* * $Id: dbkvin.F,v 1996/02/28 16:24:59 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: dbkvin.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:24:59 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #include "hepdb/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE DBKVIN (PATHN, ITIME, USER, NDAT, IDTYP, IPRVS, NWKEY, + KEY, IPREC, CHOPT) * ================================================================= * ************************************************************************ * * * SUBR. DBKVIN (PATHN, ITIME, USER*, *NDAT*, IDTYP*, IPRVS, * * NWKEY*, *KEY*, IPREC*, CHOPT) * * * * Fetches from disk to a FORTRAN array data valid for a given time * * * * Restrictions : USER should contain variables of the same type * * (Integer, Real or Holllereith) * * One should be very careful in using this routine. * * The use of character option should be handled with * * caution. * * * * Arguments : * * * * PATHN Character string describing the pathname * * ITIME Time for which data are required to be valid * * USER User array where data are stored * * NDAT Maximum dimension of USER array (on input) * * Number of data words fetched from disk (on output) * * IDTYP Type of the data (2 - integer; 3 - real; 5 - Hollereith)* * IPRVS Program version number for selecting the data * * (if 0 no selection on program version number to be made)* * NWKEY Length of the key vector * * KEY Key vector elements (If any User key or key 5 is nonzero* * at input, data are retrieved according to that key * * content; on output it contains key elements for the * * data) * * IPREC Precision word; (If IPREC > 0, data are stored with * * IPREC significant digits right to the decimal points; if* * IPREC < 0, data are stored with IPREC insignificant * * digits leftto the decimal point.) * * CHOPT Character string with any of the following characters * * N If data do not exist for ITIME, take the nearest data * * object in time * * * * Called by user * * * * Error Condition : * * * * IQUEST(1) = 0 : No error * * = 31 : Illegal path name * * = 32 : No keys/data in this directory * * = 36 : Data bank address zero on return from DBKXIN * * = 37 : Insufficient space in USER store array * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hepdb/caopts.inc" #include "hepdb/cdcblk.inc" #include "hepdb/cinitl.inc" #include "hepdb/ckkeys.inc" #include "dxused.inc" DIMENSION KEY(9), USER(2) CHARACTER CHOPT*(*), PATHN*(*), CHOPF*28 * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * *** Reformat option * CALL DBOPTS (CHOPT, IRC) IF (IRC.NE.0) THEN IQUEST(1) = IRC GO TO 999 ENDIF IOPFDX = 1 CALL DBOPTM (CHOPF) * CALL DBCKEY (KEY, KEYSDX, MXKYDX) IF (IPRVS.NE.0) THEN KEYSDX(IDHUSI) = IPRVS MASKDX(IDHUSI) = 1 ENDIF DO 10 I = NOF2CK+3, MXDMCK IF (KEYSDX(I).NE.0) MASKDX(I) = 1 10 CONTINUE * * *** Read in the data * LKEYDX = 0 CALL CDUSEM (PATHN, LKEYDX, ITIME, MASKDX, KEYSDX, CHOPF, IRC) IF (IRC.NE.0) THEN IQUEST(1) = IRC GO TO 999 ELSE IF (LKEYDX.EQ.0.OR.LQ(KOFUCD+LKEYDX-KLDACD).EQ.0) THEN IQUEST(1) = 36 GO TO 999 ENDIF * LBN = LQ(KOFUCD+LKEYDX-KLNOCD) NDK = IQ(KOFUCD+LKEYDX-1) NWKEY = IQ(KOFUCD+LBN+MNDNWK) IPREC = IQ(KOFUCD+LKEYDX+NDK+MKYPRE) CALL UCOPY (IQ(KOFUCD+LKEYDX+1), KEY, NWKEY) LDATDX = LQ(KOFUCD+LKEYDX-KLDACD) * * ** See if the USER array size is sufficient to store the data * ND = IQ(KOFUCD+LDATDX-1) IF (ND.GT.NDAT) THEN * * * Insufficient space * CALL MZDROP (IDIVCD, LDATDX, 'L') IQUEST(1) = 37 IQUEST(11)= NDAT IQUEST(12)= ND NDAT = 0 #if defined(CERNLIB__DEBUG) IF (IDEBCD.GT.0) THEN CALL CDPRNT (LPRTCD, '(/,'' DBKVIN : Insufficient space'// + ' '',I10,'' to store data - a minimum of '',I10,'' '// + 'storage is needed'')', IQUEST(11), 2) ENDIF #endif * ELSE * * * Every thing is OK * IDTYP = ICDTYP(LDATDX) CALL UCOPY (Q(KOFUCD+LDATDX+1), USER(1), ND) NDAT = ND CALL MZDROP (IDIVCD, LDATDX, 'L') IQUEST(1) = 0 * ENDIF * END DBKVIN 999 END