* * $Id: cdcheck.dat,v 1996/02/28 16:23:58 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cdcheck.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:23:58 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) $!DECK ID>, CDCHECK.COM $SET NOON $ ! $ ! Check that HEPDB servers are started $ ! $ if p1 .eqs. "" then exit $ servers = p1 $ count = 0 $ save_mess = f$environment("MESSAGE") $ set message/nofacility/noseverity/noid/notext $ bqname = f$trnlnm("SYS$FATMEN") $ if bqname .eqs. "" then bqname = "SYS$FATMEN" $ ! $ ! Check that the queue is started $ ! $ if f$getqui("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_STOPPED",bqname) .eqs. "FALSE" then - start/queue 'bqname' $loop: $ server = f$element(count,",",servers) $ if server .eqs. "," then goto end $ count = count + 1 $ write sys$output "Processing ''server'..." $ show user/nooutput 'server' $ if $severity .ne. 1 $ then $ ! $ ! Check that server has not been stopped $ ! $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO UNDEFINED $ cddir = &server $ ON WARNING THEN CONTINUE $ cddir = f$extract(0,f$length(cddir)-1,cddir) + ".TODO]SIGNAL.STOP" $ if f$search(cddir) .nes. "" $ then write sys$output "Signal.Stop file found - will not restart" $ goto loop $ endif $ ! $ ! Check that server is not pending (or otherwise) $ ! $ TEMP = F$GETQUI("") $ QLOOP: $ QNAME = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_QUEUE","QUEUE_NAME","*") $ IF QNAME .EQS. "" THEN goto submit $ IF QNAME .NES. bqname then goto qloop $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "QUEUE: ", QNAME $ JLOOP: $ NOACCESS = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_INACCESSIBLE",,"ALL_JOBS") $ IF NOACCESS .EQS. "TRUE" THEN GOTO JLOOP $ IF NOACCESS .EQS. "" THEN GOTO QLOOP $ JNAME = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","JOB_NAME",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ UNAME = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","USERNAME",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ JID = F$GETQUI("DISPLAY_JOB","ENTRY_NUMBER",,"FREEZE_CONTEXT,ALL_JOBS") $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "JOB: ", JNAME," ENTRY: ",JID," USER: ",UNAME $ if uname .eqs. server then goto loop $ goto jloop $ submit: $ set message'save_mess' $ write sys$output "Restarting server ..." $ cdserv = &server + "CDSERV.COM" $ submit/queue='bqname'/user='server' /id 'cdserv' $ endif $ goto loop $ undefined:$ write sys$output "Warning: symbol ''server' is not defined" $ goto loop $ end: $ set message'save_mess' $ exit #endif