # # Are we root? # if [ "$iam" != "root" ] then echo $0: This script must be run from root exit fi # # Did we get any arguments? # if [ $# != 1 ] then echo $0: usage $0 group exit fi # # Does this directory exist? # if [ -d /hepdb/$1 ] then echo $0: Directory /hepdb/$1 already exists exit fi # # No, so make it # mkdir /hepdb/$1 # # and the subdirectories... # mkdir /hepdb/$1/bad mkdir /hepdb/$1/log mkdir /hepdb/$1/queue chmod o+w /hepdb/$1/queue mkdir /hepdb/$1/todo mkdir /hepdb/$1/save ls -F /hepdb/$1 # # now create the names file # echo :nick.config > /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :list.aa >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :log./hepdb/$1/log >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :queue./hepdb/$1/queue >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :todo./hepdb/$1/todo >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :save./hepdb/$1/save >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :bad./hepdb/$1/bad >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :loglevel.3 >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :wakeup.60 >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :nick.aa >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :file./hepdb/$1/aa.dbs >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :desc.Description of the database >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names echo :servers. >> /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names cat /hepdb/$1/hepdb.names # # Link the server script # ln -s /cern/new/bin/cdserv.sh /hepdb/$1/cdserv # # and the server module # ln -s /cern/new/bin/cdserv /hepdb/$1/cdsrv #endif