* * $Id: ifsheqc.F,v 1996/02/28 16:23:43 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ifsheqc.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:23:43 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * FUNCTION IFSHEQC(STR1,STR2) * --------------------------- *-- Author : Boris Khomenko ********************************************************* * The function IFSHEQC gives the result of * * the comparision of two character strings * * ignoring their trailing blanks. The length * * of comparision will be equal to the minimal * * length of significant parts of STR1,STR2. * * But if STR2 contains an asterisk, dividing * * the string on two parts, the first one is * * respected as the minimal portion for comparision. * * If STR1 is longer, the comrarision will be done * * for full its significant length. * * Examples: * * --------- * * STR1 STR2 IFSHEQC * * abcd abc 1 (OK) * * ab abc 1 (OK) * * ad abc 0 (NOK) * * a ab*cd 0 (NOK) * * ab ab*cd 1 (OK) * * abcd ab*cd 1 (OK) * * abcde ab*cd 0 (NOK) * * *ab 1 (OK) * * ab *ab 1 (OK) * * b *ab 0 (NOK) * ********************************************************* IMPLICIT NONE * * -- fun & arguments -- INTEGER IFSHEQC CHARACTER*(*) STR1,STR2 * * -- externals -- INTEGER LNBLNK * * -- local variables -- INTEGER LEN1,LEN2,LEN3,LL * IFSHEQC=0 LEN1=LNBLNK(STR1) LEN2=LNBLNK(STR2) LEN3=INDEX(STR2,'*')-1 IF(LEN3.GE.0) THEN LL=MAX0(LEN1,LEN3) IF(LL.EQ.0) THEN IFSHEQC=1 ELSE IF(LL.LE.LEN3) THEN IF(STR1(:LL).EQ.STR2(:LL)) IFSHEQC=1 ELSE IF(LL.LE.LEN2-1) THEN IF((LEN3.EQ.0.OR.STR1(:LEN3).EQ.STR2(:LEN3)).AND. + STR1(LEN3+1:LL).EQ.STR2(LEN3+2:LL+1)) IFSHEQC=1 ENDIF ELSE LL=MIN0(LEN1,LEN2) IF(LL.GT.0) THEN IF(STR1(:LL).EQ.STR2(:LL)) IFSHEQC=1 ELSE IFSHEQC=1 ENDIF ENDIF END