* * $Id: cdexam2.F,v 1996/02/28 16:23:54 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cdexam2.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:23:54 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * PROGRAM CDEXA2 * ============== * * Modify an existing database * PARAMETER (NWPAW=100000) COMMON/PAWC/ PAW(NWPAW) * * Number of user keys: system, experiment and # pairs were * defined at database creation time * PARAMETER (NKEYS=10) PARAMETER (MAXOBJ=1000) CHARACTER*8 CHTAG(NKEYS) CHARACTER*10 CHFOR CHARACTER*4 CHTOP CHARACTER*80 CHFILE * * Initialise Zebra, HBOOK and HEPDB * CALL CDPAW(NWPAW,NHBOOK,IDIV,'USR-DIV',5000,50000,'ZPHU',IRC) * * Unit for database access * LUNCD = 1 * * Unit for database update (via journal files) * LUNFZ = 2 * * Find the database file and construct the top directory name * CALL CDPREF(10,'AA',CHTOP,CHFILE,IRC) IF(IRC.NE.0) THEN PRINT *,'CDEXAM2. stopping due to fatal error from CDPREF' STOP 16 ENDIF * * Open the database file * LRECL = 0 CALL CDOPEN(LUNCD,LUNFZ,CHTOP,CHFILE,LRECL,IDIV,' ',IRC) * * Set the log level * CALL CDLOGL(' ',3,'A',IRC) * * Create some directories * CHFOR = 'IIIIIIIIII' DO 10 I=1,NKEYS WRITE(CHTAG(I),'(A6,I2.2)') 'USRKEY',I 10 CONTINUE DELTA = 0.0 IPREC = 0 CALL CDMDIR('//CDAA/DIRA/DIRB/DIRC/DIRD',NKEYS,CHFOR,CHTAG,MAXOBJ, + IPREC,DELTA,'CP',IRC) * * Terminate * CALL CDEND(' ','A',IRC) END