* * $Id: cddckh.F,v 1996/02/28 16:24:47 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: cddckh.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:24:47 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * #include "hepdb/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE CDDCKH (CHPRT, KY, IKEY, IRC) * ======================================== * ************************************************************************ * * * SUBR. CDDCKH (CHPRT, KY*, IKEY*, IRC*) * * * * Fills a vector KY of elements NWKYCK according to its type IOTYCC * * from the character string CHPRT in Horizontal Mode * * * * Arguments : * * * * CHPRT Character string containing the keys to be decoded * * KY Vector to be filled with the decoded elements * * IKEY Serial number of the key to be filled * * IRC Return code (see below) * * * * Other variables : * * * * IOTYCC Type of the vector elements * * 1 - Binary * * 2 Integer * * 3 Floating * * 4 Double Precision (not yet implemented) * * 5 Hollerith * * 6 Hollerith concatenetad to previous hollerith * * 7 Packed integer - time packed upto seconds * * 8 Packed integer - time packed upto minutes * * 9 Data which should not be displayed * * ICONCK Number of keys concatenated to the present one * * NWKYCK Number of elements in the array KY (and IOTYCC) * * * * Called by CDEDAS, CDEDKY * * * * Error Condition : * * * * IRC = 0 : No error * * * ************************************************************************ * #include "hepdb/cdcblk.inc" #include "hepdb/ccdisp.inc" #include "hepdb/ckkeys.inc" CHARACTER CHPRT*(*) DIMENSION KY(9) * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * READ (CHPRT(2:9), '(I8)') IKEY CALL VZERO (KY(1), NWKYCK) ISTR = 12 IRC = 0 DO 10 I = 1, NWKYCK KK = IOTYCC(I) GO TO (1,2,10,10,5,10,7,8,10), KK 1 CONTINUE * * ** Binary * IEND = ISTR + NUMCCC(I) - 3 CALL CDCTOB (CHPRT(ISTR:IEND), KY(I), IRC0) IF (IRC0.NE.0) IRC = IRC0 ISTR = IEND + 3 GO TO 10 2 CONTINUE * * ** Integer * IEND = ISTR + NUMCCC(I) - 3 CALL CDCHTI (CHPRT(ISTR:IEND), KY(I), IRC0) IF (IRC0.NE.0) IRC = IRC0 ISTR = IEND + 3 GO TO 10 5 CONTINUE * * ** Hollerith * IEND = ISTR + NUMCCC(I) - 3 IREP = ICONCK(I) + 1 IF (IREP.EQ.1) THEN DO 51 J = ISTR, IEND IF (CHPRT(J:J).EQ.' ') THEN GO TO 51 ELSE IF (CHPRT(J:J).EQ.'''') THEN IST = J + 1 GO TO 52 ELSE IST = J GO TO 52 ENDIF 51 CONTINUE IST = IEND 52 ISTR = IST ENDIF CALL UCTOH (CHPRT(ISTR:IEND), KY(I), 4, 4*IREP) ISTR = IEND + 3 GO TO 10 7 CONTINUE * * ** Packed Integer (upto seconds) * IEND = ISTR + NUMCCC(I) - 3 I1 = ISTR I2 = I1 + 5 READ (CHPRT(I1:I2), '(I6)') IDATE I1 = I2 + 2 I2 = I1 + 5 READ (CHPRT(I1:I2), '(I6)') ITIME ISTR = IEND + 3 CALL CDPKTS (IDATE, ITIME, KY(I), IRC0) IF (IRC0.NE.0) IRC = IRC0 GO TO 10 8 CONTINUE * * ** Packed Integer (upto minutes) * IEND = ISTR + NUMCCC(I) - 3 I1 = ISTR I2 = I1 + 5 READ (CHPRT(I1:I2), '(I6)') IDATE I1 = I2 + 2 I2 = I1 + 5 READ (CHPRT(I1:I2), '(I6)') ITIME ISTR = IEND + 3 CALL CDPKTM (IDATE, ITIME, KY(I), IRC0) IF (IRC0.NE.0) IRC = IRC0 GO TO 10 * 10 CONTINUE GO TO 999 * END CDDCKH 999 END