* * $Id: cdinau.dat,v 1996/02/28 16:24:50 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cdinau.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:24:50 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #if defined(CERNLIB__CDF) >Name CDINAU >Menu /HEPDB >Menu AUXILIARY >Guidance Auxiliary HEPDB Utility menu >Command CDASCI >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CFNAM 'Key-file name' C D='KFNAME.FILEXT' + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Insert objects from a pre-edited file. The file contains only the values of the keys in the standard horizontal or vertical mode of display. There should be the letter N for every new key to be inserted in the appropriate column; column 1 in the line with the keys of a given object for Horizontal mode and column 20 in the first line describing the keys for Vertical mode. Data part can be optionally added when the program separately asks for the data. CHOPT = 'X' : Assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS >Action CDAUXI >Command CDDISP >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CFNAM 'Display file name (.FILEXT)' C D='KFNAME.FILEXT' + CHOPT 'Character option' C D='H' >Guidance Displays all objects (keys only) in a given directory, in Horizontal or in Vertical mode. CHOPT = 'H' : Displays data in horizontal mode = 'V' : Displays data in vertical mode = 'X' : Assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS >Action CDAUXI >Command CDEALI >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C ALIAS 'Alias name' C + IFLAG 'Flag (0 if temporary; 1 if permanent)' I D=0 >Guidance Give an alias name (limited to 8 characters) to a directory path name >Action CDAUXI >Command CDEDIT >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CFNAM 'Key-file name' C D='KFNAME.FILEXT' + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Creates Directories, inserts or updates keys and data for a given path name. There are two possible modes of operation for inserting the key elements of the new object. In the horizontal mode, where all the key elements are displayed in a single line, one should insert 'N' in column 1 for every new object. To replace an existing object (option R in CDSTOM), one has to put 'R' in front of the existing object, followed by a new line with the keys of the new object with 'N' in front. In the vertical mode, all the keys are displayed in seperate lines with one header line for every object. As in the horizontal mode, one should insert character 'N' or 'R' in the header line in column 20 (where the letter 'D' appears in the display). Data can be optionally added to the object as requested by the interactive program. Only vertical mode (one line for each data element) is so far envisaged in this program. Note : No compression of data is done. CHOPT = 'X' : Assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS >Action CDAUXI >Command CDEHLP >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CFNAM 'File name' C D='KFNAME.FILEXT' >Guidance Enter help information of a given directory into data base >Action CDAUXI >Command CDENAM >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C NWDS 'Number of data words' I >Guidance Enter names of data elements of a given directory into data base >Action CDAUXI >Command CDEXTR >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C LUNFZ 'Logical unit number of the FZ file' I + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Copies a part of the directory tree from the current level, as specified by the path name, downwards into a sequential file already opened in output mode. The objects to be copied could be specified by a range of serial number (default option) or by a minimum insertion time (option I for HEPDB insertion time or option R for RZ insertion time). The output is written in the format of the journal file, which can then be subsequently used for updating a copy of the data base. With character option 'F', the update mode of the compactification (when the journal file will later be used) will make use data objects with matching user keys. CHOPT will be followed by the range of serail numbers for default option or the date and time (in YYMMDD and HHMM) corresponding to the minimum insertion time. >Action CDAUXI >Command CDKEEP >Parameters NPATH 'Number of paths to be kept' I + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Deletes all directories from the data base except the ones specified by the user. The program will prompt for the path names. The user should type complete path names including top directory name. If the updates of this session are saved in journal files, the user can divert the updates in the special backup file using the character option 'B'. >Action CDAUXI >Command CDNTPL >Parameters NPATH 'Number of directories to be scanned' I NMASK 'Number of keys used for selection' I D=0 CHOPT 'Character option for selecting object' C D=' ' IDN 'Numeric identifier of the N-tuple' I CTITL 'Ntuple title' C + CRZPA 'RZ path for the N-tuple' C D=' ' NPRIM 'Primary allocation for the Ntuple' I D=1000 LUNI 'Logical unit number of auxiliary file' I D=0 CFNAM 'Name of the auxiliary file' C D=' ' >Guidance Prepares an N-tuple from the data element(s) belonging to one or more directories. The selection of the data objects is steered by CHOPT as applied to the first directory. For subsequent directories, it tries to match the time slot and selection on user keys is transmitted only when the TAG of the appropriate user key in the first path matches with the TAG of some user key in the current directory. The following assignments of CHOPT have been used. CHOPT = 'T' transforms the Keys 3,4,7 to seconds/minutes passed since midnight January 1, 1980 = 'X' assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS Creation of the Ntuple is guided by the parameters IDN, CTITL, CRZPA and NPRIM. The user should first set the current directory to the desired directory in memory by CDIR //pawc/mydir. One should also have a histgram RZ file opened and should give appropriate CRZPA to allow automatic overflow to that RZ file. The user is advised to read HBOOK manual for more information on Ntuples. Detail on data and key elements to be stored in the ntuples is by default obtained from interactive enquiry. Optionally the user can supply a file with contents of all these enquiries which are read in free format from the program. >Action CDAUXI >Command CDPEEK >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CFNAM 'Display file name (.FILEXT)' C D='KFNAME.FILEXT' + CHOPT 'Character option' C D='H' >Guidance Displays the User Keys in the directory specified, in Horizontal or in Vertical mode. Displays data when the first column in mode 'H' or 'D' in mode 'V' is overwritten by '*'. CHOPT = 'H' : Displays data in horizontal mode = 'V' : Displays data in vertical mode = 'X' : Assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS >Action CDAUXI >Command CDPTIM >Parameters IDATE 'Date in YYMMDD' I D=810101 ITIME 'Time in HHMMSS or HHMM' I D=0 + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Packs date and time into one integer word. For default option, CALL CDPKTS (IDATE, ITIME, IDATIM, IRC) For option M CALL CDPKTM (IDATE, ITIME, IDATIM, IRC) >Action CDAUXI >Command CDPURG >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C KYDAT 'Key element number' I D=7 KYTIM 'Maximum value of the key' I D=9999999 CHOPT 'Character option' C D='K' >Guidance Purges objects in the given directory according to user specification. CHOPT = 'A' : Purges all data objects = 'K' : Purges data objects with KEY(kydat) < kytim = 'L' : Purges all but the last one (one with highest KEY1 value) = 'P' : Purges all data objects with the same validity period but the one with the highest KEY5 value = 'S' : Purges all data objects with KEY1 value in the range kydat-kytim >Action CDAUXI >Command CDPURK >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Deletes objects in a directory path name steered by a selection on a number of key elements. CHOPT = 'B' : Save in the special backup file; not in standard Journal = 'F' : Select data objects with all the user keys = 'K' : Select data objects with the serial number = 'S' : Expect multiple Key banks satisfying selection on a number of keys = 'X' : Assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS = 'n' : Consider key element n (where 3 < n < 29 ) >Action CDAUXI >Command CDPURP >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C + IKEEP 'Number of partitions to be kept' I D=1 >Guidance Deletes all but the last IKEEP partitions in a partitioned directory. If IKEEP is negative, it deletes the last -IKEEP partitions. >Action CDAUXI >Command CDRALI >Parameters ALIAS 'Alias name' C >Guidance Retrieve the directory path name from the alias name >Action CDAUXI >Command CDRDIC >Parameters PATHN 'Top directory name' C >Guidance Recreate the basic dictionary record and save into the database >Action CDAUXI >Command CDRENK >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C KYI 'Object number (Serial number)' I KYEL 'Key element to be changed' I + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Rename a given key element of a given object in the specified path CHOPT = 'X' assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS >Action CDAUXI >Command CDRHLP >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CFNAM 'File name' C D='KFNAME.FILEXT' >Guidance Display help information of a given directory from data base >Action CDAUXI >Command CBRNAM >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C >Guidance Read names of data elements of a given directory from data base >Action CDAUXI >Command CDRTFZ >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C LUNFZ 'Logical unit number of the FZ file' I + K1MIN 'Serial number of the first object' I D=1 K1MAX 'Serial number of the last object' I D=100 CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Copies a part of the directory specified by the path name with serial number in the range K1MIN to K1MAX into a sequential file already opened in output mode. The output is written in the format of the journal file, which can then be subsequently used for updating a copy of the data base. With character option 'F', the update mode of the compactification (when the journal file will later be used) will make use data objects with matching user keys. >Action CDAUXI >Command CDSHOW >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C + CHOPT 'Character option' C D='K' >Guidance Lists keys for all objects in the specified directory (CHOPT='K') keys and data for all objects (CHOPT='D') >Action CDAUXI >Command CDSUMY >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C + NLEVL 'Number of levels' I D=999 >Guidance Print statistics of a directory tree specified by a pathname upto a certain number of levels. >Action CDAUXI >Command CDUTIM >Parameters IDATM 'Date and time in one packed integer' I + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Unpacks date and time from one integer word. For default option, CALL CDUPTS (IDATE, ITIME, IDATIM, IRC) For option M CALL CDUPTM (IDATE, ITIME, IDATIM, IRC) >Action CDAUXI >Command CDVIEW >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CFNAM 'Display Filename (.FILEXT)' C D='DPNAME.FILEXT' + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Creates and displays a view a la ORACLE for valid data at a given time. Different tables (pathnames) can also be joined. CHOPT = 'X' assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS >Action CDAUXI >Command CDWRITE >Parameters PATHN 'Pathname' C CFNAM 'Key-file name' C D='KFNAME.FILEXT' + CHOPT 'Character option' C D=' ' >Guidance Creates Directories, inserts or updates ASCII data files. There are two possible modes of operation for inserting the key elements of the new object. In the horizontal mode, where all the key elements are displayed in a single line, one should insert 'N' in column 1 for every new object. To replace an existing object (option R in CDSTOM), one has to put 'R' in front of the existing object, followed by a new line with the keys of the new object with 'N' in front. In the vertical mode, all the keys are displayed in seperate lines with one header line for every object. As in the horizontal mode, one should insert character 'N' or 'R' in the header line in column 20 (where the letter 'D' appears in the display). The data part is an ASCII file with a maximum of 80 characters per line. CHOPT = 'X' assumes validity range packed ala CDPKTS >Action CDAUXI #endif