* * $Id: cexam08.F,v 1996/02/28 16:23:51 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cexam08.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:23:51 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #include "hepdb/pilot.h" PROGRAM CEXAM08 * =============== * ************************************************************************ * * * PROG. CEXAM08 * * * * Program to debug CDUSEM on a fictitious Data Base for partitioned * * directories * * * * This program uses /CSTOR1/ as store 1 (ZEBRA store 0) where the * * ZEBRA system division is created and /CSTOR8/ as store 2 (ZEBRA * * store 1) where the DB-divisions (both system and user) are * * created. This tests the complete generality of DBL3 (independence * * from store allocation). The user can make use of this example to * * initialize the store(s) and DBL3 for his own application program. * * * ************************************************************************ * PARAMETER (NLAS1=100000, NLAS2=150000, NDIV1=5000) COMMON /CSTOR1/ IFENC1(4), LQ1(NLAS1) COMMON /CSTOR8/ IFENC2(22), LQ2(NLAS2) COMMON /QUEST/ IQUEST(100) #include "cuser8.inc" CHARACTER CHOPT*8 * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * *** Open the RZ-file with an Open Statement (or JCL, etc) * LUNRZ = 1 LPRTCU = 6 LREC = 1024 NBYTE = 4*LREC NREC = 0 #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) CALL CDROPN (LUNRZ, ' ', 'DBUVDS.DATA.A4', NBYTE, IOERR) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_IBM) CALL CDROPN (LUNRZ, ' ', 'DBUVDS.DAT', NBYTE, IOERR) #endif IF (IOERR.NE.0) GO TO 999 CALL MZEBRA (-1) * * *** Open two Stores one for system and one for user division * CALL MZSTOR (IST1DU, '/CSTOR1/', ' ', IFENC1(1), LQ1(1), LQ1(1) + , LQ1(1), LQ1(NDIV1), LQ1(NLAS1)) CALL MZSTOR (IST2DU, '/CSTOR8/', ' ', IFENC2(1), LQ2(1), LQ2(1) + , LQ2(1), LQ2(NDIV1), LQ2(NLAS2)) * * *** Log-Level * #if !defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) CALL MZLOGL (IST1DU, 0) CALL MZLOGL (IST2DU, 0) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) CALL MZLOGL (IST1DU, 1) CALL MZLOGL (IST2DU, 1) #endif * * *** Define user division and link area like: * CALL MZDIV (IST2DU, IDIVCU, 'DB-USERS', 20000, 30000, 'L') CALL MZLINK (IST2DU, '/CUSER8/', LDUVCU(1), LKUVCU(16), LDUVCU(1)) * * *** Expand the system-division to its maximum * LARGE = NLAS1/2 IDIVS = 20 CALL MZNEED (IDIVS, LARGE, 'G') ND = LARGE + IQUEST(11) - 20 IF (ND.GT.0) THEN CALL MZBOOK (IDIVS, L, 0, 2, 'DUMY', 0, 0, ND, 2, -1) CALL MZDROP (IDIVS, L, ' ') ENDIF * * *** Initialize DB-Package * CALL TIMEST (999999.) NPAIR = 1 LUFZ = 0 NTOP = 0 CALL CDINIT (IDIVCU, LUNRZ, LUFZ, 'DBL3', NPAIR, NREC, NTOP, + ' ', IRC) #if !defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) CALL CDLOGL ('DBL3', 0, ' ', IRC) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) CALL CDLOGL ('DBL3', 2, ' ', IRC) CALL DZSTOR ('CSTOR8', IST2DU) CALL DZAREA ('DB-LINKS', IST2DU, ' ', 0, ' ') #endif * * *** Read the Partitioned Data Base * IYEAR = 80 MONTH = 1 IDAY = 3 CALL TIMEX (TIMINT) CALL CDUVTX (IDATE, ITIM1) CALL CDONUV (0) DO 10 I = 1, 100 IDATX = IYEAR*10000 + MONTH*100 + IDAY CALL CDPKTS (IDATX, 0, ITIME, IRC) CALL CDONUV (ITIME) IDAY = IDAY + 10 IF (IDAY.GT.25) THEN MONTH = MONTH + 1 IDAY = 3 IF (MONTH.GT.12) THEN IYEAR = IYEAR + 1 MONTH = 1 ENDIF ENDIF 10 CONTINUE * CALL TIMEX (TIMNOW) TIME = TIMNOW - TIMINT CALL CDUVTX (IDATE, ITIM2) ITIME = ITIM2 - ITIM1 WRITE (LPRTCU, 1001) IDATE, ITIM1, ITIM2, ITIME WRITE (LPRTCU, 1002) TIMINT, TIMNOW, TIME #if defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) * * *** Test subroutine CDPRIN * CHOPT = 'K' CALL CDPRIN ('//DBL3/MUCH/MCALB/UVDS', CHOPT, IRC) #endif * * *** Plot some data objects and validity period * CALL CDPTES * * *** Close DataBase * CALL CDEND ('*', 'A', IRC) * 1001 FORMAT (/,' CEXAM08 : IDAY/ITIM1/ITIM2/ITIME ', 4I12) 1002 FORMAT (/,' CEXAM08 : TIMINT/TIMNOW/TIME ',4G12.4) * END CEXAM08 999 END