* * $Id: dbpurk.F,v 1996/02/28 16:25:01 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: dbpurk.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:25:01 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #include "hepdb/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE DBPURK (PATHN, ITIME, KEYS, CHOPT) * ============================================= * ************************************************************************ * * * SUBR. DBPURK (PATHN, ITIME, KEYS, CHOPT) * * * * Deletes objects in a directory path name steered by a selection * * on a number of key elements * * * * Arguments : * * * * PATHN Character string describing the pathname * * ITIME Time of validity of the object * * KEYS Vector of keys. Only the elements declared in CHOPT are * * assumed to contain useful information. * * CHOPT Character string with any of the following characters * * B Save in the special backup file; not in standard Journal* * S expect multiple Key banks satisfying selection on a * * number of keys * * 3 selects objects with start validity time < KEYS(3) * * 4 selects objects with end validity time > KEYS(4) * * 5 specific Program version number required * * 7 select objects with insertion time < KEYS(7) * * n consider user key n (where 7 < n < 29 ) * * * * Called by user, DBFZUP * * * * Error Condition : * * * * IQUEST(1) = 0 : No error * * =111 : Illegal path name * * =112 : No key for the path name satisfying the Key * * assignments * * =113 : Illegal character option * * =114 : Valid data objects in the Node/Key structure * * * * If IQUEST(1) =0, IQUEST(2) carries information on number of * * data objects deleted in the disk * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hepdb/caopts.inc" #include "hepdb/cdcblk.inc" #include "hepdb/ckkeys.inc" #include "dxused.inc" DIMENSION ITIME(9), KEYS(9) CHARACTER CHOPT*(*), PATHN*(*), CHOPF*28 * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * CALL DBOPTS (CHOPT, IRC) IF (IRC.NE.0) THEN IQUEST(1) = IRC GO TO 999 ENDIF CALL DBOPTM (CHOPF) CALL DBCKEY (KEY, KEYSDX, MXKYDX) * CALL CDPURK (PATHN, ITIME, MASKDX, KEYSDX, CHOPF, IRC) IQUEST(1) = IRC * END DBPURK 999 END